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In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss recent studies that break down the key components to not only losing weight, but keeping it off and maintaining long-term health. This subject is not frequently discussed because the data show that 95% of significant weight loss is not maintained, but the data also shows exactly what the important factors are to succeed. It turns out it is not just the method that matters, but we must make a few key adjustments during our weight loss journey in order to protect ourselves from weight regain.
Fasting For Life Ep. 83
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:01] Hello, I'm Dr. Scott Watier,
Tommy Welling: [00:00:03] And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:08] This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health, achieve ultimate wellness and live the life you truly deserve. Each episode is a short conversation on a single
Tommy Welling: [00:00:18] Topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss on health and wellness to the science
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:23] Of lifestyle design. We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned
[00:00:30] Along the way.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:40] Everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Watier, and I'm here, as always, a good friend and colleague, Tommy Welling. Good afternoon to you, sir.
Tommy Welling: [00:00:46] Hey, Scott. How are you?
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:00:47] Good man. We're going to talk about the elephant in the room today. And I always love getting a little bit uncomfortable and bringing the conversation to places that sometimes are avoided in certain weight loss groups and certain dieting mantras and certain approaches to health and weight loss. And I'm just going to I'm just going to drop the bomb right now because I'm excited to break this down. And there's so many different directions that we can go. But how are we going to actually. Become the five percent of the people or the population that keep the weight off that they have worked so hard to lose. So ninety five percent. So here's the elephant, it's just sitting in the room, nobody's talking about it. These weight loss programs is dieting books. The the the the the giant section at the Barnes and Noble of how to lose weight and the South Beach and the lemon juice and the juice fast and all of these different things. Right. Yeah. What they don't talk about is the sustainability of how to keep it off. And that's what I love about our story. Tell me your story. My story our story combined is that we've had the results and the people with us that are actually becoming part of the five percent and not the ninety five percent. That you and I were at one point, which is you lose 20, gained twenty one, you lose 15, gained 18. So I really want to dive into the non dieting weight loss portions of this and why they're so important.
Tommy Welling: [00:02:35] Yeah, and I don't know, for so long, it just felt like I was just so dead set. I was thinking that tracking and monitoring just the ins and outs of my calories and my workouts and all that kind of stuff in the macros, that that that would be enough. And that if I got those if I got the perfect magic formula, I would have the Holy Grail for it. And then whatever the goal was, that it would just it would just stay. But like you like you just said, I I saw goals and then it came back and so some goals and maybe not didn't quite hit the goal. But then it came back anyway. And it was kind of like it got increasingly frustrating because I was getting farther and farther from what I knew to be a healthy weight for myself. And at the same time, I was never really hitting my ultimate goal anyway. And then it was and then it was just backtracking every every chance. I stopped for just a second, it seemed like.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:03:36] I want to make sure that we mention the podcast name again, that this is the Fasting for Life podcast, and if you're new to the podcast, you're probably like, wait a minute, we're talking about weight loss, OK? Most people come to fasting or try intermittent fasting because they want to lose weight. Right. So in thirty five hundred new patients and over the course of almost ten years in clinical practice, I don't have this isn't this isn't a real like I track these numbers, but I would say nine out of 10 people checked off would like to lose weight on their intake form even if they were coming in with an ulterior motive in order to alter your health concern. We look at the statistics, 50 percent of the population is deemed forty two percent right now. But in the next five to six years, they're saying 50 percent of the population is going to be obese, obese, not overweight or obese. Seventy two percent of the population and in twenty eighteen and 19 are overweight. Seventy two percent. Right. So like three fourths of us and a lot of people will say, oh, I want to lose weight because I need to lose weight. I want to lose 20 pounds. I want to lose 15 pounds, I want to lose 30 pounds. And that's all good and well. But the reality is, is that ninety five percent of us or ninety five percent of people will not ever get to the end goal, which is not just losing the weight, but keeping it off. And fasting was what transformed your journey in my journey and the hundreds of people now thousands of people that we've taken through our challenges. But it goes so much deeper than just the superficial. I want to lose the weight because.
Tommy Welling: [00:05:24] Yeah, and I could feel some of those those thought processes I could feel myself changing during my first few months of fasting. And like that, we had some interesting conversations because by the time you asked me what I was doing when we were standing in my kitchen, you said, well, what have you been doing? Because you look like a a smaller version of yourself. And I said, well, I've been fasting. And then we started going down the rabbit hole of like, well, what why? What does that look like? How are you doing? All all the nitty gritty, the operations, the mechanics of it. But at that point, I had already felt some shifts in my in my state of mind in what I was focused on, in what I was I was open to like as as confidence comes up a little bit, so does so does your ability to set father out goals and targets in in other aspects of your life, too. So like other things start to connect that I had never really thought of. And so that's why I really like this conversation, because there are multiple parts of that that long term success of a of a weight loss journey for sure.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:06:32] All right. I'm going to come full, full circle. I mean, excuse me, fully transparent here in. In the clinic, we used to have weight loss programs and we're not talking about like injections or liposuction or those types of things, we're talking about dietary lifestyle change based weight loss program, supplementation monitoring, Weigend check ins, detoxes different types of things in that realm. Right. So a natural, non-invasive approach to weight loss, making the habits stick, making the lifestyle changes stick. And I really wish I would have known what I know now about fasting back then because I wouldn't have ended up putting on 60 pounds and my blood markers be in shambles and, you know, like losing control of my health in my 30s. So that would have been great. But the reason I bring that up is, you know. We would promise these results and people would start off great and they would get results, we would do two big challenges for we challenges, but we never followed up with or typically, you know, patients that were with us for long periods of time, they would slip back to those old habits or give the weight back. So there's this really, you know, just fully transparent. Yeah, we were we were helping people in the short term. But did we really achieve the goal of long term improved health? And that was one of our our main our main tenants of our clinic was to help people pull them out of the Matrix, encourage them that they had an opportunity to come off medications, lose the weight and live a long, healthy, you know, good quality of life.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:08:16] Right. So there's a there's an article we're going to reference today. And it was done by the main author or name on the article is Moreish Brackley. And it was perspective's into the experience of successful, substantial long term weight loss maintenance. And it's a systemic review. And it just came out January of twenty, twenty one. So just about six months ago. And it's it's really interesting because they picked 15 studies, about three hundred people, and they looked at the qualitative assessment or the qualitative measures of people that had or currently were overweight or obese who successfully lost the weight and who subsequently maintained or regain that weight. So they were looking at the exact problem that they were trying to get some insight into. So they were looking at people that had lost the weight, that were overweight or obese and then people that that that were successful in that journey. But then they either maintained it or gained it back. So it was really cool because they got non weight loss, a ton of non scale related insights.
Tommy Welling: [00:09:30] Yeah. And and that's a huge piece of this because like the scales, only one little piece of the puzzle. And yeah, sure. That that measures the actual weight loss. But like going through going through our journey and what we've now seen with with thousands of other people as they as they start to get the ball rolling, there's other pieces that need to be filled in, like we have old habits, we have old dietary preferences. We have old like skills in the kitchen or restaurant like thought patterns and engrain things that we we tend to do. There's there's a support system or lack thereof for a lot of folks, like what are the people around you doing? Right. Like there's so many layers of this. And that's what they started to uncover in this article, which which confirms a lot of the things that that we see on a day to day, in a week to week basis in in going through all the challenges and the continuity group. Right.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:10:27] Yeah, it's it's really cool to look at this from like a holistic perspective in that this was not just a US based kind of perspective. They really looked at a global perspective of the amount of people that were suffering from obesity that had, you know, not suffering from but it had obesity or they were overweight and they were suffering with health related issues like diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, those types of things that we know have a direct effect on our lifespan and our overall quality of life. So I like the fact that they were looking at this from a holistic place and that, you know, one of the things that we say or we hear a lot is I want to mention the beginning. I want to lose the weight because my doctor said so. I want to lose the weight because I just know. I know it's good for me. Right. Well. The willpower is an interesting thing where it's really fickle and it's finite, so if you're trying to lose weight and you're seeing slow results in the beginning, then it's going to be more difficult to stick with it when some of these other characteristics or other categories of, I want to say hindrances, but other categories of things that need to be addressed in order to have that long term success contributing. Yeah. The continued. Yeah. So it's I just really love it's looking at it from that holistic standpoint of like OK, how are we going to get it off one. Which that's why I love fasting and you know, intermittent fasting and using time restricted eating windows and putting increasing the time between your eating windows and getting the additional benefits of fasting like increased energy, decreased brain. FROGH Better brain fog, better sleep, better bloodwork, numbers, all of that kind of stuff. But autophagy. Right, the cellular healing that takes place, but really figuring out what were these things that allow people to be successful and become that five percent.
Tommy Welling: [00:12:37] Yeah. And one of my favorite sentences from the article is the inter interrelated, correlated and causative factors contributing to increased prevalence of obesity included economic, social, medical, biological, developmental, infrastructural and psychological, among other factors. Like there's a whole host of things going on here that that actually correlated with and determined the the overweight and the obesity within within a given population. It's multifaceted.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:13:12] So let's go through some of the applications of it here, because one of our things is always begin with the end in mind. If you guys have been listening for a while, then, you know, that's something we say often. We say land the plane, peek behind the curtain, full transparency. We have a lot of catch phrases that we use in the delivery of of the conversational tone around fasting and the fasting lifestyle. But I want to make sure we're doing some actionable stuff here, too. So we're going to look at some of the main characteristics that came out of the study that allowed the people to be to have a positive experience along the journey and then also be part of that five percent that kept it off. And one of the things is goals, right? So self defined personal goals, but also health goals as well. So not just I want to lose 20 pounds because my doctor said I need to, but really getting into the goal and like the goal setting the underlying why you're trying to lose the weight. Right. You know, you're going to lose the weight like you want. You need to lose the weight or you should lose the weight.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:14:22] Like, that's not you know, it's like back when smoking was accepted, like they didn't know yet that smoking was going to have, you know, the massive increase in the cause of lung cancer. And overall, just. Detrimental effects of smoking. Right now, it's common knowledge, like, yeah, if you smoke, these are the risk factors that you're taking into account to make that decision. But what I'm talking about, like these the Y underneath the losing the weight, like when you lose the weight, what does that allow you to do? What does that allow? Who does that allow you to become? What are you going to be able to do? And how are you going to be able to live in that future setting where you've achieved the goal and you have the greater confidence and the greater energy and the you know, for me, it was being a better dad and a better husband and being able to to help more people and, you know, just have a better quality of life. So what are those underlying intrinsic motivators, but also those self-defined personal goals that are not necessarily the number on the scale?
Tommy Welling: [00:15:29] Yeah, I feel like understanding that this is a multifaceted process is really important, because when you when you start the journey, knowing that these are things that you need to be addressing and thinking about while the scale is changing, while you are fasting and seeing results prepares you for that, that maintenance of that long term success. Because if you're if you're not preparing for it while while you're getting those initial results, you'll you'll be behind the eight ball. You won't be ready to maintain those results. And and piggybacking off of off of what you just said, they're like there that you need something to sink your teeth into. Like you need you need goals that that are meaningful to you, like losing 20 pounds because your doctor said so, like your example is is maybe enough to get to get you started. But when things get a little slower, when you hit a plateau, when you see 12 of those pounds gone, but not the the last eight, do you have enough to keep going and to actually hit the goal or will it be like, OK, well, cool. I'm glad I'm glad I lost 12 pounds. But yeah, I kind of rather go back to my old habits here and then you kind of just revert back. And I, I think that's that's a lot of where the ninety five percent comes from.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:16:48] And that goes right along with the whole concept, the motivation to like the outside and inside motivating factors, you know, of of people's increasing confidence and increase in social social settings at work and on a personal level was really part of that as well. So like just having starting there and having clarity on some of those goals and knowing that it is going to be an ever changing thing, that some of them might be, like you just mentioned, fitting into a certain weight to height category based on some health metrics. But others might just be, you know, activity goals or eating goals or energy goals. Right. Or you want to write a book. Right. Like but you can't do it because you're always falling asleep at the typewriter. Right. I just said typewriter. Sorry, computer. The heck just happened. I just went back to nineteen eighty
Tommy Welling: [00:17:42] Kicking it old school so. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Like for me I was so tired six, seven, eight o'clock at night that I couldn't enjoy that like prime time with my family because my insulin resistance was so high. I just like it was nap time and I might be, I might have another good hour or two at like nine or ten o'clock, but I kind of I lost the main evening hours and that was one of the big driving factors for me that that got me through some of those plateaus and those slower points, too, because it was really important to me.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:18:11] Yeah. So some self-defined personal goals, some external and internal goals. And then, you know, with that the motivation piece that we mentioned really, though, what the motivation is, having a place, a sense of belonging or a sense of feeling like you're accepted the way that you're going about doing it. So fasting is one of those things that we joke around about, like. The first two rules of fasting when you start is don't talk about fasting and don't talk about fasting because everybody is like, oh, you look great, you know what you can do? And you're like, oh, yeah, you know, being intentional with my my eating. And I'm doing some walking and, you know, working on my stress in my sleep. And I know it sounds great. And then you're like, yeah. And I also fast and like, wait a minute, what you starve yourself. Like why would you skip a meal that sounds awful. Like I'm hungry all the time. Right. So there's there's the tendency, unless you're part of a fasting community or a fasting group or you've been a part of our challenge or you're in our community group on Facebook or, you know, you've been doing fasting for a while, there's that potential to not have that extrinsic motivation to keep you going. So, you know, internally, the motivation is I want to improve my health, better self-image, self-confidence, those types of things. But it's also helpful to have that outside peace to.
Tommy Welling: [00:19:36] Yeah, because, you know, we're we're we're creatures of we're herd creatures. We're creatures of like comfort and community. We don't like we don't like resistance. Like, we're always going to go towards towards comfort and resistance and acceptance, too. So your peer group matters. So if if your friends are in the gym, it's easy to go into the gym. Right. To have a workout buddy. Like an exercise buddy. A diet buddy. So, you know, whatever whatever path the people around you are on, it's going to be much easier to do that. And when you're doing something different, even if it's working, sometimes that ends up creating a source of resistance, which can be enough to steer you away from, you know, even long term good results sometimes. So it's like tapping in. Staying connected to a group that's headed in the same direction can be a really, really strong, important piece that's oftentimes overlooked with within a diet or nutrition plan.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:20:35] And I think that's one of the things about having a niche like fasting is that we have a lot of people repeat listeners. So shout out to Allio that listen to the podcast, because I feel like that is a piece of the extrinsic motivation kind of category. Right. So we have our externally defined goals, like I want to be perform better at sports or run a marathon. You have your, you know, internal or self-defined goals, life goals, family goals, those types of things. You've got the motivation piece, right? You've got the the internal stuff, improving health, better self image, like you mentioned, and then you've got the social piece, the extrinsic motivation, like you just mentioned, Tommy, like that community being a part of something the to other kind of big categories that showed up in this article, which was so cool was the challenges. So the internal and external challenges and then the monitoring. So the self monitoring and the external monitoring and those are some really cool things here. So I want to go into the challenges piece. So of, again, sustaining the weight loss. Right. So not just losing it, but keeping it off beginning with the end in mind. So some of the outside challenges, which is what we like to call life, that's why we named it fasting for life, being able to have the pizza night with the kids in the south, the the the happy hours and the date nights and, you know, those types of things. But the outside or extrinsic challenges are going to be the work, the personal stress, the holidays and celebrations, relationship changes, you know, the food environment, big food, and how those foods are chemically created for palatability and mouthfeel.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:22:13] Yeah. And the advertising and all the and the the the people that look at you like you're crazy because you're making you want to make changes to your health. Right. They're like, oh are you're dying. You you're dieting again. Right. And then there's the internal stuff which is the stress lack of time. You might have illness or pregnancy or, you know, social isolation, like what we just went through in twenty twenty. And some people are still going through into twenty twenty one. And then you lose that reliance on the support system and then you have the lack of structure and then you've got your trigger foods and all of those different types of things from an intrinsic challenge side. So figuring out a way of how we can help balance some of those things out in the first way to win the extrinsic and intrinsic, I'll start with the intrinsic or the internal ones. Tommy is is is to just identify the problem. And once you identify the problem of why you keep going to food or why you can't keep the weight off, just identifying the problem then tells your brain that it's OK to start thinking about it and sitting down and just putting some intentional time to that is a great place to start.
Tommy Welling: [00:23:20] Yeah, I think that is a great place to start. I mean, I have identified one of one of my main issues that I used to have was a revolving pantry door. And it was like no matter what the macros or the calories were, I could fit it in. But that's where I would keep going back to. But that was in a sense of like like a boredom, something to do and kind of a place to to put my focus. And that's a that's a big spot that I think doesn't get enough attention in long term diet and weight management is is managing those those internal or intrinsic challenges like that. Because, you know, food has such an emotional component where it gives us a focal point. It gives us something to do, something to think about where if we don't have a whole lot going on, let alone when times get tough. But even if we just have kind of a void of things going on or places to put our focus, it can be like, OK, well, I don't have anything else going on. Let me just go ahead and do my next meal time and then you put food in with that and then it gives us those dopamine hits, especially if we're eating some of the more engineered foods. And that can be that can be a vicious cycle where a lot of those factors are are really pointed against us. So we have to be aware of that so we can get past them.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:24:39] And then on the on the external side, it's yeah, I think life is going to happen. Right. So knowing how to use your different fasting windows, how to do a breakfast, a lunch or a lunch to dinner or a one meal a day, or how we like to call, how we how we pivot. So we set our week in our continuity group will do the weekly fasting schedule, right. Well, different couple different schedules, certain weeks based on what the group needs. And and then we we set the schedule. So then at the beginning of the week, just like you, you value what you measure. And we're going to talk about monitoring here in just a second. But, you know, you've got a work lunch that came up or you've got a coffee date or a surprise birthday or something that pops up. You have the ability to know that that's not going to completely throw you off track if you're on the weight loss portion of your journey or if you're in maintenance, that you have the tools to be able to get right back on track, mentally and or physically. So looking at it again, the goal setting the motivation now we've got the the internal and external challenges. It's it's cool to see like, well, for me in all of these fasting was was a simplifier. So instead of like a chemical equation where you have a catalyst, so you have a fire and you throw gasoline on the fire, the fire gets bigger.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:26:01] Right. So for me, fasting was was a simplifier. It was a reduction. It was like it was like putting the fire out. It was like throwing water on the fire and just and just calming down the struggles and calming down the hunger and calming down the conversations and the and the the tracking and the the the the the function, the testing that I was doing and all the different type of things. And we hear this in the conversations and comments in the groups and in the emails and in the questions that we get. So the last category is really the monitoring piece and this is the value what you measure. So I know there's a lot in this conversation we're having right now, Tommy. So if you guys are looking for a visual, because I'm I'm a visual person, you can just go to this article, the links in the show notes. And if you click on the images in the links, there's some really cool, colorful, like, well laid out kind of frameworks for this stuff, which I found extremely helpful. So I want to move into the monitoring piece. So there's the self monitoring and then there's like the external monitoring, which kind of goes along with the external motivation piece to being a part of, you know, a group or having peer feedback where we say find a fasting body or a fasting friend, because it's it's always easier to have accountability to someone else if they're doing it along with you.
Tommy Welling: [00:27:16] Yeah. And, you know, when when we speak about monitoring, it's it's also important to recognize that the winds don't just come from the day to day movement in the scale. Oftentimes we can be burning through fat stores and not see it reflected the next day on the scale. That's just the nature of hydration and water retention and other factors that go along with with that one measurement tool. So when we're monitoring keeping an eye on things that are not related to the scale is a really important thing, especially for long term success and building momentum. So we should we should keep we should keep the scale, the number in mind. But but zoom out a little bit, especially as we start getting further into our fasting journey. The results can come quicker and the beginning of. They tend to get a little slower, but plateau's can happen, but having other things that we're monitoring is super important, right?
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:28:11] Yeah, and that's what I like. We I use Akito Mojo from time to time. I used it a lot more in the beginning of my journey, tracking my ketones and my blood sugars. And then there's always the measurement, the photos. Sometimes your body composition will change and the scale won't move. But you can put up a photo, you know, side by side of it, three to four weeks. And you're like, wow, like my waist is smaller. I lost centimeters. These are all the non scale victory things that we talk about. So being intentional with looking for those things like, oh, my wedding ring falls off or oh, my hands aren't swollen when I wake up in the morning, you know, so visual reminders, like I said, photos or images and making sure that you're still doing some planning with it, the monitoring becomes easier from a self monitoring standpoint if you're if you've got a plan. And that's why we like to do these weekly plans, because, again, based on the challenge conversation we just had, life happens, right? Things happen. Things come up. And and it's good to have that plan in place because then you don't really have to think in the moment like going to the grocery store hungry or stopping to get the, you know, the quick, convenient food on the way home, like going home and home cooking rather than stopping and, you know, just trying to get the cheeseburger and not the extra large fry in the drink and the frosti. Right. If you're going to Wendy's, it's just more difficult, you know, if you're going off script, so to speak. So that's really the self-monitoring piece, in my opinion.
Tommy Welling: [00:29:44] Yeah. And, you know, I think one piece that that that you're you're getting to there is. Having a plan for the long term results, so like let's say you hit your goal weight, I know a lot of folks speak about their goal weight in terms of like if I could just get the 20 pounds off, then I won't ever have to worry about it again or I won't ever have to think about what I eat again. Right. But, you know, let's let's remember that we are comfort creatures are it's it's easy for us to go back to old habits. Right. So even maintenance needs some level of like a plan that that self-monitoring a little bit of here. I know what I'm going to do when I do reach that maintenance point, because that still needs to look a bit different from from whatever we did to gain those 20 pounds. So a little bit of deliberate planning. There goes a long way for support in that in those long term results. And I think a lot of people who do get the weight off would end up bringing it back on, didn't have that long term plan. That's just another important piece of the puzzle.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:30:54] Yeah, and I love the external portion of the monitoring piece here, too, is, you know, like I feel like that's why Weight Watchers has some success in the short term is because you you're in a controlled environment. You have your check ins. If you show up and you check in, you have the accountability and you buy those processed meals and you stick to eating those foods. And, yeah, your body responds in a certain way for most people. But then you have to continue to do those things are all to lose the the the result. So with fasting, it's like, OK, well, the fasting lifestyle simplifies a lot of these things that we've been talking about in that it makes planning easier. It makes decision making easier. You can get some wins under your belt faster. You can see the the goal, the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. If you get twenty pounds to lose and you start fasting and you lose 10 pounds in 30 days, you're like, oh, man, this is awesome. Right? So that that support piece is what I love that we see in our fasting for life community group is, you know, there's seventeen or I don't even know how many people are in there. Probably seventeen hundred, almost two thousand at this point. And it's just that continual, like conversation where it's like you can just go and post a question or get a tidbit. Right. Or or just scroll and see some encouragement from the group. And I think that's really why I love going in there and just kind of scrolling through the comments, because there's that external monitoring these for that external accountability piece that's there.
Tommy Welling: [00:32:18] Yeah. If I, if I just walk outside my door or call the people on my phone, it's going to take me a little while to to get to a number of people who are familiar with the fasting lifestyle and who are actually fasting today, like, hey, how long do you set your fasting time or do you wait for your fasting were to eat today just like that deliberate level of lifestyle and direction. So being able to tap into that into a concentrated group like that, it's it's that's a really cool resource. And I just in
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:32:48] So like 30000 foot view here, it's like, OK, well, why why did we decide to do an episode on this conversation? Well, we always like to say again, beginning with the end in mind, it's beginning with the end in mind of this of this conversation or this episode of the podcast as well. How do we become the five percent? Right. So what we just walked through was the three main categories, the challenges, the motivation, and then the the the monitoring piece really just finding and picking one or two things from each one of those categories and putting that in for the next 30 days. Give yourself two weeks. Right. If you're new to fasting, if you've been a plateau, if you'd been doing that and you just kind of feel like that, or if you're brand new and you're like, I don't even know where to start now, you're way ahead of the curve compared to where you and I started. Tommy, you know, having these, you know, these frameworks that you can work with. But I just I like the idea of of beginning with the end in mind. How do we become the five percent? Well, set your goal is becoming the five percent and then we reverse engineer that backwards.
Tommy Welling: [00:33:53] Yeah, absolutely. And if you're if you're just getting started, just go ahead, go to the website, sign up for our newsletter, get the Fast Start guide. Just get started. Because once you have a place to get started, then it's and you see some winds. It's so much easier to go like, OK, what are those other little points that they were talking about and introducing those? That's a lot easier to do while the scale is moving in the right direction. So to be fasting for life dotcom, download the fast arcade and just get started.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:34:25] Yep. You're going to pick your first fasting window. You're going to set the timer. You're going to knock it out of the park. You're going to rinse and repeat. Tommy, thank you so much for the conversation today. Sure. Appreciate your time, as always. And we will talk soon.
Tommy Welling: [00:34:38] Ok. So you've heard today's episode and you may be wondering where do I start? Head on over to the Fasting for Life Dotcom and sign up for our newsletter where you'll receive fasting
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:34:49] Tips and strategies to maximize
Tommy Welling: [00:34:50] Results and fit fasting into your day to day life.
Dr. Scott Watier: [00:34:54] Why are there download for free faster guide to get started today? Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star review and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for Life.
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