Ep. 35 - Can MCT Oil boost your metabolism? | Keto confessions with Bulletproof Coffee | Coconut Oil, Saturated Fats, & Keto Macros | Free Customized Intermittent Fasting Plan

In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss an extremely popular supplement that is commonly thought to help boost metabolism, support ketosis, and often misunderstood as a fasting and fat loss aid. MCT oil, or medium chain triglycerides oil, has exploded in recent years, leading to both effective and misguided use and misunderstandings. They discuss how to properly use MCT oil within an effective fasting program and what common pitfalls to avoid. Enjoy with your favorite cold brew!


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Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Watier, and I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast, and this podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health, achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss on health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way.

Everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier. I'm here, as always, is my good friend and colleague, Tommy Welling. Good evening once again to you, sir.

Hey, Scott. How are you, man?

I am hungry because we're about to talk about one of my past loves of my Kaito life tonight. And we'll will kind of dangle the carrot a little bit here. But we got to I think we can have a really good conversation tonight around MCT oil and what that is, how it can be beneficial, but also how it can be kind of a trap and something that people seem to not want to give up.

Yeah, we get a lot of questions about this. And it seems like especially since it's associated with coffee for a lot of people, it kind of becomes one of those things like, well, yeah, I need to have that. I can't really give it up. Don't ask me to. But we've we've seen it come in direct conflict with some people's customized fasting schedules and and their fat loss goals and and everything related.

Yeah. And the study that we that kind of opened up this rabbit hole, we had gotten the question in many different forms like you had mentioned, you know, well, I'd start my day with a bulletproof coffee or I just died inside a little bit because that used to be part of my life. And we'll talk about what those numbers actually mean. And it's a sliding scale and the good and bad that comes with it.

But you had centa we had pulled up an article on weight loss diet that includes MKT or medium chain triglyceride oils.

You know, the oil, the main component of coconut oil, most main component of coconut oil is oils for those shorter chain, medium chain triglycerides compared to olive oil and which are longer chain, which are longer chain. Right. So we just started having a conversation where like, man, we keep getting this question.

We really think this might be a good kind of kind of rabbit hole to go down. So and then we ended up at Bulletproofed Coffee. So we've kind of, you know, what kind of unpack this for you all and hopefully come out with a good action step for everybody to.

Yeah, absolutely. Because like you said, it's a question that keeps coming up. And what we wanted to see was, you know, where where should we be? Should we be using Mukti oil? Should this be something that that we're using on a day to day basis? Should we be recommending this? And how do we best help people who are we're trying to help them with their fat loss goals and their health regaining their health. Should they be using it?

You know, what's what's the best recommendation here? And I don't remember when this was, but previously there was an onslaught about saturated fats and how coconut oil, which is made up mainly of medium chain triglycerides, where we're kind of getting a bad rap.

Right. And, you know, Mukti or coconut oil does have I mean, if you get on some of the the more holistic websites, they use coconut oil for everything.

I mean, anything. It's got a thousand different uses and it's a pretty natural, benign product that can help a lot of different things. But in terms of the application, when it comes to weight loss, you know, in health metrics, because a lot of people are trying to lose weight indirectly, you know, they want to look directly. They want to look better, feel better, have more confidence, look better at the beach in the summer, fit into the tuxedo for their wedding, whatever it is. Yeah. But also ultimately, you know, weight loss is about health. Right. And one of the things one of the reasons why you and I started fasting for life and how we got started in this was we had failed so many times, fell forward, as I like to say, but we had just failed and failed and failed and tried. And then fasting was one of the things that was able to unearth the underlying cause of the weight loss issue, which was insulin. So how do we best like Biersack that? How do we best get our bodies back on track with fasting, but also using a lot of the knowledge and other things that are out there that could be beneficial. And this is where kind of falls in in between for me, where there is a benefit. And that, like you said in the study, that you that you had that you had found there is a benefit compared to active oils or olive oils when it comes down to tronc, Fatma's total Fatma's intra abdominal adipose tissues, they were all lower in this study with M.S. as part of their diet versus olive oil.

Yeah, and I think that's where a lot of the the. Positive remarks kind of come from is from this study and a few others that were done that support this research, which show that calorie for calorie, if you were substituting empty oil for other long chain triglyceride oils like olive oil in your diet, then you're actually burning a bit more fat and more calories in a given period of time, which is obviously a good thing. It's basically a metabolic boost, greater fat loss for for the same number of calories, which is good. But that's not really the whole story either. And so we we don't want to we don't want to overreach with that interpretation either.

So. Can I can I talk about me for a second? Let's talk about you. Thank you. And I get on. I'm on the couch. Thank you. I knew that was coming. Yeah. So bulletproof coffee and I, we had a good run of. And I just calculated because here's here's where the the other side comes into play, saturated fat unnecessarily, necessarily bad coconut oil.

Good for you. Good for you. You know, healthy saturated fats do not have negative effects on cardiovascular disease, cholesterol levels, health metrics.

All that stuff has been pretty, pretty much cleared up right over the last 10 years. Nutritional research.

They were wrong in the eighties. Wrong in the 90s. Right.

So. But back to me on the couch, I would put a hunk. Of Karingal Buttar.

I would use salt, it don't just leave me alone just because it was easier, because we bought in bulk and I didn't want to buy salt and unsalted, it's fine. I put all my coffee. I didn't really care about the coffee at that point. It was more about the Kitto, more about getting my fat macros where they needed to be. And so I was boosting my metabolism, starting my day with a hunk, probably more than two tablespoons and then two tablespoons.

Because you were thinking more is better. Yes.

And then two tablespoons of oil in the beginning use coconut oil, but not a fan of coconut flavor with a really good source for that which divided five gallon buckets, if you can believe that. Oh, well, yeah, literally five five gallon buckets reduced everything.

Right. And so I would put two tablespoons of Mukti oil, the now Brandon empty oil. And then I would put in my, you know, whatever I could fit in the vita mix in the amount of coffee and I would pack these two containers. You're laughing, but this is I'm sorry, I'm on the couch and that would be like my my my at home kind of cyper. And then I would take that with me to the office. And I just calculated the numbers in my handy dandy little app here, and that's four hundred and forty three calories.

Of fat for breakfast.

Well. And this was while you were trying to bulk up, right, you were.

No, no, no, I'm on the couch. This is when I was trying to. Run a busy practice. First couple of years of marriage, all these different other things going on, and I was trying to increase my fitness goals, so I was lifting heavier. I was doing cross fit. I was trying to get leaner, build more lean body mass, increase and improve my blood work and my metrics increased. Your metabolism increased by. But all of that stuff. Right. And I was starting my day with me mean I was on being liberal here. Four hundred and forty three calories of fat if that was my only meal. Cool, but then I would eat lunch and then I would have snacks that protein bars and then I would work out and then I would have dinner and then I would do casein protein and rice cakes and peanut butter before bed, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But back to the oil. So lots of benefits that we've mentioned.

But this is where we feel that it could go wrong, so so your your mindset behind it, behind this, the cyper, the at home cyper, all the preparation, it was this was kind of an every morning ritual thing, right.

I needed breakfast, this was a good way to kick start my kids smackers for the day and I didn't have to worry because it was all fat and I got my caffeine kick at the same time.

And so did this. Did this factor into an overall calorie target that you were trying to hit as well?

It did at times know typically we were doing low low carb, higher fat. Yeah. You know, moderate protein and.

You know, through the failing forward over the years of all the different programs and weight loss programs and 30 day challenges and six six week resets and all that different types of stuff, the macro's and the strength and all all these things just didn't work for me due to the insulin resistance, which was the problem.

But, yeah, it was all with the intention of, like you said, fitting into the numbers, the percentages, not necessarily the numbers, but the percentages that I wanted to see. And we know that we need a deficit. For it to be successful long term, but especially in people that have blood sugar issues that are undiagnosed in terms of insulin.

Yeah, and I don't mean to speak for yourself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it it feels like you're describing something that we've heard from from other people that we've helped coaching clients and people in challenges who. Who came about MKT Oil and describe it in a way that it's almost like free calories because it's so conducive to the keto lifestyle and to maintaining ketosis. Right, right. But the calories still matter at the intake, the consumption, it still matters.

And those those fat calories are dense, especially when you're just there would be days where I would just put it in a teaspoon a tablespoon and just down the hatch.

Sometimes I would just get the bottle, you know, because you were thinking you were supporting your actual efforts and your your fat loss right there. Right. And that's why we wanted to talk about this, because that's where the slippery slope comes in, because, like you said, if that had been your only thing for the day and it was almost like that was part of an ad or during a relative fast or an almost fast, except for that that coffee that may have been OK or acceptable, you may have you may have found your fat loss goals still proceeding like you wanted to, but when put in with with a full day's worth of calories that it wasn't doing you any benefits, right.

Yeah. So the addition by addition now, the addition by subtraction like the opposite. It was the addition by addition. It was like, oh yeah, this is a great way to start my day. But then I went and hit my numbers for the rest of the day and it was just, like you said, calorie dense. So lots of benefits to it. And I mean, there's so many studies out there that show impacts and the health benefits in terms of overall health metrics, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol levels, all those different types of things. But there's also the benefit that, you know, when you're using oil, if you do want to put it into your fasting plan, then you need to make sure that you're incorporating it during your eating window and that you are not, you know, kind of overdoing it like I was unknowingly because it was a safe space.

Right. Because it was it was so key to Bolick. There's another term that I've heard.

But, yeah, I mean, there's there's there's tons of studies out there that show that MTD or medium chain fatty acids will increase your energy expenditure and, you know, results in less body weight, decreased size of fat deposits after several months helps or satiety, meaning staying full right to the higher fat meals actually keep you fuller, more full, longer carb meals. So we really just want to make sure that we're using it with the right intent, like you've kind of alluded to.

Yeah. And just to to further that point, this is this is putting them in in substitution for those fat calories or for those calories that would be coming in from carbohydrates or from protein, calorie for calorie.

If you just add oils on to the same number of calories, you're not going to get additional fat loss. You're not going to get additional benefits like that. This would be a substitution. Right. Just to be clear.

Yeah, one hundred percent. 100 percent. So if you love your coffee, you know, I don't really have have an easy substitute for that because coffee has that that caffeine boost.

Right. So a lot of people like starting their day with that. But there are some substitutes in terms of well, first of all, you could just cut out the oil because that doesn't really have much of a taste. But the butter kind of gives almost like a replacement to a coffee creamer. So for me, it was always looking at it being a good creamy type replacement, where now there are coconut milk creamers, there are alternative dairy creamers, things that aren't like the coffee mates of the world or the gas station. Little packets. Right. So finding a replacement for it would be a good first step or just switching to to a more quality coffee that has a better flavor profile than just using kind of the run of the mill. Keurig stuff might be a good substitute if this is something that you use or it could be part of your eating window in the morning and you choose to just eat breakfast if you're doing one meal a day and have your coffee, have your food, have a small meal, three, four or five hundred calories, that 40 to 50 percent of the total day's caloric intake. If you do a one meal a day and just make that part of your morning, but you can definitely use it to strategize, you're not setting yourself back if you're using fasting.

I think that's that's great advice for everyone. And another idea is to cut down on the volume of coffee by increasing the strength of it. So instead of doing like a large, watered down coffee, try an espresso or a double espresso. And then in order to get that same kind of buttery mouthfeel from the Mukti or or the Karingal butter or whatever it is, you would have to use a lot less. You have a lot less liquid volume in there and you get the same kick, so you might have the same experience with a whole lot less calories and consumption for me to coffee in the morning is really more of a habit than a need.

Mm hmm. And on most days, so, like, I like to sip on it. I always have. But, you know, like you just said, so even just a smaller amount might get you the same results where you can you can find a replacement for it. And we just want to make sure that. You know, if you're using your because a lot of people will that start fasting or intermittent fasting kido kind of go hand in hand, right. And if you're coming to this episode, you're like, oh, man, no. Well, I mean, there's ways, like you just said, to work around it. So what I would recommend is go get if you're doing or go get the fast start guy, because that really kind of talks about what we're talking about here, which is that one meal a day approach which worked tremendously for you and I and then everybody else that's been doing it. And we've been helping with a sense. Mm hmm.

Yeah, absolutely. That's a great place to start. And, you know, one of the things that we point out in there is, OK, well, what about my coffee? What if I use a little bit of creamer or something like that? So there's guidance in there for that, as well as in the mini master class, 20 minute deep dive. So so do that along with the fast archive. You'll get some some answers to those questions as well. And just a great place to get started and to start adapting those little rituals that we all have into a fasting lifestyle, because it's it's easier than you might think before you've got started with it. Awesome.

So website the fasting for life dotcom free fast start guide free mini master class six steps but fasting in their life. If you need replacements, you're bulletproof, bulletproof coffee guru. It's part of your lifestyle. I can empathize with you that this was a part of my day to day life for for quite some time. But eventually the results were not there and I started cutting things and realizing, wait, hold on. Wait a minute. Fasting is the answer, reversing my insulin resistance. So there's always ways to work the system knowing that is beneficial in so many different ways. We want to make sure that you guys can get that into your day to day routine. So questions, comments, give us a right share with your friends.

Go get the Fast Start guide. And Tommy, as always, thank you, sir. And we'll talk soon. Thank you, Scott.

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