Ep. 106 - How John lost 50+ pounds in 4 months fasting | Should you do a 7-day fast or a few 48-hour fasts? | What do I eat to break my fast? | Fasting to get off blood pressure and anxiety meds | Fasting Challenge | Free Intermittent Fasting Plan OMAD

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2022

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In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss an incredible listener success story losing almost 60 pounds in just a few months! The path from A to Z looks different for everyone, but there are many common checkpoints and hurdles along the way. Identifying these and getting your questions answered can be the difference between getting to the next milestone on your fasting journey and becoming frustrated with the process.


Show Transcript: www.thefastingforlife.com/blog


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Fasting For Life Ep. 106.mp3

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:01] Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier

Tommy Welling: [00:00:03] And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:08] This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health. Achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve.

Tommy Welling: [00:00:15] Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:25] We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned

[00:00:30] Along the way.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:40] Everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier, and I am here, as always, is my good friend and colleague Tomi Welling. Happy New Year to you, sir. How are you?

Tommy Welling: [00:00:49] I'm doing well, Scott. How are you

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:51] Doing? Fantastic three little curveball there. A little variation of our normal intro. It is a new year. We are excited. The holiday season was absolutely incredible. Thank you all for all of the messages and the kind words and the shout outs as we embark on 2020 two. I can't even believe I'm saying those words. We have an incredible lineup this year. We've got eight challenges on the books. We're going to mention that a little bit here, but Tommy, as we just passed episode one hundred and if you guys are looking for a little boost, a little motivation, a reset, we get that question a lot. Go ahead and listen back to episode one hundred. It has some of the most impactful episodes that we've gotten feedback on and then also just a lot of hope and energy and positive energy and winds as we celebrated that episode and that milestone. And then as we embark into 2020 to, you know, we want to share with you the story of a successful fasting transformation, and this is something that we debated on how we're going to start off. Like, what's the episode going to be when we begin the year? Like, how are we going to launch twenty twenty two? And we're like, Yeah, well, what's better than sharing Jon's journey, which is an ideal successful fasting transformation that's taken place over the last four to five months?

Tommy Welling: [00:02:10] Yeah, this is this is such a cool way to start the year because I mean, this is where the idea for the podcast even just came from. Like we want to we want to like celebrate the successful transformations because sometimes they're not always just straight from from point A to point B, like they're they're curvy, they're they're messy life, you know, gets in the way, if you will. But life happens and there's there's a lot of moving parts, but it can be really helpful to see what somebody else like reflects on and what they kind of go through as they're making their way through their own fasting journey. So then I can I can kind of take stock of where I am and make some new decisions for myself and and see where I need to go next and where I can probably level up and kind of get to that next point that I want to get to.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:02:59] And it's really one of the biggest questions that we get is like, OK, I've got the last five to ten pounds to lose or, hey, I'm new to fasting or I used to do fasting. And then some life event kicked me off off track or, you know, some procedure or loss of a loved one or a new job or a relocation or something. Life gets in the way. So it's always that question of we're all on this spectrum somewhere of our fasting journey, right? Right. So it's like, Well, where do you reenter, like here in Houston? Like, where do you where do you get on the highway if you're not from around here where we weren't, I've told the story, you know, of my dad driving the U-Haul truck from Florida. I was in Florida for grad school and you know, there's a caravan of us coming across the country and I was like, Dad, just stay in the middle two lanes because at some point the Houston highway is 30 lanes wide, like one of the largest highways in the world. That's including the frontage roads and the U-turn roads and the left turn only and the and the right turns and the two lanes that you can turn right in and the two lanes you can turn left in. And my dad, just like apparently he couldn't handle it and he drifted off into some neighborhood and I had to go find him so right, you know, all just envision all of those roads and on ramps and off ramps like that's part of, you know, the health journey becoming that five percent that keep the weight off and, you know, maintain the health that they're looking for or the 12 percent, you know, of some of the most.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:04:17] The newest research that's come out about you hear us talk about this, about the 12 percent that are metabolically healthy, right? Yeah. And so how do we start off? How do we summarize that all in one conversation? Well, you could go listen to one hundred and whatever episode this is right? One hundred and six, I think 105, whatever episode we're on, right? I don't keep track of the numbers, but like, you know, outside of the 50 and 100, of course. But you know, like, you could go listen to all of them. But that's like really hard. So we want to do today is really set the stage for for the best way to envision what the fasting for life, lifestyle or the fasting lifestyle is going to look like for you. And there's some individuality in that. So what I mean, a perfect time started twenty twenty two. We just did our New Year's Resolutions podcast, right? That just came out about how not to frame out the year, right? So this is really going to be like the perfect journey for someone that wants to lose 30, 40, 50 pounds and adopt this lifestyle for good.

Tommy Welling: [00:05:15] Yeah, it's really interesting to me because like everyone comes to two fasting with with a different history. I mean, we've we've met lots of people who came to fasting and they had never done any other, you know, dieting or like, you know, calorie in, calorie out, you know, or anything else like that may have never had surgery or medications or or anything else related to to, you know, a lot of the health conditions. So we talk about and things like that, whereas on the on the other side of that spectrum that you alluded to, there's there's lots and lots of history of like major, you know, disease processes, surgeries and lots and lots of history and with limited success and lots of failure. Yo yo dieting and all these kind of things. And you know, so everywhere in between, there's there's levels of psychological, you know, frustrations and baggage and things like that. So, you know, everyone kind of comes to fasting with with a different like framework and and starting point. But along the way, there's lots and lots of similarities in those transformational journeys as well. Like, Where should I get started? Ok, I'm here. I leveled up to this point. Where do I go next? Or how do I figure out like how to get confidence from these, these certain situations that that keep coming up? Like, I just don't quite understand what I need to do next. But like, where? Where should I go now from here to get to the next level?

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:06:37] Yeah. And this is what John's journey is perfectly going to outline. So there's going to be some stop stopping points. We're going to unpack some stuff here as we go. And you know, this was the conversational nature of what it is that we do. And you know, he it's funny because there's a few things that really stand out, you know, over the last four or five months and the conversations and the messages. And he was part of our last challenge, by the way, the next challenge, we've gotten a lot of messages on it. We've got some people already pre-rolled from it because we did, you know, a pre-launch back in around Thanksgiving. And so just there's already a lot of energy and questions about when the next one is. We moved it a little bit earlier this year. So January 12th is the next seven day fasting ramp up challenge. So the link is in the show notes. You can go there, click on it, get registered. Don't miss out the first one of the year, and dare I say, it is going to be the best one yet because it, man, we just got some new stuff come in and some new things we're working on. So super excited about that. So Jon's journey started, you know, when he started fasting back at the end of August.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:07:46] So let's say we'll give him a week in August, September, October and November, December. So let's say for four and a half months, right? Of what a successful fasting transformation, because this is where somebody says, Well, what does this look like? I've got 50 pounds to lose what's a reasonable amount of time, and we've done a podcast episode on how fast is too fast, right? And we try to give you some nuances and perspective on how to customize it and what's individual individualists, excuse me, individualized for you and what's sustainable, right? So when he messaged on November 3rd, he had asked. What does a seven day fast look like? Is it just water? Is it just coffee or is it just tea? And you said, Hey, I just started listening to your podcast. This was in November, but his fasting journey started the last week in August, right? And just for the overview, like the summary before we get through some of the checkpoints, which is really cool, is that he went when he messaged. I just had an exchange with him a couple of days ago, and he's eight pounds away from his goal of 150. And he started at two 16. Oh. So quick math.

Tommy Welling: [00:08:59] Yeah, we're we're north of 50 pounds here and. This is OK. This is a matter of months, yeah, I mean, that's that's huge. That's awesome.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:09:11] Yeah. So he was already well on his way, right? So this is part of that, that that conversation of like, how do you how do you get onto the main highway, right? Like the analogy when I told about, you know, the story of moving to Houston and just the the monstrosity of the highway system with all the on ramps and off ramps like so he came to us already, you know, about six or eight weeks into his fasting journey. And at that time he was about one hundred and seventy pounds, right? So now he's down another 12 or 13 14 quick math on the fly there since then. And the first question was on November 3rd, and it was like, What about this seven day fast? I kind of want to, you know, I want to see if I can like you could just feel that inquisitive. I've heard you mention this before, but like, that's the benefit of a longer, fast right? And then listen to the podcast. And ironically enough, we were prepping for the challenge that we did in the middle of November, and I didn't, you know, we didn't get back to him. So he followed up a couple of days later like, Hey, do you guys not answer questions around here? And if you're listening and you've been with us for a while and you've asked us a question and we haven't gotten back to you, ask us again.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:10:15] It's not intentional. You're right, it's Tommy and I. We do have a little bit of help in our groups. We do have a little bit, but it's literally you and I, yeah, trying to get to everybody. And it's a great problem to have, right? But sometimes we just we don't get to it or we miss it or we intend to get back to it. And it's marked as read or it's handed off. So John took the initiative and was like, Well, you guys don't answer questions around here, right? And when I got back to him, I was like, No, no, sorry. Apologies gave him the context he was looking for. And then he's like, I just did a 48 hour fast and I can't, I can't tell you, I'm down to one sixty nine from 216. I have so much energy and just like thanked us profusely for, you know, eventually it was only a few days. I'll just say that, right? Ok. But answering that question, so it was like the question about the seven day fast, like, what does that look like? And then he's like, Hey, I just did a 48. Never thought I'd be able to do that. Hey, I'm down to one 69 from 216. I've got so much energy like that was all from like November 3rd to to to November 7th, November 8th, just going back and forth via email and messenger.

Tommy Welling: [00:11:17] So he was he was ready to rock. I mean, he was like he was. He could feel this this drive to do something to get somewhere new and just just wanted, you know, a couple of those little like touch points like, Hey, what? What about this? Like, what do you guys think about this? But I love the fact that that when he didn't get an answer in a day or two, he knew it was important. It was important for his own success.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:11:44] So made up his mind.

Tommy Welling: [00:11:45] Yeah, he had made up his mind. He raised his hand and instead of just raising it, he started like waving it around, like, Hey, over here, like, Hey, hey, you guys, hey, look at me. Hey, look at me. Yeah, and that's so cool because, you know, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but sometimes we have to put our own, our own goals and priorities up at the top of the list and and kind of hold them up on a pedestal. So we go, you know what? My question is important enough. I really need to get an answer here, you know, and respectfully asking again so that he could get that, that touch point so that he could get to the next level. I just love that.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:12:20] And then another conversation. So another like one of these beginner type questions or like intermediate type questions is, well, hey, I've noticed that my body's changed, right? So my my digestion is no longer what it used to be. Now, all of a sudden, you know, a couple of months in and now I'm starting to experience the the evacuation that can take place when you break longer fasts because that was a new skill. So asked a question about why do I have to run to the bathroom like when I break a fast? Well, we've we've done multiple episodes on that, and the simple answer is break your fast, slowly, try some different things. A handful of almonds decrease your water intake and just know that your digestive gastric juices need to balance out to your new frequency and amount of food that's coming in right? You're you're 40 pounds less. It's it's a drastically different environment. So got through that question. And then it was like the day of the challenge on November 17th and blowing the messenger goes off and then the email goes off because now we now John knows how to get us right. And he says, Hey, what about this challenge? Like what's included? Like, You know, I work. I don't know if I can get on with the lives, like, what is it all about? So I sent him just like a screenshot from the registration page, and you guys can click on that link for the one on January 12th. And he was just needing a little bit more again, just a little bit more clarification on what it was, and he signed up on that last day and just had a really incredible experience of of just we call it the firehose effect you learn.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:13:50] Yeah, we learned. And that's why you get the videos right. You get the recordings, you get to keep those, you log into our website and those are yours because it's like, OK, that was a lot of information. But through the challenge, you know, we always see these transformations. Take place in seven days. We'll see an average around seven or eight pounds lost, and we know exactly on day five that there's going to be some struggle bus happening. Yeah, and then it's not a seven day fast, by the way. We use fasting windows from 18 to up to 48 hours, depending on your your your experience level, right? Right. Yeah. So it was cool because then we got to watch his transformation kind of accelerate through those seven days. And on the end, we'll share a couple of cool things here, a couple more stopping or checkpoints here along the way on this this journey. So in a seven day journey. So a short couple of brief conversations turn into a seven day challenge and we're talking about his four or five month journey right now. And it's just consistently why we thought this would be a cool way to start the year because this is what people are looking for. They're looking to know that when they start that if they hit a sticking point, they have a they have a solution. And then what the end result should be. And we'll share where what we think is maintenance will look like here coming up in the near future.

Tommy Welling: [00:15:08] Yeah. And it was so cool because if you think about it, these little stopping points along the way, I haven't met anybody who's been on a significant fasting journey, whether it's for physical transformation or it's just it's just a long term lifestyle adaptation who hasn't had like question marks along the way where they look for these different points like, Hey, I wish I could just get some clarity on this. That would really that would really help me in my own conviction and my own decision making process and feel like I have more of a of a confident grasp on this. And so, you know, Jon reaching out at these different points and then you can like you can see the way he he got to the next level. But it's cool because these points are built into every single day of the seven day challenge, too. So we actually build in the Q&A for this too because of of this exact phenomenon right here that as you go through it, as you use a little bit longer or different fasting interval, see a little bit different result. You may all of a sudden have a new set of questions that comes up. And here's the opportunity to get answers every single day for it and then take it and then run with it like Jon did. And it's just it's so cool because this is a very, very common experience during the challenge. We just don't normally hear from someone, you know, get get like a look at the whole story beforehand and then during the challenge and then afterwards, you know, like like he's like, he's done here.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:16:39] Yeah, and it's interesting. So I'm just going to rat a tat tat some of the questions that he posted because they were so great, you know, and we're talking about that beginner to intermediate experience with fasting, right? And it was like, you know, eagerly awaiting next week schedule frightened question. What I was doing didn't really have the answer. Just knew that I was in the right place. Hey, where can I get that food list? Because we have recipe packs that yeah, one of the biggest questions you get is, Well, what do I eat when I break a fast right? Because there are two parts to it, right? Yeah. So we have the low carb, the high protein, the keto, the the plant based vegan. Yeah, all of those different things. The five ingredient list, the simple, quick recipe ones. So, you know, so we take the thinking out of it as support. So then he was looking for those and then hashtag non scale victory more energy than I can remember ever remember having. Oh, I'm up three pounds from a week. That was after the challenge ended and Thanksgiving was involved, right? Yep, I'm working on my hatred for the scale. Longer fast seemed to bother me more when I go to bed and I think about getting up and eating, you know, now we're talking about potential for cravings.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:17:43] Or maybe you've hit a set point. We'll unpack that here in just a minute, you know, started on eight 22, down 53 pounds off blood pressure medication off anxiety medication at fifty seven haven't felt this good in years. You know we'll Himalayan salt break my fast. Is that what I should be using? I've noticed when I fast at times I get grumpy. How can I deal with this? You know, just and it just keeps continuing like this ability to ask the questions and get the answers. And that was all just through the seven days. So since then, the cool thing is, is the continuation of the process, right? So yeah, implementing some of those those new learned skills or concepts has led to the point where, you know, reached out a couple of days ago and was like, Hey, when's the next challenge? I've got about six to eight pounds left. I want to lose, and I don't know what to do now, because now you're going to be transitioning into maintenance, right? Because you've been in the fat loss phase. So you're a completely different person, right?

Tommy Welling: [00:18:48] Yeah. Like behavior patterns are different. The way I'm thinking is different, the way I'm eating and thinking about what I'm going to be eating and how to maintain these results. All of these things are are now different. So so how do I make a smooth transition to that point? And you know, that's that's another thing that we. Rest during the challenge, but the interesting part for me is that, you know, going through the challenge a month and a half ago, he wasn't he wasn't attuned to that part of the challenge, even though we specifically address it. And there is replay value in what he has access to right now. But he's still thinking, OK, going through this part of my journey, I'd like to be able to have that that same level of confidence where I can ask the new questions and get the perspective here in real time, which is it's just it's a really cool thing. And that's why I think we see a lot of success stories like coming out of out of a challenge and from some of these cool interactions. It's just it's just awesome to see

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:19:45] Once you start pulling back some of the layers of some of the habits and some of the defaults and some of the emotional connections to food and stress and how it can trigger and poor sleep and how it can trigger cravings. And yeah, you just you get to this point where there are physiological checkpoints along this path as well, like we mentioned with the digestive changes. So the most recent question John brought up was, Hey, I'm really noticing myself having a lot of cravings and being more hungry and like having cravings for sweets. And you know it. And it's not a simple question now is that is that common when you when you lose a bunch of weight and you're about to maybe reach the bottom of the basement for weight loss, and now it's time to think about the next steps? Yeah, that's absolutely common. So you're probably out of for John, he's probably at a physiological point where he's he's got that last five or eight, 10 pounds to lose. And this is kind of one of the subsets of people that get great results during the challenge, which is I have lost the same 10 to 15 pounds for the last 20 years. Well, it used to be 10. Now it's 20 or 30, right? So it's like I can lose it, but then I can't keep it off or I've got the last five or 10 to lose and I just can't seem to get it to stick, right? Yeah.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:20:56] So there's a lot of goal setting and emotional, you know, conversations around, well, why is that an important goal? Like, what does that number mean to you? Like, is that your actual maintenance goal, right? But interesting to see where he's at now, which is sounds pretty, pretty clear to me that it is a set point. So the encouragement here is going to be, Hey, this next challenge for you, John, is going to be a lot different than the last one because you're at a completely different place and we're going to focus more on, you know, the nutrient density of foods and how much you should be eating and the fact that if you are at a set point, you need to kind of take a fast break or reverse fast or reverse, you know, kind of timeline here and start giving your body the ability to kind of balance and just hang out here for a while, possibly rather than just trying to continue to push through that goal because your body needs to know that, you know, OK, we've had this aggressive fat loss. Now it's time to I don't want to say feed because I don't like the connotation that comes with that. But now it's time to rebalance and then kind of reflect on, OK, what does the last eight pounds look like? Is it that important? Or now can I start working on more healthy habits, more exercise type stuff, more body composition, type goals, et cetera, et cetera?

Tommy Welling: [00:22:17] Yeah, because, you know, sometimes sometimes to get to those fat loss goals, we may have used some longer fast to get there, but oftentimes to get to the maintenance point, we need to start using some shorter fast to get there. And with that comes more intentionality with what's on my plate. What what does that look like, right? And what what are my decisions with food and what are my my kind of day to day boundaries? Because now it's not like I have fifty thousand stored calories and a whole bunch of like margin of error. I don't have a bunch of room to play with anymore. We're getting pretty. We're getting into the nitty gritty like those last few pounds and the last few thousand extra stored calories gets, you know, we have to get a lot more, more kind of microscopic view with it almost, you know, it's a different conversation.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:23:05] Yeah. So the eating opportunities need to increase the types of maybe you've been more restrictive during your fat loss phase because that's just typical common practice. Sure. Especially around the holidays, right? Like we just the guilt that comes with food and the opportunity of the the food and the sweets and the desserts increases this time, you know, coming out of the holidays and we just seem to be so heavy handed with ourselves sometimes. And then we've got the emotional connections and the guilt and the and maybe the holidays is tough for you because the loss of a loved one and all this stuff, right? So when you're coming out and John's like coming into this position where it's maintenance, it's like, All right, well, what are the levers that we can pull? What does that look like and what's sustainable for you long term? So those are just some things that if you're at that point and this is at any point of John's journey, this is relating to you in some way. Maybe you're in the beginning, maybe you're in the middle, maybe you did a challenge, or maybe you've been thinking about doing one, you know, it's really coming down at that point, you know, going back. The beginning of when we decided to frame this story or this, this John's journey or this transformation of what the ideal fasting transformation can or should look like was really the fact that he had made up his mind that he was ready to make a change. Now comes in the second part, just like you fast and then, yeah, it does matter to some degree when you get especially where he's at now of what you're feeding yourself with, right, the nutrient dense foods. So when you fast and then you feed, now you've gone through an aggressive fat loss phase. Ok, well, what does it look like to sustain that?

Tommy Welling: [00:24:39] Yeah, and it's it's a great question, and I think it looks different for everyone because like I've known people to successfully maintain their fasting result, but don't really necessarily practice strict fasting for maintenance, you know, just they said, Well, you know what, I do like three meal opportunities per day. So I'm just I'm very intentional with those. They look a little different from day to day, whereas a lot of other people that we know practice intentional fasting day to day to maintain their results just, you know, using different windows and and things like that you don't like, you alluded to just different levers that you can put. But making that transition is kind of interesting. And we that's that's part of what we talk through in the challenge too, is like figuring out what your priorities are for that so you can see yourself maintaining these results and and making this a long term lifestyle that that works for you. Because if you if you can't see that, then you won't have enough gas on the fire to push yourself to those long term goals. Like at a certain point, your brain just goes, Nope, I don't see an end point to this. This isn't worth doing right here. It's not worth the effort that's getting put in. So, so really future pacing that seeing what the what the finish line can kind of look like or or what the long term sustainability is gives you the motivation and the power to to kind of get from where you are now to towards that goal?

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:26:08] Yeah. And I just shout out to you, John, for sure. I appreciate you reaching out. I appreciate you raising your hand a second time and kind of waving at us like, Hey, I'm over here the question. And it's been really awesome to be a part of your journey and full transparency if you guys have been listening. If you're new to the podcast, go back. Check out our first couple of episodes, gives you a little more insight into Tommy and I's journey and where we why we ended up turning the mics on and started recording these things and then developing some resources. You can get the fast start guide on the website. Be fasting for. That's just six simple steps to put one meal a day fasting into your life. There's an insulin assessment there. If you're curious and you've started to dig into the research a little bit more about weight loss resistance, insulin resistance, you've done the tracking and the calorie counting, and you just can't seem to make it stick right? Which is John's story, which is my story, which is your story, et cetera. Really? For today, Tommy, as you wrap up today's episode, it's it's going to be, you know, if you've been thinking about it making up your mind like Jon did with his story and like we did you know my me standing in your kitchen on Father's Day? Yeah, you you having that free audible credit, right? Where you're like, You know what? This is the obesity code. That's the book I'm going to click right? Right. You made that right. It's like, this is the starting point. So January 12th is it's time. You know, it's time to make up your mind. It's time to hop in. It's going to be an incredible challenge. Some new resources just upping the level of the experience. And I can't wait for it because it is, you know, it's just right around the corner. So January 12th is that start date, and you can click the link in the show notes, or you can go to WW WD Fasting for Life dot com forward slash live.

Tommy Welling: [00:27:58] Yeah, you absolutely can. And what you just brought me back to you, right there was the fact that I remember clicking buy on the obesity code. It was not easy. It was my own struggle point. It was a challenge for me just to buy it because it was like, I think the answers I need lie here in this resource, but it felt like an admission of something like. Like that, I didn't have all the answers or that I had been doing something wrong or I needed something else to get me to the next level, it was tough to hit by. Everything in me was like, No, you don't, you don't need that. You already, you know, the equations, you know, the physiology. You don't really need that right? But I did it anyway. And then it literally blew the doors open on possibilities for my own health and and well-being. So I'm going to encourage you wherever you are in your journey, just make a decision to challenge yourself. So I think this is going to be a fantastic way to do that. Kicking off the year and the possibilities are endless after it.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:29:08] All right, perfect ending to hopefully a great episode. I think we did a great Tommy. I love John's story again. Shout out to you, John, for all you listeners, appreciate you guys tuning in to another episode. I want to wish everyone the happiest of New Years. It is twenty twenty two. It is the year that we stop saying I quit or I will start next Monday. Or, Yeah, yeah, I'll get to it. It's the time is now we know what we need to do. Join us on this journey. And Tommy, as always, thank you for the conversation. Sure, sure. And Happy New Year!

Tommy Welling: [00:29:43] Thank you. Happy New Year! Bye. So you've heard today's episode, and you may be wondering, where do I start? Head on over to the fasting for life and sign up for our newsletter, where you'll receive fasting tips and strategies to maximize results and fit fasting into your day to day life while you're there.

Dr. Scott Watier: [00:30:00] Download your free fast start guide to get started today. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star review, and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for Life.


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