Ep. 39 - How to Lose 30 Pounds Fasting, Fasting Calorie Math, | ADF Alternate Day Fasting vs. OMAD One Meal a Day vs. 16:8 Intermittent Fasting vs. 5:2 Diet | Weight Loss Plateaus, Motivation, Fasting Challenge, Coaching | Customized Intermittent Fasting

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In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss which fasting technique will get you the quickest results. They use a common scenario of wanting to lose 30 pounds and do the calorie calculations to see how long it will take using the most popular fasting techniques. They see many people using fasting schedules that quickly become demotivating and sometimes over-consuming when they break their fasts, which can undo all of the time spent fasting! They reveal the best ways to keep the scale moving and the motivational fire burning! They also discuss the final LIVE EXPERIENCE CHALLENGE of 2020!

Ready for a CHALLENGE? www.thefastingforlife.com/live for details!

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Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Watier, and I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast, and this podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health, achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way.

Everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier. I'm here, as always, am a good friend and colleague, Tumi Welling. Good evening to you, sir. Hey, Scott. How are you doing? Awesome. I can't wait to get in tonight's episode, but before we do that, it's been a few months coming. We have a new, exciting announcement, something that we have been refining and working on and figuring out where we were going to fit it in before the end of the calendar year.

We feel that it's a great time as we are starting to ramp up fall falls right around the corner. Right. Not so much here in Houston yet, but it's coming. The holidays are coming. Halloween's come and travel, stress, food, temptation, all that stuff comes around the holiday, the holidays. And we are going to commit from October 1st, October 10th to do a 10 day fasting challenge, much like the challenge that we ran earlier in the year, that we just the results were absolutely incredible. Twenty pounds. Twenty five pounds, decrease medications, release from cravings, increase energy, hitting your goal weight. I like all of these different amazing things that took place so much like that challenge. We're going to bring you a fall challenge in preparation to set the stage for the upcoming sprint to the end of the year, because I don't know about you, but this year is flying by.

Yeah, it is flying by. And it's been a weird, weird year with a weird summer. And but before we know it, we're going to blink and it's going to be the end of the year. So we really want to set up for success going into the end of twenty twenty and having a strong start for twenty, twenty one as well. So we we've we've really been racking our brains for how we were going to fit this in to this year. And so we're really excited.

Yeah. And it's it's perfect. So some of the best challenges that I've ever done were in the clinic and they were in the month of October or the beginning of November leading up because you set the stage for good habits and then you never put on that four to six to eight pounds around the holidays. That takes you all year to get rid of or sometimes it never goes away. And then the next year comes back around and it's two, three, four or five, eight more pounds.

And this year might might be you might think it's going to be a little bit different. But we're speaking from experience because we've done it. It is the the cycle. And we want to set the ball up for success a little bit differently this year. And the biggest piece of this for me is that everybody gets a 30 day customized fasting plan that is tailored to your biometrics, your experience, your goals, how aggressive you want to be in terms of weight loss or or health or reset or whatever it is that you want to work on. But it's tailored specifically to you. And I know, Tom, you've put a tremendous amount of time into creating that proprietary algorithm and the questions and the output. So it's literally a, what is it, 12 or 14 page PDF that you get that is customized for your next thirty days? And for the first ten days, we're actually going to walk you through. We're going to walk you through those first ten days in our private Facebook group with live trainings and live Q&A.

Yeah, it's going to be live every single day. There's going to be live interaction with us. So like you said, so we can walk you through the process because it's going to take longer than ten days to get to where you want to go. But having that interaction live during the initial part is how you're really going to set yourself up to be vigilant through the holiday season. Keep keep the habits good and and finish the year strong.

Yeah, and it's the accountability is huge. So you're going to have access to the Facebook group, like I mentioned. So other people that are going through this with you last time, that was one of the I think one of the best idea was our idea. We just, you know, foul weather, other challenges that we've been a part of that work successfully, that accountability piece where you have other people that are going through it with you and then you have us as well.

And then the daily texts and emails of the action steps that go along with the live trainings and Q and A's. When we added text messaging to the last challenge, it just it brought the accountability up. We'd get responses and feedback. And it was really just a little reminder like, hey, you got ten days here to really make this stick. So we want to we want to hit you from all the different angles of accountability. So the Facebook group, the texts, the emails, the lives every day and at the end of the as far as the ten days kind of wrap up and you guys have the 30 day plan, we're going to do a thirty minute discovery call for some of our advanced coaching and some of our advanced courses that we have. And we do that for everyone who is a part of the challenge. And that's one of my favorite parts, because we get to actually have one on one conversation, which is really cool.

Yeah, that is super cool. And. The feedback that we've gotten with that and how we've we've kind of got the process really going, especially building off of that momentum from the challenge was just huge. We've seen some extraordinary results coming off of the challenge and then into the coaching along with the plans that kind of got things started. I mean, it's just been phenomenal. So we're really excited to bring this to everybody once again.

Yeah, it's going to be awesome. I know it's going to be a sprint for, like, information overload firehose in the beginning, but that's what we're here for, is to distill it down and really make it stick.

We don't want just the short term weight loss. We want the long term health benefits and the long term goals to stay at the center. So if you missed out on that, I'm going to be real here for a second. If you missed out on the last one or you were part of the last one or you got to the checkout page or you thought about it or you put it on your to do list and you didn't take that step, it's it's not going to happen on its own. So I encourage you to go to the website, the fasting for life dotcom, the fasting for life dotcom. You're going to see a banner at the top of the website and click the banner. It'll bring you to the the kind of outline of what the course is. There'll be a video. You can watch everything that's included. And then we've also added a phone, a friend option, an accountability partner. So when you sign up for the challenge, you can actually bring someone on along with you at a really big discount, because we know that you and I have been going through this fasting journey, weight loss journey together. And it's that much easier when you have someone at the end of those 10 days to kind of keep you moving forward.

So sure. That much that much more impactful, fun, enjoyable and and effective all along the way.

Right. Right. Love it. All right, cool. Let's get into tonight's episode. We're going to be talking about the best fasting plan on how to lose 30 pounds, the quickest and the easiest. So let's rock and roll. Great.

Today's topic is an interesting one, math has never been my strongest. Aptitude for the sciences. But today we're going to get a little nerdy with some a math problem that we didn't really realize we saw and identified and experienced until we started looking at the numbers and putting together some of these customized 30 day fasting plans, which you've been the architect on. So I'm excited to dive in and land the plane gently without getting too deep into the mouth.

Yeah, yeah. We don't want to get too nerdy here, but but yeah, we did find it interesting because the same questions kept coming up, especially with people who've been going down the fasting route for a while, doing different methods and then having some some slower progress than they had expected. And that's where they would come ask us questions and we'd start digging in and realizing what the issues seem to be.

And I can see this actually going another level farther and talking about when people plateau and people that have been doing certain types of fasting and how we can help them navigate through those. But today, we really want to, you know, talk around what is the most efficient fasting method to help someone lose. We just picked a number that we hear a lot, which is about 30 pounds. So I've got some accounts to lose. And we use this as a reference frame. And we've we've put everybody in this objective kind of view of they're going to eat a two thousand calorie per day diet just to keep it simple. And we wanted to compare our what we recommend mostly to people to to begin, which is one meal a day, or Mohmad compared that to alternate day fasting, to intermittent fasting, which is probably the most popular, which is that 16 eight window where most people skip breakfast and eat between lunch and dinner, 12 to eight sort of thing.

And then the five to diet, which is an alternating day of eating normal and then reducing the calories to under five hundred calories on those fasting days or one small meal.

Yeah, eating, eating normally during five days out of the week.

And then two of those remaining days of the week down to about 500 calories. Right.

Yep. So framework of thirty pounds of weight loss. We're going to we're going to put it, break it down into weeks total that are needed to achieve your goal. And I think we'll start. With the five two and we won't we'll mention the weeks at the end, actually, let's start with the most popular, which is the intermittent fasting, which is what a lot of people come to us, come to the podcast, leave us comments, send us emails, et cetera, and a shout out to all you guys who are listeners. We really appreciate you being on this journey with us.

Your feedback, your questions, your comments, your your accolades, your love, so to speak. Is is is really something that we appreciate we're grateful for because we're really having fun doing this, too. And we're starting to see some amazing transformations in the people that we've been helping along the way. So it's a lot of fun. So shout out to each and every one of you that's listening and let us know if you have questions. You can drop us a question on the contact us form or info at the Fasting for life dot com. We typically will get back to you in about forty eight hours. Just depends on the week. The day depends on how many, how many comments or questions are coming in. But we appreciate each and every one of you listening to these episodes and we'll continue to try to put out some value. And today I think is going to be a big aha moment for a lot of people because it was for me. So if we're looking at that, I.

Hold on, Helen, you mind if I paused for a second, please? Do you know what we haven't mentioned that we have now? No voicemail. Voicemail, remember? Oh, my goodness, yes. Leave us a voicemail.

Can you tell them how, because I don't know how to do that.

Yeah, go to the Fast for Life Dotcom and click on Contact US. And in that tab, you will see a voicemail like none. You can actually leave a message and we can respond back with audio, too. And if if it's OK with you, will we may air it on a future episode.

Do that'll be really cool. So if it's a really good question, it's clear. It's succinct. Unlike some of the voicemails my parents leave me where I'm like, I can't hear you. It's very loud. It's staticky. Are you holding the phone in your purse? So, yeah, if the message is clear and concise, well, I think that's a great idea. I totally forgot that we had done that. So excited to hear more from you guys. And I love the fact that we're using more technology there. So, yeah, cool stuff. Let's go back to intermittent fasting so that the sticks. Right. So the typical place a lot of people start with fasting. It's probably the most known plan when it comes to fasting. And we're really going to be looking at eating. Skipping breakfast typically is what most people do to keep it simple and then eating two meals with a snack or two between that twelve and eight hour window.

Yeah. So we made we made a few assumptions here. So that's our window. We're going to put it between about noon and eight o'clock. So we'll give you an opportunity for lunch and for dinner and a snack in the middle. They're taking an average meal of about six hundred calories for lunch, six hundred calories for dinner and a couple of hundred additional calories for the snack in there. So fourteen hundred total calories for the day, right.

Right. Which would be a significant deficit for someone to be a good deficit. Right. And now we're a couple of assumptions we made here, too.

And looking at the numbers in the plans is, you know, it's it's easy to blow through six hundred calories at a Chick fil A.

It's more difficult to blow through six hundred calories in a meal at home because you're controlling the oils, the facts that are higher caloric intake.

You know, you're not hyper palatable.

It's not deep fried. Right. Right, right. So we are we are looking at putting that assumption in there. Yeah. Reasonable customary at home, the majority of home cooked meals, so. Fourteen hundred calories intake a day. And that gives you a pretty good net result of of one point two pounds a week.

Yeah. Six hundred calories per day. One point two pounds a week. Pretty good.

Yep. So let's go to. Alternate day, so when we look at alternate day, which we did an episode on in previously, and we were talking about the pitfalls of what can make alternate day successful versus what can we've heard from some clients and what can make alternate day frustrating. So alternate day is where you will eat a normal caloric intake one day. So let's say like two thousand and then the following day would be five hundred or less.

Yeah, yeah. So we're alternating two thousand five hundred and then two thousand five hundred again. And then that means that over the first week of doing that we would be at ninety five hundred calories. And if we did it again, if we kept going with the cycle then we would end up at eight thousand calories the next week.

So it averages out to about twelve hundred and fifty per day in terms of intake, which is which is a good which is a good deficit, and it gets you about one point four pounds per week comparing that to the if it's about point to more pounds per week. So a little bit better. Yeah. Now when we look at the five to which we did over a two week. No, I'm sorry. We did did we do this over a two week period as well, Tommy.

No, we didn't. We don't actually have to because you have five days on, two days off.

So it works out for the same numbers each week because you can just pick those days as well. Yeah. Whatever those two days on, off, off or on our. Excuse me.

So when you look at that, we're looking at about an average of fifteen hundred and seventy calories per day of intake, which again is a good deficit, but it only nets you a point eight six pounds of weight loss per week.

Yeah, we're at about three thousand calories deficit per week. So like you said, point eight six pounds, which is which is not getting us very far. That's that's going to end up with the slowest possible results of our.

Of our different methods, you're right. So before we kind of continue to just spit out numbers here, so when we're looking at five to, you've got about point eight, six pounds per week. I remember our framework here is losing 30 pounds. Right. Point eighty six pounds per week. Intermittent fasting, which is the 16 eight window. That's one point two pounds per week. The alternate day is one point four pounds per week. And we've saved the best for last because this is the one that we like to recommend for most people when they're starting their fasting journey because it gets them the winds the quickest. Right. So this is one meal a day. And so this would be eating between like, let's say, a one hour window in the evening, breakfast, lunch or dinner or whatever meal you prefer. And you're doing about a thousand calories per meal. Now, that's a pretty big meal in terms of cooking at home. That's going to be a lot of quantity, even with including carbs, fats and protein.

Definitely. And so that's an assumption there, too. But a thousand calories, like you said. I mean, that's a lot to consume in one sitting at home. Easy to do at a restaurant. Right? Right. But at home is is the main assumption here. And the interesting thing, I think, was that it it produces a seven thousand calorie deficit over a given week, so now we're up to two pounds for the week for our deficit. And it's very repeatable, though, to it's it's it's easy. It doesn't feel very difficult. It doesn't feel like any stretch to to just weight from dinner to dinner or from lunch to lunch to eat your next meal. Right.

Yes. So one of the things about this is the simplicity of it, too. So alternate day, intermittent five to you get on a schedule, you stick to it, you're going to see results.

But in the framework of trying to lose 30 pounds, what we want is the long term result. We want to insulate the process where a lot of people get discouraged on the fluctuations. So when we're talking about that's why we're doing average weight loss per week, because it depends on the day you weigh in. It depends on when your last meal was. It depends on how glycogen depleted you are. The day to day weighing is difficult. So if we if we speak about it in terms of weeks and trying to lose that 30 pounds, but how do you get there? The fastest in the most simplified is in our opinion, is mad because we're going to the total weeks to lose the 30 pounds is where it kind of really hit us. And we're like, wow, OK. This is why the women who have lost 70 plus pounds in a year in reverse their diabetes and family members and friends and clients that are losing 20 pounds in the first month or coming off seeing their blood sugars drop hundreds of points quickly is because it gives you the most amount of time with your insulin being low, which puts you in a fat burning state.

But it also accelerates the the the the weight loss process. Yeah. So you have you have a greater you've been able to almost put like fuel on the fire to get you to that end result quicker because you tell me that it's going to take me thirty five weeks to lose 30 pounds using a five to fasting method or five to diet method. Thirty five weeks is a lot of willpower. Yeah, that's a long time. Thirty five weeks is a lot of birthdays and holidays and life events and excuses.

Yeah. Yeah. Eight months worth. I mean you're your cover and most of the year and this is what's typically out there.

Right. So yes. We're not talking about exercise. Yes. We should be exercising, eating quality foods and keeping our stress in check, sleeping, making sleep a priority.

Getting high. Yeah. And all that stuff. Right. We're talking specifically just from a a caloric in and out deficit type approach where how can we accelerate that. So what was surprising to me is when you do the math, the intermittent fasting, the sixty eight, which is the most the most common that's at twenty five weeks to lose those thirty pounds.

Yeah. Which is a lot more encouraging than the five to. I'll tell you that because when we first started this, truth be told, we didn't know old man was going to come, come out as, as the, the, the clear winner here.

Yeah. Or the or our first recommendation. That's just kind of what you and I fell into.

And then the more we like dove into it, we're like, well like this is this is really working for a lot of people because it's simple and it's super effective.

Yeah. And it's giving you constant feedback. And so when you're you're you're going down this path, especially if you've had failures in the past, you need you need the feedback and you need some margin of error, too.

Like like we said, a thousand calories consumed in one meal. A lot of people aren't consuming that. Fifty percent of their daily calories in the one meal. It's it's easy to be under that which which only slightly accelerates the progress from there.

And in any of these situations, like when we look at so alternate day fasting, that's going to get you there in twenty one and a half weeks. Right. So we're getting better. So we went from thirty five to twenty five to twenty one and a half from five to, to intermittent into ADF respectively. And when you look at oh man it drops it all the way down to fifteen weeks. That's awesome. Which is incredible.

That's huge, 30 pounds in 15 weeks, and I mean, that's it's it's not it's not crazy fast.

It's two pounds a week. That's a range that everyone I think is comfortable with. I think most people have heard like, OK, don't make sure you don't lose the weight too fast.

Right. And that's reality bound or the yo or whatever. Right. And then if you add in a glycogen dump here where you've cleaned out a lot of that short term glycogen, you've got a few extra pounds here. So it's typically something we'll see in the first 30 to 60 days where people will lose the majority of the weight. Like it comes off quick. And it's just it's just amazing because it it it sets you.

And this is something you said to me. It sets correct expectations which are built into the plan, right?

Yeah. And I think that's that's why we wanted to go down this rabbit hole. It's not because we love math. It's because we get emails and responses that are people laying out a history. I've been doing this for four months or eight months or a year and a half. And this is what I've been doing. And my results have been stagnant for three months, six months or longer. And we start diving into the numbers and it starts to become apparent why that is. But at the same time, they're putting in a lot of effort and thought into what they're doing. That five two is not. That takes willpower and that that takes time and effort to to maintain and then to not be able to get the feedback that you need. That's really frustrating and disheartening. And to throw you completely off.

I've been a part of so many 12 week challenges and six month challenges and 30 day resets. And, you know, it's it always hurts when you're like, yep, you know, I'm four weeks in and I'm up a pound and a half this week or I'm down a pound. And it just those those conversations were just that constant battle, that constant up and down the one meal a day. And like Tommy said, in full transparency, we didn't realize I was going to be our our fast start guide. We didn't realize that one meal a day was going to turn into our the first resource that we ever had for anybody. Right. Well, this sounds cool. Let's try this out. Oh, my gosh. This is working.

Yeah. It gives you the most room for I want to say error. How is the way you worded that earlier?

Yeah. I mean, it it it has it has a larger margin of error.

It has, it has a little bit of room built in to where if you had eight hundred calories at one meal and you had twelve hundred the next, I mean you're, you're not it's easy to stay within the range to keep the moving average where, where it needs to be to keep giving you the feedback to keep going.

Right. So if you have a date night thrown in. Right. And you go out and you, you take in more let's say no the next morning or the two days or three days from there, five days from there, even a week later, sticking to the old man, you're going to see that result. Come right back. You're not going to veer too far off the center line where you're going to get that positive reinforcement. That's probably part of the problem in the dieting world is that there's so much negative psychology like built into it, like we did something bad, you know, like fasting isn't a punishment or a reparation or or a plan to be able to go do something that you're going to regret in terms of eating or overindulging.

Right. So it's it's not a past due bill. It's not a credit card statement. Yeah.

We want to tap into that feeling of of what it feels like when after you do that, because, like food to me is always been a feeling you can ask my wife and is we go out to eat and we do a birthday celebration or dinner and I'd be like, OK, I'm either going to have a couple of drinks or I'm going to eat or I'm going to have a couple of drinks and get like a salad or an appetizer or something like because I never like the way I feel afterwards. Never mind if you add in the guilt that comes with the fact that you shouldn't be eating the little Debbie snacks. You're just compounding the fact and then a couple of weeks go by. Right. So that's why one meal a day, the math makes sense. Thirty pounds to lose. Fifteen weeks, somebody can commit to something for 90 days. Right. You're going to be more likely to stick to it and see those long term results.

Absolutely. And you're going to have huge results at the end of it. I don't know what the math works out, but.

Yeah, right. We didn't do that. We didn't do that one. So when we're talking about the plans to the opportunity to actually, you know, provide someone with a customized plan, one of the things that was always frustrating to me is doing all of these challenges over the years is that it was very cookie cutter.

There was no OK, where are you at? What are your goals, what's your aggressiveness, where are your failures and successes in the past? So taking into how we're creating these plans for people and then the algorithm that you've put together on the back end is really where the magic happens. If you guys are coming to us and you're just getting into the fasting world, hopefully this this episode is. Encouragement to start and just frame your day over the one meal a day. Start there, you're going to get the winds quicker. Go get the fast start guide on the website, fasting for livestock, be fasting for livestock. Excuse me. And and if you need a plan, let us know. We're more than happy to get you on that path where we can really hone in and get you the results and the support that you're looking for.

Absolutely cool. All right, I'm hoping, hoping that all the numbers are right, so a little grace for everyone listening to this. If we're off by a decimal point or two, the take home message, hard to take home message.

And what Tommy's created in the plan is one meal a day is going to get you there. It's simple. It gives you the benefit of the simplicity and the consistency. And we just we love we love it. We're going to be continuing to do this, continuing to work on these things. We just appreciate you guys. And Tommy, as always. Thank you, sir.

Yeah. Thank you, sir. So you've heard today's episode, and you may be wondering, where do I start? Head on over to be fasting for life dotcom and sign up for our newsletter where you'll receive fasting tips and strategies to maximize results and fit fasting into your day to day life.

While you're there, download your free Fast Start guide to get started today. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star review and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for Life.

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