Ep. 99 - The Annoying Truth about Holiday Weight Gain | Should I do a long fast after the holidays? | Losing 100 pounds doing OMAD | Intermittent Fasting Challenge

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2021

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This is the LAST 7-Day LIVE Ramp Up Challenge for the rest of the year!


In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy debunk the formula for holiday weight gain and how it accumulates over the years. More importantly, they discuss what to do about those pesky pounds and how to set proper boundaries during this time of year to ensure you start next year moving in the right direction. 



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Fasting For Life Ep. 99.mp3

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:01] Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier

Tommy Welling: [00:00:03] And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:08] This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health. Achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve.

Tommy Welling: [00:00:15] Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:25] We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned

[00:00:30] Along the way.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:39] Hey, everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier and I'm here as always with my good friend and colleague Tommy Welling. Good afternoon to you, sir. Hey, Scott, how are you doing? Fantastic, my friend. Today we're going to jump into the holiday horror and we're going to talk about the dreaded weight gain and the misinformation that's out there around it and how we frame our holiday season through the fasting for life lens. And I think it's going to be a really great conversation dispelling some myths. And hopefully you guys leave today's conversation and episode with some encouragement and a game plan. Because as this episode drops early in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Thanksgiving is a mere week away, so it is next week. Yeah, we've already gone through Halloween. And if you guys have kids out there, if you're here in the states, you know that luckily our school does not allow the candy and all of that stuff. It is all a little like toys and trinkets and gift bags and stickers and all that kind of thing. But it's all around us. It's been out there on the shelves for months, you know? So we are we're in the thick of it, and we want to make sure that to you guys, if you're new to the podcast, we want you to have the tools and the framework to go through this holiday season successfully.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:02:11] If you've been with us for a while and you're accustomed to kind of how we go about adapting the fasting for life or the insulin friendly lifestyle or fasting lifestyle into our day to day lives. We want to reengage with y'all and have a conversation and kind of just frame out what it looks like for us and then what it can also look like for you, the listener. So exciting news as well. Next episode is our one hundredth episode, so stay tuned. We're going to do something special for that. And one more announcement as Tommy is laughing here that we have our final challenge of the year, so November 17. Very strategically situated the week before Thanksgiving, November 17th, last seven day fasting ramp up challenge of the year. And it is going to be an absolute game changer. So yeah, we're going to talk about how that fits into the holiday plans for some of you. Hopefully, most of you and November 17th, you can go to the show notes and the link is there for more information. If you have questions, feel free to reach out info at the fasting for life. All right, Tommy. As we get into today's topic and conversation of holidays and the holiday weight gain and the holiday horror show, there's a misconception out there that the typical American will gain anywhere between five to eight, sometimes 10 pounds during the holiday season. And what's actually come to light with recent research articles is that that is not necessarily true.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:04:00] So we're going to unpack that and then we want to talk about this dichotomy of urgency versus patience, and we're going to share a really cool testimonial from someone who shared it in our group that will allow us to kind of unpack that, connecting that to what the holidays can and should look like based on how we've experienced it recently and through all of the conversations that we've had. So with that in mind, lots, lots of different avenues, lots of different rabbit holes, lots of different arrows pointing in different directions. But I want to start with. The the fact that the holiday weight gain and don't worry, we'll give you some direct action steps here at the end is is been said to be they think they gain about five pounds during the holidays and what actually is happening, and that's from November to January. And what, you know, the a.k.a. dreaded winter weight, right? What actually happens is in the studies that we've looked at is that it's anywhere between, you know, three quarters of a pound all the way up to about two and a half pounds. So if we average that out to about a pound, a pound and a half somewhere in that range, and it's not that it is the amount during the holidays, right? Like that five or 10 pounds, but it's that the research shows that that one, one and a half pounds is never again lost, but something that kind of builds right for the years, over the decades.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:05:32] And they they found that you don't tend to shed that. So in the looking at the micro like in just that one year difference from November to January to the following year, it doesn't seem like a big deal. Right? But the fact that 70 plus percent of Americans. Are overweight, we're approaching 45 percent obese. We know the complications that come with that, you know, and there's also the evidence out there that their body set point or the resistant, the insulin resistant, the weight loss resistance side of things as well that very few people are are metabolically healthy, you know, 12 percent or less. And that five percent all the way up to twenty five percent, depending on the studies, show that keeping that weight off long term, so the stats are stacked against us. So what do we do? Yeah. Where do we go from here? What do we do now that we've dispelled the myth that, oh no, it's just the holidays? Well, no, I believe it's probably the. You know, the the habits throughout the year. And, you know, talking about that patience versus urgency and like is now the time to really kind of dive in and commit to doing a challenge, let's say, or putting some intention into the holiday season?

Tommy Welling: [00:06:46] Yeah, some sort of new plan, like can I really divert my mental focus? I have so many things coming at me from different directions going into the end of the year. Can I really try something new or can I really like put the focused energy that I know it's going to take to actually get to my my maintenance goal? Or, you know, drop the pounds I've been looking to drop. But you know, when you start talking about the holidays and the holiday horror show, like it just reminds me of those blinders that I used to put on because I knew what the cycle was going to look like because for me, I was more in that like that five to 10 pound kind of camp going from like end of summer into towards the end of holiday season. And because there would be kind of this break in the urgency for like my diet motivation there frustration from earlier in the year. And you know, when when you start talking about just the fact that it may only be for most people like a pound or two, but it's it's it's accumulating over time and it's it's building, it's like a snowball effect, but in the in the wrong direction. But there's physiological reasons behind this because when we put on that extra pound or two it, it takes an actual, deliberate effort to to clear out the glycogen stores and to get into ketosis so we can actually burn through those couple of pounds later on. And if we don't do that in a very deliberate way, we don't pay back that that time calorie debt that we've created. We're not just going to stumble upon it by accident and accidentally burn through that and and prevent that accumulation going from year to year. And that's exactly why we thought this was the the only time that that like we could we could put another challenge in at the end of the year. We're like, should we do it right before Thanksgiving week? That seems like that's intuitive.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:08:39] Right?

Tommy Welling: [00:08:39] Yeah, it's going to be tough for for a lot of people to kind of mentally kind of wrap their mind around like, no, no, no, no, I think I'm just going to put it off until after the holidays, right? That's when I'm going to need it. But but know, like if you can prevent that pound or two from accumulating this year and tap into what's happened over from the years past now, you're talking about finishing the year strong and going into next year, like unstoppable.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:09:06] Yeah, it's that encouragement piece where it's like once. And if you guys have been with us for a while and you've been fasting, you know that. Or maybe you've done a challenge with us and you've been one of the people that's lost eight plus pounds on average during a seven day challenge. And it's not a seven day fast. It's, you know, using fast cycling windows of eight hours all the way up to thirty six, sometimes forty two hours, 48 hours, depending on which schedule you choose, because we have different schedules during the seven days that are based on your experience and desired outcome and goals. But I love that what you just framed out there was like, OK, sometimes some of you now have the answer and you're like, Nah, I'm just not going to do it now. Like, I know my tires need to be rotated, but I'm going to wait till January because I know I have another 4000, you know, 4000 to 6000 miles on the tread, right? You know who to call and like, you're like, I got the fix, right? Right. I can just pull that lever. Boom, I got the fix. So the idea of this urgency versus patience was an interesting conversation that kind of connected some of the dots here with your story and then how we're going to frame out what the holidays could and should, in our opinion, look like. And that really starts with the story that we saw the testimonial that we saw in one of the community groups and one of our groups. Excuse me. And it was really eye opening in what you said about you personally and your journey. That was different than the success that this gentleman saw. And I mean, OK, first, let's unpack that. The story or the result, and then we'll unpack this conversation or dichotomy between urgency of doing it now or having the patience and the plan to get the result long term or just, yeah, I've got the answer. I'll just go, you know, I'll fix it when I need to.

Tommy Welling: [00:10:58] Yeah, yeah. When I need to. At some point in the future, I'll pull that lever, you know, and then but

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:11:03] One pound, I can lose that any time. Well, let's stats show that we don't.

Tommy Welling: [00:11:07] Yeah, we don't, right? It takes it takes deliberate, focused effort on that. And that's the thing. Like, there's when you have that, when you're ready to to take it to the next level like you have to, you have to hit the gas and you have to follow that momentum. And, you know, like the story that you're bringing up. Eddie from the group here posted that he actually dropped 90 pounds between May and October, doing one meal a day doing that. And I mean, that is incredible. He's he's not the first person that we've that we've seen a post from. Is it the norm? No, there's no no like, Oh, Matt is a powerful tool, but most people don't, don't take it, you know, into the almost triple digit range as as a long term, you know, like fix

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:11:59] Solution, right?

Tommy Welling: [00:12:00] And that's it's absolutely incredible.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:12:02] But I want to be clear here, though, the first resource that we ever created was a one meal a day resource, right? And it was because of our personal failures and a lot of the feedback that we'd heard about intermittent fasting. Like there was some stuff that was taking place when you got past that 16 to 18 hour mark, not just us physiologically with consumption of calories and hormone balance and insulin and all that, but it was like this mental thing. And then you started to feel the benefits and you're like, Wait a minute now I actually feel like I have control to be able to pull those levers. So I love that we we do have people that are triple digits, right, that by doing Nomad. And it was interesting that when you saw that you're like, I don't have that kind of patience, which was at first I was like, What do you mean? Like, look at the results you've gotten right? Right, right.

Tommy Welling: [00:12:55] But but oh, matt is like. Olmert is such a powerful tool, but this is this is like five, five to six months of just persistent, consistent progress, just day in, day out, clocking in getting the results. Moving on to the next day. So I mean, it is just consistently happening over time. But you know, like most people don't have that, that persistent patients like that to take it over that that six month period and just do the same thing every day, see the results. But they're not going to necessarily show up on the scale every single day. I mean, even if you're dropping like zero point two point three pounds a day, it's not necessarily showing up. You're not always getting the feedback. And I think that's where my lack of patience is like, you know, in contrast to Eddie here.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:13:51] Yeah, you also have a strategic ness to you as well that it's like, Well, no, I'm going to I'm going to figure this out where I can. I can accelerate this. I want to try this. I want to get here. So like the reason I love this and shout out Eddie, like incredible work, you know, especially, you know, overcoming, you know, never mind just the weight loss, but the health challenges that come with that as well. So shout out and to juxtapose that to the urgency piece is the low end slow method of that patient kind of just consistent. Candace has been one of our original people who had a similar path, right? And it just worked right. So the urgency piece to me comes in around this time of year specifically because. I remember what the holidays used to feel like, and they felt very uncomfortable for me because growing up in New England, I used to have a lot of allergies and asthma and inflammation and things like that. So, you know, I didn't know I was insulin resistant. I didn't know that I was on the path to prediabetes and diabetes. I didn't really connect the dots as to what I was doing on a day to day basis and how it wasn't helping. And then around the holidays, it was just like I would.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:15:11] I would know, you know, in my late 20s that. I wouldn't feel great, right, standard operating procedure, look around you, you know, around Thanksgiving and people are always like, Oh, I just ate so much, I just feel so full. I'm tired. It's the tryptophan, and I'm like, No, it's the balance of food that just completely turned your blood into caterpillar blood because there's so much extra energy that's trying to be processed in your bodies. Like, I don't know what to do with it, so I'm just going to shuttle it into the basement storage and into fat storage because in your liver is going to become filled with glycogen and your muscles are going to be stuffed to the brim with with with short term energy stores in your body just goes to sleep. Yeah. And I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the, you know, the next day. Turkey sandwich on salad, homemade sour dough. Sure. Yeah, it's a little bit of cranberry sauce and a little bit of gravy or stuffing, depending on where you're from. Don't get me wrong, I love that. But looking back to those old holidays versus recently with fasting, I can know that I go into the and we hear this from people as well. I can go into the holiday not needing to have that.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:16:29] Decision point of. I'm just going to wait. I can still have some urgency. Simply by putting some boundaries and some frameworks in place because I know that what I used to feel like, I never want to go back there again. Yeah. Putting some boundaries, knowing you have the confidence, still being able to have a little bit of urgency and not just say, I'll just start after the new year because we know that doesn't work for the majority of people. We know that the stats show that, you know, long term, that doesn't work either. So it's like. You know, patience is a virtue. As my grandma always used to say and I never felt like I had any of it, so I accelerated my journey as well. Got to maintenance and I've kind of just been hanging out, right? Not really having to have that extra urgency. So I just love the idea that. We can we can be counterculture, we can be intentional, we can enjoy the holiday and still keep that level of urgency. Um, you know, kind of kind of in the shadows, like we don't have to just give it up and be like, No, I'll just start, I'll start after the first of the year.

Tommy Welling: [00:17:40] Yeah. And like, you know, Eddie, he reminded me of that, that urgency whenever I saw that post and I was thinking about my own journey. And I mean, I probably spent several months, you know, just dropping the first 20 pounds, you know, doing doing mostly, oh, mad. And, you know, just kind of experimenting and kind of pushing the boundaries and getting comfortable with the methods. And you know, it just it it reminded me of the fact that, you know, like you talked about kind of shoveling that that that extra energy into long term fat storage. But like, there's a physiological reason why that actually happens because when we sit down to a meal, especially if it's if it's a more indulgent meal or, let's say, a holiday, you know, get together or there's dessert, anything that's going to keep insulin high or we, you know, we just consume more than we normally would. We're going to have to store most of those calories, like we can only siphon off a few hours worth and then it's going to be our next eating opportunity, right? So if we don't, if we're not deliberately fasting between those meals to to set up some boundaries so that insulin can come down, then we're going to have to store those as long term fat. But you know, so that means each each meal, each pound that I've that I've accumulated that created this time calorie debt for myself, that I'm going to have to pay back if I want to to lose that weight and to get to a healthier weight.

Tommy Welling: [00:19:03] So that's where that's where the urgency comes in for me, where I say, Well, here's the method it's working. I know what I need to do now. So how do I consistently do that over time? Let me get the process started and then let me find the ways to to keep motivating myself to keep moving forward so that I can hit those long term goals so I can get to the healthy weight so I can feel better. Allergies, asthma. Sleep apnea. Just like gone pressure. All that stuff. Yep, right. And then feeling better and like just going into the holidays like I barely remember, but you just reminded me of like the insecurity that I would have going into the holidays. Like, I don't really want to see all the family and friends and stuff like that because I'm a few pounds from last time I saw them like, like last Christmas, and I don't want to do that and I don't want them to see me, you know, eating a piece of pumpkin pie, which I really enjoy and I only eat once a year, but it's like I. But I know it's not what's what's good for me in that moment. I wish I could enjoy it without the guilt, right? But like so, figuring out how to get the process started and and leave all that stuff behind like that was incredibly empowering.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:20:14] So let's unpack that here in just a second. But I want to make sure that we landed the plane on the fact that the myth of the holiday weight gain is five to 10 pounds. It's the fact that you can't lose it on the back end. And in this article, this researcher Cook said that weight loss can be more complicated than typical recommendation. Eat less, exercise more. And I'm like, If I couldn't agree with that, I mean, I would. I mean, if I could jump up and down right now in the microphone would come with me. I'd be like, Yes, that's it. Pick me, pick me. Like in the movie, Shrek or the donkey is like, Ooh, pick me, pick me. Like, I know that is the crux of it and what you just said there was you didn't want to have the guilt or that feeling or that. And that's what it was for me going into the holidays a few years back after losing all the weight like I knew that I had the confidence in the control and I actually enjoyed the holiday way, way more than I used to. And it's it's interesting because it's not really complex. Like what we're about to unpack here is not earth shattering new research like it's not it's nothing like that profound, right? But it's it's the intentionality behind it. So I want to make sure, you know, as we frame out this next challenge that's coming up, that starts tomorrow, so it's not too late. Go to the website, go to the show notes, click on the link, get signed up. We're going to be starting tomorrow with just. It a level of excitement and energy that I never think we can top from the last time and then every time we do a new challenge, I'm like, Yep, that's my favorite one. Yep, that's my new favorite. Yep, that's my new favorite. So we're really excited for that. That starts tomorrow. But as we unpack what we're going to do for the holidays, there's a few things of just taking a minute and looking at. What is my end goal? And.

Tommy Welling: [00:22:11] Delaying the

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:22:12] Commitment. Put some intentionality in a few of these things are about to mention into place. Mm hmm. What does it look like to delay that versus to engage it now? And I'm going to say that our brains are typically going to make it more difficult. Then it really is. So you're like, I know I'll just I'll be better next time, I'll do it. Next time, I'll start on Monday, I'll start after my birthday, I'll start after that wedding. We have I'll start after Thanksgiving. I'll start after 4th of July. I'll start after vacation, right? So the number one thing to really go into this holiday season with is one do the challenge. If you've done a challenge, come back. It'll be a great reset. Great reengagement. But having a plan? Yeah. Knowing where you're going, when you're going, how many houses you're going to, if you're getting together with family, if you have traditions like specialties that you like to indulge, like even from the article that we referenced a few times, it was like pick your favorite dessert and only eat the amount that it'll take you to be satisfied. So these small little decision points. But having a plan and taking into account, you know, setting some boundaries and setting some time windows like time restricted feeding research articles, which means you're limiting the window of opportunity to spike insulin and blood sugar. Mm hmm. Which which fat stores weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, you know, post Thanksgiving naps, all of that stuff. Yeah. Time restricted coma, time restricted feeding food comas. Time restricted feeding really is been shown to be powerful. So just setting your window. Don't start eating when you get to the house.

Tommy Welling: [00:24:03] Wait until the meal. Yeah. Yeah. Little stuff like

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:24:07] That. But let's let's go through a few more.

Tommy Welling: [00:24:09] Yeah, you get there at 11, you don't have to start eating at 11, right? Like maybe dinner is at four. It doesn't have to be like a six or seven hour grazes. Yeah, right. Yeah, like. And I'm not saying don't enjoy all the things that are there. Don't don't sample them and things like that. But even if you condense that that six seven hour grazing session down to maybe like two hours, even four hours is going to be better where you have enough time to, to socialize and to enjoy. But you also had enough time where insulin levels got to come down. You actually got to to tap into some of that long term fat storage instead of just putting more in the whole time. A little bit of of boundary and structure, you know, goes a long way right there.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:24:59] Yeah. So for clarity, have a plan, set some boundaries, put some time restricted feeding windows in there, right? Choose your indulgences, know you're going to have grandma's. You said pumpkin pie, but I'm not on that. No, you can have it, you can have the pies, you can have the sweet potato pies, you can have all that stuff now if you give me a cherry or an apple or blueberry or something like that. Yeah, that's more of my, you know, not a big dessert sweet person. I like the savory, salty stuff. But yeah, making sure you're putting that in there so you have something to look forward to, but you're also setting some boundaries around it, too is really kind of the first part of going into and coming out of the holiday season with some success.

Tommy Welling: [00:25:45] Yeah. So like. But even that even the pies by themselves, like you go into the grocery store, it's like pies everywhere. Right? And like, if that's your thing, even if you don't

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:25:53] Have like fundraisers and stuff for it. Yeah, right.

Tommy Welling: [00:25:56] Crazy, right? Like baked goods are like everywhere this time of year. But the thing about it is, even if you don't normally get yourself a pie, but it's something that you you want like, you can go to the grocery store, you can you can buy a single slice. Like, how many times do we hear? Oh, man, like I went off the rails on the weekend or like, there were like somebody brought it as you bought the whole pie, you bought the whole pie, right? You bought the garland

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:26:19] Ice cream and not the pint,

Tommy Welling: [00:26:20] Right? Like like control control. In the moment in that buying decision moment by the smaller one, you know, just like the the boundaries start right there in that moment, or if somebody brings you over like a tray of brownies, cut out a brownie or to give away the rest of it, don't don't set yourself up for that whole like, Oh man, I don't know what happened. I just ended up eating the whole tray, you know, over the weekend. And now I regret it. And now, what do I do? Should I do? Should I do a hundred hour fast now to undo the tray of brownies? No, no, you shouldn't.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:26:53] This is a that is a great point. So putting your window, putting your indulgences, picking your your things that you're going to love to enjoy the family traditions, et cetera. But you can also do some tangible things in the window, which would be like before and after which you just talked about, but also like start with some veggies. Start with a salad. Yeah. You know, don't stand near the snack table, right? Like I know, when I was in full time clinic, we would get treats and stuff delivered to us consistently. But more, you know, in the fall season, like there'd be stuff everywhere and my staff would be like, How do you not eat it? I'm like, Well, I send it home with you. Yeah, like, take this home out of the office. I got my one. I've got my one. Yeah, this needs to go like, bring it next door to the title company. Let them have it right. Get it out of my space, right? So just when you said that, it brought me back to that. But a couple of things you can do intentionally not doing one hundred hour of fast coming in and out of Thanksgiving and prepping for you to go crazy and then reparations on the back end, like we want to create these healthy habits long term in this healthy relationship with food, which is part of the weight loss and, you know, struggles that people deal with. It's not the food, it's the stuff that causes us to go to the food a lot of the times as well.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:28:09] So, you know, starting the meal you can do know higher, you know, even like protein is good because it's more satiating, right? So I know my wife, sometimes we'll go on date night and she'll have a protein shake before we go on date night. And I'm like, What do you like? That's actually inherently kind of genius, right? I'm like, She's setting yourself up. She knows what she's getting off the menu. She's looked at the menu ahead of time. Do the same thing with the holidays, but leading into there's no need to do a long, extended, fast prepping for the holiday, right? Because that gives your body in your mind the ability to like, OK, well, I've created this space for it. Well, if you've still got the weight to lose, you really haven't. You're just going to put put that additional time or calorie debt commitment into the equation. So start with some consistent, shorter fast do a little ramp up, doing do a twenty two or twenty four and a 30 you three or four days of, oh man, you want to get the glycogen down so your body doesn't just shuttle all of that excess into long term storage, like putting it in the deep freeze, right? As we like to say. Yeah, and then on the back end, Tommy coming out a similar concept.

Tommy Welling: [00:29:17] Yeah, absolutely. Like bookending a holiday like this with those twenty to twenty four hour fast is an excellent way to drop the glycogen down, be able to tap into those long term fat stores. And then even if, like even if Thanksgiving was was overly indulgent, there's, you know, multiple meals or, you know, whatever the case may be on the back end of that, just getting right back into eighteen twenty twenty four hour fast consistently over the next few days is going to be sufficient to drop the glycogen down, tap back into the long term fast and burn through, you know, whatever whatever came in during the during the holiday time and then you're right back on track.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:30:01] They've really never gotten off track. If you've done what we just talked about here, so hopefully that is helpful. Hopefully it gives you a plan. Challenge starts tomorrow. Go to the show notes if you're waiting to join, the time is now we are putting the urgency back in. This is the last one for this calendar year and then the next one is going to be in late January. So don't wait. Hop on board. We'd love to see you on the inside, as we like to say, and then put in some of these these tangible action steps in terms of setting the intention and some boundaries through this holiday season. We had great conversations today, Tommy. We we debunk the myth that five to 10 pounds during the holidays, but it's that cumulative effect over the years that we want to avoid. So what else?

Tommy Welling: [00:30:51] Go ahead? Well, what I was going to say is that the whole reason for the challenge being right now and if you're thinking about it, but you're kind of on the fence, you're going into the holiday season, this this could give you a jump like a two month jump start on, like going into next year and the momentum that you can start. So if you if you have some longer term fat goals like fat loss goals that you want to get into, this could be the way to get a couple of months ahead of it and get the ball moving in the right direction, then going into the holiday season with not just a plan but like but new results, and then continue that into next year.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:31:29] So that's why we're not believe we hadn't brought that up. Like this is the fast track like a play on words there like this is the fast track. The average weight loss is about eight pounds during these challenges. So yeah, absolutely didn't even think about the timing of it, right? But like, yeah, that right, there is the start of 20 to 22 can look much, much, much, much, much, much different than the start of 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, et cetera. So. Great point. I think that's a perfect bow on this episode in this conversation. So Tommy, as always, thank you, sir, and we'll talk soon. Thank you. Bye.

Tommy Welling: [00:32:11] So you've heard today's episode, and you may be wondering, where do I start? Head on over to the fasting for life and sign up for our newsletter, where you'll receive fasting tips and strategies to maximize results and fit fasting into your day to day life. Are you there?

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:32:25] Download your free fast start guide to get started today. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star review and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for Life.


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