Ep. 23 - Listener Fasting Q&A | Exercise, Nausea, Metabolic Gum, & Sleep Patterns | Customized Fasting Plans, Accountability, and Coaching


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Q & A | Customize Your Plan | Registration is Closing

In this bonus episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss the upcoming Fasting For Life Experience that is starting on June 12th! Registration closes this Sunday, June 7th. They discuss the customization of the individual 28 day fasting plans that will be delivered for the Fasting For Life Experience. This will only happen once more this year so don't miss out!


We also discuss some recent questions from you the listeners. Supplements, working out in a fasted state, gum, and sleep to name a few. Listen in, get registered, and hope you enjoy the extra drop this week!

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Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Watier. And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health, achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way.

Everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier. I am here on a Friday with my good friend and colleague, Tommy Welling. Good day to you, sir. Good day, Scott. How are you doing? Great, man. We were getting a little bonus episode in today and I couldn't be more excited about it. It's it's we've gotten so many questions the last couple of weeks, so I'm going to do like a mini Q&A. But we also want to have an update on the fasting for life experience that is beginning on the 12th. And registration ends sooner than you think.

Yeah, we only have a couple days left. Getting some good registrations and there are some good questions, feedback. A lot of people excited, too. So we are, too.

So registration that ends on Sunday. Right. And some people have been asking why. And we want this to be a you know, a very, you know, one on one type of experience because one on one coaching takes a lot of time. Right. So when you can get a group like this together, the amazing the transformations that we've seen when we've done group challenges is that everybody kind of feeds off one another. So the experience itself is going to be the live video trainings. The Q&A is, you know, the resources, the digital video resource and all the stuff that you guys have been asking for. But it's going to be like step by step through twenty eight days from June 10th into July. Right. So you've got the Facebook group, the accountability. But really, it's it's it's about that, you know, being and going through it together, which is where really a lot of the power lies.

Yeah. We can we can basically multiply time, access to resources. And you don't really have the focus during that time to bring everyone along through the action steps, starting with the Testim plan that's going to take you all the way through the experience. I mean, it's going to be great.

I've seen the custom plan framework. Tommy, you are the mastermind behind it. And I mean, you pretty much did this for me a year ago. Right? And now it's now. Now you have you have it. And, you know, somebody can come in and say, well, I travel for work or, you know, I have to do to X, Y and Z on these days because I have business lunches or, you know, I have a birthday party or it's summer time. We're gonna be on the road traveling. Like all of those things are the things that tend to mess up, you know, previous diet plans and health journeys and weight loss programs and all that kind of stuff. Right. So, yeah, they do. Really. Yeah. The customization is the key. And that's really what I mean. You're really, really good at summit. I'm I'm excited to see the plans for everybody. So this is a individualized, customized plan to your next 28 days, right?

Yeah. Yeah. And you can ticket beyond that as well. So, you know, and that's one of the reasons why we wanted to make sure that the registration was only open for a limited time and why we only wanted to bring a small number of people through through the experience as well.

Right. And that's it's for that customization. So on top of that, you know, the daily action steps. So when we have we put out these little questionnaires and surveys. Right. We get a lot of a ton of feedback from the podcast episodes and you semi screenshots all the time. That's I guess what's your favorite thing about the podcast? And it's other than 90 percent of the time them saying me. Yeah, or it's the hits. That is not true, by the way. Shameless plug, but totally not true. The favorite thing everybody loves is the action steps. Right. So how do we make this more actionable? Well, we're gonna you're gonna have something to do for twenty eight straight days. It's going to land in your email inbox. You're going to have log in log ins. You have access to the Facebook group, access to us, questions and answers on Mondays, the customized plan, all of our digital resources, which we're actually adding new ones. And based on some of the feedback and questions that we've been getting. So we're like in creation mode right now of additional resources that we're going to roll out over the coming weeks.

So it's a crazy time, but we're having fun and we're gonna we're gonna jam packed this thing with resources.

Yes, it's gonna be awesome. So with that being said, registration closes on Sunday. So make sure if you're not getting the emails or you haven't. Are you getting emails and you haven't seen the registration link? We're going to drop that in the episode again. And the episode notes again today. And then tell me, what is that exactly like? We made it easy for you. It's the fasting for life dot com forward slash Leive. OK, great. So w w that v fasting for LifeCare's. Forward slash live is the link to register. And if you get in, click on the button. Then there's this really cool thing that happens. You get to see me again talking and there's on the right hand side of the screen, there's this. Full accountability piece that we've added where you can get a second registration for a friend, colleague, co-worker or family member, you know, someone that's been, you know, talking about fasting, that wants to do it, that needs some help in terms of getting back on track, so on and so forth. So go to the link WWT be that be fasting for life. Dot com forward slash live. And if you are getting our e-mails and you haven't gotten the link, you can also e-mail us at info at B fasting for life. So cool. Moving into the question and answers for today's bonus episode, I want to start off with a question that we get often, and it has to do with supplements. So. Usually the question comes in the form of, you know, can I. What supplements do you recommend? Is is usually the latter. It's the former. The question that we get more often is, can I take my supplements while I'm fasting? Right. And the answer is yes.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely right. Yeah, that's that's pretty easy. The second question is, what supplements do you recommend? So let's let's get back to if you if you can or not for just a second, because for me, when I'm on a longer fast, I'm typically not taking something every day. So I, you know, for a few days I'll I'll drop my multivitamin and my fish oil just because they just make me feel a little weird. They make my stomach turn a little bit and they kind of get me thinking about food more like almost like I need to take something just to not feel that vitamin on the stomach, you know.

Right. Right. And that is something, too. I know my wife. She she takes her supplements with food because because of that exact reason. And that's something, you know, back in my days working at GNC all the way through, you know, chiropractic and. Getting my degree and then all the nutrition certifications and all that stuff throughout the year, it's always something that comes up. So honestly, it's not going to hurt you. Not to take them for a couple of days if you do get that feeling. But, yes, you can take them. And if you are doing a one meal a day. Oh, man. Right. Eating one meal a day or an intermittent. Then you don't have a problem if you're doing extended days. Not a big deal, just like you said, to drop out for a couple of days. The you know, the the overall benefit you're going to get from the fast, the longer fast is is going to outweigh the couple of days of not having, you know, a couple extra hundred milligrams of fish oil in my bag. Right. Right. Absolutely. You can always break the fast with a nice big hunk of wild caught salmon or something. There you go. Not that I would ever. Cook that because I don't know what to do. I love to eat it. But we have no idea how to cook it, so we never eat it in our house. That's one of those things you get when go out. The second part of this question that came from Cindy.

Shout out, Cindy. Thank you for the question on supplements. You mentioned trace minerals and pickle juice. You've heard us mentioned that we're not. Talk about that. And the next question that came in about exercise but fit basic supplement answer would be for overall health. This is what I take, vitamin D of good vitamin D three and a good high dose, good sauced, clean fish oil and then a daily multivitamin. Yeah. Keep it simple. Yep. That's it. Back in the day of my powerlifting days, I would I would spend three to four dollars a month on proteins and conjugate, get a little like acids and Rencher, Caminos and all these other things that I didn't really need if I just would have. Eating a little bit better. Right. So, yeah. The workout one was really cool. So this came in from Anna. And Anna asked. I want to work out in a fasted state. But when I do. About an hour after my workout. I get like this burning intense hunger. Right. And she doesn't want to work out right before scuse me after she eats. Right. Because we know that that typically doesn't work for most people. No. So terrible. If I tried to get. Awful. So she was kind of concerned about, you know, what what that's gonna do in terms of how she can how she can do that without getting that that that like just deep burning feeling of being hungry.

Yeah. And that's pretty common. So, I mean, we we usually just talk about timing your meals, you know, with your workout. So if you're doing one meal a day, that's gonna look a little different from an extended fast. How do you answer that one? So really, I asked her.

I went into a couple of different things. First was to address her concern of that burning hunger. And that's been proven, you know, over and over again that, you know, that old adage, when there's cliches and old adages like that, like those sayings that are passed down, there's usually some weird some wisdom and there is some wisdom in there. So working up an appetite is actually a real thing. There's been studies shown that when you work out the meal post workout typically can be anywhere between like 250 to 500 calories more dense than a meal. So you're like kind of undoing what you just did. Sure. Yeah. If you if you did the workout for the calorie deficit, you're undoing it. Right. Which is exactly one of the main problems of a lot of the plans out there. Is that that's not taken into account. So we talk first. I mentioned first about that. And then secondly, you know, she's she's talking about energy. And I was saying that typically in a fasted state, it's when you get that kind of like the feeling where you just don't feel like you have enough energy enough. Right. You're worried about that performance. The simple fix is literally putting some salt, a teaspoon of salt into water and drinking it right before you go into the workout.

Yeah, I mean, it's it's crazy how different you feel after that. And, you know, I don't like the taste of of like a salty water like that. So I'll do it in, like, just a small like one or two ounces and just just shoot it back.

Yeah. Yeah. That makes it easier. You know, one of the things that I wanted to a little bit more detail because you asked how I answer the question in terms of, you know, her concern that she wouldn't have enough energy. Right. During the workout for that performance piece. You know, your body will when you were in a so there's usually like a two week kind of adaptation period where you go from your body, primarily using short term sugar stores and glucose over to using ketones, which is using the fat. Right. Right. So after that two weeks of adaptation, your body typically will become fat adapted. So it'll it'll switch quicker into burning those fat sources rather than looking for that glucose or that sugar. That just takes a little bit of time. But that salt trick actually can help you feel better in the beginning while your body is adapting. So your body actually when you work out in a fasted state, you will see an increase, slight increase in adrenaline, which has a positive effect on your basal metabolic rate. I'm not saying this boost your metabolism because we know that's a false premise, but it's that your metabolism, your basal metabolism, we'll see a slight increase due to the adrenaline and then you actually get an increased metabolism output because your growth hormone is higher, which actually allows you to get and build more lean muscles. So working out in the fasted state, like she said, like I mentioned, is what she wanted to do. She just wasn't sure how to get that right. So the salt thing, her response to me saying try the salt was I'm shocked at how much better I feel. I was feeling very weak and I now I feel so much better. I'm amazed. Right. From one teaspoon of salt.

Yeah. You wouldn't you wouldn't think so. But that can be all the difference in the world right there, because like you said, the the body's hormonal environment is perfect. I mean, it's it's perfect to go workout while you're fasted. The thing is, if you have a couple of those symptoms like you, I'm just not feeling quite right, then that little bit of salt can be all that you you need because, you know, especially in the beginning of a fast depending on on exactly where you are in your fast or if you just 24, maybe you're coming off a longer fast, you're gonna clear out a lot of water or a lot of insulin and some salt is going to come with it. Your blood pressure are going to come down. Your overall blood volume is down. So. That can that can make those little changes, but a little salt can go a long way.

So, yeah, so we use sea salt, recommend sea salt, Himalayan salt. Not your standard, like iodized table salt that has sugar in it. If you ever read those little packets at the restaurant actually has dextrose in the salt packets. Right. Kind of. Kind of odd. Maybe some silica in there so it doesn't take coagulate. So a good source salt or a trace mineral like the previous question Cindy had asked about trace minerals or pickle juice. You know, you can do a trace mineral, too, but let's keep it simple. Teaspoon of sea salt. Boom. You're good to go. Let's see here. So the next question and this one makes me laugh every time we talk about it. And this is from Katie. And she said, I've read in the past, you can't chew gum. Are you finding this case as well?

Yes, I am, Kitty. Thank you for the question. It comes up a shockingly high amount of times. We've gotten this question a lot, so we thought it'd be good for a Q&A. Yes. And. He told me I just stepped down you. Sorry. You're fine. I used to be a big gum chewer, so, yeah, I want you to take this, but I want to say this first. OK, go ahead. If the gum says boost your metabolism. Oh, man. You run far and fast.

Yeah. Zero calorie. Boost your metabolism. Diabetic friendly. Like OK, just. Just don't. Let's find a better. Let's, let's just. Let's do something else. Don't do that. Yeah. It's it's not real. Like that's not what it's going to do.

Yeah. We've seen those popping up kind of everywhere. We've in all kinds of weird ingredients that they're adding to it to be able to make these, these funny claims. Let's call them. There some of them are just outright deceitful. Others. I just don't know anymore. Yeah. Like you said, I would just I would just run the other way. But but overall, you know, zooming out a little bit, just gum in general. I used to be a big gum chewer. And we tend to look at the research and say, you know, can this slow my metabolism or boost my metabolism? Can it can it satiate me? Take away some of my appetite, hunger, suppression, things like that. So overall, the research is a little mixed on it. You know, you have some studies that say, yes, it suppresses hunger a little bit. In my personal experience, though, if I'm fasting, it can really make my stomach start churning. It can remind me that that my body's used to food coming in or something coming in and it kind of gets the whole thing, you know, triggered where I was feeling fine. Maybe 60 hours into a fast or even 18. And all of a sudden my stomach starts churning like, OK. When's dinner happening? Like, I was I wasn't even thinking about food.

Right. I was gonna say, as you were saying, one side. I was like, well, that actually makes me hungry, more hungry. But so this is really where that feeling of being hunger, because the hunger feeling isn't real typically. Right. It's the gap is that cascade of signals that starts the process. It could be the time of day. It could be smelling the cinnamon rolls in the oven. It could be the guy next door, you know, barbecuing here in Texas. And you're just like, man, you know what? Yeah. You're not really hungry. Right? So that's the thing with gum would be if if it there's so many other macro big picture things that we need to worry about. Right. Tommy, what was the analogy used?

Yeah. If if you're thinking about the gun but you have some weight to lose, just just think about like this. The gum is like your papercut while the house is burning down. So, okay, let's let's let's go. Big picture here. And you don't worry a little less about the gum and a little bit more about the meal timing. Right. Well, the crazy thing is, is that the gum comes up so often. I think it's that whole, like, calorie.

You know, if you've read other fasting programs or read fasting books, people do mention that like gum can stimulate things. Right. So. Here's what what we're gonna say is, like you just said, if you've got some other things to work on, let's focus on those first. Right. Just like Dr. Fung says, you have to put some creamer in your coffee, if that's like. The one thing you enjoy in the morning. Right? The black coffee. I mean, the the cup of coffee in the morning. Like, don't worry about that in the beginning. Let's create the good habits, the good cycle psychology, like the good pattern building of sticking to the plan. And the gum really is just a tiny little piece of that. So if it works for you and doesn't seem to stimulate your hunger and you're seeing results, keep doing it. If you're if you're seeing the opposite effect, then I would say cut it out and got it.

Because if if it's making you feel good occupied, you know, and it's keeping you from wanting to, you know, to to have that meal or to have a snack, like, you know, you're used to a certain snack time or something like that. You're trying to break that habit then. Great, you know. That's that's a that's a positive thing. Keep it in there because it might be helping you.

Two things you can do to replace would be using a central oil like experiment or peppermint oil. Now, make sure the oil is suitable for ingestion because there are some like Wintergreen that are not so experimenter peppermint oil. You just get a bottle oil one drop under the tongue, like can freshen the breath and can can I give you that minty kind of feeling. Right. Yeah. Having to chew. Right. And then the other thing is you can put a clove. So this is something that one of my old one of my peers used to work for me. She would do this. She would put a clove in her mouth like a literal physical piece of clove. So I don't know, again, not sure if that's gonna be in the same category. But if you're if you're worried about the chewing sensation, if you're looking for the freshening of the breath, there are two things that can that can help.

Yeah, you don't. One last point this brought up I remember it was just a few weeks ago and I was on a longer, fast, you know, doing fine. I wasn't even thinking about food. And then I just kind of noticed my breath, it just felt like I had a little bit of Akito breath, which is kind of a funny smell, a funny kind of feeling in your mouth. And so I went in and I took a swig of mouthwash, just a little one. But it was a it was a minty mouthwash, like an activated carbon. And as soon as I did, as soon as it hit my tongue, my stomach just started churning. And I was like, oh, that was a mistake. So so that's the kind of effect it has.

You know, just because the strong link between the the mouth and the stomach, they're so, so really just going back to take them on this one as if it says metabolism, fat, burning like run if it's needed, then, you know, tried out. See how you feel if you're getting results and things are going great. Great. If not, then yeah. Gum's probably lower on the list of priorities and things you need to change. But you see what works for you. Really. Yeah. Cool. So we have, we have a bunch more. I think we should do one more. Yeah. I think we should do the nausea and heartburn one. The question that came in. From Nan. And then we'll touch on sleep. But that's going to be a huge part of the event. So let's do the. The heartburn one here. Sorry for the live peek behind the curtain as we figure out which question we're going to address next. The just do Tommy. A curveball there, too. So this question came in. And it has to do with relieving the burning and nausea while fasting. They do admit that they were drink a lot of water and no longer drinking coffee because of the acidity. I want to adjust that acidity piece first. That's kind of a myth of coffee causing the acidity like causing that imbalance. Right. So if you have a good organic like natural coffee, like we're not talking like Starbucks, even though don't get me wrong, I love their nitro, but a good fresh roasted like organic coffee. You shouldn't get that as much of that feeling like that guddi acidity kind of acidic feeling. The easiest thing to do is just cut out coffee. But for me, coffee was a huge piece of my fasting journey. Right. Being super busy. And I just it was something I could do to to just get my mind off of food in the beginning. Right now, it's not a big deal. So that's just my one thing on coffee. And then we can talk about, you know, the the the actual, like, heartburn feeling, because I know you and I both experienced that.

Yeah. And just to just to touch on the coffee, you know, there's huge logical benefits of drinking the coffee. A little bit of of a boost. A lot of us do have some dependency on it. Think about how many cups of coffee or our drink per day. You know, so that can be a big thing to just cut out. So just reiterating your point, some of the beans, the way that they're processed and then the quality of them, they're going to have the higher acidity level. So you might not have to cut this out completely. And maybe some other things that we can address here to help with with the nausea and the burning.

Yeah, and the nausea. These things happen periodically throughout the day when you're on a longer, fast, they shouldn't ever be constant. So if you, like, honestly feel like sick or ill, you know, then that's that's a situation where, like, go ahead, eat something, right? Yeah. Eat something. See how you feel. Yeah. And keep going. Now, little bouts of light fuzziness or like little bit of like a weird kind of fuzzy feeling in your stomach. Maybe a tiny bit of nausea. That's that's expected when you first start fasting because your body is going through changes. Right. And we'll go into more detail in the challenge and kind of what some of those are. But the easiest thing to do is, as always, you're staying hydrated. The burning and the nausea will go away. And there's a couple of tricks. Tommy, I know you you've mentioned pickle juice in the past. You can do a little bit of bone broth, like a chicken or beef bone broth. And the thing is, if you're if you're trying to stick to a plan and this is kind of the thing that's derailing you, finding something to kind of mute it in the beginning while your body continues to adapt is going to increase the long term success. Right. So, yeah, a little bit of bone broth, a little bit of pickle juice would be what I would recommend.

Yeah. And if it's if it's just not going away or you don't have the ability to do pickles or a bone broth. Right. Wherever you are or this is something that just pops up, you know, while you're at work during a certain time of the day, just keep a couple of times with you. And usually one or two will will be fine. They'll they'll kick the burning. And it's usually if the burning lasts for too long, that's usually where the nausea comes from. So if you can quell that burning with a Tums or two, usually usually the nausea doesn't follow anymore.

Right. And there's also another alternative that we used to use. I was not a big Tums guy, but when I started fasting, actually use them in the beginning. You know, quite a bit when I was doing the longer fasting and it just went away. I don't have a problem with it anymore. But there's also something called a papaya enzyme by enzymes have digestive enzymes. I can help kind of clear out the stomach and break some things down. So if you're looking for an alternative to Tums or the other stuff that's on the markets, I'm not. I don't love them. But they definitely worked for me, you know, short term. You can also use a super papaya enzyme to help with that, too. So I think it covers. Yeah. Through that and at the end there. Let's see. I think that's it. So we did get a question on sleep and how sleep can be affected while you're fasting, especially if you're doing longer fasts and you kind of jumped right into it. So, you know, we talk about removing caffeine before a certain time and getting the light out of your bedroom and making sure you get sunlight in the morning and all those different types of things.

We actually have a couple of. Digital resources on how to get better, better my sleep. Yeah. Optimize your sleep results. Sleep is a huge part of it. So we're not going to go into huge bunch of detail there. But, you know, the things that we just mentioned are things that you can you can try. And I mean, this is going to sound crazy, but, you know, everybody out there has had at some point pretty much had some type of sleeping, you know, where their sleep wasn't great. So there's a lot of there's a lot of conversation and information out there about it. But, yeah. Decrease the coffee or the caffeine makes you're not eating too late. Remove the light from your room. And then in the morning, make sure you're getting some light in the dawn and dusk. Try to get outside because that actually resets your body to stimulate the circadian rhythm, which is really what, Governor, your sleep pattern. So we'll go into much greater detail. We have a whole module training on sleep for week one of the fasting for life experience. So we're going to dive in a lot more to that.

Yeah, absolutely. All right. So, Tommy, I put you on the spot here. What's your action step for the week? So action step looks like this. Think about the next 28 days and think about what it's going to look like. You know, whether you're part of the experience or not. What are you gonna do? I know you're part of the experience. Well, absolutely. But you you want to have a plan because that's gonna be the key to, you know, actually seeing results moving forward. I mean, the next month is important. We're almost halfway through the year here already. A lot of us have been kind of cooped up. A lot of things have kind of changed. But but think about getting everything back on track. What are you gonna do over the next 28 days? So. So just put a little bit of thought into how that's going to look for you. And so you can take some action from there.

And I'll I'll take it one step further and register for the event because the next 28 days are going to be transformational. And we want you to come along with us and we'll do with your step by step, day by day action, step by action step. And my Tommy said, Amanda, with the next 28 days are gonna look like so. Appreciate you guys, Tommy.

Thank you, sir. Thank you very much, Scott. We'll talk to you on the inside.

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