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In today’s episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy explore the topic of binge eating and its impact on weight loss. They define binge eating disorder, discuss challenges like emotional eating and fear of weight regain, stress the importance of sustainable fasting lifestyles, And advocate for creating disciplined yet realistic schedules, emphasize the role of fasting in addressing binge eating, and share insights on simple and repetitive nutrition for long-term success.
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Fasting For Life Ep. 214 Transcript
Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier And I'm Tommy Welling.
And you're
listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.
This podcast is about using fasting
as a tool to regain
your health, achieve ultimate wellness,
and live the life you truly deserve.
Each episode is a short conversation
on a single topic
with immediate, actionable steps.
We cover everything from fat loss
and health and wellness
to the science of lifestyle design.
We started fasting for life because of how
fasting has transformed our lives
and we hope to share the tools
that we have learned along the way.
Hey Ron,
welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast.
My name is Dr.
Scott Walker and I'm here as always,
and my good friend and colleague,
Tommy Welling.
Good afternoon to you, sir.
Hey, Scott,
how are you doing? Fantastic, my friend.
Excited for the challenge
that we've got coming up tomorrow.
So you are not too late.
You are right on time.
If you're looking for more support
to level up your fasting master,
your fasting skills,
get some new reps, break that plateau.
Boom. We've got you covered.
Link is in the show
notes. Click the link, get signed up.
We'll see on the inside.
Tommy I'm excited for today's conversation
as you've kind of navigated the holidays
and now we're into the end
of the first one, 12th of the year here.
And we've talked about holiday weight gain
and how to navigate the holidays
and New Year's resolutions and mindset
and willpower and discipline
and all of the things in the,
you know, the busiest month of the gyms
that will have throughout the calendar
year. Right.
We want to talk about
where you will be a year from now,
where you will be beginning
with the end in mind.
So we're going to take
some polling information
that we have thousands of people
that we've asked.
We're going to combine it
with a question for one of our rockstar
VIP coaching members.
And then we're also going
to tied into today's article
that we are going to dive into,
which is in the Eating and Weight Disorder
Journal came out
just recently in October of 2023.
Is binge
eating associated with poor weight loss
outcomes in people with a high body weight
and it's a systemic review
with a meta analysis.
So we're talking high level
research numbers and kind of see
what the population data
is going to show us as well.
But we want to take a soft approach
to this too, because we know that
from the polling and numbers
that we've seen
that the relationship with food
is such a key component to that.
So of course, we decided to dive into this
because we're going to give you
some things that you can do
that are actionable.
So if you just listen to our intro,
you know, we want you to walk away
with something you can do today
to adopt the fasting lifestyle.
So with that,
I want to welcome all the new listeners
to the Fasting for Life podcast.
And if you want to know
more about how fasting has transformed
our lives, Tommy and myself
head back to episode one.
Give it a listen.
And you will know why
we now do what we do each and every week
by providing content and value
and actionable things
that you can do
to adopt a fasting lifestyle.
So welcome to the fasting for like Sam,
as we like to say, for all you OG's,
all you folks that say, Hey, I started,
I found you haphazardly.
Somebody told me, stumbled upon it,
which happens a lot this time of year,
shared it with a friend or family member.
Heck, we even got some providers who would
willingly share our podcast episodes.
And you say, Hey, I just listen in Europe.
So But now I went
all the way back to the beginning
and I've binged it up until, let's say,
episode 105 or I'm on episode 159
and you share your experience with us.
That is exactly what we want.
We want to support you.
We want to help you transform,
lose the weight for good,
and ultimately get the health benefits
that comes along with that and exit
that dieting rollercoaster,
that dieting mindset that we can
consistently be on that
you and I used to live on Tommy as well,
which is why I'm really excited about
today's conversation around this sensitive
topic of binge eating and its association
with poor weight loss
outcomes in people
with a high body weight.
So I want to come from the position
of going through the definitions
of what is a binge eating disorder.
We're not talking about clinically
diagnosed bulimia, right where you have
purging and laxatives and all of these
different we're not talking about that.
We're talking about a very generic broad,
more common than you might think.
Because when I read the definition,
I didn't realize that this used to be me.
Right? Me too.
But we find this inside of our challenges
know 55, 56, 5700
people have gone through them.
Now we ask this poll
question often, right.
Which is where we want
to start the conversation.
Say, where is the gap between now
and your goals that you're most concerned
about or spend the most time thinking
about when it comes to your fasting
lifestyle, your weight loss,
and ultimately your health goals?
And the results are staggering.
Every single time we drop this poll,
the percentage of response
that falls into the categories
directly relates
to what we're going to get into today.
Yeah, So, you know, we asked choices
like low confidence in my,
you know, fasting schedule, my times, my
my fasting choices, what to eat,
you know, between my fast forgetting
why I started like losing motivation
over time or not sure what my goals
really are or what, you know, where
I'm aiming basically or not sure
what maintenance is going to look like.
So maybe I don't have as much motivation
to step on the gas,
if you will, because I'm not really sure
how this looks.
You know what this looks like
later on down the road,
which I also feel like is an important
aspect of like the beginning of the year
kind of conversation to like.
How how enthusiastic am I
to put one foot in front of the other,
you know, for how long is that
enthusiasm going to last for.
Yeah, right, right.
If it feels like
it's going to be short lived then a it
probably will be,
but B, it doesn't feel like it's worth
pushing forward very hard
if I don't see myself,
like, lasting on this kind of change
for a while.
And so,
like when we talk about weight loss or,
you know, health, you know,
a reversal of disease processes, you know,
maintenance of health, health span,
longevity, all these kind of things, then,
you know,
it's really good to to understand
that we want to prioritize sustainability.
Our likelihood
that we'll continue to be motivated,
but also to be able to maintain results
or potentially keep progressing
and getting better results over time.
So the results of the poll are that 61
to 65%,
depending on the time that we asked.
So basically close
to two thirds of factors that we've asked
identify emotional eating
or some component
thereof as the biggest hurdle
or the biggest like gap
or frustration point or fear point that
that they're thinking about right now.
And so that that's going to be like
the biggest gap between,
you know, right now
and then my end goals, emotional eating.
And I feel like that ties right
into the sustainability component.
Will I be able to maintain these changes
if I'm making food related changes?
And will the results stick?
Because fear of regain
is also a big component of that future.
You know, painting the picture,
you know, for my future self.
If we look at those numbers
and we worded a few different ways
but that fear of regain right
so that scale coming back combined
with the emotional eating component,
The food relationships.
The food component
to the fasting component
because the fasting is the easy,
simple part, you just don't eat right.
Well, here, Austin.
Hey, I'm doing great.
But, you know, when I break,
when I open my window hoof
and sometimes I lose control, like, I just
I just can't close my window.
We talk about
gets me in the face with my scale or,
you know, Yeah, like next few days, Right?
So the combining the emotional
eating component and the fear of regain,
we get into that 80% category
every time we ask this poll question.
So we hear it often in terms of fasting.
I'm great during fasting,
but now like, what do I do during like,
how do I manage this behavior?
And the interesting thing
is when we look at and we define the binge
eating disorder from Cleveland Clinic,
it's the most common eating disorder
that health care providers diagnose,
although many people don't realize
it's disorder.
So I am not here to diagnose anyone. Okay.
It was not medical advice.
It is an eye opening for me
indictment on my previous behavior
that used to sound similar
to the poll responses.
We get, the questions
we still get from new fasters or new
fasting for lifers, right? Yeah.
And it ultimately comes down
to that relationship with food
or why we go to food.
So it causes binge eating disorder causes
frequent episodes,
usually an unusually large quantity
of food in one session.
And and feeling the inability to stop.
And it's characterized
by chronic compulsive overeating.
So while occasional overeating is normal
special event, etc.,
this is something that you live with
or think about often
multiple times a week up until daily,
and it feels like it control
you, interferes with your thoughts,
your mental,
emotional and physical well-being. Right.
And this is the criteria.
It's eating a greater amount of food
than most people would
within a limited period of time.
Now, that's subjective,
but 1 to 2 hours is typically the window
feeling of sense of compulsion
or lack of control associated with eating
or certain food groups.
And they these episodes occur
at least once per week
and have been going on for several months
and feeling like distress
or stress or self-loathing about it.
Now, we're not talking again
about bulimia nervosa, okay?
We're talking about this this maybe
subconscious behavior where it's like,
okay, you know, I'm going to go hog
wild on this buffet, right?
Or I'm going to go into my food.
I'm an idiot,
but I'm going to go eat again. Right.
So some of the symptoms and signs
are eating past the point of satisfaction,
eating too fast to notice like your hunger
cues or how eating makes you feel sad.
Eating in front of a TV or screen,
eating large amounts of food
when you're not hungry
or after recently finishing a meal.
Yeah, I do that. Yeah.
Yeah. Especially sure. Yep.
Eating in response to emotional stress,
emotional eating,
eating alone or in secret.
Organizing your schedule around sessions
like this, hoarding or stashing
food, hiding, eating from others
because you're embarrassed,
obsessive thinking about food
or specific food cravings.
We'll talk about the hedonic food scale,
frequent dieting, which may cause
weight fluctuations with or without weight
loss or weight regain,
and then the guilt, remorse, shame,
self-esteem cycle that comes from this.
So we know that in the overweight
or obese category that, you know, BMI,
strokes, health
related conditions with a broad
stroke, it's
not a great representation of health.
But in the BMI categories of overweight
or obesity,
we make 260 to 360 decisions about food
every single day, consciously
and subconsciously, as you go
from the overweight to obese category,
it's 100 more decisions
a day that you make.
So one session of these types of things
a week puts you in this category.
Again, not a diagnosis, but what it is,
is an awareness that when we are fasting
that there is a difficulty
for some and it's stress and sleep.
And we'll talk about all that stuff too.
Emotional connection to food.
The decisions you're making in that moment
when it comes to the food choices
that you're
putting in your nutrition windows.
So what about even
just the fact that we don't have
to be clinically diagnosable like,
but to feel the stress or the impact
or the influence of this type of like,
man, just not feeling like I have full
control over food, food choices,
food, thoughts, food, you know, food
cravings, all of these kind of things.
And if you look at it as like a food
restriction point of view, which,
you know, many of us practice things like,
let's say, a low carb lifestyle
or we could have associated success
and results with
something like food group restriction,
you know, oftentimes carbohydrates.
But if it gets to the point to where
I feel like I can't even sniff a carb
without putting on weight or like I'm
basically almost scared to be around them
or scared to be tempted by them,
then that influence just subconsciously,
or if I'm very aware of it,
maybe consciously,
kind of puts me into the category
of some of the binge
eating characteristics
that put me into this spot.
But the encouraging thing
is that across thousands of participants,
what they found was that
even if I'm in that bucket right there,
it doesn't mean that
I can't take the weight off
and that's the really empowering
part of this.
This cool study was that
I didn't have to be diagnosable,
but with the influence,
that potentially heavy influence
from those kind of thoughts and
and behavioral patterns, it didn't affect
the weight loss outcomes, which is like
incredibly encouraging, right?
So the main result is
there was no weight loss, did not differ
for any of the participants,
regardless of binge eating symptoms
before or after the intervention.
Yeah, and what I liked about
the study was about it.
Yeah, right. So my a meta analysis of 21.
Well me, I am and I'm
not now that I'm thinking back about it
because what we found with fasting
is that this gets easier and goes away.
And I didn't realize that I did this, but
like my wife and I used to go to CrossFit
on Friday nights to a hard workout
and we go get barbecue and beers
and just crush, right?
Burn the heck out of a bunch of.
Earning that. Yeah.
I'm not a dog
and I need to earn my next meal. Right.
So a meta analysis of 21 intervention
trials, including this is what I love
randomized controlled trials
and non non-controlled.
The studies were divided
into three categories,
but they looked at all
different types of weight
loss treatment, bariatric surgery,
six studies,
pharmacotherapy or alone,
or combined with behavioral interventions
like CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy,
or interpersonal behavioral therapy, etc.
for studies and behavior
or nutritional interventions.
And what I love here is the follow up
duration was between 12 months
or at least 12 months in about
almost a 6040 split between the studies.
And what it showed was weight loss
did not differ for any of the participants
like Tommy had mentioned
in some of the studies,
who were the full criteria of a bed
or binge eating disorder
and others were not.
It's this thought process that we see
in the polls that we asked
during our challenges
that get this awareness to be brought
from subconscious
to conscious, from subconscious
behavior patterns to conscious thought,
where you're like, wait,
I do think about this.
I might I did act in this way.
I used to sometimes, you know,
have a little rotisserie chicken on the
way home before dinner, maybe a little,
you know, a little Chick-Fil-A run
or a little breakfast after breakfast, if,
you know, I ate at home and then I had a,
you know, a little, little Starbucks
stop on the way,
you know, a little matter in between now.
Yeah, right.
But it fit my calories.
It fit my macros, right. I would track it.
It would all be part of the process.
The encouraging thing here,
what I really love is that if we looked
at where we started this conversation
this time of year, beginning with the end
in mind, we know that the statistics
we don't have a fasting dieting weight
loss problem in this country.
Six out of seven people
can lose a significant amount of weight
loss at any given time.
The scary statistic
is that one third to two
thirds of those people
put the weight back on plus some.
And we know that at the 12 month mark
we have a good success rate.
Right at the 24 month
mark, it drops down to 90%.
And at the three year mark, we have a 94.
They put the weight,
but the weight back on. Yeah.
And then 95% of people at the three year
mark go back to
where they were or to one two third
to two thirds of them are worse off.
Man. So we have a sustainability problem.
Yeah, we have a
is this the long term plan for you?
Is this something that we can get
enough repetitions with,
with fasting and breaking our fast
or changing our fasting hours?
Because this is where I love the question
that came from one of our rock star
VIP's in terms of how the mindset
around this, this eating behavior,
this food relationship then shows itself
when trying to adopt a fasting lifestyle.
And it also reminds me of
just the fact that we oftentimes
get questions about super,
super long fasts.
You know, it's almost looked at like,
okay, once I discover fasting or
I see some of the potential here,
or maybe I experience some of the results,
then it can feel like, okay, well,
I just need to go longer and longer
and longer
that that would be better, right?
Question Mark.
And that's not what we find as as far
as the actual short term results,
but definitely,
definitely not in the long term results,
because we've talked
to, you know, just so many people
who they've done so many long, fast and,
you know, the scale is up and down.
It's so volatile, but then it feels
impossible for them to to keep it off.
They still have,
you know, most
or all of the weight to lose
or they've lost it all and then gained it
all back because essentially,
as we go longer and longer,
we don't get a chance to address
any of the emotional food choices
or make any food related decisions.
We don't get to do the harder
part of the equation.
Like if you think fasting is hard,
try making a good food decision,
especially when you're not used to it
or when you're not confident about
what's going to, you know, be helpful
or nutritional for your body or actually
help you get closer to your long term
goals, like continue the process.
So when we go ultra long on our fast,
then essentially it can be a game
of avoiding food related decisions
for extended periods of time.
But then once I break this fast, okay,
well then what happens?
So if I especially if I'm
if I'm having these
binge eating related behavioral processes
and subconscious thoughts
and things like that,
they can all come rushing back as like
pent up demand for this kind of stuff
that I've been avoiding for maybe two days
or three days or five days or ten days or,
you know, whatever the case may be.
So, you know,
intake kind of touches on this here.
One of our coaching clients
finding burn days really hard.
I feel like they mess with my head.
I become obsessed with food.
Is it possible not to do burn days,
but then maybe do extended
like 30 hour, 36
hour fast and still have success?
So I absolutely love this question.
And yes, absolutely,
it is definitely possible.
I will almost say it's preferred
because then you get the opportunity
to make food related decisions more often,
but it doesn't necessarily feel easier,
especially in the beginning or while
you're having more of those emotional
eating kind of thoughts coming to mind
and finding yourself
face to face
with emotional food decisions.
But you can definitely build
in the insulin response that you want
and the caloric deficit
and have the opportunity to burn through
long term fat stores with a 30 or 36
hour fast or even at like a 20 hour fast.
It doesn't have to be super long.
It doesn't have to be multi day extended
fast in order to get to your weight loss
goals, for sure.
This is one of the things
that I've been really empowered by
and a shout out to neutral scents here.
And, you know,
you and I, Tommy, have shared that.
I don't remember what episode recently,
but it was
sometime in the month of January.
And what we're going to be focusing on,
I think it was last week's episode,
if I recall, about what habits
and what things
we're going to be looking at
for this upcoming year.
Yeah, so I'm wearing a neutral sense
for the next six months
and I was going to do 90 days.
And then what?
I really want to dial some stuff in
because nutrition, it's
been really eye opening
because if we think about some of the
things when we talk about fasting
and breaking your fast and making
those intentional food decisions
and those choices, those are governed
by our blood sugar, They're governed by
how we feel, how we think in the moment,
how our sleep was, how our stress was,
how our body is responding
to those things in real time.
And that is what nutrition lets
you analyze.
So nutrition has cutting edge tech
plus the human expertise.
So I've got Patrick, my guy who keeps
messaging me, Hey, your week looks good.
What happened here? Do you remember this?
Like what was going on?
And we don't want the big swings.
Blood sugar swings are normal.
We want to be within the ideal range
as much as possible, which will allow us
to feel those responses to the decisions
we're making when it comes to food.
So we've got the human expertise
plus the CGM,
which is the continuous glucose monitor
that we wear on the back of your arm.
It's completely painless
and you've got the app
and the visualization and that that habit
making process of going
and scanning it right
and seeing that visual change
to the decisions that you're making.
So it's the device
that gives you the ability to track to see
plus the expert guidance.
And this is what's really allowed me to
because I want to talk about
discipline here in a second,
but it's allowed me to stay disciplined
even on the days that I don't really feel
like going to the sun
or closing my window on time or getting in
that cold plunge
or doing that zone to Peloton workout.
Right. Or avoiding some of the air quotes.
Trigger foods. Right.
That connect me
back to the days of CrossFit Fridays with
with all of the fun foods and, you know
adult beverages that took place after it.
So today's yeah dopamine Fridays right
is really allowed me to hone that in
and that's why I'm going to be continuing.
So I want to encourage you to
if you're looking for some real time
support and real time feedback
when it comes to this type of stuff, It's
an incredible wellness tool
that you can have in your toolbox.
And I'm going to encourage
you go to nutrition, start
forward slash fasting for life.
You'll get a $30 off your first month and
a free month of expert dietician support.
So you can try that out.
And I want to encourage you to do,
you know, to commit to it
for a few months at a time
because it's really going to play out
in a way for you to be able to listen
in real time to what you're feeling,
the decisions you're making,
and then ultimately
what your brain is telling you about them.
So yeah, that's what I love about this
question that came in is,
you know, I feel like it's messing with
my decisions, it's messing with my head.
I don't want that obsessive food thoughts.
I don't want those additional thoughts
I don't want. So.
So where are your hunger cues?
Where are your cues
coming from and really diving into the why
we have that feeling and then ultimately
what that decision is doing to us after
we've gone through with the decision, yay
or nay giving in or having discipline
to say no to it.
Because again, the stats show
when it comes to weight
loss, three years,
so diets have a 95% failure rate.
So how do you become part of the 5%?
Well, we need to establish discipline,
and discipline is a finite creature.
Some people have more,
some people have less.
So how do we stick to a fasting lifestyle
and have healthier food, nutrition,
opportunity decisions and cleaner fast?
Without this on or off
bingeing type potential possibility
because we know 80% of the results
from our polls are food related decisions,
emotional connection
to food or the fear of regain.
So how do we do that?
Well, we need to create a schedule
that allows you the least amount
of discipline to stay the most consistent
over a long period of time.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I like that.
Like really, for sustainability
purposes, I'm looking ahead
trying to get the amount of
like you talked about 260, 360,
whatever the number was,
food related decisions each day.
So if you, if you really like extrapolate
that out and add to it and say
fasting related decisions or whatever
your maintenance looks like, even
like if it was low and slow
or it was caloric deficit or,
you know, any, any number of more,
Yeah, yeah.
Then that's additional decisions on
top of all those food related decisions
that are kind of going on subconsciously.
You talk about decision fatigue
and it's only realistic
to do
like you don't have unlimited bandwidth.
You can't effectively stick to something
that's going to increase
the number of decisions that you have
to make like long term for all that long,
or the stress and negative feeling
about the actual like, man, our diet.
Jen Right.
Got to start over on Monday again, right?
That we talking about.
And especially if you lost
a bunch of weight and then like here comes
here comes some regain like
if I had regain and then it's frustration
but it's also like guilt that
I did it again or I have to do it again.
I have to go through that again.
Which, which is very frustrating.
So like,
that's absolutely what we don't want.
So I don't know how many times I gained
and lost so much weight
over the years
until getting consistency with my fasting.
But if you think about this
in a long term manner,
then it means less decisions over time.
But simplicity, Yeah, simplicity.
So I can adapt.
I can adapt the tools rather than like
not understanding when it feels elusive.
When you say 95%, don't
keep the weight off after three years, but
it does make sense whenever you you start
thinking about the decision fatigue
that would go along with like tracking
all your macros and things like that.
Like how long
do you really want to try to do that for?
It's a for most people, it's
going to be like, get out of here.
Maybe 12 months.
Yeah, maybe 24 months, maybe.
It's hard to see like five years from now,
like really
like tracking every single meal
and some people can do it, right?
Something that works for some people,
Right? Probably.
But I like to say for us mere
mortals. Right.
What is something that's going
to give us more sustainability,
more life, more freedom
because we don't want,
you know, aptly
named fasting for life on purpose.
We don't want your diet plan to become
your life carrying around a scale weight.
It we want it to be more intuitive,
more relaxed, more confident.
And that comes through repetitions,
through fasting.
So I just love that question
that came through. Yes.
You don't have to always be pushing
for the next longest fast.
That's not a long term
sustainability strategy.
Yeah, a long term sustainability
strategy is what puts you just outside
of your comfort zone that you can delay
the gratification enough
to get the benefit of fasting,
not just for the scale, but for all the
other health benefits come along with it.
The hormone balancing,
the awareness of your hunger cues,
the fact that you do have
certain behaviors around foods
that you might not even realize social,
you know, social interactions, pressure,
peer pressure.
Yeah, you know, connections, loved ones,
you know, support, spousal support
or lack of support or friend circles
that really revolve around food
and the enjoyment of food.
So we want you to feel confident
that you can lose the weight
because we know that's
what the research shows.
Fasting is our deciding factor.
Yes, it's a fasting podcast for bias.
Fasting has transformed
our lives of thousands of other people,
so we think it's the easiest vessel
to get you there.
Never mind all of the additional benefits.
and if you have this binge eating disorder
Right, which I did
and didn't even realize.
Just like
I was an undiagnosed pre-diabetic,
I was also an undiagnosed BD had no idea.
Unaware. Unaware doesn't matter.
It's not about the diagnosis.
It's about the decision.
It's about the fact
that we need to find the least
the threshold for you
that's sustainable 80% of the time, right?
Not the 100% plan, not the plan
that you have to do every single day
to a perfect tee,
but the plan that allows for you
to have confidence
knowing that you can still enjoy life
and set your timer and break your fast,
consistently the majority of the time.
So instead of full throttle
going to do another burn day rolling 48,
Well, we're not getting the repetitions,
so that is why we love doing
these challenges, too.
And that's why tomorrow
we are doing our first one of 2024.
So head to the show notes
and more details.
link. Sign up for that as well.
We we talk about the fasting schedules
and we give you either a standard
or an advanced schedule,
and we're going to take you
through the steps to shift this mindset
and put some awareness on the key
needle movers for sustainable fasting,
for a sustainable fasting lifestyle
and get you off this roller coaster.
Help you break through that plateau,
put some foundational fasting habits
in place, and help to heal or repair
that emotional connection,
or start to illuminate that fear of regain
that we see right time.
Yeah, absolutely.
And that that was a huge one for me.
I always had that
that kind of fear of regained
that would kind of keep the confidence
or the the amount of hitting the gas
kind of low
because I had regained it so many times.
And so that takes it's multifactorial
to kind of rewire that,
but it's absolutely possible for sure.
And on the flip side of Kate's question,
more from the beginner side of
of starting to get into fasting
would be like,
hey, I've been doing 12 hour fasts
or I've been doing 14
or 16 hour fast, but maybe the needle's
not moving just yet.
And so kind of like, like you said,
pushing outside of your comfort zone,
but then also finding a little bit
of a sweet spot where we can get
some new results and then built
some new habit patterns as well.
Is is one of the cool things
that that comes along with a lot of other
aha's that we hear
about going through the challenges.
So I'm absolutely just really excited
about it and I think it's great
no matter where you're coming from,
like if you're a beginner
or more intermediate
or if you're more of an advanced faster.
So it's going to be a lot of fun. Yeah,
And take home message for today in regards
to this somewhat delicate topic, right.
But something that we just felt called to
address is to shed some light
on this, beginning with the end in mind,
because the sustainable plan for
you is not the sustainable plan
for somebody else.
So your fasting lifestyle is going to come
from your intentionality
behind your fasting attempts, right?
how many swings at the plate you get.
So yeah, you need reps, you need reps,
you need trial and error, right?
It's you need reps
just like anything else, right.
For you to to improve a skill or to get
a desired result in any area of life.
You need repetitions,
you need attention, need a plan.
So when you look at fasting,
fasting in essence is simple.
A lot of the times it becomes the food
component that makes it not so easy.
Sure, right.
Because unlimited food choices, unlimited
right all around us, convenience, right.
Pipe every broadcast or every TV
commercial or every you know, a lot of,
you know, had the Hallmark calendar,
the holiday calendar,
all of that stuff, billboards, radio ads,
neon neon signs.
I mean, everything.
The hedonic value of foods, right?
The affinity for
and the creation of the food supply
that we have, the convenience factor,
those high fat, high carb foods
that are the most satiating, palatable,
the most delightful.
The things that we really love
to overindulge in,
where the lower hedonic foods are like,
yeah, yeah, exactly.
The lower hedonic foods like the,
you know, the salad with grilled
chicken, Right?
You know, it's finding that happy medium
and that comes with repetition.
So with that,
the fasting schedules are are
one of the biggest questions that we get.
And if you're looking for more guidance,
the challenge is coming up tomorrow.
We also have our fasting blueprint,
the fat loss, the blueprint
of fasting for fat loss.
I'm going to encourage you though, if you
are resonating with this conversation,
not more knowledge,
but action is going to get you there.
So we want to encourage you
to take an action today
or even just to have an awareness today
or an today that this is
something that is doable,
that is completely within your control
and you just got to keep showing
up, keep staying consistent, keep applying
the fasting principles
and will absolutely get you there.
Tommy So yeah, well as we wrap up today's
conversation, sir,
I appreciate it as always.
Happy fasting.
Set those timers.
We'll see you on side of the inside
of the challenge and we'll talk to you.
Cool. Thank you. Bye.
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you may be wondering, where do I start?
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and we'll be back next week
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