Ep. 26 - Making intermittent fasting excuses, mental fatigue, losing momentum in weight loss plateaus | Nobody's perfect, 72-hour fast to reach new lows on your fasting plan | One Meal a Day Fasting Plans

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In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss the long term plan when using fasting as a tool to regain health and lose weight for good. Dr. Scott pulls back the curtain on what has happened to his plan to get down to his ideal body composition. After all the dust settles on the excuses, they discuss how to get back on track and maintain results. The simplicity of the Fasting For Life method allows you to be right around the corner from a new milestone even if you have had a pause in the momentum or motivation. Life happens and Fasting For LIFE is exactly that!

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Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Watier. And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health, achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way.

Hey, everyone, welcome to be Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier. I'm here, as always, with my good friend and colleague, Tommy Welling. Good evening to you, sir.

Hey, Scott. How's it going?

Fantastic. Tonight, we're going to pull back the curtain a little bit on my fasting journey. So I'm a little nervous. I'm a little excited. Oh, I'm not sure how how bad you're gonna drop the hammer on me, but I'll be a little transparent here.

But I think it's something that everyone needs to hear because I know you and I have had conversations about it. We've had conversations with our people. And the challenge is my conversations with, you know, our clients in the past that we've been helping in coaching.

So you're alluding to the fact that we're not perfect. It's a journey. We're on a journey.

So, you know, it was that obvious that I'm not perfect. Man, you, my wife, have been conversation and just getting on. So the. I going to rip the Band-Aid off. What's been happening with me recently is that I feel like I'm just kind of hanging out, wading in the waters, like enjoying. We've been really busy. So these are all the excuses I'm going to get about now. So I don't have to come back later. Yeah, these are good with them, right? Right. The sleep hasn't been great. Know comfort. No, no, no. OK. You're not. That was great by that. So I've actually been busier.

You weren't health care. My wife's clinic and the clinics that I work with. And so I've been busier than ever. And then the farseeing and the challenge. And we've just been producing more content and working on frameworks.

And so those are all. I'm still going through the excuses if I hear you. OK. I'm listening. I'm writing them down. Yep. Yep. And then I've been doing really good overall.

You know, I've been following my plan, kind of the plan that I don't really have, but I kind of do. Oh, mad. Which is one meal a day for everybody that's not familiar with it. And then some days I don't. And then some days I just eat lunch because, you know, it was there and my wife was home and we had lunch together. And just like tonight, for instance, we had a homemade eggplant parmesan, gluten free, dairy free, like, amazing. Never had eggplant before. Well, I tried it once, didn't really like it. I was like, yeah, it wasn't supposed to eat tonight, but, man, it smells really stinking good. So I'm still going with excuses here. I'm not sure if you picked up on.

I have, but I've used that one. Yeah. Jason Cook something. I'm like, wow. All right. Never mind. Well, let me get this window.

I would cook and be like, nope, not going to do it. All right. I'll sit and hang out with the family. But I'm not eating because I'm on. It's easier. That's how it it makes way easier for me. So take a lot of excuses. Dimensioned the sleep and the stress have been higher and the whole you shelter and home thing that we went you does. So what's happened. I haven't even gotten to the point yet is that I've just been kind of sloppy with my timing and my eating window. I haven't been, you know, eating. You know, Chick fil A and pizza and candy bars and, you know, I haven't gone off the deep end, but like, I'm just eating the food that we typically keep in the house, which is pretty healthy, organic, natural stuff. Right. But I'm just eating it more frequently. I'm eating my daughter's organic, like Rockey's sticks, and I'm just off my window. I'm off my game. And this is something I know that's never happened to you. Oh, yeah. This is this is where I'd transfer the the the spotlight over. So help me out.

Yeah. So it sounds like creep like things just start to kind of creep like it. It's like a slow melt. Like the boundaries just start to come down, the walls come down a little bit. The eating windows get a little less strict over time, especially as we get closer to our our maintenance goals or whatever the finish line looks like. Right now, we've know we've made some significant progress. We feel good about that. But also results tend to slow down a little bit. We tend to feel in control. So even if I do slip up, I might feel like I know how to turn it back on.

That's like Euge for me, because now that you've shown me the way, I'm like, oh, well, yeah, it's fine. We can have back to back date night, friend night and then I'll just not eat on Sunday and then Sunday comes and that eggplant parmesan.

Yeah. You can get. You can be seriously derailed. You know, two or three days where you kind of don't follow an eating window. Yeah. It can be rough because you you getting back all the glycogen, maybe a little bit of fat in there and then you kind of just get used to the motor movement, kind of used to the habitual, you know, the the the more frequent eating and the social aspect of it and things like that, you just go, oh yeah. Well, I'm kind of right back on the insulin roller coaster that we talk about sometimes, and then you feel the stomach grumbling a lot sooner than you should. And it's that much easier to eat the next meal sooner than you normally would have. Right.

Yeah. And it just becomes that pattern again, like you said. And we're coming up on a year. Right. So Father's Day last year is when I started fasting and, you know, and in 60 days, I lost 50 pounds. Now, 50 days. Right. I lost forty eight point five pounds. So I rounded up. It's fine, but I got to it to a level where I was like, whoa, this is crazy. And we did an episode on and I didn't not eat for, you know, 30 of those days, like, I ate almost every day. But it was that consistency in that pattern, like that consistent break in giving your body that that that break from the insulin and allowing your body to heal and clear out the glycogen and burn off those fat stores. And, you know, so for me now, it's it's just it's been to a point where I've been kind of maintaining my 80 percent last summer like I have a farm. For me, it's not a number. It's a body composition goal, because I know with my family history and, you know, studying the research by cardiovascular disease and obesity and diabetes and type three diabetes, Alzheimer's, if you're not familiar with it, get on Dr. Google, do a little research. There's some some pretty crazy stuff coming out about it, but that all stuff is in my family. So for me, I'm like, OK, what is my ideal body composition? So it's really the percentage and I'll do some body scan and get the accurate numbers.

But I've just been hovering it that like that 80 percent loss number and just kind of like chillin.

Yeah. Just not feeling that final push that that that bit of an edge to kind of push you towards the finish line. Because, like, when you when you first get started and you start feeling the momentum, you get empowered, you you regain that control. You realize there is a solution that you've been looking for for so long and it fires you up. I mean, your energy is high and you're like you're you're ready to go. Right. But then what was it, a fatigue, you think? Or like just momentum or did the end goal change? Like, what was it? Do you remember when that energy came down?

It was about it was about two months ago. So let's see. Yeah, that would that would coincide with some stuff that was going on outside of our control. Right. Two to three months ago. So I went I went hard, like, you know, lost all the weight, maintained it. And then about nine month, nine month, ten or so earlier this year in the spring when the wheels fell off of everything in terms of, you know, the outside world and all the chaos ensued.

And I just got really busy and like my routine in my pattern changed. Right. So there's another excuse. And it took me a little while, about thirty days to kind of see that. Let's get that that I that I realize that. Change, and then I'm like, well, the scale really hasn't changed.

I fluctuate, you know, within that five pound range from where I've been for so long, which is not that last drop to the to my end body weight goal, which I think is going to make sense for me in terms of my composition.

But you just feel and look different and even then. Oh, yeah, I feel different.

My sleep is different.

I saw a picture, you know, when I went to the beach and I had a shirt on and like I was like, wait a minute, I didn't have that extra 10 pounds around the midsection, like a week ago. Like, where did that come from? And it just happened so quickly. And that's it. It really was just a me taking my eye off of the long term goal. And I just got out of the the daily habit or the pattern of going through the motions of like, OK. This is what I do every day and it simplifies my life and gives me back control. I just kind of became willy nilly with it. But then I knew I could always get back to that number again. So it's not about the number, obviously. Yeah, I just skipped a day. Right. But that's not actually creating long term benefit. It's just yo yo ing. But just in a much smaller like. Five pound area, rather. Yeah, 20 to 30 pounds over six months.

Yeah, I get it. I mean, it's it's a better cycle than maybe what you did two years ago or ten years ago. But at the same time, you're not you're not happy with the way things are going right at this moment. So you're looking for something to to change, to kind of kick kick you back into gear towards the end goal. Is that what I'm hearing?

Yeah, absolutely. That's why there's this challenge has been like perfect timing. You know, we've been working on it forever and we're right in the middle of it.

And it's just been great because now, once again, one of the biggest things that we see with the long term effect is the support I've had you friendship and partnership of like building this like to be like, well, yeah, I'm fasting. I'm doing a 72 hour. I'm doing this is what my week looks like. Right. I'm just putting this out there to help with the accountability. Like the the the challenge has made me refocus and mean like, oh, wait, no, I'm not at my end goal and kind of hanging out in the middle here. Nobody wants to be half in or half out. So it's it's been really eye opening to to reconnect. And, you know, every program has plateaus and stalls. But the simplicity of this allows you to get right back on like you do it or you don't. You know, there's no resetting or or undoing the months of mediocracy. It's like, all right, I got this. I'm right where I was. I'm five pounds away from where I was six months ago because I've been able to maintain it. Even though I haven't been the strictest, I've been pretty sloppy. But now it's like I boom. Here's the challenge. Here's the accountability. Here's my focus back. And you you know, you value what you measure.

Yeah, I remember feeling similarly and I don't remember exactly when it was I think it was around the beginning of the year, maybe around January, where where I felt like, well, I put on like eight or nine pounds and I just hadn't, you know, I'd been sloppy with my eating windows. And, you know, it it really just took a 72 hour fast to kind of take away, you know, seven or eight of those pounds basically, and kick it right back into gear. Like basically I saw a new low wave reset. Yeah. Within about five days, I saw a new low, but I hadn't done a 72 hour fast and probably like, you know, two months. Yeah. You need you need to know. But but then. But basically I was three days away from from full momentum and I was like four and a half days away from a brand new low, even though I hadn't seen a new low in probably three or four months because I was just in hard core maintenance. Right. But not not at my overall end goal. So so the beauty of of the simplicity of the method is that you're right around the corner from from your next big milestone. You know, even if you've you've kind of you know, you have a pause on that motivation or that momentum for a minute.

And one thing I was thinking about doing, and you and I talked about this before the challenge came up, was I was just going to do seven days of, like, strict one meal. So no, like, you know, handful of cashews up leading up to the meal, snacking on some stuff, all the meals being prepared, or go out to dinner, get an app, get a dinner, get a dessert, have an adult drink, adult beverage on date night. No, none of that. Just like one week. Of course, that was pretty much what got me. The results in the first place was staying consistent with that one meal a day and being reasonable in it. But I was gonna do that. But then again, it was just perfect timing. That's the challenge where, you know, you created my custom plan and we just had the group and the continuity and the accountability and the support and the focus just like, well, no, we're here. We've been hanging out. That's great. You know, everything ebbs and flows, but now we're gonna push down just like a bodybuilder man. They don't. They don't. They go through bulking cut seasons, which I've taken care of some of them over the years. And that's really harsh on the system. But it's the same thing. Like you can't always be pushing the gas pedal at one hundred percent. I just got a little sloppy with it.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they don't sit at four percent body fat, you know, the whole year round with zero, with zero water, you know. Right. They can only do that for a for a quick bout, you know, unstained of a drastic example. But yeah I know, but you know, it's some kind of deal where, you know, it's it has to it has to kind of flex a little bit. But but, you know, you recognize where you kind of got off the got off the track. So, you know, getting back to an end goal, I feel like mental fatigue is part of it. So when we talk about the creep, the boundary, the window creep, getting sloppy with your eating windows, sometimes it's it's just a matter of how long have you been dabbling, you know? So if you if you've got good results with really string's, that's really good. Say that again. How long have you been dabbling. Dabbling where you you sitting. OK, well I can maintain. Or I can turn it on and push, you know, make the next leg down. But then you really don't make the next leg down. No one out there has ever done this time. No, no, nobody.

First time. This is the first time I've heard it articulated like this. So please, I'll be quiet.

So, you know, you're sitting there. You know what your end goal is? You know, maybe it's to get off certain medications and you're getting close or you're watching. You're a one c tick down because you're getting more insulin sensitive or, you know, maybe it's the scale and you have, you know, 10 pounds. Laughter, 15 pounds left. And we have a lot of people in the challenge who who came here with 10 pounds, 20 pounds, you know, a few people with a lot more. But, you know, even just getting that last ten or fifteen can be like, OK, I really need the community. I really need some support because the the momentum, you know, getting getting the momentum going and not dabbling anymore, but really hitting the gas and controlling it strictly for for a finite amount of time to actually hit the goal. And then and then maintain it. That that's a powerful thing.

Yeah. And the I mean, that's all of it right there. Yeah. I couldn't there's no way to actually like be able to do that without the right plan. Right. Like you need the plan because what you've been doing has those last 10 to 15 pounds is all about just being really actionable, like just really laser focused. And once it's not hard, like that is like shooting fish in a barrel for this for the fasting for life method, like doing the program, doing the customized plan that last ten to fifteen were typically. That's the hardest. For most people to get off. But to get to to lose like this way, it's just so much easier. We've had so much success with that in terms of like people like I can't believe how easy it was. Like we set goals like two months and then like five weeks and then I can let my go on. I'm actually kind of below it, but I'm just gonna keep doing it because I feel great. Right. And my numbers are great. And, you know, the body's gonna go to normalize. So if if if there's a huge if I don't know if this is real, but if if any of this is not just me and resonates with the people that are listening. What do you think would be like the one thing, right, that could like people would would be able to do to kind of get back on track? I know we've got the mental fatigue. Been doing it for a while. Maybe you've lost the support. Your fasting buddy has kind of fallen off track. You know, the gym buddy that doesn't show up at 5:00.

Was that a dig at me? No, no, no, no. Because I'm still answering text messages from yoga.

Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that never ends. And then, you know, you've gotten close to your goal.

Like, what do you think one thing would be? Republicans, but yet, boom. One I got to do.

You know, I think it's just a matter of refocusing. Just asking yourself why. Why was that my end goal again? Think about those connection points. So, you know, it's just it's not just about the number. I mean, for a lot of guys, it's maybe one hundred eighty or a hundred and seventy pounds or something like that. High school weight. Right. High school way. You know, my glory days, I made it right. You know, whatever that number is, that's fine. But it's superficial. Why does that no matter what does it mean? What does it mean when you don't have to worry about, you know, build up around your your blood vessels? What does it mean when you when you've lowered your risk of stroke or taken away the medications that could have nasty side effects or you've regained energy that that gives you a quality of life that you haven't seen in decades? Those are the things that matter. So refocussing. Why was your end goal? You know, why was it there in the first place? And then let's put a time limit to it. Let's let's instead of saying I hope I can get there one day. Let's let's put a timeframe to it, make it actionable, tangible. I want to get there in 60 days or 90 days. And I want to see progress all throughout, because when you know, you have the method that's going to work, you can feel confident that you can, you know, ultimatum to it. You can say, I want to be there. And so and so in a certain amount of days or months, it doesn't have to be a pie in the sky thing. So I think that's your that's your step.

So refocus. I really if if you haven't put a Y to why you're doing this, why you've tried all these things and haven't gotten the results or why you can't get the last 15 or 20 pounds out like it can't just be to lose weight or fit in the old dress has to be something more than that. So that was huge. Yeah. Go back to the why? Well, I kind of forgot my why? Because we've got really busy and some things happened. Right. The Y is to change the generational path of my family's health. Right. Like, OK. That's way more important than me fitting into my, you know, old trousers from trousers said trousers. Who says trousers? My old cargo shorts. Old trousers. Yeah. My old cargo shorts and high school. It doesn't matter. And then smart goals too. So you just put a time limit on it. You know, if you if you're not familiar with smart goals, just go Google the acronym SMART as some A.R.T. goals. It's measurable, attainable. There's a time component. Specific specificity. So, yeah, I think that's that's a really good thing is just take a couple of minutes, reflect on why you're doing it. You know, dig a little bit in and then, you know, be specific with, with, with the end result. Like 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, depending on what it is.

So, you know, the other thing is to measure it. And you may have said that with the smart. I think that's the end. Maybe I think I think I might have missed.

If you if you didn't definitely measure it. Because when you're when you're really hitting the gas and you're looking at the scale every single day because you're pumped. You're ready to. You want to see that you know, that next new low. Right. And then when you kind of get into maintenance mode and you feel empowered, but you don't necessarily feel as driven to get towards your end goal. It's easy to kind of maybe step on the scale once a week instead of every day or maybe once or twice a month. And then it's easy for it to creep away from you at that point. So. So get back to measuring it. Get an app. Set yourself a reminder every single morning to do it. And don't let yourself slip and tell somebody else who's in your house or somebody else. Hey, I want to do this every day. Help me. You don't host it on our Facebook page. We'll just luly. Yeah.

Yeah. Fasting for life. Right. We'll get there. That's what it's all about. So for sure. Yeah.

So smart goals. Put a time limit, refocus, kind of get back to why you started. Right. Because we tend to lose that.


If you've been away from fasting or if you're new to fasting, one thing you can always do is head to our Web site, WWF, everybody fasting for LifeCare's. There's a fast start guide that comes with a free mini master class. So it's 20 minutes of deep dive video training that accompanies the six steps of the Fast Start guide.

It's a great way to start if you haven't or it's a great way to become more consistent. If you have been somewhat consistent and it's also, you know, a great restart to so good head over to the Web site, we want to continue this as a conversation. So feel free to head over to wherever you listen to your podcasts, Apple podcast, Spotify. Drop us a five star view. Those are the only ones we accept. Wink, wink, say, kind of a running joke as we go here.

There's a question in your review, too.

Bingo and jobs question. We want to answer him. We do Q&A as kind as the questions start to pile up. So absolutely. Thank you, sir. Thank you, Scott. So, yeah.

So you've heard today's episode and you may be wondering where do I start? Head on over to be fasting for life ecom and sign up for our newsletter where you'll receive fasting tips and strategies to maximize results and fit fasting to your day to day life.

While you're there, download your free Fast Start guide to get started today. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star review and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for Life.

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