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In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy break down the often well-intentioned but ineffective New Year's resolution. Changing habits is not easy, but when we consider the context each one, we can formulate a plan to make meaningful improvements that do not need to take all year.
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Fasting For Life Ep. 105.mp3
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:01] Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier
Tommy Welling: [00:00:03] And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:08] This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health. Achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve. Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps.
Tommy Welling: [00:00:20] We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:23] Of lifestyle design. We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned
[00:00:30] Along the way.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:40] Hey, everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier and I'm here. As always, I'm my good friend and colleague Tommy Welling. Happy almost new year to you, sir. How are you?
Tommy Welling: [00:00:50] I'm doing well. Yeah, happy almost new year to you too. How are you
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:54] Doing? Great, man? Couple of days away here and we are going to have a fun conversation today. Self-proclaimed fun. So we appreciate all you listeners coming on board. And this is an episode that we are going to reference throughout the calendar year because we are going to talk about that dreaded little creature called the New Year's resolutions. Now, before you hit skip forward or pause or delete episodes. Stick with us because we are absolutely going to make this actionable, as we always say. So if you're new to the podcast, every episode, we try to give you something actionable to take home and put into your day to day life. Regarding the fasting lifestyle, that is why it is called fasting for life. If you guys have been with us for a while, we appreciate you listening. So, Tommy, New Year's resolutions, man. Fun stuff. Let's let's let's break it down a little bit and. Try to put some new frameworks in here and some new constructs that can set the entire year up for success rather than just knowing they're not going to work or throwing in the proverbial towel.
Tommy Welling: [00:01:59] Yeah, New Year's resolutions were always kind of a funny thing for me because I know personally that they they always involved some sort of exercise and some sort of weight goal. It tended to be a little bit bigger than than the year before that because I didn't have all the momentum or success going throughout the year. So it was a little bit more than I needed to accomplish the following year. But they tended to look similar. You know, put some money aside, lose some weight, clean up some habits, that kind of thing. But the the thing about it is I never really got too far into the year with with a whole lot that was different, right? It didn't feel like I had accomplished a lot. You know, at any point, really during the year. So I don't know. At a certain point, I started losing faith in the actual practice of a New Year's resolution. It just it just felt like I needed to do something a little different to actually get results.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:02:56] So why are we talking about New Year's resolutions, right? Because you just brought up a really good point. Like? The top three are typically exercise, lose some weight and save some money, right? And the staggering statistics that come along with this are just it's crazy. So February 1st is actually known as like the end of New Year's Resolution Day. Throw it away. Throw in the towel day. Yeah, it's like, man. All right. So is the day where we call it quits on the resolutions. Now we're not saying don't set goals. Ok, so just let's not what we're saying. We're going to talk about this and unpack it and how it applies to a fasting lifestyle and why fasting for life is what it is and the long term health benefits of losing weight and all this stuff. But you know, depending on the research we look at are the polls that are done anywhere between, you know, 60 60 to 70 percent upwards of 70 percent of resolutions are done by February 1st and the end of the year. Stats are even more like staggering.
Tommy Welling: [00:03:58] Yeah, ninety one percent of people by the end of the year will feel like like what I just described, like they just they failed their New Year's resolutions. So I mean, imagine imagine going through life and every single year you put like a failure stamp on that year because your most important goals were ones that you didn't feel like you made any progress towards, like so we need to do something different.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:04:20] So it's like, Man, I'm going to go out. I'm going to do. Say, you're a contractor or you, whatever the career that you have and you're like, I'm going to go out and, you know, I'm going to make one hundred dollars, but. You know. That ninety one of those dollars automatically goes to bills, that's a terrible way to frame going to work, right? You're going to be like, Oh, no, like, you're going to do it right. You need to put a house over your head and provide for your family, right? That's why we go to work. But that's going to be a really tough framework to institute some long term success or lifestyle change, right? So this is probably why self-proclaimed as well that it's like, well, I don't do resolutions anymore. Well, yeah, because you don't want, you know, the failure is inherent. You know that it's like, Yeah, OK. Now, it's not going to work, so why the heck am I going to do it right?
Tommy Welling: [00:05:09] Yeah, intuitively, like, you get that sense. So so what? What can we do differently? How do we kind of start structuring it a little bit differently? What always is glaring to me is the fact that it feels arbitrary. It's just another day. I mean, it's January 1st. Like, That's cool. Like we we hit a new year. But that doesn't mean I woke up as a new person that day just because it's a different year, right? So so my my habits aren't just automatically different. So if if my goal, no matter how big or important it is, if it's only based on what day of of the year it is or the fact that it's a new year, there's that's not a lot of meat on the bone. That's not a lot to hang on to, to put new habits or new strategies or new expectations or standards for myself around, there's going to have to be more for me to hang on to to actually implement things that are going to make an appreciable difference at the end of the day.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:06:10] So what I just heard there is hashtag flimsy, right? You're like, OK, like, yeah, this isn't this isn't really going to hold up in a court of law. So right? Top three reasons why people fail at New Year's resolutions, right? So these are the reasons why people say they fail. It's lacking self-discipline to stay on track, and we can unpack how fickle of a beast or a unicorn discipline and willpower are. Yeah. And then number two is too busy or too hectic to keep up with the new routine. Ok, so that's like I'm going to work out five days a week after work every single day. No, you're not. You're not going to do it. That doesn't happen overnight. Ok. And then the third one at 40 percent. So the last two are pretty close at forty three and 40 percent of the top three reasons why people fail at resolutions is the social pressure or the social construct. And we're going to talk about that when we give you the four things to do on how to frame putting fasting in for the long term and not just to becoming the next New Year's resolution or diet fad or weight loss program or or next thing that's not going to make it past February 1st.
Tommy Welling: [00:07:12] Right, right. Like a flash in the pan, a flash in the twenty twenty two pan. So, you know, like
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:07:17] Twenty twenty two man woof. We're here. Let's rock and roll.
Tommy Welling: [00:07:20] Right? Absolutely. And you know, like, I think that it's it's important to note that your resolution should be important to you. Like you said earlier, it's important to set goals. It's important to strive for new heights and to push yourself outside of your boundaries, but hinging it on something that's tangible, it's real, it's meaningful to you and being willing to start it on the 28th of December, let's say, or the 19th of January or the 15th of March, it doesn't matter, but but hinging it on on the fact that it's important to you, and that's why it matters. Not because the date, because as soon as the date changes and it doesn't really feel like the new year anymore, I think that's why February 1st, it's kind of like, OK, well, it's not even January anymore. So instead of it being a New Year's resolution, it was it was basically just a new month resolution
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:08:13] That could be any month. Yeah, right, right. You know, and our next challenge is coming up on January 12th, and we moved it earlier into the calendar this year because we waited for that dreaded January 28 to February 1st window. Yeah. And we've already got people pre-registered and we're like, No, this time we are starting as early as we can, right coming out of the holidays and the family engagements are the stuff that you and I have going on with. No, no, we are doing it and we're going to completely demolish the failure reasons which are lacking self-discipline to stay on track. We're going to unpack why discipline is a, you know, it's a finite thing like you just said you need to anchor to something greater than just a Hey, I need to lose 20 pounds, and that's not going to stick. When the social pressures or the count know the calendar ticks go by. You know, every time you draw a line on the wall or a notch, it's like, All right, another day, another day you get farther and farther out from the emotion that you were in in the moment that you made the decision to set that goal. And then, hey, guess what? Life happens in the holiday hangover goes away and you're like, Oh crap, life, it's back, right? Well, no, it's always been there. You've just had different focus points, right? So I think there was a cool post in our community group about something that was posted a couple of weeks ago about leading into the holidays and family traditions and some of the social stuff that can kind of, you know, break down our frameworks or throw a wrench in, right?
Tommy Welling: [00:09:38] So go ahead. Let me let me say something about those social constructs, because if you think about it? Well, like who we're used to hanging out with on a day to day basis, what our family expectations are within our household, no matter how big or small your family is, but who ends up seeing you from day to day? Maybe it's your coworkers, all these kind of things like you have a lot of expectations across a lot of different people, so they've all come to kind of be able to predict what you're going to do or maybe what you're going to say in a certain situation, what your opinion is likely to be. So when you start to change something as fundamental as like your day to day eating and or fasting habits, let's say or something else that that could potentially lead to large, meaningful, important change for you, you're going to have to anticipate that there's going to be some external pressure. There's going to be some of this like, Oh, well, I wasn't expecting you to say that. Well, I know because I need to do something different if I want to see a different result. So expect that there's going to be some of that swimming upstream. Go back to first two rules of fasting, not talking about fasting, but like like, build that into your plan. If you want to take on something, you know, a big, hairy, audacious goal, like, you know, losing 20 pounds or losing 80 pounds, you're going to have to insulate yourself from from some of those things.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:11:01] Shout out to Darren Hardy and the beehives. The big, hairy, audacious goals, right? If you're looking for, yeah, man, good stuff right there. So as we're framing out what the year is going to look like, the conversations through the holidays brought up some of the consistent things that we see that lead into the fact that it doesn't matter if it's January 1st, February 1st, March 1st, May 1st doesn't matter. It's that the intention going into it matters and the construct that it's set in matters. So to give you four things here in just a minute, but this the situation was, you know, this woman was on her fourth day of fasting and she'd like to go to seven days when I arrive in Mexico. So this is, I feel right out the gate. This is the I am fasting for seven days so I can have preparation to go crazy when I'm on vacation or just have no frameworks whatsoever, which sure that could is a microcosm of the Hey, I'll start on Monday. Hey, I'll start on January 1st. Hey, I'll start after this birthday party. Hey, I'll start after, you know, that kind of thing. And but she had forgotten that there was a family tradition that popped up on the weekend in the middle of her seven day fast. And it was a, you know, a family Christmas concert. And then they go out to eat and then they go get a special dessert afterwards, right? And the question was, should she eat and then start fasting again? Or somehow, do I resist the temptation to make it through to my original goal? And if this doesn't remind me of just like the same problem that happens with resolutions that fail is, you know, at the end, it's like, she says, here, I know once I'm on vacation, it will be very difficult to fast.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:12:49] Yeah, so that's January. So you're you're saying something? Yeah, in a nutshell, you're saying something out loud. You're doing it with a potentially misguided intention, right? You're going to you're going to you're going to start off in January because it's January. Well, I'm going to fast before a vacation so I can go on vacation and, you know, not worry about what I eat or drink or my habits or any of that stuff, right? I'm just because it's going to be really hard. And then life pops up with, Oh yeah, I forgot we had this concert, and then we have this tradition that's linked to the food rather than the enjoyment of the actual experience. And that is in a nutshell, in my opinion, these situations like this and how it mimics the resolution setting. So we want to give you some actionable things, and I know there's a couple of things you want to go through here, Tommy as well.
Tommy Welling: [00:13:37] Yeah. Like her, her situation is one that I could relate to. I mean, I found myself in that situation a lot where it was kind of like, you know, leading up to a vacation or a wedding or, you know, a special occasion of some sort, or maybe even just the holiday. Holidays, yeah, holidays was like, I'm going to see so many people that haven't seen me in a while, like, I don't want to. I don't want to be at the current weight where I am now. Can I just be like five or 10 or 15 pounds lighter than that? So I can be a little bit more confident and outgoing when I get together with with these people and these these special occasions, but I'm kind of dreading it at the back of my mind because it's like I know I have that pressure that I just described, but plus I have the temptation of of the foods and the indulgences and just the situation. I didn't have my own boundaries and framework that I was working with. It was it was a different construct. It was like tracking all the calories and doing those kind of things. But that, like social get togethers didn't fit into that framework for me. So I didn't really know what I was going to do. So it. Kind of I'm not I'm not sure, so I kind of painted myself into a corner and threw my hands up a little bit, and I'm hearing some of that in her post here too, which is like, I'm afraid I'm going to kind of go crazy on vacation or I don't really know how I'm going to behave on vacation, but I don't really have any any boundaries going in, so I need to be as prepared as possible. So let me do a more extreme seven day fast in preparation for that.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:15:11] And the reality is, with that seven day fast, maybe you lose 10 pounds, right? But then the 40 60 percent regain once you go back into consuming, you know, consistently or the old habit, so to speak. And then it's easy to put on another four to six pounds of glycogen in that short period of time. So you might have a net negative or a net negative effect of of of kind of almost like deflating yourself before you even start. So yeah. Same thing goes for the holiday season as well. I did this before my honeymoon. Six months had a nutritionist was doing all the right stuff, slowly and painfully got down to the number that I wanted will point to below. And then went on vacation and didn't go crazy, but just didn't worry about it, right? I felt good and you know, I'd made some progress and then I got back and I was like, Whoa, OK, well, now I'm behind where six, six pounds behind where I was. And I always remember it because that number stuck out to me for years because it was a no. That meant a change in my life and it was like, OK, I felt good and was in shape here. But then I, you know, could never really get the weight off past that point. And that was a physiological set point and something that I just had to work through and it took time and fasting was what actually nevermind got me back to that point, but blasted through it.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:16:20] Yeah. So when you're thinking about this stuff in the context of what a fasting lifestyle looks like or what becoming the ninety one percent of the people that stick to the goals they set, I won't even use the word resolution anymore. The goals they set in January or the one the. The fact that. The lifestyle overhauls and the lifestyle habits takes take months to rewire into your physiology. Yeah, you know, it's more complex than just say, I'm going to drink more, I'm going to drink a glass of water when I wake up in the morning. Yeah, and a couple of weeks, that's going to become a habit. So when we're applying this to fasting for life or the fasting friendly lifestyle or the insulin friendly lifestyle, how we kind of, you know, call it those different things in different conversations. You know, no one, even with the goal setting or the resolutions is or I said I wasn't going to say that word anymore is developing the necessary skills and mindset ahead of time. So if you've been dabbling with fasting and it hasn't stuck, then maybe you should focus on mindset. If you haven't even started fasting yet, then it's time to start. Like you don't have to wait till January 1st. You don't have to wait to join the challenge on January 12 like you can. You can start now and start getting some of those repetitions, but you need to make sure that your mindset is there.
Tommy Welling: [00:17:38] Yeah, absolutely. And the skills go along with that too. You're going to need both of those things because if you're going to put yourself into a new situation or you want to see a new outcome, you're going to need both. You're going to need to think a little bit differently about what you're doing and why. And then you're also going to need a few new tools in your tool belt to actually get you there. So maybe it's a new maybe it's a fasting timer, maybe it's putting an alarm clock in the kitchen or, you know, maybe it's putting a printing something out and putting something on your refrigerator door or your pantry door. Like there might just be some some little tools or some little skills or little optimizers that that you need to put into place so that it makes it makes it a little bit more automatic to make the decision that leans into where you're looking to go for those long term goals.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:18:24] And the second thing is really making like instead of making a declaration like I will do, something is asking questions and that's the second one. But before you move on from having the skills and the mindset, the mindset is directly linked to something greater that you can't just say like, you know, I'm going to lose 60 pounds this year. Like, OK, well, great. How the heck are you going to do that? Well, I'm going to break it down into one pound every however many weeks it is right like that you're starting to make smart goals or measurable goals. Are they attainable and realistic and all that kind of stuff? Yeah. But maybe for the mindset piece is you need to insulate yourself from certain people or certain situations where you maybe it's the Thursday happy hour or the Friday night, you know, whatever right? Or the the Sunday brunch or whatever it is that Sunday fun day. If you're into, like, let's say, football or whatever it is, where it's like the habit, the pattern keeps getting interrupted or you get derailed, maybe it's time to just think about like, what would that look like giving that up for the short term, you know, giving allowing yourself to get that momentum and not just automatically feeling like, Oh, so very first I'm done right?
Tommy Welling: [00:19:35] That's such a good one, though, because think about think about how the week can go versus how the weekend can go. And sometimes that starts on like that Thursday or that Friday. And it's just like. If I ordered if I, you know, if I ordered food on a Friday or I got takeout on a Friday, it was like the weekend was there was going to be no tracking over the weekend. It was going to be like, like, like this lady with her, her vacation. I was feeling like that every single week going into the weekend. And then so if that's not serving you and it's not going to lead you towards towards those those goals for 2022 or whatever they are, then then. Plan out an interrupter for that, for that pattern, for that behavior right there, I love that.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:20:19] Yeah. So going into the second one is asking questions instead of making declarations, and this is powerful. So we just started to ask questions right in that previous convo, right? There was, yeah, well, well. So it's like I will lose 60 pounds versus I will put together an actionable plan to work out five times a week and track my calories. I'm joking this is not right. We don't need to do this with fasting, but you know, I will fast next year as part of my plan to lose weight versus, you know, what is the fasting window that I can consistently stick to for long term results? Yeah.
Tommy Welling: [00:20:55] Or what? What new tools do I need to implement a fasting lifestyle or why? Why am I considering using fasting in 2022 to hit the goals that are important to me? Like, what are my fasting goals? What would I like to see at the end of January? Let's not. Let's not talk about December 31st, 2022 as the endpoint for for my goal for for right now that I'm setting. But what do I want to see for the end of January? What if I? What if I chunked it out into into like monthly segments, right? And that that leads into into one or the other? One of the other tips here, which is about timing, right?
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:21:36] Yeah, when we're talking about the timing, so this is this is how do we unpack this in a way, I want to make sure that this is actionable, right? So this this goes back to the don't necessarily wait to the beginning of the year or the next Monday or after the previous the next social event. Or I'll start the new diet after, you know, after the wedding or whatever it is, right, the next life event that you have. Yeah, it's you know, the fact that the success of the resolution can hinge on finding the right moment to take action. And that is going to be through the factors that surround the habit, such as location or context. So context and timing to me can sometimes go together.
Tommy Welling: [00:22:27] Yeah, because if if the context of your goal is just based on an arbitrary date on the calendar, there's not much to hang on to. But sometimes it also means like shaking things up a little bit. Right, where you're needing to make some changes in the overall environment or in the context in which you you kind of find yourself because your your behavioral patterns have a a tendency to to be connected to your external environment. So if like if I have trigger foods in my pantry that aren't serving my goals, if I stop buying them, I've interrupted the pattern. I don't have to find myself seeking them out in my own pantry, potentially breaking a fast that I set out to do and thus leading me farther away from my goals. So sometimes I have to change my my external environment so that I can kind of lean into my, my goals and my new behavioral patterns.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:23:22] Yeah. And it's in terms of location. You guys are like, Well, how does this, what do you mean, location? Like, how does this apply? Yeah. So we had a coaching client back in the day and he he self-admitted, I was like, So where do you where do you fall off? Where are your sticking points? Where are the where are the things that we can kind of put some new constructs in or some new context to certain situations where you know you love going to the, you know, after work, you love going to a certain restaurant or a buffet because honestly, it's not the food or the salad bar. It's the fact that you get to spend time with your spouse or you get to take your kids somewhere. Or it's that emotional connection to the to the actual event rather than like we talked about what the holiday situation with the woman who was like, Oh yeah, we have this thing, and now we have this family tradition. And should I keep my fast going or should I break it? Well, there was another situation where he's like, Yeah, every day I drive home, I passed the donut shop and four to five days I stopped. And every one day, I'll have the willpower to, OK, well, take a new way home. Like something, sometimes we make it too complex, like, well, where is the location of my, of my derailment? All right. Well, let me just simply move the location. Maybe you've moved in, your commute is different, and now you have to take breakfast in the car because of the amount of you have to get up before the Sun comes up every day at four a.m. just to drive into town to make it to work on time. Well, guess what? That's an easy way to skip breakfast. Grab that black coffee and go. So sometimes you try to overcomplicate this stuff, too.
Tommy Welling: [00:24:50] Yeah, I think that that's that's pretty actionable right there and what I'm thinking back to, to that community member and going into Mexico, that's that's a new location. And she's feeling like leaving the comfort of her home and her normal day to day environment. She's about to go into a new location, but instead of that serving her goals, she's actually I. I I feel from the post that there are some concern about what the behavior is going to be when I get to that new location. So anticipating that that change in location is going to change my behavior. So anticipating that and setting yourself up beforehand, like visualize yourself in the new location, but like committing to habits and behaviors that continue to serve your goals, even if they are a little bit different from how you would behave at home, they could still tend to overall lead you towards your long term goals. They don't have to completely derail you and give you some new project in January that you're going to have to undo, right?
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:25:49] Yeah, and I love it. And the fourth one here is we kind of wrap up today's episode is we're going to give you a bunch of action steps. It's New Year. You got some homework to do. You've got a few days to figure this out. But the last one is is really and this is something we talk about and, you know, is a lot is sleep and how important it is. And that was if you go back and you're new to the podcast, you haven't heard about our stories. You know, Tommy had had a, you know, nap attacks daily. You know, what am I going to get my nap in? Yeah, I used to do the same thing. So we're in the same boat there, but go back and listen to the first couple of episodes. Hear our story, figure out why it is. We're here, why we're doing what we're doing. And our goal is to literally transform the take on the the obesity and metabolic health diabetes epidemic that we have that is contributing to so many other health conditions like heart diseases and cancers and all of that like, let's help people get sustainable results. And starting with New Year's resolutions without these constructs is probably not the best way to get there. So we're going to give you a couple of fasting action steps. Go back and listen to the first episode, go back. If you're looking for just a little bit more motivation, go back and listen to episode one hundred where we just celebrated wins and it was like a 45 minute just conversation around successes and wins that we've seen, you know, from the people that have adopted this lifestyle.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:27:04] But the sleep thing is really important, and this is the last one for why resolutions and things like this tend to fail is if you're trying to lose weight or get healthier, lack of sleep will decrease your leptin, which helps, which is the hormone that tells you that you're full. It'll also increase your hunger and cravings. And if you're trying to be more fit and exercise more, if you're tired, you're not going to do it. And if you're trying to get, you know, improve your work performance or get a promotion, lack of sleep reduces productivity like this is all stuff that we've known, right? If you want to have a better year in terms of relationships and maybe you're looking to get back out on the dating scene or repair a relationship with a family or friend or work on your marriage, you know, lack of sleep contributes to poor mood, right? My wife said it to me. She's like, Wow, you're a lot happier when you fast and you just keep doing that. Like, I like this, like, this is good. I'm like, Yeah, you know, you're right. It hurt to say that in the moment, but she was absolutely right.
Tommy Welling: [00:28:05] Yeah. Sleep is is such a critical thing. And if you're thinking about anything that's like a new goal or something that's going to require new habits or new behaviors to actually get there, it even goes beyond just like your mood and your energy level, like those are super important. But what about your inhibitions? What about like just making that decision like like the guy driving by the donut shop? How how hard is it to say no to an old temptation or an old behavior when I'm feeling tired? If I'm feeling tired, I'm feeling frustrated, and I'm probably feeling a little bit more pessimistic versus optimistic. So it becomes really easy to go like, well, my my my goals that I set out for myself a few weeks ago. They're a little less important than this feeling in the moment where I'm frustrated, pessimistic, tired. I had a rough day because I wasn't communicating very effectively. Like all of these things lead to other things that aren't serving my long term goals and those add up over time, like really quickly.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:29:08] So as we wrap up today's episode, Tommy, we're going to start the new year for Happy New Year to everybody as well. 2020 is going to twenty twenty two. Excuse me, I left off at two is going to be an extremely great year for fasting. We have so much stuff planned for the fasting for life, family. Appreciate each and every one of you listening. We're coming up on a really big milestone too. With the podcast, we're going to share some more information with you guys about that. The next challenge is coming up January 12th, working on new programs and new resources and and new ways that we can support you on your fasting journey. So last few things for today is start now. Don't wait. Go to the website de fasting for life. You can download the fast start guide. If it's been a while, dust that thing off. Pull it out, reengage and really just go through the four things that we gave you, which is, you know, you've got the mindset you're ready to change. It doesn't need to be January one. So start now. Just tell your brain, you know what? I'm making a decision now, and I'm doing it for me. And then start asking some better questions. Write down some questions about things that you'd like to improve upon in 2022.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:30:07] That compared to twenty twenty one, start working on your sleep. Know that it's important if you've worn the badge like you, and I have told me that now I don't need sleep. I'm fine. Oh no, you do. It's physiologically proven. If you want to go against 60 years of sleep science, that's cool. But I don't encourage that and then work on starting to look at some of those locations and the context or constructs of kind of breaking some of those habit patterns. We got a lot of work to do Tommy, and it's going to be fun. So January 12 is going to kick off our year with our first challenge of the year. We are going to be bringing you eight challenges this year. So there's a lot of opportunity. But what I don't want you to do is now that you've heard that, I'll just catch the one in March. No, no, no, no, because that's January one, that's February one. That's the that's the abstract ness of just picking a day after a life event or whatever. But I'll start. No, no, no. Start now go to the website, download the guide. Dust that thing off and we're going to get started, Tommy. So as we wrap up today, any final thoughts for us as we end 2021 and go into 2020 to,
Tommy Welling: [00:31:05] Yeah, recognize that that you can break that pattern. Don't don't give in to the yeah, there's going to be a few more challenges this year, right? No, no, no. Break the pattern for yourself. You will thank yourself for it. Commit. Figure out what's important to you and why. And don't let the calendar dictate your goals and what's important to you and keep digging. Keep asking those questions about what you want, what you want to get out of the upcoming month, the upcoming year and find, you know, figure out what questions you need answers to and bring those into the challenge. Like we build in Q and A's into every single day of the challenge, just so we can address the tough questions that keep people from leveling up in their own results. So it's going to be cool. It's going to be really excited, really exciting. I'm really excited for it.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:31:56] Yep, sure. Love it. I love it. I love it. Happy New Year to you, sir. Happy New Year to all of you guys listening. Appreciate, y'all. And you know what? Next episode you hear it'll be twenty. Twenty two. We'll see you then. All right. See you.
Tommy Welling: [00:32:10] So you've heard today's episode, and you may be wondering, where do I start? Head on over to be fasting for life
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:32:16] And sign
Tommy Welling: [00:32:17] Up for our newsletter, where you'll receive fasting
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:32:19] Tips and strategies to maximize results and fit fasting into your day to day life. Why are you there? Download your free fast start guide to get started today. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star review and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for Life.
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