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Ep. 12 - Traffic Control | Leading on Empty | Winter is Coming
In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss seizing control in everyday situations, which is especially important during unpredictable times. Intermittent fasting and extended fasting create immediate control throughout the day. They talk about routines and how controlling what is within your reach will help you be a leader and a source of stability to those around you. Fasting trims away obligations and never-ending calorie counting in favor of fewer, simpler decisions that are much easier to commit to and maintain. A sense of control can be cultivated by learning from history and knowing that cycles are a natural part of life. They remind listeners that simplifying one's daily life means less to worry about and lower anxiety levels during downturns, even as most other people are fearing the worst. Fasting automatically makes daily life simpler and lowers fears of food shortages, unscheduled interruptions to meal timing, and having to adjust complicated meal plans due to specific food availability.
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Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Watier. And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.
This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health. Achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve.
Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.
We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way.
Everyone, my name is Dr. Scott Watier, I am here, as always, with my good friend and colleague, Tommy Welling. Good evening, sir. Good evening, Scott. How are you? I'm doing good, man. We. We made it another week. The world has not ended.
So here we are here to deliver some more value and really just continue the conversation with what we've had going from last week, which I will admit scratched an itch that I typically have when it comes to the field of science and nutrition. Because I think we had one hundred and seven research links to all of the articles that we were talking about, not just, you know, news articles, but journal articles.
And I think I'm good for a while because that was that was pretty heavy.
Yeah, we got a little dense there. But I think it was good. I think we hit on some good topics that were on people's mind. We got some good feedback. We seemed to answer some questions and kind of get get above the fray. And I think a lot of people were looking for that. And so I think that was good.
Yeah, we I went in with it into it, thinking that was one of the longer preps we've had to just peek behind the curtain. And I went into it thinking, all right, we're gonna deliver this. It's gonna be actionable. And really what I heard more in terms of feedback was more of the kind of just the tone and the vibe.
I know you're going to laugh when I say the word tone. The tone and the vibe of it was just different where even my wife was like, you just sounded different. And I was like, well, yeah, it was it was it was different than what we typically do. But it it still got a very similar conversational result. I'm not sure if that's the same thing you felt. Yeah, I felt like I don't know.
It definitely sounded different. It felt different. But at the same time, it was one of those things where, you know, we went back and forth, should we do something, you know, relevant to the pandemic and and the fear that's out there and just, you know, trying to to to get a pulse on what's on people's minds and how it's related to our goals and our fasting and just lifestyle wise. And there were just too many overlapping points with with our main teaching objectives, too, to ignore it.
So I think yes, I think it was good that we talked about it. I agree. And if you guys haven't listened to it, go back and listen. We talked about fasting and immunity, which obviously is pretty important these days. We talked about vitamin D.
Humidity levels, a whole bunch of just awesome stuff. So go back.
Take a listen. And then this week we're gonna be talking in kind of furthering the conversation a little bit, but talking about control. And if there are any other drivers or type A personalities or there's so many different indexes and personality types out there.
But if you're the driver, the person that's the kind of the get GSD get stuff done kind of person who doesn't want to have control. And right now, you know, with with everything that we've got going on, there's a lot of things that you've lost control of. So we really want to talk about how to be in control of what you can control.
And then you kind of look back and learn from things you've done in the past. And, you know, a-k learned from history. But then to further it and take it to the next level would be to simplify and then lead. So to really be able to grow through this where we have more time, but we have less control.
So we want to kind of hit on the points where, you know, there are things that you can do day to day that give you the control, that you can hopefully return some things to normalcy within you, a little bubble while we kind of wait this thing out.
Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of different things that are changing. You know, we go to the grocery store. It's a different experience. You know, you're trying to coordinate. Can we do curbside or delivery or something or what are they going to be out of? We're having to make changes in our day to day what we're eating. In our in our preparation schedules are different. People are working from home. Child care is closed. All kinds of little changes like that. But that doesn't mean that we have to lose control everywhere we can. We can find good opportunities to actually use this as increased time and and resources and an effort towards our goals, you know, including our fasting goals. Just looking around the street the last couple of of weeks, I've seen more people doing projects, getting outside more.
It's easy. Yeah. People on the sidewalks, there's like groups of people running and walking dogs and riding bikes. I'm like, what do they do all the rest of the time? I think. Right. They're not doing that because. Where are they? Yeah. People you've never seen before.
That's great. I mean, there are opportunities, too. You know, it's like if the stock market takes a dip, it might be a buying opportunity for some people. If, you know, there are there are things to find in this in this kind of environment.
And it really begins for me with with control of my emotions. So I tend to be an emotional person in terms of getting excited about things. So I'm the guy who wants to be shown from the mountaintops, like let fasting save your life, reverse your diabetes, get off your medications, save your grandpa. You know, like I'm the guy who just wants to, you know, start. I get, like, excited and fired up about it. And. Yeah. Preach. Yeah. I'm not go down that rabbit hole tonight. Don't beat me. So it it'll probably come out anyway. But it's really you have an emotional response to something and you have two choices. You let the emotion consume you or you acknowledge it. Keep calm and then carry on. So especially with, you know, all of these social inputs in terms of technology that we have and the crazy 24 hour news cycle and mainstream media and all of this, like there's a lot of things that you can hear and read and listen to and conversations that people are having on social media. You know, keyboard warriors and all that stuff that can easily send me down a spiral.
And it's taken a long time for me to acknowledge that and say, no, no, no, no. Normally, I'd give in to this or back in the day I'd give in to this because I've learned from history. We'll talk about that in a second. And I'm like, no, I get it. I'm not having this conversation and I'm just gonna move on. And when I do that, I keep my routine simple. Like today I must listen to 10 podcasts.
I love listening. I sat out back and I read The Pops from the backyard. It was sun was shining. You know, we were still doing our part. Trips have actually taken the dogs more frequently. Listen to music and music on in the house like.
So I kept my routine simple and I went back to doing what I know keeps me kind of between the goal posts, you know, rather than, you know, start typing away and contribute to the chaos.
So focusing on what you had control over, keeping your bubble smaller and not letting those outside factors influence you and derail you.
100 percent, yeah, 100 percent. I've seen so many names that are like day one of, you know, shelter and home. I'm gonna do a workout, I'm gonna eat right. And then day four, I literally poured the ice cream on the pasta. Like, you mean like people just like making jokes that, you know, they're on day four and they had this grand plan. It's like now. Yeah. No, no, no. I mean, that sounds amazing, but no. Like an elf. You know, for favorite filius, it serves a food group. But I just I look at it. I'm like, yeah, exactly. So I went back to, okay, what are we doing? What are we having for dinner? Okay. Let me pull out the ground turkey. And I didn't eat. I waited for dinner. I was home all day working from home. I literally could have been snacking. I could have eaten the my daughter snacks, which are much better than mine. And I just didn't. I was I know I'm sticking to this. It's not it's not going to get me today. And, you know, that's that's part of the control and the simplicity and the habits. You know, and it takes time to do that. But by no means in my perfect because I've passed the ice cream. Sounds great, right?
Of course. Yeah. I mean, similarly, we we went out we had an anniversary the other day, my wife and I. And, you know, my plan was before that to do one meal a day, several days before that. And then after that, I do a 48 hour fast and then, you know, follow that up with a couple of 24 hours before I did something a little bit longer. So. So that's my plan. I've been sticking to probably about 90 to 95 percent. It's been good. And it's been effective. And I'm not as worried about, you know, how much meats in the freezer, because I know I'm not going to be eating as much of it. And, you know, the food's lasting a little longer. And I'm still getting towards my goals that that I've been planning for. And as I'm hitting my own goals, that means everything else that I'm I'm trying to achieve during the day, you know, stays on track. I'm not I'm not mentally derailed because I feel like I fell off of my fat loss wagon, which is easy to do, especially when when when all these things start changing at once.
And it's interesting, too, because two things there. One, you know, when we got together earlier this this weekend and the last week, I can remember all the days are blending together. But, you know, you had you know, it told a story that you had eaten during the day, which typically you wouldn't eat lunch. But then you decided, well, I'm I'm not going to change my plans tonight. But that doesn't mean I have to go and get another meal. Yes. Right. You easily worked it in and you literally like I was sitting in the kitchen. I'm like, dang it. Tommy did it again. Leading by example like I was in the moment. I was like, oh, sorry about that. Now it's all right. But I've been sticking to it sounds so 90, 95 percent. But even those moments, I'm like, yep. It's perfect. So, you know, we don't want to pour gas on the fire. We want to, you know, stick to our simplicity and our habits. And, you know, I know personally in my household, if if mom or dad are having a tough day or a stressful day, it throws everybody else off. So if you can stay between the goal posts, especially when there's a lot more interaction on a day to day basis and everybody's home. Sure. You know, it's there. Yeah. It's like just recognize it. Acknowledge it and carry on. So I thought that was pretty cool and it relates directly to to fasting, which is, you know, our goal is to incorporate this and give you back control and simplicity just like we've gotten.
Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to try not to get too preachy, but you remember. Well, you remember durak past. During past cycles of eat less, move more where where you kind of messed up.
Let's say maybe it was it was by like a Wednesday you had a date night or something. You'd gone strong from Monday. You know, after the previous binge weekend, you went strong Monday, Tuesday and then by Wednesday came around and then you slipped. You were supposed to be counting. Those cards are countless calories. And then you slipped, right?
Now, I've never done that. I don't know. You never did. OK. OK. OK. Come to market at the wrong. I mean, get you a bigger box to stand up.
Well, maybe I'm just talking to my mother, talking for myself here. But, you know, you get derailed by it by Wednesday. And then all of a sudden you hear here came the weekend early. You might have been planning on wings on Friday or Saturday night or something like that. And then all of a sudden Wednesday turns into the weekend because you messed up and you said, OK, well, I'll I'll get back on the train by next Monday. We're fasting. Fasting is so different than that. And, you know, one little, you know, quote unquote, slip up or feeling like, you know, like you got derailed. And then by the next day, you're you're right back on one meal a day or you're on 16 and eight or you're doing the 48 hour fast, whatever your plan is, you're right. You're right back on track. There's no waiting. There's no there's no Monday recovery, anything like that. You're just right back on track.
And that's that's the cool thing. I think it led right into the second point that we wanted to talk about was learning from history. So just like everything else is going around us with the pandemics and the economic downturns, like everything goes down, but then it comes back up. Like right now, the market's down, but mortgages are also down. So that's actually a benefit to certain people in a certain industry. So what are the positives? What can you take out of it? Where is that positivity? Where is that that wind that you can celebrate? And that is in the fact that, you know, you have the ability to learn from history and learn from your previous mistakes. So before the weekend comes early out, I just said, you know what? Forget the weekend. Let's go slide down the hill together. All right. But now it was like, well, now I've got this because I don't have to worry about the tracking and the weighing in the in the 15 hours in the gym. And yeah, you know that I have to add in the next week, which is such a broken model with the high calories in, calories out workout. And I'm speaking from experience. So I'm definitely been doing this for years with no sick, limited short term and no long term success. So really just kind of reflect on what is every everything is going around us.
But what is it that you can take out of it to make it positive now? And, you know, I think a lot of people that I see in the community that are outdoors, I'm like, man, that's huge, because typically, where are they? They're either at work behind a screen or.
You know.
No dinner there? Yeah, did just that. Well, I don't I don't even not ask that question, so I was just behind a screen. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. So maybe a conference screen or maybe the same one in just like the bad meal when you feel bad the next day like this too shall pass.
Like we're gonna come out of it. We're gonna be stronger.
We're gonna have more control. But for now, you know, put your arms around the people in your little circle that you have influence over and just focus on that and focus on staying consistent.
And it'll be so worth it.
Yeah. I mean, absolutely. And, you know, speaking of your little circle.
You know, when you find yourself gaining control through fasting and through looking for those opportunities that that aren't always there, but in a weird situation like we have now. You know, you find yourself in the middle of some unique opportunities. Think about those those chances that you have now to lead others through your control. When you're when you're the calm in the storm and people can lean on you for some stability, some support for kind of that rare but needed positive outlook when everything that they're getting is negative, you you immediately become a leader in that circle. And fasting only helps to support that. You have more energy there. Your your overall outlook is better because you're still like you said, Scott, between the goal goalposts, you're hitting your goals, your focus is there and you're not getting derailed from other important things. So you you tend to be a rock for other people.
Yeah. And it's not easy being that person in the beginning, but it's like anything. It actually feels good once you can do it a few times and you pull it off and you're like, wow, OK, this actually feels really good because I've control.
But now I've also impacted other people in a positive way. So and when a crisis hits like when crazy stuff happens, you have lost. You have death. You have divorce. You have pandemics. Whenever you have those negative things, that's when a lot of people will give in to those emotional responses and emotional stressors. So, you know, looking back, we've had some family. My wife has lost quite a bit of family over the last 18 months. And, you know, when crisis hits, like nothing else really seems to matter. You know, if you if your car caught on fire and you had to get to the job, a view of your life tomorrow or someone got sick and you had to travel to see them before, you know, before they may pass or like you have that hardship or that loss, you know, simplify because there's power in simplification, like putting on the blinders. And just I'm not saying being ignorant or dumb to it, like just ignoring it, like sticking your head in the sand because it's going to come back and bite you. I mean, you can probably talk to the psychological ramifications of that, but, you know, like simple simplification. And that's something that we preach with fasting, too. Is it so simple that it's empowering? So when there's chaos, when there's loss, when there's crisis, whatever, however you want to categorize it. I'm not talking about eating the donut over the apple like I'm. I mean, like real life stuff here. Just simplify what's going on around you and get back to your basics. Get back to your habits, get back to your routine, get back to your small circle of influence or people that, you know, mentors or whatever it is, family, friends that are your core group and really just just be in that moment with them and just think about it like if you were starting over, what would you do?
Right. Who would you do it with and what habits or routines would you change? Like if you're if we're in a crisis and this thing lasts for a while, like. If we come out on the other side like, what are you gonna do? Who are you going to do with and what habits and routines would you change? You know, have been the same spot and this goes directly back to the yo yo dieting, the fad dining. I'm going to start tomorrow. The New Year's resolutions, the same old thing over and over and over again.
Like it's the same habits, the same pattern. All you gotta do is acknowledge it, stay calm and break it. And you talked about planning. So like what things I can do now to plan to be successful.
Yeah. And I mean, that was actually one of our our action steps for the week is take a little bit of control over your plan. You have a lot of things coming at you. You have a lot of news sources and friends and family with questions and fear and just a lot of things coming your way. Take back a little bit of control. Think about your week and put a plan to it if something changes and it doesn't go exactly as planned. That's okay. You know, 90 percent. Ninety five percent is still going to get you to where you want to be and you're gonna find yourself to be that that calm in the storm and in a rock for yourself and for your family and for everyone around you.
Yeah, and it you know, we were gonna talk a little bit about the benefits of fasting and the benefits on adaptive and, you know, innate immune systems and when you're gonna go down that path right now because let's keep it simple.
Yeah, I mean, cause I'm like, no. Get out. Get out of that. No, I don't need any more last week. Got plenty of that. Yeah. Yeah we did. We did that. Yeah. We can go back and listen last week. I'm virtually patting you on the back here. Thank you. So it. No. No. Okay. Do it back. That's cool. So action steps control you control as Tommy just went through is.
Plan. It's empowering. It's simple. And the one thing that, you know, we're gonna ask you this week as we kind of wrap this up is please give us a rating and a comment.
We really want your feedback. We truly want this to be conversational.
And we're coming up with some new cool behind the scenes things where you can leave us messages. And we want to just continue the communication at Atme, fasting for life on Facebook info at fasting for life in email. The podcast, you're listening to it. You already know where it is. So give us a rate, but we're going to ask you to share it to somebody. And hopefully these last few conversations that we've had, Tommy can can can have some impact in, you know, in calming the storm and calming the chaos and giving some some control and some power back to the individual. And we're not you know, we can I can relate that to long term health goals and decreasing your cholesterol medication and coming off your diabetes medicine and increasing the longevity of your life. And literally the length of your genetic telomeres. So you're live longer and healthier. But really, the point is, like in this time, you know, someone else probably needs to hear an outside perspective and hopefully we can give them some value, too. So just write us, you know, and then we're going to ask that you share.
Absolutely. Lead somebody else to us and to some some good advice that you've found to be helpful. We if you found anything that we've said helpful, you probably know somebody else who would do the same. So send this link. And if you're not sure how to do that, then send us a message and we'll help you do it.
Yep. If you're. Yeah. Let Tommy handle that one because I'd probably give you their own directions anyway. Sometimes I feel like I have to text or be like, hey, where is this thing? And you just send me this link and it appears on my phone. It's glorious. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. So I'll kind of close up with this. Jim Rome is somebody that I've always listened to. And Tommy, I think you're on the same page here. It's great. I was gonna bring this up. It just kind of came to me on the fly. So welcome to this podcast. You know, he he gives a it was a talk. p_d_f_ a video. He's given this talk multiple times. But it's the seasons of life. And he talks about, you know, we cannot change that. Winter is coming. Yeah, I'm paraphrasing. I don't have this in front of me. But we can't change that. Winter is coming in the seasons of life, but we can get stronger in anticipation that winter is on its way. So the seasons are coming. We're in an odd season right now, but we have the tools and we are prepared to handle this and to come out on the other side even stronger. And when we're sitting in summer, you know, a few months from now and this is all behind us, it's looking back on it.
We're gonna be able to say, OK, winter came quick. I didn't see it coming. But guess what? Next time I'm gonna be ready and the next time might be 30 pounds less. It might be off the medication. It might be, you know, the energy to take your grandkids to their games. Again, whatever that looks like, you're gonna be better, stronger and more equipped and ready the next time some type of outside influence tries to derail you off your path. And I love gym rooms of gym morone. If you don't listen to him, go find him. He's way better at this stuff than we are. So third party authority, go listen to him. But before you do that, tell someone about our podcast because we really do appreciate it, because we are there's no sponsors or anything here, but writing and sharing really does help us get our message out. So we're appreciative of that. And Tommy, I just I love this journey that we're on. I don't know where it's going. I don't know what's going to turn into. But I'm having a lot of fun.
Yeah, me too. Me, too. And I think I think we're we're picking up some some cool feedback and and getting some cool influence along the way, I think. I think we're helping some people and just having a lot of fun. So thank you guys for joining us. And please keep giving us feedback, too, because we really love reading it.
Cool. All right, sir. Let's wrap this thing. Yeah. Good night. Cool, you too. Bye.
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