Ep. 212 - How an 8am-6pm eating window improves blood glucose, insulin sensitivity, & medication dosage in diabetics | Fasting is easier and simpler than calorie counting, & still creates a deficit | Join the Fasting Challenge | Nutrisense CGM

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2024



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In today’s episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss a compelling October 2021 study on time-restricted feeding (TRF) that improves blood glucose and insulin sensitivity in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes. The randomized trial featured a 10-hour daily feeding window without specific diet constraints. TRF led to a 28% reduction in calorie intake, improved overall health scores, and significant drops in A1C, fasting glucose, body weight, and insulin resistance. Notably, these positive outcomes occurred without intentional changes in physical activity or diet quality. The study underscores the potential of a simple and sustainable 10-hour TRF approach for managing type 2 diabetes.


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Fasting For Life Ep. 212 Transcript


Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier.

And I'm Tommy Welling.

And you're
listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting
as a tool to regain

your health, achieve ultimate wellness,
and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation
on a single topic

with immediate, actionable steps.

We cover everything from fat loss

and health and wellness
to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how
fasting has transformed our lives

and we hope to share the tools
that we have learned along the way.

Hey everyone,
welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast.

My name is Dr.

Scott Water and I'm here as always, and
my good friend and colleague, Tom Welling.

Happy New Year to you, sir,
and good afternoon.

How are we doing? Happy New Year.
I am doing great.

How are you?

Fantastic, my friend.

Excited for today's conversation.

We are often running
What was the third episode

of 2020 for, right?

Yeah. Like, just those were nice.

It's just crazy to think so.


Getting back into the basics
this year, you know, talking about effects

of time, restricted eating on weight
loss and adults couple episodes ago

did some post-meal walking for blood
sugar management last week.

And then this week
we're going to be talking about an episode

that I'm just I mean, an article
that I'm really excited about.

Time restricted feeding improves blood
glucose and insulin sensitivity

in overweight patients with type two
diabetes, a randomized controlled trial.

And this was from October 7th of 2021.

And this is the first study
that is studied and set up in this way

in human population
with type two diabetes,

focusing on the primary
and secondary outcomes.

So going through this article,
it was just like After after

And we want to drop those to you
to continue the momentum.

Now you might be thinking,
well I'm new to the podcast,

I don't have diabetes, don't worry,
we got you.

First of all,

want to welcome you in for joining us
on the fasting for Life podcast.

If you want to hear more about how fasting
has transformed our lives,

and I have had incredible transformations

and now we are coming to you each and
every week sharing one actionable thing

or one or two things you can take away
and put into your fasting lifestyle and

adopt the fasting lifestyle immediately
after listening to the episode.

If you want to know more about where
we started, head back to episode one,

give it a listen.

If you're a fasting lifestyle, OG
and you've been with us for a while,

maybe you've taken a break over
the holidays, you're

back on track for 2024.

Today's episode is going to be impactful
for you as well,

or at least that's our hope
when we dive into these conversations.

Tommy So with that being said, this time
restricted feeding article

looking at insulin sensitivity
and overweight patients type two diabetes,

is that the fasting windows,
they use the macro breakdowns

of the dietary guidance

and we'll go into all of this
in just a minute that they recommend

and the 12 week length and application
of those things with the adherence

being greater in the fasting group
than in the control group,

all make it applicable
to each and every one of you,

no matter where you are on your weight
loss, fasting or health journey.

Because once we share
the numbers, you're going to be like,

that's it,
Wait a minute, I can do that too.

And that's why we want to start the year
off with these types of conversations.

Next week we're going to be talking about
habit ladders and habit stacking,

and we're going to share

some of the metrics
that Tommy and I are personally working on

for this year as well, because everybody
always wants to know, Right.

So we're going to give you a peek
behind the curtain.

Nothing to hide, but
we don't share a lot of that stuff often.

But we've got a new initiative
for this year.

I've got my wife involved.
So now it's going to be a competition.

So you better believe that I'm going
to be upping my game.

Game on.

So just lots of exciting things
where you say to me,

I love a good competition to you, right?

You're not me. So I'm
sure let you all take it over from here.

But all right,
this article, it's great stuff.

Let's dive in. Yeah.

So as we look at how they actually
conducted this and taking two groups,

randomized controlled trial,
this is one of the first ones

for human randomized controlled trials,
which is really cool.

We have 60 patients on each side of this

for the time restricted feeding group
and for the contents of big study.

Yeah, it really is.

And the cool thing here is that when we
look at it, they're using a ten hour

restricted feeding window,
a nutrition opportunity window,

as we like to call it,
which means that it's 14 hours fasted,

which is definitely no stretch
of the imagination.

You could get started with it today,
even if you've never fasted,

you don't have to prepare for a 14
hour fast.

Just prepare that
maybe when you when you wake up,

you might have a little bit more hunger
going into lunch

than you've experienced in the past
if you've never skip a meal before.

But barring that situation, it's really,
really easy

to jump into a 14 hour fast like that.

And the fact that we see
some cool results is really, really good.

But the other thing I like
is just the fact that there wasn't

a whole lot of restriction going on here
because when they did break their fast,

they were allowed to pretty much
just eat normally, just consuming normal.

And just the fact that we didn't have like
artificial macronutrient breakdowns

or ratios that were kind of unrealistic
or anything else like that means the fact

that we can really lean
into like progress over perfection here

because if we can do these things
in a way that feels more like,

I only had to make a couple of changes,

then really I can start stacking those

on top of each other rather than feeling
like I need to do everything perfectly

to get this right.

And then if it doesn't all go right, then
I end up kind of throwing the baby out

with the bathwater. So

this is the on the opposite side of that,
which I really like about this study.

So we'll get into the specifics
in just a second.

You just shared some of the big picture
outline when the main conclusion

or take away from this,
which is the ten hour restricted feeding.

So we're talking 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., right?

That's your eating window
eating window at the beat them.

No restrictions. Yeah.

What naturally happened is really cool
which is if we're talking

big picture, we want simplicity,
we want sustainability.

Sitting in the sauna at the gym,
especially this time of year.

And you know, this year, New Year's
resolutions, New Year, new me.

I'm going to work out every day.

I'm never going to eat
another carbohydrate, great, etc., etc..

You know,

this is the year it's going to be me,
like all these new people at the gym.

And I always like to say, be a reason

why someone new or someone
that's coming back to the gym

be the reason why they come back,
not the reason why they leave.

Yeah, right.

So open the doors.

Say a lot, right?
If you see a bunch of new faces.

So the song is a lot busier,
much more mainstream,

much like fasting these days
it's a lot busier.

But sitting in there
and hearing the struggles, the restart,

the mindset, the
I lost it, gained it, the protein powders,

the macros, the calories, the counting,
the tracking, right, all of that.

And it works to a certain degree
if you work it.

What I love about fasting is that it
strips it down to a level of simplicity

where you don't have to worry
about all of those little details.

And the main takeaway from
this is in anything that we talk about,

if you're new to the podcast, yes,
we talk about weight loss.

why most people start fasting, Right.

But it's way more than that.

It is a health driving health, creating

quality of life,
improving disease, reversing practice.

Even in today's world
of convenience, indulgence

and the wonderful
food supply that we have.

So the takeaway is

this ten hour restricted feeding,
if you want to call it restrict, it

improves blood
glucose and insulin sensitivity,

both incredibly powerful long term health


It results in weight loss
considerably more.

It reduces
the necessary dosage of medications.

And this is the key part.

I love this time because you're going
to unpack something called the SF 12,

which is a physical and mental health
summary score,

which I love because we always talk
about quality of life,

longevity, you know,
why do you want to lose the weight, etc.

And it also offers cardiovascular benefits

by reducing atherosclerotic lipid levels.

So we're going to talk about metrics
on your yearly blood work.

If you've just re-up your health

you know, or life insurance, you know that
these numbers matter to the system.

Yeah, right

there, these metrics, these boxes that
you should be fitting into, so to speak.


Because where we're coming from
is that diabetes on its own,

not pre-diabetes,
not cardiovascular disease,

but diabetes is in $827 billion

a year burden on the health care system
in the global public health

that we have currently, You know,

which is often associated with carrying
excess weight or being obese.

And I love the authors come from
because they say the crisis will continue.

We say the epidemic will continue
unless a solution is found.

And they look
they talk through the observation

of looking at caloric restriction.

And, you know,
that is now about a century old.

And they talk about different animal
studies and different human studies.

And they even come out
and say that while OCR calorie restriction

has many benefits,
this type of diet may be difficult

because it requires a vigilant
daily calorie count

and fasting as an alternative
to calorie restriction

inherently, which what it is
has become increasingly popular.

we know that because of all the studies

that have been done on Tiaras
and ADF and five two

and fasting days and feast fast repeat
and you know,

intermittent fasting 16 eight windows
and all of these different things.

And there's so many studies that have been
done looking at those metabolic drivers.

What TIAA-CREF in humans
hasn't really been well-studied

and it's becoming more mainstream
over the last few years.

So seven human studies or human trials

up until the date of this release article,
there's been a bunch more

that we've gone over from 2023 in the last
probably 15 to 20 podcast episodes.

And all of those benefits of TIAA-CREF

have been focusing on healthy humans
who are overweight or obese.

So that's great.

When we talk big picture
the epidemic of blood sugar, the epidemic

of diabetes, the epidemic of pre-diabetes,
undiagnosed diabetes, etc.

This study is showing that you can move

the needle without the complexity
of caloric restriction.

And you're going to move
not just the scale,

but the true metabolic metrics
that matter for long term health

and decrease mortality and decrease
risk of death lifestyle induced disease.


Without having to do the standard

January mindset, New Year, new me

never eating a carbohydrate,
working out seven days a week.

This is the year I'm going to do it.

I'm going to track everything, weigh

I'm going to get a personal trainer.

Let's hold up a mirror,
take some of the pressure off,

and let's apply a different strategy,
which is why I love this study,

because it is a starting point
for every single person.

Even if you're advanced,

you can still gain a lot of encouragement
from the from the labs

that change in the study. Yeah.

And the fact I love that it's almost
half women, which is just fantastic.

The natural thing that happened here

with the time restricted feeding group was

they actually had a 28% reduction
in their caloric intake

just by compartmentalizing, just by going,
You know

what, I'm
not going to have anything after six.

Say that again. 28%.
They weren't tracking.

No, they weren't tracking at all.

They were weighing No, they could
they could eat whatever they wanted.

It's just that they cut it off by 6 p.m..

That's a really cool point too,
because I opened my part

of the conversation here talking about
like the ease of skipping breakfast

as kind of like stepping into
into fasting, you know, Right.

For this protocol, like you highlighted,
they started at 8 a.m.,

they ended by 6 p.m..

But the cool thing there is
that's actually more effective.

We know that to be more effective
because of the rise in insulin resistance

as the day goes on.

So later on into the day

we're going to have a higher blood
sugar response, a higher insulin response

for any given food or any
given meal versus earlier in the day.

That's just
what happens to the human body.

And so understanding that and going,
you know what, breakfast

is, okay, I just want to cut off the late
night stuff.

And if I can do that, I can experience
a substantial benefit from that.

It's really, really cool because just that
natural reduction in the caloric intake

without a drop in compliance or adherence
or without an increase in frustration or,

you know, drop out from the study

or anything else like that, like

these patients were going through
a very sustainable protocol

and they were able to adhere to it
for a long period of time as well, over

a 12 week period.

And, you know, another cool thing
that that happened

was was just the fact
that with that caloric reduction,

they actually experienced what you
mentioned earlier with the overall health,

it's called the SF 12 form.

And what it is, is it's actually
a questionnaire about how are you feeling

about your own personal health
and what they found was a 9% improvement

in that score overall across the 12 weeks
versus the control group.

And this is looking at things
like have your activities of daily

living been affected by the way
that you're feeling like your pain level

or your overall health?
What have you accomplished?

Have you accomplished

more or less than you would like
to have over the past few weeks?

What about when you're at work
or in the house?

What are the things that like,

have you felt more calm and peaceful
or less calm and peaceful?

What about your energy levels,
downhearted and blue, things like that.

Things that like really, really matter,
like where the rubber hits the road.

Like what I really care about day to day
and just looking at it and an improvement

on that with this simple
compartmentalization of your actual

eating, your fasting and your feeding
is just incredibly promising,

especially going into the new year
where it's like,

I would love to accomplish
some big things this year,

but what I don't want is another year
where I try to change everything.

Then by the end of the year it's
kind of like it's where I'm way off from.

What I was thinking from January 1st,
what I'd really love

is to put some tangible things together
that I can really connect to over the year

and then see a big improvement,
you know, as as the year goes on.

So let's be real here.

Like if we're talking big picture,
I mean, why do we do the things we do?

Like, why do we want to be healthy?

Ultimately, it's for our quality of life
to show up better as a husband or a spouse

or grandma, grandpa or parent or preacher,
whatever it is.


Like we ultimately we want to feel good
because we deserve it.

Like we are given this life to enjoy it.

Like we work hard, play hard,
whatever framework you want to use, right?

Ultimately, we strive to be healthy.

We strive to feel good.

I'm not saying every day, but we strive
to have more good days and bad days.

Sure. Yeah.

What I love about the study
is that we're looking at this as half

that we found through taking.

I think it's like 5500 people
through our challenges.

Next one's coming up on January 31st
as I'm thinking about it.

Yes, which is a few weeks away.

Don't wait links in the notes.
You can go click it.

I would love to have you.

It's going to be it's
one of our favorite challenges of the year

because it's it's
not that the first week of January.

Right. It's the last week of January.

All right.

So let's get all the let's
shake out all the stuff

and let the dust settle right?

And then let's make some change
heading into the second month of the year.

So that's coming up.

Back on track here,

the lifestyle component,
the sustainability component

to those conversations
that I've been hearing sitting in the sun

over the last few weeks. Right.

The gym's busier than ever. It was crazy.

Today was nuts.

It's like, all right, I love it.

People take an action.

All right?

And then in a couple of weeks,
it's like where they all go,

Well, the sustainability component
is something that we really talk.

Beginning with the end in
mind is another way

We say it
probably over the hundreds of episodes.

That's something that we've kind of part
of our lexicon that we've said

is beginning with the end in mind.

So hearing the conversation,
yeah, I did keto and you know, I lost it,

but then I got pregnant and had the baby

and the Kita wasn't working anymore
and I just couldn't stick to it.

And so now I'm trying something different,

So it's, it's this
if you don't see the thing you're doing

as part of your long term version of you
that's going to show up and do it,

then eventually the motivation,
the energy, the beginning of the year,

life is going to come in and get you
and you're going to fall off track.

And that's just part of the normal ebb
and flow.

How quickly can you get back on
how many next week's episode,

how many habits do you have in place

that you can go back to that regain
that momentum quickly?


So the fact that they had lifestyle

in 12 weeks, so you're like, 9%, it's
not that big of a deal.

Well, nine times
four, 36, 36% is kind of a big deal.


This week, next year, 36% better.

Like I'll take it
sign me up times to write that do.


So the other piece of this
that I really love was that they had

a mass score was a medication efficiency
score, efficacy score and a smaller

mass corresponded to a reduced dose
of medications in this case.

And that's what we want.
Diabetes is reversible.

So for example, like in mass change,

of a thousand milligrams of metformin,

which is one of the most commonly
prescribed diabetes medications out there.

So what I love
is that they were looking at

the medication decrease,
which was one of the main outcomes.


So when you look at the major,
I want to go ahead some triple

in the time restricted feeding group
they have st one more time.

They had three times
the medication effect score

change in the time restricted
eating and feeding group than they did

in the control group
three times and three times.

Yeah. And it's not just insulin.

It can be based on any medication
that someone is on while they're going

through the study as well,
which means that this could have applied

to thyroid and said thyroid.

Yeah, cholesterol, blood pressure,
all that stuff.

Yeah, all of it. Yeah, all of it.

I mean, that's huge. Yeah.

In the thousands of patients
I was in clinical practice, I never had,

I can recall a patient say, Yeah, I'm
really glad I'm on this medication.

I can't wait to be on it
for the rest of my life.


Now, obviously, medical emergency seizure,
like specific subsets.

That's what we're talking about.

Yeah, the general Pop,
like chronic. Really?

You just want to think
that's the solution.

I've never felt that right.
I've never aligned with that.

So the primary outcomes in
this study were A1.

See, it's not the 90 day
average of where the glucose molecule is

in the carbon atoms of your blood,
of your red blood cells.

So it's like kind of a trending up or down

It's a lag measure.

Then we've got sugars attached, right?

Yeah. And how much sugar.

Yeah, I think I said glucose and carbons.

I should just add sugar, fasting plasma


So fasting blood sugar and body weight
and the secondary outcomes

we've alluded to, a couple of these
already were the homeostatic model

assessment of beta cell
function, Homa B Homa beta, which means

you want to see an increase in homa
beta for a healthy insulin response.

Remember, the study is in diabetics,
so their insulin like mass,

not even going
to not even going to work anymore.

Because of the insulin resistance. Yeah.

So that was cool to see insulin resistance

Homa i r which is the industry
standard MERS,

where we talked about SNF 12,
we talked about and also adverse events

and cardiovascular risk lipid markers,
including triglycerides,

total cholesterol, LDL, HDL,
and then body weight and BMI as well.

So it was interesting
that the adherence was great.

We actually had better adherence
in the TRF group than we did

in the control group,
which I found interesting.

because they were feeling better probably.

I mean, I'm obviously just making
some assumptions here, But yeah,

I would think

after the first couple of weeks and you're
kind of trending down on certain things,

you start to feel better

and then it's fairly easy
to adhere to this protocol right here.

But success leaves clues like it's it's
leaving behind a change in your physiology

and how you're actually feeling.

So I would think by probably week
two or week three, it's

starting to become a little bit
more natural.

It's not all that difficult

to just kind of stop what you used to do
in the evening time hours

and then leading to something like,
let's say on the home Aveda you literally

had there like a 25% improvement
in that whole Aveda score in the home.

Our score,
it was something like a 15% improvement

and this is in the time restricted
feeding group.

So just going again eight M to 6 p.m.,
cutting it off, huge, huge response.

And but you mentioned lifestyle changes
to what we also noticed was

a huge reduction in certain habits
like sugar sweetened soda

for the tea eating group, right
where they actually had

a significant reduction
over half like over a 50%

drop in that, whereas the control group
actually experienced an increase

in consumption of sugar sweetened soda
and other things like that.

So it is cool to see like the trickle down
effects and just the fact that we didn't

have to change everything

for a whole bunch of good things
to kind of compound here.

So just going
kind of rat a tat tat through here,

looking at the dietary guidelines,
I want to mention just a couple things.

You already mentioned the 531

delta in terms of caloric decrease.


So naturally a decrease in caloric intake.

Yeah, with our guidelines. Right.

And it did change you.

The control group went down 75.

So negligible protein.

However, this is where I mentioned
this can apply to anyone, right?

Because we always want to say,
I'm never going to eat a carb,

I'm going to cut out all sugar.

I'm done drinking that kind of black
and white on off mentality, Right?


Had a conversation with our contractor
who's doing our remodel on our downstairs

because of our leak,

and we had mitigation done and battling

with the insurance company
and finally came around.

And he was here the other day
and he's like, all right,

this year
I'm doing a different doing small steps.

So 15 minutes a day I'm just going to move
my body in some way is like I'm going

to, you know, limit the nights
that I have a beer or a glass of wine.

I'm going to, you know, limit
the amount of indulgences.

Right. That I have.

Like so, you know, one of my clients
brings me cake in the office.

I'm not going to have the cake
for breakfast anymore. Right. I'll.

Okay, I'll wrap it up. I'll bring it home.

He's like,
I'm just going to be more mindful

rather than this whole,

like, New Year's resolution thing,
which we know everything.

Yeah. Gets bastardized
and just doesn't work.

So what I love about
this is what I don't like

is that the protein content
is incredibly low.

Yeah, it's only 18% in both groups,

It flip flops from baseline to week 12.

But the carbohydrate
went down 3% from 52 to 49

and then hit in the TRF group
and from 51 up to 52.

Again, negligible in the control group.

Pretty standard like, you know,
pretty standard American diet, right?

An American diet, Yeah.

So did they cut out all the carbohydrates?

No. Sugar did go down three points

in the TRF group and percentage points

and went up one percentage
point in the control group.

And the fat content
pretty much stayed the same around 30.


So what I want you to hear is

because you mentioned the diet soda
and the sugar sweetened drinks, right.

Went down.


Is you don't have to do the system
reboot the overhaul

if you're that type of person. Sure.

But is that truly sustainable long term?

Did it work last year just which is great.

You know, just ask yourself
if I went back four or five years

and I said, did it work
the last time I tried it?

The answer is a very resounding no,
or it may have worked, but did it last?

Yes. True.

Right. Did it work past Q One
is that's me.

Good question. Right.

You know, the honeymoon back in the day,
the wedding,

the event, you can really buckle down
and white knuckle it for a while.

Sure. Right. Yeah.

I remember a trip to Hawaii
where I, I white knuckle that six months.

Yeah. Yep.

So when we're looking at these two groups,
after 12 weeks of intervention,

here are some of the results.

a1c 18% versus 8% in the control group.

So great decrease in both groups
but considerably greater.

The fasting plasma
glucose, 15% compared to 8% body weight.

They hypothesized 5% and 2% in the TRF
and control group respectively.

But it ended up coming out to 4%,
which was about three kilograms.

So whatever that is. Yeah, £7.

All right.

Right around there, rider on there and 1%.

So about less than £2 in the control group

BMI came down 6% in 12 weeks
compared to 2%

Homa are right
gold standard for insulin resistance

which is the underlying driver of blood
sugar dysfunction

that shows up in the muscle cell decades
before it shows up in the liver

of the bloodstream, which then turns into
pre-diabetes or diabetes.

in 12 weeks compared to 3%. Wow.

And a 24% increase

in the home of beta,
which is the insulin response,

like almost like thinking about it,

like an insulin sensitivity response,
for instance, like, ooh, blood sugar.

There's energy got to either
store it and get into the cell or use it.


Compared to 24%
compared to 9% in the control group.

So just astounding results.

Again, ten hour
window and standard American diet.


You know,
there are some stepping stones, you know,

to kind of see in the patterns here,
because if we think about fasting and,

you know, different fasting times
and ways to do it, how adherent am I,

you know, to it the five to, you know,
way too fast versus alternate day fasting

versus homemade one meal a day,
all of these kind of things,

we can kind of think about it
as there are a lot of different fasting

regimens, fasting schedules and ways
that I can have in my fasting tool belt.

Well, you know, like going into this
with a 14 hour fast and again, I'll

reiterate the fact that a 14 hour fast
is not necessarily the same.

If it's like a ten hour eating window
from noon to ten.

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

the same as 8 a.m.

to 6 p.m.

insulin response perspective.

Right. From a shark perspective,
it can be the same.

So I just want to make sure
that points clear. Yes.

And so even if you're tracking everything,

you're not going to have
the same results, period.

So it's really good because this is

this is a spot where you can
you could step into fasting for sure.

But even an experienced faster
will learn from this study right here

and could benefit potentially
like if you've been doing one meal a day,

if you've been doing one meal at a dinner,
trying out a one meal a day

lunch, for example,

like cutting it off a little bit
earlier might have a benefit for you

that you might not have noticed
in the past.

And, you know, sometimes it's tough
to actually see those those benefits,

especially if you feel right,
like if the scale is your only metric,

which I know like 20, 24 and new goals,
like there's a lot of scale

goals out there for sure.

But I would encourage everybody,
find some other things to look at, to

grab some of your clothes, you know, that
maybe set last year or a few years ago,

something else like that
that you can kind of see.

Take a look in the mirror,
take a few pictures,

something else like don't live and die
by the scale like I did for so many years.


Well, we did an episode for Better Fitness
and Health Benchmarks Episode 207

that came out December 12th,

where we talk about other things
you can use for measurements.

But when you were talking there,

it just made me think about
my recent experience in the sauna, right?

So I want to give a shout out to Neutral,

since you and I are both doing a minimum


Kind of reset here
at the beginning of 2024 and nutrition

has been incredibly powerful on my insulin
resistance and health journey.

Nutrition. It combines
cutting edge tech with human activity.

So you can see how your body responds
to different food, exercise,

stress and sleep.

So stress and sleep, exercise food.

I mean, that pretty much
was the tricky trifecta plus two for me

in not being able
to get a handle on my labs and metrics

and health
and how I felt on a day to day basis.

Yeah, up until two

in 19 when I started fasting consistently
and diving into a lot of the research.

So what you do is nutrients pairs the CGM,
which is the continuous

glucose monitor, and there are a lot
more mainstream these days.

You've seen them a lot,

a lot more people have diabetes,
they're prescription based.

But in this case,
we're not using it for that.

We want to be using it for
our health goals and our health metrics.


Combine the CGM, which is the biosensor
that you put on the back of your arm.

It's completely painless.

Takes just a couple of seconds.

You zap it together,
you scan it with the app,

and that is where the magic happens
because you've got both the tech

plus the app and the visual
and the human expertise

where you get that expert
dietician guidance as well.


So this is where you get to see how
your body responds to things in real time.

So I went in recently,
we did a sauna session, 30

minutes was about 188 290 degrees.

Don't start there
if you're just starting sauna.

I'm doing it for the heat

shock proteins in the cardiovascular
benefit in the long term,

you know, the family history of stuff,
I want to prevent anything in terms

of, you know, lifestyle decisions
that I've made up until this point.

I want to stack the deck in my favor.

So I've been doing
sauna and I had not done sauna yet wearing

neutral sensor, the CGM, and I saw a close

to 30 point reduction in my blood sugar
from 130 minute session.

Wow. Nice.

And I'm like, that's motivating for me
to hit that 30 minute mark.

Now I'm going to be tracking it

over the next, you know, minimum 90 days
I'm trying to do in six months again.

But what this does is it
seeing the data in real time makes it easy

to identify what you're doing well
and where there's room for improvement.

So my sleep,

especially coming out of the holidays,
still something I got to work on or

a variability,
still something I'm going to work on.

But lasting sustainable change takes time.

It can be achieved through
a longer term application.

So that's why you and I have committed
to doing minimum 90 days.

If you're first starting out, we recommend
six or 12 months subscriptions.

You can head to the show notes.

They've become an incredible partner
for us.

Nutrition's got IO forward
slash fasting for life.

You get $30 off
and a one month of free dietitian support.

So Tommy love it.

We're talking
long term health metrics here, right?

I want to share some of the cardiovascular
risk markers

that also change that were secondary here

and then we'll wrap up
with some action steps.

But after 12 weeks, the TRF group resulted
in a significant reduction

in triglycerides, 9% versus five,
and then total cholesterol,

cholesterol, 11% versus six.

So if you're using not just LDL,
but LDL C, because if you're using LDL

as a deciding factor for cholesterol
management, then that's outdated science.

So this is LDL C, which is the one
we want to see decrease 11%.

And then HDL pretty much stayed the same.

Now, over the course of six months to

with consistent fasting windows probably
a little bit longer than the ten hour,

the 14 hour fasting and the ten hour
eating opportunity, our eating window.

I would expect to see that.

And we've seen that in other studies
that we've talked about what I love.

So all of that, right.

Cardiovascular risk markers, standard
American diet, short fasting, window

shifting the window earlier in the day

and the step count
was taken into account here as well.

So the total step count
remained similar in both groups.

And it says the activity change
between baseline and total weeks did not

correlate with weight change.

Well, who's ever heard of Eat

less, move more to lose weight
and get healthy, Right.

All of us. Right.

So is walking a really great way
to tap into some

some additional fat burning
when you start fasting?


But I just love that that dichotomy
between the old versus the new.

Yeah, right.

So this study being the first to study
the effects of TRF on weight, blood sugar

and CVD risk factors in overweight
patients of type two diabetes,

This is really powerful to know
that if this is the starting point,

you know, we've got the MERS.

We talked about 31% decrease.

You got the F 12
now quality of life considerations,

which is really the motivation
to continue to do it.

Yeah, I just love that
the application here can be for anybody.

And that's really why we have the
blueprint of fasting for fat loss, too.

Yeah, that's that's a great point.

I mean, go download it if you're looking
to expand your fasting at all

or kind of take it to the next level
or just get a better foundation

of how and why and what to do when go grab
the blueprint fasting for fat loss.

But you know, again, it's not just about
fat loss for sure, but you know that

that's that being the main reason
why most people find fasting.

But I want to highlight
the that medication effects

for just one more time that you mentioned

because just the fact that
even if you have no weight to lose

but you have a certain medication
that you would just love to get off

or at least love to reduce because,
you know, you just know it would be better

if you didn't need that much of it,
you know,

or if you didn't have to be on it forever.

There's great data in here with a small
but deliberate compartmentalization

of fasting and eating

that led to a substantial improvement
in medication effect,

which means that each milligram of dosage
was that much more effective

for each individual,
which is which is a really cool thing

regardless of of actual weight
loss to come.

We've been sitting on this article
for a few weeks.

Heck, I even lost it for a while.

But peek behind the curtain.

Hey, we're doing this one today.

We've already done this 108.

That's the wrong article. That's right,
because we've been saving this one.

That's a direct quote, by the way.

Yeah, direct quote, like
not making this up for this time of year.

And this is a quote from the article.

And in conclusion,
So our study showed that ten hour terror,

reduced body weight in blood
glucose and improved

insulin sensitivity over a patients
such about diabetes, great.

Here's the kicker.

These results occurred without deliberate.

Now, we're not saying
don't do these deliberate attempts.

Okay, But like exercise
and changing your diet as fasting is

only half the equation those are the
and helpful things for sure. Yes.

And we're going to be doing
a whole new food

related type launch here later
this year, later this quarter.

Stay tuned.

And really focusing
on the other half of the equation

because we hear so often
that fasting is the easy part.

Yeah, we've taken a poll on 5500 people
now and that have gone

through our seven day challenges
and 80% of the time.

Yeah. What's your biggest concern?

Well, it's food
related or relationship with food or food

decisions or food choices,
emotional connection, food, etc..

So here's the kicker. This is the from
the conclusion back to the quote.

These results occurred without deliberate
attempts to increase physical activity

and to change the quality
or quantity of diet.

These results occurred without deliberate
attempts to increase physical activity

and change the quality
or quantity of diet.

Importantly, we also significant
improvement in CVD risk factors

triglycerides, lower cholesterol, LDL
without the use of statins or fibrates.

when all of the above indicators

are significantly controlled,
the doses of medications came down

and their perception of physical functions
and daily activities were improved.

Furthermore, the good compliance,
the high level adherence, etc.

and low dropout rate in our study
indicate that a ten hour window for tier

may be feasible for patients
with type two diabetes.

Follow Brigitte authors from this article

That is exactly Tommy.

What you and I are out to do

is to simplify this equation for you
and make it real life applicable

so you can get long term results
and not just get those short term

bursts of motivation that end up
in the cycle of frustration where you end

up, you know, not even being really bought
into the idea of doing it again, right?

Yeah, that's where I felt like

I was probably ten years ago
when I first heard of fasting.

But then my very first thought being
the tracker that I was reform tracker.

Thank you.

Now, right. But back then

was was something along the lines
of I'm already tracking everything.

Just compartmentalizing
or eating within a certain window,

if that's what you guys call it
at the time, how is that going to help me?

There's no way that that could help me.

It was was basically my my conscious
and subconscious

thought and like kind of pushed away
from the whole idea of fasting.

But just the fact that there's
so much more to it than that.

Setting an intention, making a decision
for when my eating window is,

and then knowing that that's going to lead
to a lot of other decision

making dominos
that are going to be farther

along the line, that I can potentially
that there's going to be kind of a built

in reduction in calories,
a built in reduction in cravings,

a built in improvement in my sleep quality
because I'm cutting off

intake later on into the day,
which that was a big thing for me.

I know it's not for everybody, but,
you know, can be late night snacking.

It can be just late night boredom

or it can be, Hey,
I'm already tracking everything

and I have a couple of hundred
more calories left.

And it's it's getting into that
into the late night hours here.

But those affect sleep, which then affects
cravings and quality of my fast

and ease of being adherent to my next fast
the next day,

which then affects my results.

So it's all connected
but just understanding that

drawing these deliberate lines in the sand
here means that I'm setting myself up

for future better decisions
without having to micromanage

every piece of the puzzle.

I don't have to overanalyze and control
every aspect of it

to get a whole bunch of things
right, you know?

And that seems like
a little bit of a leap of faith,

you know, when you first
get into it. So get it.

I was there but short circuit
that they'll spend five years

waiting to take that little leap
and just see how it goes, right?

Like, I'm going to encourage you
to just take a little bit of a jump.

You know, if you've
if you've never jumped in before.

Yeah, I love it. I love it.

So if you're looking for more resources,
what to do next?

Head to the show notes.

You can grab the blueprint

to fasting for fat loss

into your email inbox.

You can have it, you can download it.

Different fasting schedules,
a little bit of the who,

what, why, when, where and why to fasting
and why we recommend what we recommend.

You can also head to the Facebook
community on Facebook.

It is a group of folks
that are all on this

fasting journey and most of them have come
from listening to the podcast.

So it's a really great community,
uplifting community.

And then January 31st
is our first seven day mass.

Your fasting challenge of 2024,
you can head to the show notes,

click the link for more information dates
and to register.

Some great conversations.

Are excited for an incredible 2024
and just hoping that

everyone that listen today
beginner, intermediate or expert

I feel is going to be able
to take something away from the action

steps and the outcomes of a study
much like this.

And we're just going to continue
to bring value and conversation

to fasting and put a spotlight on it
each and every week.

So as always, sir, appreciate
the conversation and we'll talk soon.

Thank you. Bye.

So you've heard today's episode and
you may be wondering, where do I start?

Head on over to the fasting for life icon
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fasting tips and strategies

to maximize results
and fit fasting into your day to day life.

While you're there, download your free
Fast Start guide to get started today.

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Make sure to leave us a five star review
and we'll be back next week with another

episode of Fasting for Life.




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