Ep. 18 - Getting Started Fasting, First Steps | Reverse Diabetes, High Risk Fasting, Take Back Your Health | Decide to Start Fasting Today, Download Your Intermittent Fasting Plan

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 Ramblings | Health Now | Just Do It

In this episode, Dr Scott and Tommy talk about the state of the union of health, the new normal of day-to-day life, and being high risk during riskier times like a pandemic. The small decisions we make today greatly impact the future, and it is hard to motivate yourself at times. What is your first step? Take control now so in the future you can look back and remember the day it all changed. Change your mind. Change your LIFE. 

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Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Watier. And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health. Achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve. Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design. We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way.

Hey, everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier. I am here, as always, my good friend and colleague, Tommy Welling. Good evening, sir. Good evening, Scott. How are you? Fired up, man. I. I've been super excited about the momentum that we've been gaining over the last few weeks with a change to Tuesday podcasts with the new content and feedback that we've been getting and the fact that I got to talk about myself last episode, which is really all that, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yours was a few episodes ago. I don't think I forgot. You know it at every second of it. Right. It was terrible.

Lots of I mean, amazing feedback about your story and how you use 72 hour fast, but which might very well be my least favorite time window when I'm fasting, which is so interesting in learning how to master this thing. But with that in all seriousness, you know, being able to. Tell the story of how you guided me to lose, you know, forty eight and a half pounds in 50 days and be able to Maine forty two to forty four plus pounds lost over the last six to eight months and just been able to easily maintain it. Hopefully that message was received that it's simple and it just requires a lot of consistency. So Boonah Bibb posted that question. And thank you again for that question, because it really made me go back and look at I didn't do anything crazy or drastic. It was just consistency. So I appreciate that. And it was good. So, yeah, it was.

It's even. It's crazy to think back a year ago and remember what that was like to be worried about the next, you know, hitting the next milestone, but then also the uncertainty of how we were going to maintain it. You remember that feeling without the progress and the history behind it and that confidence that comes over time. Like you don't have to be doing seven day fast to gain that confidence. But after you've done one meal a day for 30 days in a row or, you know, you're down 20, 30 pounds and then you go a few months and they don't creep back up for the first time in decades. That's that's huge. You're you're a different person. You're thinking completely differently at that point.

And it's just it's the mental like acknowledgement or understanding. We talk a lot about this. Can you explain it very well in terms of just having that realization that, OK, this is now different and now I have the control? Like for the first time, what you just spoke about was I have control over what the scales gonna do, how I feel, how I sleep, my energy levels on a day to day basis. And I now have the control over what we're gonna talk about tonight, which is my health and what the future holds for me in terms of, you know, insulin resistance, weight gain, obesity, heart disease, and not becoming one of those statistics that especially right now with everything else that's going on, becomes extremely important for those people that have those conditions and why it's so much more serious for them. So it's just it the the simplicity and the control that this gives gave us, which now we're seeing and the people that we're helping or coaching is, yeah, it's crazy to think back and be like, wow, it's been almost a year for me. It's been over a year for you. And it's just been a lot of winds.

Yeah, it's it's so many small wins over time, but your brain just starts. It just starts. Thinking differently. After just so many years of different. Different outcomes and conditioning over that time.

It does take time to get used to that control, where you have this level of learned helplessness that if you got to a certain point that eat less, move more model is not going to keep working. And so you kind of get used to. OK, I'm only going to get to a certain point. Then I'm going to backslide. Then I'm going to have trouble getting to the next. You know, milestone and getting back on the wagon after I fall off. You know what the cycle is, you get used to it and it gets less and less effective every time you do it.

This is it's different and it takes some time to get used to. It's crazy.

And just like all things I mean, you know, you you value what you measure.

So no different than your family's finances or your relationships or your health, like you value what you measure. So if you've been measuring everything for so long and all your inputs are from a system that looks at the result or the symptom and not the cause, then you're going to end up on that that cycle of small win loss, small win loss, small win loss. And that's the power we're fasting. And this is what I love about the content that we have and just the the the quiz and the course and the training and the metabolic program that we're putting together like this is really going to be giving you the tools. So you don't need us. You don't need a podcast. I can't believe I'm saying this. You don't need you know, you have everything you need rather than having to keep going back and getting, you know, up and down results like you literally will start trending in the right direction, moving towards health and wellness and vitality and not towards what the statistics show, which is diabetes, obesity, weight gain, cardiovascular disease, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

So what we really want to focus on tonight is. As we come out of this odd time that we've gone through right this strange new world, right, that we're that we're coming out and emerging into. We want to encourage each and every one of you that now is the time, because if you haven't started, you're never going to get a different result. You can't think that just ignoring it or pretending that it's not that big of a deal or that you'll just, you know, continue to believe the same inputs that you believed year after year after year. Like for me in my early 20s, you know, my late 20s, my early 30s. None of this even mattered to me, like, you know what I mean? Like none of these things were a concern. And now I'm in my late thirties and I'm like, oh, now I get why I hear those things like, oh, someday soon it'll catch up to you or just wait till you turn 40. And I'm like, that can't be real like that. There's gotta be another way outside of the status quo, right?

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it sounds like a like some sort of death sentence, some sort of, you know, curse that you can't get away from. But that's exactly how that's how it felt even in my twenties, honestly. And, you know, just a little worse each year. So I could imagine at 20, 30 years to that and still not have the solution. Yeah, I would mean it would just feel like a jail sentence. You're never getting away from this. Right.

Yeah. And what we're talking about really is the acceptance of the in my opinion, the acceptance of the inevitability and the real the realization that you don't the small decisions that you make on a day to day basis now do have a massive effect and impact on retirement in your later years in life. Like there are a lot of metrics and a lot of you know, whenever I do workshops or talks in the past, I always called it the State of the Union. Right. So the fact that, you know, with this whole covered business is that if you have diabetes or if you have COPD or if you have a co-morbidity or another underlying medical condition, you are now high risk because of the fact that your body is in a metabolic state of dysfunction and is not functioning properly. Right. So when we when we look sixty eight percent of people. Right. That have diabetes or blood sugar problems die of heart disease. That's seven that's seven out of 10 people.

Well, right. Like in. OK. Let me back up.

This is not a fear based motivational speech here. It's a it's a realization that for me that. I kind of got away from realizing that I was getting worse and worse and worse, a little bit worse every single year. And for me, I was trying to figure it out for most people. It's just become normal. You just you just accept that over time like this and you follow in your family's footsteps and you listen to your doctor and you go to, you know, the American Diabetes Association Web site. And do they ever mention reversal? No management. We can't egemen you.

You can manage. You can slow it down.

Slow it down. That's what they talk about. The reason why I. I felt. Obliged is the word I'll use to want to talk about this now. Right. Is. My dad was supposed to come down and visit. Right. In two days. Yes. Tell me. I guess about right. Yeah. Yeah. And like at the same time. Yeah. And be here for my son's first birthday. But now, due to everything that's going on and the fact that he is high risk. But I'll tell you this. You started listening to the podcast. My mom downloaded the mini masterclass.

So we're making some progress. We're making some progress. So fingers crossed. We'll keep praying for it.

But it it it just made me realize, like, OK.

If my dad can't be here for my son's first birthday because of the environment that we live in right now, like that has to be impacting hundreds of thousands of other people when there are 52 million Americans that have diabetes or blood sugar related issues and the obesity population. Right. Which directly relates to insulin and blood sugar related problems, metabolic dysfunction, that number is in the in the low to mid 40s now and it's supposed to be over 50 percent of the population by 2030. So like this isn't just affecting me and my dad not being here for my son's first birthday, which I encourage my cancer. Your tickets, dude. I stay home. You know, like, if I got it, I'd recover. He like I just don't even think about what that would turn into. It just made me realize that it's like, OK, if this is affecting me, someone in this medium that's been able to get a control over it, reverse it and help other people reverse the problem and get to the cause of the problem and not treat the symptom. Then there's millions of other people that are dealing with the same problem. Oh, yeah. And probably don't know how to express it or even know that it's there.

Yeah. And not even not even being able to acknowledge that that there's any other perspective to it. Just going. Yeah. I'm high risk. I can't. You know, X, Y, Z, I can't leave the house. I can't. Do you know something I was supposed to do. I have to cancel my trip. But you know, it's just like an accepted thing, like, you know, walking into the grocery store because they have to get food. And, you know, they're frustrated that anybody else is around because they know they're high risk. So they feel like they're walking into, you know, just just a high risk situation that they don't want to be in. Frustrated about it. But there's no ex acting or there's no there's no alternative to it.

My dad worked his entire life. He worked as behind off right to provide for us. And I mean, he yeah, he worked hard and now he's in retirement. He's a few years into retirement and he could possibly have to give up a year of it because of this. Like imagine if I was able to not know this now and get this is what I think about and get to where he's at. Right. At his age, at 70 years old and look back and go, man, if I would have just known what I know. Early, earlier in life, like maybe some people would say, well, yeah, maybe you wouldn't change your outcome, like you're trying to rewrite history. But like. I would have to believe that eventually I would get to the point where I'd be like, OK, I have two choices here, I can end up in this same situation. Possibly having to give up an entire year of my life, doing the things that I want to do in retirement because of the choices I made and the simple changes I didn't make 30 years ago.


Yeah, I've been hearing multiple people say, you know, I have diabetes or I have, you know, some blood pressure issues, issues, I have cardiovascular disease, I have X, Y, Z. Something else. You know, one of the co-morbidities and. They're saying I'm at high risk so I can't leave the house. I can't travel. I can't do something that I want to do. But if if there was a solution, if there was something that could empower you to fix that for the next time, I know we've never seen anything like this, you know, asking great grandparents and, you know, they haven't seen anything like this in a hundred years. That's fine. But it could happen again. It will eventually happen again. So would you want to put yourself in a spot where you could treat it differently next time? What if the whole thing just dies down? But then it flares back up come the fall or come the spring or whatever it may be, it doesn't matter. Yeah, and that's gonna be a position.

Of course you would. And that's that's the thing where I was like, OK. Like, it just kind of all came to a head as we're coming out of this and things are changing and it's a whole new world. And my dad had to cancel his trip. Like I'm thinking about it going, OK, well, we know if you have diabetes, your blood sugar problems, your more more prone to infections. Right. And poor outcomes.

So managing it through exercise and restriction doesn't work long term.

Right. Because you're managing it. You're not correcting it. So what's the cause? It's not the blood sugar. It's the insulin. Well, if you're not on insulin, right.

If you're not a Type 1 diabetic and you need it, you have the ability to reverse it. So why wait? Like now? Start now. Like, just download the fast start guide. Send us a message and skip breakfast tomorrow. Yes, start the conversation.

Ask us what we would do. You know, what's that? What's the first step? What's a good first step? You know, we're answering e-mails like that.

Yeah. And I think that's where it just kind of all came to. I won't say it came to a head where I was like, OK, it's time for us to start like.

Making greater a greater impact. I know that seems crazy because you and I talked about all the time about just the amazing stories and testimonials and things that we've been hearing from people that we've been working with. Yeah. And now I'm like, okay, well, yeah, I think it's time to get on the megaphone and start blasting this thing out there. Step on to the soapbox. Well, we got the emails. You tried to tell me. You tried to tell me. I'm on a soapbox.

That, you know, I think you should get on a higher one. No. As I think that I think that the message is one that needs to be heard. It's one that we wish we heard a long time ago.

And we're getting feedback saying, I've never heard anything like this, but I'm so glad I finally did it. So I think part of the problem for me lately has been we've been so we went through this period where it was like, all right, you know, let's talk about insulin's talk about the problem. Let's get in the research. Let's do this. Let's roll out our mindset, our motivation, our method, our mastery. We've got our group challenges. We you know, we're doing some coaching. We've got our Facebook page. You get the podcast like we're creating content. We're like, okay, well, what is this turning into in terms of impact? Right. So I'm go to how we're going to measure that. Where are we going to go with this? And it's it's to get almost get out of the minutia of the details for a second, which is really hard for me to do because that's how my brain works. But to get into the emotional side of it, where words like, listen, literally this comes down to simply making a decision. And that day that you looked at me and said, stop eating. And I said, what in the hell are you talking about? And you said, no, this is what you're gonna do. And then 50 days later, my life is forever changed, like 50 days, actually. Forget that. Like seven days.

And I was like, yep, here it is. All right. This is it.

So crazy. Yeah. It's so crazy and so simple and so actionable that if you've been with us from the beginning. Right. Know what episode this is. But whatever it is, we're not going to I don't know just if you've been dabbling, just just dip your dang foot in the water like jump off the deep end. Come on in. The water's warm. It's it's we know what to do. We're here for you. We've got it. So we've got say you guessed it, a group. It's a sit. We're in the safe. The Tree of trust like we're here. It's time now. Because before you know it and this is me speaking from being in private practice, working 80, 90 hours a week, helping people get out of pain, improve their quality of life and change their mindset when it comes to the definition of the word health, that it's not a symptom management, it's that your body needs to be healing and functioning properly. That I went through this state, this progression of realizing that I couldn't figure out how to help myself first. And then I was getting sicker and I was turning into the very thing that I was trying to prevent.

Like now is the time. Just a simple decision. Flip the switch. And reach out, download the fast arc item, let's do it. Mm hmm. Well said. Should we start writing? I don't think so. I think we should end their effort. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know. I don't. I.

My soapbox seems feels pretty high right now. I think I'm prior on nineteen thousand feet. Little bit of oxygen. My face is a little flush. My feet are kind of cold.

But hopefully the message was received.

I think it was. I think people are. They're there. They're getting it. They're finding us. They're hearing the message and they're taking action with it.

We're getting we're getting messages back. I finally did. Let's see, we just got one earlier today and she said, hey, thanks for the episode on the 72 hours. I'm going to take my first, you know, dive into the 72 hour water. I've been doing one meal a day, 24 hour fast. I got to do it. You know, we've got multiple messages like that. So that's cool.

Yeah, that was. Yeah, that was that was your story. That was your episode. Right. So I just I like how you pull that a little bit back toward you. I do realize I hijacked this a little bit.

So I hear you're laughing now. We're an audio medium. This is it. We're on Zoom so I can see the laughter. But again, the part of this is that it's conversational. It's actionable. It's accountability. We're here for it. This is why we started doing it. So once again, I just encourage that. You know, you start now. There is no absolutely no better time to get going.

If you're hearing this for the first time, like you're you're just joining us.

And you didn't go back and listen from the great, great point.

Yeah. I mean, it it's it's kind of a different deal. So maybe go back. Listen. But just to get you up to speed, if you've never fasted before or you've you've never done more than, you know, maybe a a missed meal or two, there is a mind shift that occurs when you start doing longer fasts. There's a power behind it, whether you have 10 pounds lose or a hundred and fifty pounds to lose or you're on medications for the last 30 years. It doesn't matter.

This this can completely reverse so many things, so many years of doctors charts and medications and procedures, recommendations. Everything.

So it's there's there's just so much to it. But it's so simple. It is. It's so simple.

I think we should just wrap it up here. I have nothing else to say. I don't think we need to say anything else. Yes. Re-assuring guys. Yeah, I think so. Appreciate it. Tell me. You have a good night, sir. Yeah, you too. Let's go.

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