Ep. 10 - 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Eating Window & Powerful Research Data | 6x Fat Loss Boost, Muscle Sparing, Respiratory Ratio | Get Started with Your Free Fasting Plan

Fat | Fatter | Fasting

In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy talk about the latest obesity epidemic statistics and projections for the year 2030. Despite the dim outlook, they reveal a simple method anyone can use to protect themselves from the trend. They give details on how a small tweak in meal timing can have a MASSIVE impact in the body. Simple, effective, and backed by research, the intermittent fasting window of 16/8 is a simple solution to a growing problem. 


1. Projected U.S. State-Level Prevalence of Adult Obesity and Severe Obesity

2. Effects of Eight Weeks of Time-Restricted Feeding (16/8) on Basal Metabolism, Maximal Strength, Body Composition, Inflammation, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Resistance-Trained Males

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The Fasting for Life Podcast Ep. 10.mp3 was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best way to convert your audio to text. Our automated transcription algorithms works with many of the popular audio file formats.

Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Watier. And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health. Achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way.

Everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier and I am here, as always, with my good friend and colleague, Tommy Welling.

Good evening, sir. Hey, Scott, how are you doing? Awesome. I am excited for today's episode. I think this is number 10, right? That sounds right. Yeah. All right. I can still count to 10. That is awesome. So I owe. Somehow I forget man from week to week. But it's been a it's been a busy week. We've been diving into some of the courses and content and, you know, diabetes reversal programs and everything that we're gonna be rolling out in the next few months.

So it's just feel like the time between these episodes goes gets faster and faster every week.

Yeah, it's been it's been a little bit crazy. A lot of planning. Lot of kind of future casting. So, yeah, I I get it. So.

So, yeah, we got some good stuff to talk about, though, we're going to be talking about some obesity. Right.

Yeah. We're going to talk about the most recent numbers, how they're on the rise and just almost an exponential curve. It's really crazy how fast it's been going over the last 20 years.

And then we're also going to talk about the tried and true intermittent fasting window. When you say fasting to somebody, they typically will say, oh, yeah, I've heard of that. The 16 eight, you know, so we can talk about that today, too.

Yeah, that seems to be the most commonly heard about thing. I wonder if it's maybe because it's the least quote unquote, extreme. So maybe it's the easiest jump for people to start out with. So it it tends to be when I start talking about fasting and I get a really kind of. Fearful look on somebodies face. Maybe. Especially if they've heard that I've done a seven day fast or something else like that. Then if they ask me how to get started, I'll typically say sixty eight is a good way to get started.

Right. And it's interesting because that's seems to be industry standard, right?

Like what people like you said, what people know or what they recognize. But when I started, you were guiding me on this journey. It was like, well, know your minimum is gonna be twenty four hours.

And I thought that was crazy. And then I just did, you know, back to back seven days and it was super easy and awesome. So it's crazy how it changes. But yeah, we'll talk about the basic window and the benefits because a lot of the times, you know, we've gotten some feedback when we did that 20 20 vision challenges, that seven day challenge we did with the group with thirty five people in there and. One of the things was why, I don't know.

One of the questions is always there for do I start? So we had some options for for everybody that was in the group and given some guidance on how to plan the week and whatnot. But when you start talking about the longer windows, that's when people are like, oh, yeah, you must be doing something drastic to get these amazing benefits of fasting. And the reality is it's it's not the 16 day window works and gets the same benefit. You know, similarly, like last week where we talked about growth hormone and the anta called it the anti insulin, you know how they weren't antagonistic with one another. But on day one, after that 24 hour mark, you get a four fold spike in growth hormone. And by day five, it's a 10 times or a tenfold spike. So it's it's not drastic like that in terms of looking at the 16 day sixteen, eight or intermittent fasting window. You get the results of fasting if you fast. And it was just crazy, you know, in terms of looking at the obesity numbers, how simple this would be to reverse. And I know you had a realization when you were listening to all of the comments and reading some of the articles, you're like, oh, wait a minute, why does this have to be complicated?

Yeah, yeah. I mean, they they always start talking about how complicated it needs to be. And with obesity on the rise, this is going to take up a lot of time in the doctor's offices and they start going into stats about how many obese patients each doctor is having to take care of. And they're going to need a lot of time for intensive treatment, but they don't talk about what that treatment's going to look like. It's just it's like it's it's it's just a presumptive statement that this is going to take a lot of time to treat a severely obese patient. Well, no, it can be very, very simple with the right management. And if that physician has the right tools and the right knowledge and understanding of the method, it doesn't have to take more than a few minutes. And they could meet once a week or once a month, even with the right plan.

Right. And that's one of the things, you know, the term obesity, morbid obesity, severe obesity. You know, it is based on that BMI chart, which is not perfect because it doesn't take into account, you know, some muscle mass and density categories of of things that but the trends regardless are saying it's gone up 40 percent in the last two decades. So we're trending in the absolute wrong direction and it's clinically dead very quickly. And if you look at obesity for women, you know, five, five, one seventy five is considered obese. So I know my wife is 5'5. And that was her highest weight, I believe she got to one eighty one with a pregnancy. You know, so I couldn't imagine like people like, oh yeah, those numbers might be a little skewed, but I'm like, well, we'll know if you think about it. One seventy five, five five is probably not a healthy weight. Now, there may be some people that are, you know, into working out in bodybuilding and weightlifting and cross trainers, cross fighters and those types of things where you'll have a different composition. But the trends are absolutely going in the wrong direction. So we're not talking about these severe, you know, my six hundred pound life people where, you know, they need severe doctor supervision and they need oxygen and all that type of stuff. We're talking about the majority of Americans falling into this category of obesity.

Yes. Yeah. With with with no with no path towards any sort of reversal. You know, they keep throwing more supplements and more treatments at it. And, you know, more research, more dollars. And yet we seem to be just accelerating continuously in the wrong direction. I mean, there is something fundamentally wrong at the core here.

Yeah. And I think it's just in my opinion, it's misinformation, you know, because I was doing all of the right things for for those years leading up to putting it on Sloan. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, I was tracking I was doing macro's and we'll talk about a couple of things a minute. And I was exercising and I was I was counting my my calories and how much I burned and doing the calculations. And I had body fat testing done. I went to even see the specialists in Houston is extremely well known and the guy is great. But looking back on it, the reason I plateaued and then start my weight started creeping up again and my energy dropped was because it was still a restriction. A long term restriction plan where my body was never with my insulin resistance that was undiagnosed. It was never able to get there. So we're talking about the majority of people that have Yo-Yo dieted that struggle to keep the weight off, that are frustrated. You know, when the holidays come up or they have that next vacation, they don't look great in the bathing suit, et cetera. That's the category people that we want to talk about. So we're not talking about the shows you see on TV in the morbid obesity. We're talking about the majority of the population that is over. Wait. So when we look at it, just simply putting in a time restricted feeding window or that intermittent fasting window of 16A is extra is so powerful.

Yeah, we were looking at this at this study from twenty sixteen and I really liked it because it it it made it so simple and compared what we typically do. Let's say an 8 a.m. breakfast, 1 p.m. lunch, 8 p.m. dinner kind of schedule, just your typical three meals a day and then took the exact same foods in the same ratio, same number of calories and just tightened up that eating window by a little bit.

Instead of starting at 8:00 a.m., we went to 1:00 p.m.. OK.

But they still did three meals a day. It wasn't even just two meals a day at lunch and dinner. It was still three. They did, you know, roughly 1:00 p.m. and and 4:00 p.m. and then dinner at 8:00 p.m..

Same calories, though. So that's what we're comparing here.

Yeah. This study was so cool because it was an eight week study on time, restrictive feeding or the 16 eight window. When we say eight, we mean you are not consuming food for 16 hours and you're eating and ingesting food for eight hours. So typically people will just do a noon to 8:00 p.m. to keep it simple. And then you fast from 8:00 p.m. to the following noon, which would be lunch time. And that's your 16 hour window. Part of that window you are sleeping. Makes it easier when you're first starting out. And that's actually more beneficial because your body you know, when you wake up in the morning, there's there's additional benefits that we've talked about being in a fasted state. Yeah. So this study was looking at, you know, the normal standard, which is the 8:00 a.m. breakfast, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. lunch, 8:00 a.m. dinner. And then, like you said, the one for an eight. Now, typically, I don't like to eat three meals and an eight hour window. I typically like to do two. Yeah. And it was so cool because I was like, oh, there must be a difference in caloric needs. But no, these groups were eating the same 100 percent of the Claude needs based on their BMR and the macros were the same also. So there was actually a really well-controlled study.

Yeah. Yeah. And so it over time you would just intuitively predict it with these people were eating normally, they would be maintaining their exact weight and body composition over time. But that's not what we saw even with with that just tightening of the eating window right there.

So let's go into some results. Yeah, that was the craziest part, man. And, you know, I want to clarify just for a second.

So when I said a 40 percent increase in the last two decades, the Center for Health Statistics said currently right. More in 17 and 18 to doesn't. Between. 2018 forty two point four percent fell into that category of obesity on the BMI chart. And then the New England Journal of Medicine says up forty eight point nine percent by the year 2030. So we're talking half the population, so we're talking half the population. You and I talk. Well, how do we how do we educate people to fix it? Well, here's where the results come into play. Right. So we're looking at the same caloric needs based on BMR. We're looking at the macros being the same. So the word when we say macro, we mean the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrate. So there's three macro nutrients in your diet, right? Micro is all the you know, the the smaller ones. Yeah. Vitamins, minerals and stuff. So macronutrients. So carbs, proteins and fats. So eight weeks. Journal of Translational Medicine. The results onto a drummer.

But my hands don't move fast enough, so I don't know which one. Which one should we share first time? Yeah, that was good. Thank you.

Yeah. Thank you. Yep. I'll be here all week. So let's see. Let's go into it. So they measured a whole lot of different factors. We had strength factors. We had fat-free mass. We had body fat. We had respiratory ratios. A whole lot of different factors.

So I think we should start with the the the villain, which is insulin for a lot of people because it's undiagnosed. They don't realize it's an issue. They mostly get their blood sugar tested. Where I was testing my blood sugar and it was in the normal range, yet I was still having issues.

And the.

So the amazing thing was that blood glucose and insulin levels decreased only in the TRF group during that eight week study.

So at TRF being that time restricted feeding group, the the the eating window.. group.

Vitamin fasting group. Yeah, the 16A. I'd keep a tight TRF to me is is a new term. I know it's in all the study lingo. So I wrote it down and I read it just as is assuming that everybody. Yeah. They're like, oh, what is it? These guys talk about all these numbers and letters. So that was a huge one for me because it just hit home. I was like, wait a minute. So they ate the same. They just changed the window.

But the glucose and insulin levels decreased in the intermittent group like. Well. I wonder why this work. Right.

Right, right. Because I didn't take a very big change in in how they were eating that you skipped breakfast, right? You just skip breakfast. That's it. But you didn't even you didn't even actually skip the calories of breakfast. You still eat the calories. You just you just waited and pushed the same food into your next couple of meals. Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. And you didn't even have to miss another eating opportunity like you could. Do they still eat three times a day?

I honestly pulled this article up, not expecting to see very convincing results from such a small change. And it's it's really exciting to see that even just with a relatively small change, we get huge differences in results. So starting there and the list goes on, will we have more?

So let's get to the next one.

Trying to decide which one I'm on talking about. So the intermittent window, the fasting group, people eating, you know, the one foreign aid window suggests that eight hour window, 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 8 p.m..

The fasting group maintain their muscle mass equally with the group that was eating the norm, more standard breakfast, lunch and dinner while the fat mass. Meaning the fat was removed from their body. So the because one of the things we hear is that, oh, you know, your body breaks down muscle men to lose my lean muscle. Well, no, that's not true. And in this eight week study, your muscle mass was maintained, but you had more. Now you had the fat burning ability while maintaining that mass, which was really how much how much more fat burning did you have to, you know?

Yeah, I do know. And we did the math and we were both nit picking a little bit. So I. If I did the math. No. What did a number. I don't want to say it. I did that. They'll they're all waiting. No, I'm not going to say it. So. All right. I'm just gonna say it six times the fat loss. Six times the fat loss. So if someone God is just God.

Wow. So six times the fella. So it was it was something like two point eight percent decrease in fat mass versus a sixteen sixteen point four percent percent fat mass. Wow.

So while maintaining all the same muscle six times, just not even skipping a meal, you can still eat your breakfast. Just eat it at 1:00 p.m.. Right. That's it.

So all of the excuses, all of this. Oh, that's crazy. I can't do it. I like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Elaine on Seinfeld. Yada, yada, yada, yada, yada, yada. Like it. Just do it. Just do it. Eight weeks. OK. Come on. Eight weeks. It's usually eight weeks. It. Summer's coming. Eight weeks start.

Now that that's a huge compositional change. I mean, that is. I'm looking in the mirror. Change. That is a bathing suit, wedding honeymoon. That is a that is a major shift in barely one little tweak in your day to day routine.

16 percent in eight weeks. It's awesome. Now, I yeah.

Just so I'm going to make a recommendation to make even better. Just only two meals during your going to happen. Yeah. Yeah. No. Hey don't go crazy now. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Or make it a twenty four. OK. So the last one I think we should talk about is restaurant ratio.

I like respiratory ratio. OK. No, no. It's why we saved it. Yeah. Put our physiology hats on here for a second. So respiratory ratio guys, not to get too deep into it, but basically as we're shifting from sugar metabolism over to fat metabolism, what we see is a decrease in our respiratory ratio. All sugar would be a 1.0. All fats would be roughly a point seven respiratory ratio.

And we saw a significant decrease in this respiratory ratio during the eight week period, only in the time restricted feeding, which means just like we've been saying, it is a major shift from sugar metabolism to fat metabolism, which makes perfect sense.

But to see that six fold increase in the fat burning along with the respiratory ratio that confirms it backs it up is absolutely required for the body to be doing that and burning more fat. Just there's just huge corroboration in all of this evidence in a really nicely controlled study. I mean, this is a fantastic, you know, milestone for for the basic science of intermittent fasting and not even in the in the more extreme kind of range. This is a really mild study with fantastic results.

Right. And you use the word, you know, metabolism and sugar and fat.

So if you're looking at the take home on this is by only changing your window. And doing everything else the same, you're eating window. Right. You burn more fat. A lot more done done it. There it is. End of story.

It's as simple as that. It's awesome. And this is what we love about this is the simplicity. You can take your shake shake shaker bottles full of stuff and you can all the supplements and yeah, he'd need to take some supplements. We need some good Omega's in our life. You know, we need some vitamin D, especially, you know, with the immune stuff. And Vitamin C is great for you.

And any oxygen, you know, you can have those conversations where like all these weight loss programs and I looked at 15 different programs when I was running my multi-disciplinary clinic and all of them focused on meal plans, recipes, supplements, weighing scales, measuring cups, etc, etc., etc. And it was just some of them came with 24, 48.

Two hundred and seventy five plus page binders. And I'm going, oh okay. Yeah, we're not putting that. And it's like, okay well no wait you want to do 12 weeks of weight loss. Well yeah. OK. If we're doing some advanced weight loss, like when you showed me how to lose 50 and 50 50 pounds in 50 days as I go. Okay. I'm glad I had you there. But if if you want to lose 15 to 20 pounds over the next twelve weeks, you don't need all that stuff.

Just simply change your window, make a few better eating decisions, continue to move, doing whatever it is that you're doing, if you're not moving, start walking around the neighborhood and the results will absolutely blow your mind. If you just stick with it, the big changes that you try to make in the overhaul's never stick.

They don't stick. They just don't.

So if it's the consistency, the small consistency, the small changes over time that lead to the big, long lasting result. So start with your window. Pick, you know, restrict your window, your eating window.

From the 8 1 8 or the breakfast, lunch and dinner. Restricted to lunch and dinner. I say only two meals. Don't worry about the snacks. Make sure you drink some water. Make sure you're getting a decent amount of sleep. And it's it. I mean, it is just going to melt.

Yes. Give it a little bit of time. Stick with it. Set a plan. Write down a couple reasons why you're doing it. Even hold yourself accountable. Tell a friend. Tell a neighbor posted on our Facebook wall. Hey, girls. Put it in a review for the podcast. Tell us why you're doing it and and then tell us your progress as you go along. We'd love to hear it. And we want to help encourage you. And you have a question that comes up.

Send it to us. Let us answer it on the podcast, too. Yes, for sure. Since there's some good feedback like that, too. Yeah. Go go to the podcast. The fast in-flight podcast dropped a five star review in the review.

Post a question. We're gonna be gathering these questions up depending on how many we get, and then we'll be doing maybe an additional pod during the week or a special release pod or we just answer the questions. We may. We may make it our normal Friday release. We're not really sure yet. Yeah, but we want to be conversation on the accountability thing is huge. So when we did a couple of the weight loss programs in our clinic, we always made sure that there was an accountability partner. So tell somebody, you know, bring somebody with you, share the podcast with them, but go to at the fasting for life on Facebook, posted on our wall, will comment, will interact. Well, that's what we want.

We don't want this 50 percent of the stinkin population by the year. Twenty thirty is going to be struggling with this stuff. And it is way too simple to be struggling. Get some accountability posted on the wall. Put it out there in the ether. A fourth dimension it is out there. It will come back to you, you need it, whatever you believe, whatever however you think about that kind of stuff. But you got to get it out there. So I want to share, eh?

Eh, an update from one of the first people that I've been working with. Cool. And back in August, I haven't shared the city yet, but you've heard us mention her before. She was part of our challenge. She was. She's on our Facebook page. We're gonna get her on the podcast. We just haven't sets and then do an interview whether we just haven't set that. Yeah, that'll be cool.

Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. So just recently and I haven't seen or spoken to her in a while, but my wife's ah. And she shared with her that she's now down fifty four point eight pounds. She is. Point two pounds away from being under two hundred for the first time since she can remember. Well probably first child 16 or seventeen years ago. She's off all her medications as as we've known. But she. So she's just been able to do twenty two to twenty four hour fast. I think she pushes to twenty eight once she has an issue with some headaches.

And she finally decided, you know what? No, I'm Anna. I'm going to do this around my sleep schedule.

When she slept through, it made it to 40 hours.

It the first time and again her body kicked it into high gear and she was like, oh, here we go again. Because she had kind of plateaued a little bit. And I don't speak to her as often as to. Maybe that's not 100 percent accurate, but that's what it seemed like. And then she broke through that wall. She scheduled it. She simply was like, nope, not going to get the headaches anymore. She hit the 40 hour mark. So she literally lost all this weight, came off her medications just by doing one meal a day.

That's awesome. That's awesome. In a sense, since September. So if we're talking about doing sixty eight window, right? Mm hmm. Just for the next year. Just do it. And you will see the changes. It's impossible not to work it. It's just that simple. So I'm super proud of her. I'm super happy for her.

And she figured it out. And that's part of the mastery of this is, you know, I'm still figuring it out, too. I did back to back seven day fast. And on the second second one, I didn't feel as good. I didn't lose as much. I wasn't sleeping. So I realized that that's probably not a good plan for me. You know, there's some people we talk to that are just able to just bang out. Seventy two hour fast back to back to back to back because they feel better when they don't eat in their bodies, more in that state of ketosis. So, you know, she was able to finally figure it out at this point. She's figuring out the mastery of it, using the methods that we've taught her. And she's absolutely at the mindset and the motivation because she's like, well, two hundred. Yeah. Here we go. I'm hit my goal and then I'm gonna go teach this other people.

So just amazing, amazing stuff. So-call. Yep. I can't. I don't even met her yet, have you? No. No. Just just over Facebook and things like, yeah, make that happen. So take home one more time. Go ahead and head over to the podcast.

The Fasting for Life podcast. Apple. Spotify Revenue podcast. Drop us a five star review. Post a question. We'll be gathering them up. And then for you people that are pretending to be the men, young men and women at the junior high dance standing up against the wall, not jumping in and making the first move. Go to our Facebook wall. I know you love that analogy. Go to our Facebook wall. Put your name on it. Put the goal out there. Let us help you make it accountable. Put it out into the fourth dimension, into the ether. Let us let us see it. Bring a friend and just make it happen, because everybody's always like, I'll do it tomorrow. I'll do it. I'm just really tired of hearing that.

Just do it today. Do it now is to just do it now. Do it now. Right now. I should try now. Pull over and then do it as the only. That's the only caveat. Unless you're driving, please don't do that. But great. Be safe. Yes. Thank you. So just I'm excited, man.

I know we get a lot of stuff coming out. So if you guys are not subscribe to our newsletter, you can get that on our website to stay up to date with the latest stuff that we will be rolling out.

So much stuff coming. 20:20. It's March. It's been so much fun up until this point that I'm so glad that we're doing this together. Yeah. Because for soon enough.

Well, yeah. So if you guys haven't downloaded the fast start guide, go get that. And that will put your e-mail address on the newsletter as it starts to roll out to very shortly here.

Good. Good stuff. I always forget that the you know, those little details. And I just start talking. So that's OK. I've got to do something here. Yes. All right, Tommy. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Bye.

So you've heard today's episode and you may be wondering, where do I start? Head on over to be fasting for Life.com and sign up for our newsletter where you'll receive fasting tips and strategies to maximize results and fit fasting into your day to day life.

While you're there, download your free fast start guy to get started today. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star view and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for.

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