Ep. 205 - Is one meal a day fasting (OMAD) right for you? | Avoiding holiday weight gain | How much should you eat in your window? | "I already ate those calories" | Better to skip breakfast, lunch, or dinner? | Fasting Challenge | Nutrisense CGM

Uncategorized Nov 28, 2023



- Want to LOSE weight BEFORE the holiday season ramps up while enjoying food guilt free? 

- Want to get the SCALE moving and master your fasting habits to end the year strong?

- Ready to start 2024, having already LOST weight and with massive momentum??

- New to fasting or want to get back on track? Need to break that plateau? Leverage the Holiday season that is upon us and JOIN below!

We'll teach you how to FAST to LOSE FAT for good, and use 'fast cycling' to achieve uncommon results! Join us on DEC 13th for the Master Your Fasting Challenge!  REGISTER HERE! Click the Link for DATES, DETAILS, and FAQs!



Get your FREE BOX OF LMNT hydration support for the perfect electrolyte balance for your fasting lifestyle with your first purchase here!



  1. Learn how to RAMP UP into longer fasting windows!
  2. Gain insights into the non-weight loss benefits of fasting!
  3. Personalize your own fasting schedule and consistent FAT LOSS results!
  4. Get answers to what breaks a fast, how to break a fast, and tips and tricks to accelerate your fasting wins!




In today’s episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss the OMAD intermittent fasting strategy, focusing on the one meal a day (OMAD) approach. They weigh the pros and cons of OMAD, emphasizing its effectiveness in weight loss but cautioning that it might not be suitable for everyone. The hosts explore nuances such as consistency, adaptation, and the need for occasional variation in meal timing. Stressing the importance of personalized planning, they share insights from their fasting journeys and encourage listeners to assess whether OMAD aligns with their health goals. 


Get 30% off a Keto-Mojo blood glucose and ketone monitor (discount shown at checkout)! Click here!


Let’s continue the conversation. Click the link below to JOIN the Fasting For Life Community, a group of like-minded, new, and experienced fasters! The first two rules of fasting need not apply!


Fasting For Life Community - Join HERE


New to the podcast and wondering where to start? Head to the website and download our  Fast Start Guide, 6 simple steps to put One Meal a Day Fasting (OMAD) into practice!


Get our NEW sleep guide here!



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Articles For Reference


Fasting For Life Ep. 205 Transcript

Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier.

And I'm Tommy Welling.

And you're
listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting
as a tool to regain

your health, achieve ultimate wellness,
and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation
on a single topic

with immediate, actionable steps.

We cover everything from fat loss

and health and wellness
to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how
fasting has transformed our lives

and we hope to share the tools
that we have learned along the way.

Hey everyone,
welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast.

My name is Dr.

Scott Water and I'm here as always,
a good friend and colleague, Tommy Whelan.

Good afternoon to you, sir.

Hey, Scott,
How are you? Fantastic, my friend.

Excited for this post-Thanksgiving foray

into the Nomad intermittent
fasting strategy.

The one meal a day.

We're going to go back in the time machine

to the first resource
that we ever created in the fasting space.

Way back sometime in early 2020,
a couple of hundred episodes ago.

And we're going to break down
the one meal a day strategy and really

kind of reengage and continue the momentum
for some as you have navigated

a healthy, enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday
here in the States.

So, Tommy, I don't know about you,
but mine was incredible.

Foods were eaten,
times were hard, and I feel great.

I can't say the same thing.

About four years ago, going into the
holiday season before I started fasting.

Don't even

you. Right.


So if you're new to the podcast, thank you
for listening in and giving us a shot.

We want to become part of your fasting
for life journey, talking about how

we're going to adapt a fasting lifestyle
to create long term health outcomes.

So many of us come to fasting for weight
loss this time of year with the holiday

and all of these extra opportunities

and foods
and things that can that can come up,

we want to insulate you from that
and give you some action

steps that you can do to take away
in your day to day life.

If you're an OG, welcome in again.

Thank you for being on this journey
with us, continuing to support.

Thank you for the five star reviews.

Those are absolutely our favorite kind.

I love them, right?

Keeps the podcast world,
keeps telling them

that we're doing something valuable
and bringing episodes every week.

And that's ultimately what we want to do.

Want to hear more about our journey?
Head back to episode one.

Give it a lesson with Grace, of course,

because you know,
that was a couple hundred episodes ago.

And please, you know, I don't know,
I might have been on air

sitting in my car recording

it can't really recall, but
it is one of our most downloaded episodes.

And it's it's impactful
because we are and have been

and still are on this fasting for health
and fasting for life journey with you.

So, Tommie, with that being said,
let's get into the post

Thanksgiving one meal a day
intermittent fasting strategy.

So there was an article
that we came across and it was interesting

because it was framed as should you do
the Nomad Diet France's one meal a day.

Is it right for you?

Question mark And that is a question, man,
that we get so often around fasting.

Like what about one meal a day?
You guys have a resource.

What do you think?

Do you use it?
Do you do it? How often should I do it?

Should I continue to do it? Is
are you still doing it?

You're still doing it, Is it working?
And all these different things?

So we're going to go through
some of the framework here, Tommy,

and just unpack this concept of one meal
a day.

Yeah, one meal
a day is interesting. Actually.

Before I ever started fasting

or before I read the obesity code
and started to just kind of digest

the information in the science
and start to understand, you know, what,

where, where
I had kind of veered off course or why

what I was doing and tracking
everything wasn't working for me.

And it just didn't fit into that.

Like eat less, move more kind of box
for me for sustainable weight loss

and getting control of health

one meal a day was was not something that
I had heard about of up until that point.

So I don't think that I hear
very many people actually talk about it

who aren't very familiar
or who haven't tried fasting in the past.

But at the same time,
I feel like it can sound a little bit

like extreme to some people
because they're used to thinking about

three meals plus one or two or three
additional snacking opportunities too.

So maybe up to six times eating a day.

We also hear that from the nutrition
and fitness world

about eating more times
throughout the day and fueling the fire,

the stoking the metabolic fire
and things like that.

So going from 4 to 6, eating opportunities
a day down to one

can sound a little bit extreme. Right?

And starving yourself. Tommy, eat.

Yeah, right.

Well, you know,

I already I already ate,
I already took on some meals.

And so some of those times
when I had six eating opportunities

in a day,
maybe I should have only had two or three.

And so maybe there's some balance
to restore in the overall net equation

here, right?

Yeah. Maybe you're carrying some extra
luggage around the midsection maybe.

And it's like,
I eat those calories already, right?

Like, I still have those. I'm
still carrying them with me. Yeah.

I just remember when I started fasting
and I'd lost initially

about 30 that original 50.

And I walked into my wife's clinic
and it was someone from the local

CrossFit gym.

She was like, Wow, you look great.
And I was like, Thanks, you guys.

We're even doing
I haven't seen you at the gym.

I'm like, I know I keep hurting myself,
so I'm not doing those workouts anymore.

I'm doing some walking, some rowing
and some don't do training and stuff.

She's like, we like you dieting.

I was like, I'm doing some fasting.

And she stops dead in her tracks and goes,
Why would you starve yourself?

That sounds awful.

And it's funny
because this one meal a day,

this article calls it a diet,
but it's one meal a day.

Fasting strategy is a very powerful
strategy, has become a lot more mainstream

than when we started a few years ago.

And it's labeled as the hottest weight
loss trend. Right.

And the opening sentence
is it involves eating just one meal a day

and fasting for the rest of the day.
Sounds crazy, right?

Question Mark.

Well, we've talked a lot about this.

We've had tens of thousands
of testimonials

now where one meal a day is an efficient
and effective way to lose weight.

And there are some pitfalls,
There are some pros and cons to it,

and we're going to talk through those

and kind of discuss
like, is one meal a day working for you?

Is one meal a day
A fat loss strategy is one meal a day.

A maintenance strategy is one meal a day,
a long term health strategy.

And for some people out there it is.

Yes is the answer
to all of those questions.

So how can they all be true?

Well, because we want to personalize
this to you as an individual.

So our first resource,
the Fast start guide,

you can still go head to the show notes
excuse me, head to our website,

the Fasting for Life scheme.

You can click resources, you can go grab.

It comes with the little set up series
of six videos with yours truly speaking.

By the way, Scott, here is
this is not visual.

You don't know who I am.

And if you're paying attention, maybe,
you know, from the intro or the pre-roll,

which I still think
are some of the best music out there

in terms of the podcast world,
that's coronavirus.

So you get in there and it gives you like,
okay, pick

a meal, set your intention,
set your timer, rinse, repeat, right?

And so many people immediately
go to home at dinner, right?

One meal a day.

Dinner is the reason

and we've asked thousands of people.

Yeah. my dear. Thousands.
Tens of thousands.

If you count the challenge and emails
and all the messages. Right.

So and there's some reasons why.


So one meal a day is a version of fasting.

We talk a lot about ADF recently more
some more research has come out about it

you know 18 six, 68 the warrior fast

which is the 2420 hours of fasting,

And there are some research articles

about Nomad or very close
versions of what one meal a day is.

Things that have a little bit
more open eating window.

And the number one reason

we hear one meal a day dinner
is because it simplifies the equation.

It's like, well, dinner with the husband
or wife, dinner with the family.

Sure, I'm off a whirl.

Yeah, maybe a date.


More light things fit into the dinner

rather than for a lot of people
rather than like a nomad breakfast

When you come to event fasting for weight
loss, first thing is like,

well, just wake up your normal time
and then delay eating an hour, delay

eating 2 hours, delay
eating 3 hours, delay eating 4 hours,

and then all of a sudden
all together, get breakfast.

You're at lunch.

Well, for some people, breakfast
is actually pretty important. Yeah.

And it can be a long term sustainability
part of your equation. So.

Hey, guys,
what's the best fasting schedule?

The one that works for you?

Yeah, the one that's working
so is. Matt, dinner.

Working is the first question
I always like to ask.

Is it working? Yeah.

And what do we scale?
Moving is a scale moving.

How are you feeling?

What we hear oftentimes is it has worked.

It's not really working right now,
but I don't know what else to do.

It's kind of my comfort zone.

It can become a very comfy
blanket, Warm, warm blanket.

Or it was working, but it stopped. Why?

Because I stopped doing it
or because some slippage got in or because

I've hit the dreaded weight loss plateau,

is an actual normal part of your weight
loss journey.

Yeah, we effectively
call it momentary maintenance.

Now, you've been at momentary maintenance
for six months.

You're momentarily not doing

you're not doing the things required
to get the results right.

You need something. Yeah, we need to
we need to shake things up a little bit.

Yeah, we need to mix it up a little bit.

So how are you doing?

Matt, what does your boundaries look like?

Is there slippage in there?

How many from a window? Yes.

The window opened up a grazing window.

Right? Absolutely. That's why we call it
a nutrition opportunity as well.

What type of foods
are you eating in there?

Because it's crazy.

Every week inside of our coaching group
on Thursday, we do our call at 11 a.m.

Central and then by the end of the call,
we're like, Hey,

you're halfway through your week. Yeah.

And every week I say that I go,
How are we only halfway through the week,

it's Thursday afternoon.

It feels very weird and a lot of people
will do all mad during the week.

But then Friday night, Saturday, Sundays,
almost a third of your week.

Almost half, Almost half is.

I'm great at fractions and math as you as
ready that's listen for a while knows

I'll stick to physiology and exercise
and you know and not research

that's interesting.

Anyway so these are the types of things
that we want to kind of talk through.

So Matt has a lot of power
and if you've been doing if 16, 18, six

and it's not moving the needle,
one of the key things is that Nomad can be

the magic secret sauce
to really get the needle moving

because some cool things happen
at that 20 hour mark where insulin drops

really low and you,
you actually get into ketosis, you

you start burning through the glycogen
and you know, you start feeling some of

those benefits of pushing that window past
the standard intermittent type windows.

Yeah, there's there's real good reasons
why when you first start fasting 16

A can move the needle for a lot of people,
it doesn't move it for everybody.

It can depend on
how much weight you have to lose,

what how you've been eating before, that,
all of these kind of things.

But as we start kind of tightening that up
and then we work our way into,

man, it's very different
from a big open window.

At the end of the day,

like we're talking about dinner
being the most popular choice for format.

But when that dinner, when that one meal
a day becomes one window a day

and that window becomes
kind of a slippery slope

that can be trouble
and that can also lead to plateaus,

it can lead to frustration,
and even some regain, too.


So making sure that we're treating it
as a meal rather than a window,

that's part of the mindset going into
Nomad one meal a day, knowing that it's

not necessarily going to be the last
fasting tool that I need to develop.

And also knowing that it can be helpful
just to change the time of that

one meal a day from time to time,
rather than just doing just the one,

even if it's lunch
or even if it's breakfast, but

especially if it's dinner,
it can be helpful to go.

I haven't tried a nomad lunch.

Let me do that,
because just eating earlier in the day,

once in a while can be enough
to break through like a little bit of,

you know, mental plateau
or feeling like the scales been stuck too.

And that.

So a couple of things here

you just hit them
perfectly in the article was like, well,

this is one meal
a day is picking the same meal,

eating at the exact same time,
having one hour

every single day, and then 23 hours later
you're fasting.

You're like, Great, that'll work.

But is it working long
term? Is that sustainable? Right?

So the best plan for you, weight
loss plan, health plan is a plan

that you can stick to consistently
because we you just talked about

with opening your windows and slippage
and all the stuff I heard is consistency.

And then also the second part
is the intentionality, right?

So it's really simple because you just
it simplifies the process,

which is why it's like, it's simple.

I got one meal, right?

But then if you if you're trying to cram

in an entire day's worth into that window,
you're not going to feel very good.

So this automatically stacks
the deck in your.

I only know because I've done it,
stacked the deck in your favor

to create a caloric deficit
and then eat to satiety.

So you're getting some repetitions.

And yes, you're removing yourself
from the multiple meals

and snacks and all that stuff today,
but you're also giving yourself

an opportunity
to listen to your hunger hormones.

And and you might not have heard
in a while, right?

Yeah. And push through the first few days.

Right, Tommy, we have a shout out
from one of our most recent challenges,

you know, where the first few days
might be a little bit harder

when you transition to Nomad.

And that's why we have the blueprint,
the fasting for fat loss.

It's a free 20 page PDF, The Shownotes.

Click the link and we'll email
that over to you and it gives you

some variations on on what it looks like
to build up ramp up very your windows

because doing the same workout,
just like working out variation is key,

but doing the same schedule day
in and day out.

Like you're going to want some variety
right varieties.

Key to life, right?

That's an old adage or cliche
or some the phrase out there.

I'm terrible at spice of life.
The spice of life.

Thank you so bad at it in the beginning.

Your homemade meal too for sure.

I prefer salt. Ghrelin can come up.

Which is your hunger hormone.

We just had an episode recently
a couple of episodes ago about ADF

and how even though your ghrelin increases
your satiety, your hunger does not

because ghrelin
is a mechanical hunger hormone.

If your stomach's empty,
it's going to growl.

But are you really hungry?

So it doesn't lead to more
like overconsumption

doesn't, you know, too, right?

Yeah, that's the doesn't, right.

So you bring insulin down,
you push the window

a little longer,
maybe you've got some variation in there.

You can vary your windows,
do a lunch to dinner

or a lunch to lunch, dinner,
dinner. Right.

Mix it up, eat breakfast
every now and then.

We have breakfast
every Wednesday night for dinner.

But the kids eat breakfast
almost every day.

I don't write. Some days I do, right?

I don't really like a lot of breakfast

I can eat steak and eggs
any time of the day.

That's not breakfast,
so it's just a meal. Right?

So when we're talking about consistency
is with the omelet plan.

One of the pitfalls
is I'm doing the same time every day

and then some life events come up,
some non-negotiable events come up.

Maybe it's Thursday
and you do good on Thursday

and then Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
you're off track.

So you're not getting consistency
consistent reps with using this

to get ten, 15, £20 of your weight
loss journey off and maybe you've got £20.

So maybe you're not using this
consistently enough or long enough

to get the five to 7 to £10 off, right,
where then your physiology changes.

And the key here is

you got to start thinking about long term
lifestyle adaptation.

So the Omak gives you those repetitions
to start working on some of those skills.

Yeah, it's interesting too,
because, you know, as as you become

a smaller version of yourself,
you need less calories

to fuel your machinery,
which is is another one of those things.

No calories. Hold on.

You just

this also simplifies the equation

where you don't get to worry
about tracking and weighing and counting.

More beautiful.

It's going to stack the deck in your favor
and simplify once again.

Keep going.


So as you become a smaller
version of yourself, like, you know,

fat cells are shrinking, I'm
burning through some of that stored fat.

Well, if I'm thinking of my one plate,
my one meal in the same way

that I used to think about it,
then it's going to at some point be enough

or maybe more than enough, or no longer
have the same built

in caloric deficit that it did
whenever I started it.

And that can be part
of the misunderstanding

or oftentimes
overlooked part of using Ohman

as a long term strategy,
which we do hear about a lot

as a very successful long term strategy,
but also oftentimes

leading to frustrating plateaus
that are oftentimes misunderstood.

So Claire, here
from one of our recent challenges,

she said before this challenge,
I was an intermittent, faster

amateur matter, but I couldn't mentally
break through that umat barrier.

So that's important.

You can stay frustrated for a while
without really realizing why.

And so she said, I have £70 to lose,
you know, for my target.

So I knew that this was something
I needed to push through

and get out of my comfort zone
to actually lose the weight.

So the challenge actually helped her
to actually do that.

And so she she spent time
during the challenge actually

focusing on some other things
and using learning some new skills

that helped her
get out of that comfort zone.

So that's such an important part

of the process, that understanding
that Nomad might not be the endpoint,

it might not be the the last really good
fasting skill that you need to develop

to push outside of those those boundaries
and things like that.

And that's that's
why we have this challenge coming up here.

You don't you in order to,

to level up going from homemade
to an additional set of fasting

skills to get you past those plateaus
and get into the next level.

And that's a shameless plug, right?

Because people like, you're talking
about another challenge already. Yes.

Heck yeah. Right. From the holidays.

yeah, absolutely.
We do it every November this year.

We do it every SO one in six weeks later
we do another one.

Well, this time it's actually a week
shorter because we got the holidays,

but it doesn't mean
we're not going to do it.

So this upcoming challenge on December

the last challenge of 2023.

Go into 2020 for the bunch of momentum.

You'll hear more about it

in the upcoming weeks.
You can head to the show notes,

click the link for more dates,
times, details, etc.

But I want to encourage you
that if you're thinking about,

my God and you've felt connected
to some of the talking points

so far through this conversation,
you know, this is why we started off

with you and I both did intermittent
fasting in Quito with limited results.

Yeah, never mind the dozens of other
programs and calorie counting and macros

and tracking and all those all chatter
and all the other stuff, right?


Earning our meals on the treadmills
and all the diet mentality type stuff

before we started to learn and you know.

Well 10 p.m.

Cardio science pm Yellow 10 p.m.

little little 300
cal burn on the go. Right.

So when we look at this
yeah we started off with,

you know, anywhere fasting, you know,

and we both went to, you know, doing
some mat some more extended fasts.

We don't do a lot of long term
as of this moment as I'm recording right

now, I'm in the smack almost smack dab
in the middle of a seven day fast.

How often do I do that? Once a year.

I'm doing it with a couple of friends,
reversing some autoimmune stuff,

doing it more from a spiritual standpoint
this time around, which is,

which is awesome.

Yeah, which is a different experience.

But when we look at man, we started there,
got a lot of great results.

But then I went back to Nomad
after I lost the initial £50,

my habits and changed yet.

So the weight started to creep
back on again and I was like, Whoa, whoa,

wait a minute.

Well, we weren't really talking about
foundational fasting habits in this moment

is one of those skills.

But what Claire was talking about
in the challenge is that she

she needed a different set of skills.

She needed a different adaptation
of that. Right.

So absolutely want to encourage you
to hop on it before the end of the year,

start 2024
with even more momentum than ever before.

So going back to the article here,
you know, there are some pros and cons.

We talked about hunger.

One of the mad pros is it really amplifies
those benefits, right?

So we were just
kind of talking about that.

It really moves the needle for some,
gets you into ketosis, drops that insulin,

allows your blood sugar

to come down to burn more glycogen
more quickly to not just stuff.

Yeah, brain fog, cognitive improvement,
more energy and less hunger

after a few days. Right.

And then we already mentioned
that automatic puts you in a deficit.

It's hard to consume an entire day's
worth of calories in a one hour.

Not impossible, especially
if you're eating out or eating the P word.


That ends in Isaiah, right?

Those types of things, fast foods, higher

caloric restaurant
foods, that type of stuff.

But once you get in and out of ketosis

more frequently,
your hunger does come down, right?

You have more energy, you sleep better
after the first few nights.

Some of the downsides is that you're going
to have to manage your hunger.

You're going to have to make sure
that you're supplementing

with a quality
sea salt or Celtic salt or Himalayan salt.

Right now, make sure you're hydrating
properly, not just drinking more water.

And, you know, the reality

is every time you do a fast, it's
going to be a little bit different, right?

So like I mentioned, I'm
in the middle of a seven day fast

and I want to give a shout out
to nutrition here, too.

I'm in the middle of a seven day fast
and I had an incredibly poor

night of sleep last night
and 18% recovery on my woop again, woop.

If you're listening like,
Hey, come on, I like sleep.

All right. Huge proponent of my journey.

Like I want to share my story
with using mood to improve my sleep.

And I want come on, give a shout out here
and let's partner up.

Shameless plug.

But when I look at my blood sugar
and the middle day, I started Sunday

recording this.

On a Wednesday I woke up
my blood sugar was over a hundred today.

And you're going,
you're in a seven day fast.

Did you wake up in light snack, attack
and sleepwalking in the pantry like, Yeah.

What happened?

Well, because I've recommitted
to doing nutrition again

with the six month membership
and if you're not familiar with nutrient

dense combines, the cutting edge
technology and human expertise,

you can see how your body responds in
real time to food, exercise, stress.

And am I in my case right now?

Sleep impairs the CGM as a little thing
you wear in the back of your arm,

completely painless to apply.

And then you have the incredible app
and the dietician guidance as well.

It's really allowed me to know

because if I was, I'm
going to compare this to man in a second.

If I was doing all mad
and the results weren't matching

my expectation, I'd get defeated.

So I'm in the middle of a seven day fast.

My expectation is by this time
I'm euphoric, I'm feeling great.

I'm on cloud nine, my ketones are high,
I'm crushing life.

And what come to find out is my sleep.

Last night was awful,
my recovery was awful.

And having the CGM on then tells
me, well, yeah, your cravings are up.

Yeah. Your brain fog is return.

Why? Well, because my blood
sugar levels are elevated,

which means my insulin is elevated.

So combining wearing the CGM
consistently for months at a time,

I now know that when I have a night
like that, this is what I can expect

and this allows me
to make better decisions today.

It allows me to make sure
that I go for my walk,

that I do my cold plunge,
that I take a few minutes for myself

and just refocus and recenter
when the hunger hits.

Because I am.

I do have worse blood sugar control

today because of my lack of sleep
and that additional stress on my system.

So if you're looking for
that type of support and that real time

info, head to nutrition dot
io forward slash fasting for life,

you're going to get 30 bucks off
and a month of dietician support.

I would just encourage you to commit
if you're doing things like mad

and you're struggling with consistency,

this is going to give you some real time

Tommy So I just love the parallel here
to the conversation that we're having.

And as we go into some action steps
or the decision

making on is, man,
an effective strategy for me,

do I want to lose weight quickly
or focus on long term habits?

Is this a lifestyle adaptation
that I can use?

Should I be doing more
intermittent fasting?

Should I be doing low carb kito
But truly is nomad The solution

for me at this point on my journey
is the last thing

I want to kind of impact today
as we wrap up.

Yeah, I think when you start
with intermittent fasting

and you think about a 16
eight or an 18 six or even Warrior 24,

there's less of a need to plan ahead
for those kind of windows because

there's plenty of time for planning
in the moment when the window opens up.

And that can be part of why
those feel easy to get into.

But part of why a lot of people
haven't tried Oman or haven't done it

very long, very consistently,
because I would definitely suggest

a little bit of planning goes
a long way when jumping into home

AD because I think mentally
you can commit to it.

If you want to say, let me give this,

let me give this
a go download of the fast start guide.

I get it. It's simple.

Let me try this out and see how I feel.

So I think that that's
that's a first step.

And then second step would be really just
planning for, you know, 30 to 60 minutes,

really considering this a meal
and treating it a little bit differently

than you treated that old fasting
or that old eating window

or maybe you called it a feasting window
or something else like that.

Really just just kind of going,
this is different.

This is a little bit different.

There's going to be a sit down
meal. It's intentional.

Let me spend a couple of minutes
and just make sure that

if there's something that I really want,
let me put it on my plate.

Let me be sit down so I can kind of
be present in that in that moment

because, you know, 30 to 60 Minutes
is not going to be that much of my day.

And then the flip side of that coin
is going to be, even though it's a meal

and the time is kind of
like partitioned out,

let me let me make sure
I set a fasting timer for it,

because that's
going to be an important part

so I can mentally have a reminder
of what I decided and then what

am I going to do with the rest of my day
is what I do in my hands now, right?

Yeah, I think that's important
because otherwise, like that

big hunger pain comes along
or the Hey, I'm used to having lunch

maybe at the office or, you know,
something else along those lines.

You have these these have food shops.

You drive by your
the little know pre-dinner

snack on the way home from the gas station
because the windows open.

That was acceptable before.

But now I'm going to do it
a little bit differently today.

So what do I do during those times?

So thinking about that ahead of time,
at least just for a few minutes,

kind of puts you gives you a preparation
for those moments ahead.

And if you've been doing enough

or you've been, you know, doing all mad
and it hasn't been consistent,

hopefully this conversation
has illuminated some of the things

and some of the potential reasons why,
because I just remember going back

to having this conversation
with a challenger back in the day where,

you know, we had
we had ended the challenge.

We went through the seven day schedule
and we gave a ramp out schedule and, okay,

what do I do now? Right.

Because I'm in the middle of a seven day
fast, like maybe I'll lose 6 to £7, right?

Most of it's glycogen water weight.

Back in the day,
I would have lost like 12 to 15, right.

Carrying all the extra weight.

But now it's not of my weight loss. Right.

So it's like,
okay, I'm doing the once a year reset.

Friend of mine wanted to do it.

Hey, you want to do
it? It's a great set of do it in January.

I'll do it
in November of this year. Perfect.

But there's that regained
at the end, right?

So come out of the challenge.
Same thing can happen.

So this woman was like,
Yeah, well, I'm going to go back to doing

man, I'm like, Great.

But was Nomad working for you?

Well, you

know, I've got £30 to lose
and I kept losing the same 3 to £5.


So that's not your solution
that this part of your journey.

So are you in a fat loss phase?

Are you in a momentary maintenance?
Are you just starting out?

Are you looking at using Nomad

multiple days a week
as part of your maintenance strategy?

So I love to sit down and put a little bit
of planning and forethought

into the strategy,
into the usage of this nomad approach

to intermittent fasting,
rather than just going willy nilly,

kind of wading into the deep end
and seeing like, Hey, where am I?

I'm kind of flailing my arms
around trying certain things out.

So picking a couple of things

that resonated with you
from today's conversation about Nomad

and then putting that, like Tommy said,
that intentionality into your decisions

into your window

and then also being
a little bit of flexibility

for have some flexibility with it

to, you know, mix in some meals
you don't normally eat,

put some foods in your window
that you love, don't omit and restrict

and paint yourself into a corner of the on
or off with Omak

because you can be on or off with Nomad,

you know,
like I said, Monday through Friday.

And then those two weekend days, man,
like we want to create

consistency and consistent
foundational fasting habits.

And for me, Home Out
has been a really cool tool

to not just lose weight on the journey
but also maintain it as well.

That's such a great point
because I used to feel like the salad,

like a salad
was kind of the holy grail of foods.

Whenever whenever I was eating back
from the eat less, move more, you know,

you get a big bang for your buck
as far as not having

to put that many calories in my tracker.

But if you're if you're going into Nomad
and there's not really a lot of foods

that you're looking forward to
that can be really problematic

because you don't have you don't
have many opportunities during the day.

And that can lead to burnout,

you know, almost weekly FOMO for sure,
if you're missing out, is a big one.

So, you know, if you're if you're ready
to jump that anymore, right.

Like, I can't eat that.
Nothing is off limits.

I mean,
you shouldn't be in highly processed,

refined sugar laden foods every day.

But like, yeah, you can eat a cookie. It's
okay. Right? Right.

You know, like with a cookie, it's fine.

Yeah. So anyway, I kind of


I mean, it's just that mindset
shift, right?

There's there's so many little,
little landmines.

You know, that we that we hear about or,

you know, that we see
even for experience, matter.

So if you're if you're looking to do
jump into Nomad because you know it's it's

time to kind of level up
what you've been doing or tighten up

that window, then, you know, go
grab the fast start guide for sure 100%.

And if you're if you've been doing man,
you're ready to level up to the next level

and ready to mix things up,
like maybe you've been a nomad plateau

or whatever the case may be,
then jump into the challenge

because we're definitely going to be,

you know, pushing the boundaries
on this kind of stuff too.

So no matter where you are in your fasting

there's definitely some action
to take after this episode.


So you can head to the show notes,

you can grab the blueprint
to fasting for fat loss 20 page PDF.

We'll zoom in over to your inbox.

The challenge link is there coming up.

Last challenge coming up on December 13th,
you can grab the fast Start guide,

head to our website,
the fasting for life dot com.

You can get the videos.

I'm going to encourage you
to do something different. Right?

If you're the one who's going to always go
get more information

and then just kind of sit with it and plan
and then maybe just a little bit

I want you to jump in headfirst,
do something, step out of your comfort

zone, Take an action now,
which is why we say each and every day,

each and every episode,
we want to give you something

actionable that you can go do now
and input into your fasting lifestyle.

So someone encourage
you, do that. Tell me.

I think there's a really cool conversation
about Nomad bringing it full circle.

when we started and created
the one meal a day fast start guide.

Really cool.

Should I have this conversation
more often?

Conversations like this, bringing back
some of the old tenants

and the old pillars of our program
for sure.

And that fasting lifestyle for sure.

So I appreciate the conversation, sir.

Thanks for listening, everybody. We'll
talk soon. Thank you. Bye.

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