Ep. 217 - Daily Routines for Fasting Lifestyle Mastery | Fixing a dieting mindset | Eliminating snack cravings & closing your window | Resolving fasting priority conflicts | Reversing pre-diabetes & sleep apnea | | Hydration & LMNT | Nutrisense CGM

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2024

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In today’s episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy explore extended fasting, emphasizing its benefits beyond weight loss. The discussion covers personal experiences, planning, and tracking during a fast, including factors like sodium intake and ketone levels. They stress the strength in choosing to fast and maintaining routine activities.


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Fasting For Life Ep. 217 Transcript

[00:00:02] 321 record. Hey everyone! Welcome to the fasting for life podcast. My name is Doctor Scott Watier and I'm here as always. I'm a good friend and colleague. Tommy Welling, good afternoon to you, sir. Hey Scott. How are you? Fantastic my friend. Excited for today's conversation. I know I say that every time, but I truly love what we do week in and week out here at the fasting for Life podcast. So first and foremost, before we get into the daily routines of people who have mastered their fasting lifestyle. Okay, that's a big promise. Yeah. Uh, I want to give a shout out if you are new. Welcome in to the fasting for life podcast. You want to learn more about Tommy or myself and our fasting journeys, and how fasting has absolutely transformed our lives. Lost the weight keeping it off now working on long terme longevity and health metrics. Uh, welcome you. I want to welcome you in. But for more perspective, head back. Episode one. Give it a listen. Um, give us a little grace. We didn't know what we were doing back then, you know, just wanted to share our story. Knew we had this thing that was on our hearts.

[00:01:02] Yeah. Um, and now this is why each and every week we bring an episode to y'all. Um, because we want to provide value. We want to give you something actionable, as you heard in our open, that you can take away from today's episode, that you can put into your day to day fasting life, to move the needle and adapt a fasting lifestyle, because we truly believe that is the answer for the weight loss, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, everything metabolic disorder, epidemic that we have here in the States and across the world. Yeah. So head to the, um, wherever you listen to your podcast, like subscribe, download, review, share, whatever the terminology is these days, um, we really appreciate click the button. Right. Um, that would really be helpful for us, um, to show the podcast world that we are continuing to bring value week in and week out. If you're a long time listener, welcome into today's episode, Tommy. Daily routines of people who have mastered a fasting lifestyle. All right, 30 minute monologue. Go see at the end. Yeah. Where do I begin? I mean, there's, you know.

[00:02:11] When we even when we define the lifestyle, we go, okay, all of the pieces of the puzzle from sun up to sun down, you know, and everything we do in between. And it's like, can you narrow.

[00:02:21] It down a little?

[00:02:22] Yeah. Right. And you could be. You're like, all of us have multiple parallel lifestyles that we're kind of living all at once. You know, you might be, um, you know, an educator, a a parent, you know, you might be a student, a friend, you know, like, all of these kind of things have their own their own structure, their own framework, their own priorities. So sometimes they they kind of come head to head with what might be your eating style or nutrition or maybe your diet or diet in the past, or maybe your fasting lifestyle. So, um, intermingling all of these separate lifestyles can, can sometimes lead to, you know, fasting frustration or fasting plateaus, fasting fatigue, if you will. Um, so I think it's it's important just to kind of define a few of the, the milestone, you know, markers that are really helpful because if you can see it in, in this kind of way and we break it down and not feel like everything just has to be perfect. But there are some pillars that as we kind of put those in place, it's it's easier for for us to kind of like build the rest of the day around it without necessarily conflicting with all of your other, you know, priorities and lifestyles.

[00:03:36] So let's begin with the end in mind. Okay? Okay. Maybe it's your first episode. Maybe it's your first fast, maybe it's your 100, 200 and however many episodes this is now, uh, and it's your, you know, you've been fasting longer than us, Tommy. Five years. Me four and a half years at the time of this recording. Right. Episode 217. So beginning with the end in mind. Not surprisingly, consistency is how you get better at fasting. Consistency is how you get better results. Yeah, and people that have mastered this lifestyle or have advanced in the application of the lifestyle because. Mastery. That's a big that's a big word, right? Sure.

[00:04:17] Even the masters at anything will tell you. No, it's a continual process.

[00:04:20] It's a continuum. Right. So anyone that has applied this successfully and we would consider ourselves in that category now. I'm not going to self aggrandize here, but just saying that it's like something that's finally worked for us. Sure. After all the years of failed attempts and now the, you know, pre-diabetes and the labs and the the sleep apnea and all of this inflammation and all of the stuff that we were dealing with in our early to mid 30s. Um. It's not magic. That consistency is a solution to anything in life, right? You want to become a millionaire? You got to be consistent in your financial habits. Sure, you want to have a great marriage. You got to be consistent in communication, right? And I don't know why I picked those two. But you want to be a good parent. You got to be consistent in your in in in wanting to parent. Right. And three kids under seven, there are some days I don't want to do it. But you know I don't really have a choice. Can't give them away the mind forever. I'm just kidding. So or am I? Consistency here, um, is not about occasional. It's not about dieting mindset. It's not about on or off. Right? It's not about, um, you know, the next fad. It's about creating sustainable routines in what we've seen for people that have created these daily routines that have a low threshold of activation, um, meaning there isn't a lot of resistance to be able to do the thing when you don't feel like doing the thing. Insert fasting.

[00:05:53] Simple, but sometimes not easy, right? Closing a window. Simple, but sometimes not easy. So these things we're going to talk about today are the key. Some of the key pillars that we found in taking 5700 people through our challenges and, you know, three point 3.5 million downloads and thousand tens of thousands of messages and emails, etc. over the years that these are the fasting habits, the lifestyle applications that contribute to vibrancy, having a improved quality of life, decreasing, reversing like for me, prediabetes. My dad's full blown diabetes, removing, getting off of 17 medications, 120 units of insulin. You know, resting heart rates coming down, performance going up. Um, right. So it's not about that perfection, about that dieting mindset that, oh, when I'm on, I'm on. It works when I'm off it off. Because reality is stats don't lie. We have a weight problem. We have a health problem spending trillions of dollars more than any other country. And we are not any healthier, especially here in the States for sure. Right? Yeah. So. How do we get different results? Well, if six out of seven people can lose weight at any given time, substantial amount of weight. Yet the reality is that 95 to 98% of those people will put that weight back on between 3 and 5 years out after the air quotes. Diet intervention. Yeah, because how do we style? It's not a lifestyle, right. So how do we apply these pillars is through consistent action. And that's what we're going to break down some of these pillars for you today. Yeah.

[00:07:28] So first one I want to get into is mindful eating combined with mindful fasting. Because that's that's two flip sides of the coin. But um, not always. It doesn't just it doesn't just put itself into a.

[00:07:42] This doesn't fall off the tongue.

[00:07:44] No, no. But it also doesn't happen by accident. So when we talk about, uh, I want to I want to mention mindful fasting first because, um, when we when we set an intention for a fast, it's like there's no holy grail of a fast like we like we talked recently about my seven day fast. We've talked at length about, you know, different fasting windows and alternate day fasting or five, two, 16, eight, you know, a two day fast, a three day fast. You know, all of these things. There's no holy grail of a fast. But the important thing is that for this to become a lifestyle, you there's always a decision to make. When when will I be eating next. And you know, there's you have to have a reason behind it. And then you, you have to actually make a decision right there. Because what, what I would define as unmindful fasting would be or absent minded fasting if you will, would be. Yeah, I'm kind of doing the fasting thing, you know, or. Yes, yes, I'm fasting. You know, most days I'm doing some fasting. But then it's like there's not really a decision today going into tomorrow. So then I don't really know when I'm going to open up that nutrition opportunity window. I don't know what I'm going to have that meal. Maybe it's that omad, that one meal a day. And and the problem there is that I don't have an opportunity to flex my decision making muscle. I don't get to make a decision. I don't get to book a win because I don't get to make that subconscious vote. Yes, I, I, I completed that fast and I got the win, which is a dopamine hit. And it's also positive reinforcement for the process.

[00:09:16] I don't get that because I didn't give myself the opportunity. I actually robbed myself of the opportunity to do that. So that's a problem because it's hard to enjoy the process when I don't feel like I'm winning it. Whereas the opposite of that is if I'm gamifying it by giving myself opportunities to win, then I can consistently win. And even if the scale is not moving, but I want it to be, I can always change some variables later. But but the the lifestyle portion comes with the sustainability and being able to enjoy the process without having to make a whole lot of decisions. And then once I break that fast that I did set. Now it's the mindful eating part. So now it's did I put any intention into this actual meal? Do I know how I'm going to break my fast if it's a longer fast? Have I thought about that and how I might feel afterwards? Or what are my nutrition or body composition goals? Do I want the scale to move? Um, all of these kind of things, and even just like being able to interpret my own body's hunger cues is an important thing. That's really tough, especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. But it can still be really tough when I have, you know, emotional relationships with food or I'm suffering from a lot of cravings and things like that, but putting some intentionality for the fast first before I break it helps. It helps substantially with that process of getting to to more mindful eating. And then those two kind of um, they're, they're they're cyclical and they're related. So they feed one another on on the positive side or the negative side.

[00:10:49] So you said a couple of things there that I want to unpack. Okay. So I heard mindful eating mindful fasting. Right. And then mindful like mindfulness in general. Mhm. So. When we look at fasting. You're going to have a certain level of skill set. When you first start. Sure. The hunger cues. May or may not be there, depending on where you're at. You may have some insulin resistance, some leptin resistance, some some some old habits that die hard. So the old way of thinking is like, all right, I'm going to do rigid fasting or rigid dieting, let's say. And you've got a rigid diet cycle mindset of failure. Right. Because we know what the numbers say. We've all done.

[00:11:39] Calories. I got the deficit. I got it all calculated. Yeah. Eat less, move more.

[00:11:42] Right. And then so you do rigid diet you get some weight loss that occurs. And then an event occurs an obstacle, a mistake, a failure, a celebration, a life event.

[00:11:56] The beach strip you've been prepping for.

[00:11:58] Then you quit. Yeah. And you fall off the rigid diet rules until ideal ishness conditions exist. Next Monday, next month. Mm. I'll get back on my fasting.

[00:12:11] Right. But you may have wanted to fall off anyway because it was so hard to maintain. Or so perfectionist like. Ah, it's like a grind.

[00:12:19] So similar to how we would approach getting better at anything. Right? For me and my golf game, it's always a struggle. The way we get better at it. The way I get better at it is that I don't just go play willy nilly cold all the time. I actually work on the skills that are required to go play around. Um, so the way to get better at fasting is to embrace the process, track some things, puts them intentionality in. Be present in the moment when you are setting the intention at the start of a fast right. And Tom, you want to mention the timer here in just a sec or two. Good for the timer, right? Well, no, I'll just I'll just eat it for. Right. Yeah. Um, two. Good. Tommy. Just kidding. Um, you're way more consistent with your timer than I am. Um, I had to ask you on our most recent seven day fast. What day am I on? Like, what day is it? That's true. Yeah. My wife was like, well, how many hours in are you? I'm like, I don't know, I don't know, not sure. Text on me. Yeah, let me text on me. Um. Tracking the measurables. So when you're looking at this, being constantly aware of what we're doing, the self-awareness piece, that mindfulness piece in the moment. Right. Not eating in front of the TV, not having the entire bag of chips, not pouring the second glass of wine, um, whatever it is for you. Um, right. Because we get tied to the habit, we get tied to the reward, we get tied to that cue. So just for instance, as a family that has three kids under seven, we've recently made the house quiet during meal time, actually a couple nights lit some candles.

[00:13:55] Oh that's nice.

[00:13:56] Right? The kids are like, whoa, this is cool. Well guess what? It brought down the decibel level. The TV's not on in the background. There's not music playing or nursery. Right. Like. It completely changed the environment. And guess what? I feel better during the meal, I feel less full and less air. After a meal now it's just like, whoa, that's really cool. So when we're thinking about fasting. We can avoid those events or those emotional miscues by sticking to the process. But you have to embrace the process. So you have a fasting skill, a certain time that you can hit consistently. I can do omad every day. Okay. What's the result? Is it working for you? Is it moving the needle? So you need to learn and practice new skills too. So then you get some momentum. You lose some weight. You got an event that occurs, right. You fall off the weekend. The stuff we just mentioned. Here's where we can differ, and we can insert some new skills or practice some of the skills that we've been working on, rather than the old model, which would be fall off and then have to wait until the ideal conditions exist, or the momentum magical unicorn shows up and says, oh, I'm ready. Or you get frustrated to the point where you're like, fine, I'm just done. Yeah, right. And then you get you apply those skills or the consistency of those skills, or you look at the positive of what you did last week compared to this week. And then guess what? You get a result and then you continue. The fasting and the weight loss and the health and the healing process, rather than going back to the old ways. Yeah, and you.

[00:15:38] Can do that. You can set yourself up for success to do that by consistently setting your timer like you had mentioned. Yes. Putting that into the mindfulness of the eating and fasting. I mean, that's that's right there at the at the crossroads of your eating and your fasting, because that gives you the chance to actually set the intention, make the decision, but then also book the win. And then it's a it's a reminder. It's a, it's a multiplying reminder that you you made a decision. You stuck to it. It's also a gain of trust. Point for yourself. And and depending on your history with dieting or food choices, emotional eating, whatever it might be, those things all are chinks in the armor of trusting yourself. And so you get the opportunity to start rebuilding that armor and that trust by by consistently setting a timer. So, you know, even five years into it, uh, a timer is, is is at the core of my fasting lifestyle. Would would do I have to set it in order to stick to it? No, but I look at it more like I get to set it. I get to have the reminder in case there's, you know, there might there's there's always times where it's like it's frustrating or there's an emotional time, or maybe there's a temptation or a new opportunity or an invitation to go out or whatever the case may, may be. But I have this. It's it's a non-negotiable reminder of putting myself back into that spot when I made the decision, and I get to see that again. So and then I of course, I have a decision to make at that point. Right.

[00:17:09] And we're going to go into that planning strategy like have some standards. Right. Have some boundaries. Right. So like structured timing like 16 824 set a timer. Right. Some of the foundational basics because we need to move beyond motivation. Right. We need to move into discipline and daily actions, those foundational habits I saw a coach that I follow. He's a cold plunge advocate. He plunges in like the middle of Alberta, in the middle of a snow field. It's like literally sledgehammer to break the ice to get in. And then he gives the ice to his dog and eats it. Wow. It's like -45. And I'm here in Houston. It was like 22 last week. And I'm like, I have to go outside and cold plunge. Ah, right. And he's doing it in like -45. Right. And the water's one and my water's 38. And I'm complaining. Right. So but he calls about making deposits. Um, right. Rather than habits rather than discipline. He's like, you make daily deposits. And I was like, oh, I kind of really like that. So yeah, but we need to move beyond the motivation. It's like, oh, I'm going to get motivated. Yay! I'm going to take an action, and then I'm gonna maybe mess up or like the result, and then I'm gonna try to stay motivated and will my way through it or won't my way through it. Right. Um, yeah. But we need to move beyond because motivation is fickle. So discipline. Some people have more, some people have less. Right. So the comfort zone of your fasting lifestyle is nothing but a graveyard for your long tum goals. Hmm.

[00:18:38] Wow.

[00:18:39] Right. And this is a quote from Angela Duckworth, author of grit. Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare. Okay. Anybody ever set a time like I'm going to do a 72 hour fast today? You are very enthusiastic. Mm. How's your endurance? Hmm?

[00:18:58] Did you make it?

[00:18:59] Did you make it? I'll do a 24 hour fast today. Will you write? And that's where this structure of having a schedule and putting some planning into it, and not just freelancing your way or grazing your way through your fasting or your nutrition opportunities. Wow. So the blueprint is why we created we created the blueprint. Go to the show notes. Click the link. Totally free. It's 20 page PDF fasting the blueprint to fasting for fat loss. Mhm. The who, what, when, where and why of fasting is in their the basics, the thought process, some of the science and also some schedules. Some structure. Let me let us take the thinking out of it for you. And then that always leads us to the decisions that you're making when you break your fast, and how to balance your meal planning or your nutrition opportunities. Right, Tommy?

[00:19:50] Yeah, yeah. So when we talk about what are those meal times, when am I going to break my fast, even if you're, you know, consistently kind of doing the same thing every day. Um, you know, maybe you've adopted some fasting or maybe not yet. You have some, you have meal times that you'll typically go to, but really thinking about how much structure.

[00:20:11] You hold on. Stop right there. I'm sorry I got to interrupt you for one second. So the ones you typically go to. So remember I just said the comfort zone is nothing but the graveyard sometimes, right? Yeah. So that's why we say, you know, you're going to have to put some intentionality and vary those windows from time to time. Um hum.

[00:20:30] 100%. But even when you, when you get to a certain spot that you've been to before, having some structure around it and a little bit of a plan means that you know, that that's when you're going to have that planned meal that can help avoid some of the mindless snacking that that can, you know, basically be a complete deterrent or a hindrance, you know, to your to successfully completing your fast because you broke your fast earlier than you wanted to because you ended up snacking on something. And so if you if you knew where you were going to be and when you were going to be breaking your fast and you had set the intention for it, you'd be less likely to be tempted by that snack. Now, I like to include some snacky foods. Sometimes if I really want them, put them on my plate, but have them at a time and a place when I intended to have them so that I'm not unnecessarily spiking my blood sugar, spiking my insulin, and then and then having multiple of of these spikes, um, throughout the day when, when that wasn't the plan. So it can make it easier to avoid, you know, common tempting foods otherwise. And then that goes doubly as important for the evening time window, because that can be the toughest, like the the no man's land between dinner and bedtime. So if if that's the one, that's why dinner omad is so tempting and so common, but also like a double edged sword, right?

[00:21:55] It. It truly is. Right. So I also like because we get this question a lot, like what's the best fast or how should I break my fast? Or what do you guys recommend for your carbs or your protein. Right. Yeah. There's so many variables in terms of. Things that you're willing to do or enjoy doing versus somebody else. Right? Carnivore versus vegetarian. Mhm. Couldn't be more two drastic approaches, right? Yeah. Farther on the spectrum from one another. That's why we don't really believe in meal plans or diet plans. Right? We want we want that lifestyle application. So the decision making process is where the rubber meets the road. So if you really want to simplify it, make sure this is one of the pillars that you are looking forward. To the foods that you're putting in your nutrition opportunities, and that they are going to make you feel good and fuel you through your next fast. Mhm.

[00:22:57] That's a good point.

[00:22:58] So I like higher protein, higher quality, less refined processed less packaged stuff. Right. The outside of the grocery store. Yeah. Dare I say eat your carbohydrates after your protein and fat for less of a blood sugar spike. Dare I say eat carbohydrates in moderation right. Not the refined processed stuff. Not the sugary stuff. Right? Yeah, but. Unless you're a severe diabetic trying to come off insulin, then yeah, let's reduce those bad boys all the way down into strict keto range for a while. Let's do 90 days. Let's kick it out. Yeah, let's break the cycle. But then with that food and that planning, like how you feel about it, the intentionality of it, then comes the hydration piece. Mm. We need to be properly hydrated when we're doing more consistent fasting or extending our fasts, because that's going to be a number one driver when your stomach empties. And we've done podcast episodes on this when ghrelin, the mechanical growling of your stomach. The proper hydration of using electrolytes and water and staying on top of it then allows you to be more consistent with your fasting skills, which then turns into a lifestyle application.

[00:24:11] Yeah, and I mean, if when we're talking about lifestyle application, um, getting started first thing in the morning is, is one of the pillars for me. And so, you know, prioritizing that, getting that hydration started before the coffee that I'm really looking forward to, even if, you know, lately it's been decaf, but I'm still looking forward to it. I enjoy the.

[00:24:32] Heck out of speed, sir. Yeah.

[00:24:35] I enjoy the heck out of it, but I. I need to put that pillar in place for my for some hydration, um, some water and some salt. Um, before I start, you know, before I allow myself to have the thing that I'm really just already looking forward to, that thing is going to happen one way or another. So let me put the pillar of the little bit of discipline so I can check that box for my fasting lifestyle. That's going to make the rest of the day a little bit easier. It's going to be easier to get my water and my salt in, because I'm not chasing after it later, because once a day really kind of gets going, you you tend to be more, more likely to be behind the eight ball on any given, you know, important priority. Like there's only so many hours in the day you kind of get lost and yadda yadda like, right. And so it's it's better if you if you start earlier. And I think finding ways to make that a little bit easier. So like, you know, for me I'll grab an element packet and I'll actually do one in my decaf coffee. But I'll also do one sometimes in my water or I'll get a little handful of Himalayan salt, you know, and so I can start. So I so I know I have 1 to 2g of salt coming in 32oz of water. And I'm usually shooting for like four of my 32 ounce cups. You know, in any given day, sometimes it's only three. But I got the first one.

[00:25:50] How dare you not drink half your body weight in water, sir?

[00:25:53] Yeah, well, you know, not every day is not. Every day is perfect. There's no perfect amount of water. But at the same time, I'm typically going to feel well and and not have these frustrating, you know, points of like, you know, lower like decreased hydration or, or dehydration, you know, throughout the day.

[00:26:11] So the last kind of pillar or process that I, that I want to talk about, um, through this, Tommy is well, I think we talked about it indirectly as clean lines. Right. So we don't want slippage in our, in our, um, fasting or nutrition opportunities. Right. So if you're looking forward and putting some mindfulness and some intention to what you're breaking your fast with and you're fasting times, then we want to keep those lines as clean as possible. We're not saying that, you know, it doesn't have to be an exact 16 eight. Right? Real life looks like a 15.5 hour fast one day and a 22 hour fast another day, or a great seven hour fast one day, because, goodness gracious, what happened? Right? You ended up in the emergency room with a child like, who knows? And you went to the vending machine, right? Um. But this mindset of moderating yourself and trying to not be too restrictive to affirmative and two. Difficult. Right to avoid the extreme because some people are like fasting. Man, you look great, doc. How much weight you lost? £30. What'd you do? I did some fasting. My God, why would you do that? Why would you starve yourself? I could never do that. Well, you're right, you just told yourself you can't. I didn't think I could either, right? Right. So the extreme. So avoid those extremes and try to find something that you can stay consistent with. Mhm. So. Finding that sustainability in the middle. Finding that sustainability in foods you enjoy and they make you feel good. Not saying don't ever, you know. Have ice cream again, or don't ever have a pizza night with the kids, right? I'm not saying 100% compliance, right? 80% rule. But what happens is this mindset is we we prefer to be either on or off when it comes to our weight loss dieting, fasting.

[00:28:08] Discipline.

[00:28:10] Yeah, yeah. This working out right. It's either like we're on or off, we're black and we're white. And the problem is when we go off, we go back to normal. Normal?

[00:28:19] Yeah.

[00:28:19] Our normal. So we need to work on shifting.

[00:28:23] The me somewhere I didn't want to be. Right, right. Yeah.

[00:28:26] And let's say you've been using fasting. You lost £30. Are you eating 30% less? Mm. Have your portions changed? Have your habits changed? Because that's where you're going to see that Long Tum success, right, Tommy?

[00:28:38] Wow. Yeah. Even going into the mindset of of moderation when we say that the transition from this being like, oh yeah, fasting is kind of a cool diet hack, you know, or it's a calorie deficit hack.

[00:28:52] And I can lose £7 in seven days, right?

[00:28:54] Yeah, yeah. All of these things that we hear.

[00:28:56] Yes you can. But then what. Yeah.

[00:28:59] It's the then what that really matters. The seven days are going to come and go. What about the next 5000 days like are those are those are what I want to be. Those are what I want to be focused on. But if the mindset of moderation allows us to kind of bridge the gap between an on off diet implementation all the way over to a sustainable lifestyle that I can, I can adapt and ebb and flow it to, to adapt to, to my changing needs. But I can also stick with it in a way that I know I'm I'm succeeding. I'm following the process and following the plan, even when it's not necessarily 100%. Or maybe I'm at a weight loss plateau, or maybe I'm just not motivated, or I don't find the need to push into a fat loss phase right now. So just maintaining where I am is is a win, especially if I compare it to an old quote unquote normal when I went off off track. So thinking about it more like that and kind of redefining what success looks like, success doesn't have to be an omad a 16 over eight could be could be success. Or if you're used to doing alternate day fasting, an omad or a to mad with no snacking in between might be might be a success this week. You know it's it's but it's having a little bit more flexibility rather than the on off perfectionism that really goes along with, you know, macro and calorie counting and all of those the eat less move more. You really when you start getting into calculating total daily energy and expenditure and things like that, and you're wearing a wearable to to find your exact number of calories, you really are kind of narrowing the focus in a way that's hard to adapt to a lifestyle. So we kind of have to get out of that mind frame and into a new way of kind of looking at the whole, the whole, um, the whole picture.

[00:30:47] So I just heard going from, yeah, we can, we can drill down into the micro, right into the dirt, into the weeds for a little while. Oh yeah. But then sustainability lives up, you know. In the 30,000. In the clouds, clouds and dirt. Write micro macro like as we zoom out. Then we're going to. We want simplicity. We want consistency. So how are we going to apply the things we talked about here into your day to day life? Well, I'm going to say pick 1 or 2. Right. So clean up the fasting windows. Clean up the food choices. Right. Uh, instead of Friday through Sunday kind of being off, Sunday is your day to be off, right? Like shrink it, compress it, compartmentalize it. Right. And the blueprint can help you do that as well, because it gives you some fasting schedules, which that could literally be just the switch for some. Mhm. So the blueprint to fasting for fat loss right. We'll zoom it to your inbox. It's yours. Use it apply it. And it might just be that. Oh I took the thinking about when am I fasting this week. Mhm. Yeah. Because I guarantee you. When your air quotes dieting. You're weighing out your snack baggies. You're not leaving the house without your Stanley, okay? You're not, uh, you know, missing out on that six ounce chicken breast. Mm. Right. It's all there on Sunday, but. Yeah, the one that you. Yeah. By Friday, you're like, oh, chicken breast and broccoli again. Again. Right. Again. Yeah. Right. So as we encourage you to take 1 or 2 things away from this episode, Tommy. The the application. There's no magic pill. There's no magic solution. Fasting, though, is so powerful because you notice quickly that you get results. It increases the motivation, and it also starts to shift your mindset around the food and the decisions and the intentionality that and those daily decisions and that those daily thought processes that you have when it comes to this I'm on or off dieting mindset. So final thoughts.

[00:32:53] Yeah, you also as you build in a little bit of consistency right there and put some of these pillars, start strengthening the pillars, not putting them into place, but start stacking them. Yeah. Because you can start today. Um, and then there's a couple of them where, you know, if it's late in the day. Okay. Well you can put them into place tomorrow, but even put a few things, you know, in a different spot in your, in your kitchen to, to put yourself in the mindset. Just like packing up your gym bag the night before. Do that going into tomorrow. Because as you do that, it's going to allow you to interpret your thought processes and your hunger cues that much better, um, during and after your next fast, so that you get to continually build the process and get better and better at it, like the skill set that we talked about earlier.

[00:33:37] Absolutely, absolutely. So head to the show notes. Pick 1 or 2 things that resonated you, uh, resonated with you from today's episode. Head to the show notes. Grab the blueprint. Uh, if you want to join a community of like minded fasters, you can also head to the show notes. Click the link for the fasting for life community. You can get encouragement. Encourage some others. Uh, get get some motivation, some accountability as well. Yeah, and join a community of like minded fasters all on the path to adapt a long terme sustainable fasting lifestyle which just happens to be the conversation of today's episode as well. So Tommy, as always, thank you sir, and we'll talk soon.

[00:34:13] Thank you. Bye


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