Ep. 202 - Does fasting increase hunger? | Do you have to cut carbs to burn fat using fasting? | Avoiding the “buffet effect” when breaking a fast & closing a nutrition window | Emotional eating, GLP-1, ketones, & making fasting easier | Nutrisense CGM

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2023


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  1. Learn how to RAMP UP into longer fasting windows!
  2. Gain insights into the non-weight loss benefits of fasting!
  3. Personalize your own fasting schedule and consistent FAT LOSS results!
  4. Get answers to what breaks a fast, how to break a fast, and tips and tricks to accelerate your fasting wins!




In today’s episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss hunger and gut peptides in relation to alternate day fasting (ADF). They differentiate between ADF and modified ADF, highlighting ADF's potential for weight loss and improved satiety. The key takeaway is that ADF can be effective in managing hunger, even with suboptimal food choices, provided it is used consistently and gradually transitioned to healthier eating habits.

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Fasting For Life Ep. 202 Transcript

Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier.

And I'm Tommy Welling.

And you're
listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting
as a tool to regain

your health, achieve ultimate wellness,
and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation
on a single topic

with immediate, actionable steps.

We cover everything from fat loss

and health and wellness
to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how
fasting has transformed our lives

and we hope to share the tools
that we have learned along the way.

Hey everyone,
welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast.

My name's Dr. Scott Water
and I'm here as always,

and with good friend and colleague
Tom Welling.

Good afternoon to you, sir. Hey, Scott,
How are you?


Dick, my friend, as always,
one day I'm going to mix it up on you

like, man, I'm terrible.
I just need some help. Yeah, just kidding.

All right, let's rock and roll. Today.

I'm excited for today's conversation.

We alluded to this topic the other day
and we're going to talk about hunger

and yes, we're going to talk
about what hunger is.

We're going to share some really cool
research articles

that have come out recently.

We mentioned it
on a couple of episodes ago

that we're going to do a deep dive
into this specific article.

So I'm excited to have that conversation
today and unpack

kind of what it looks like to simulate a
fasting journey into your day to day life.

That is what we are about.

The Fasting for Life podcast lifestyle,
the lifestyle

adaptation, adopting a fasting lifestyle
to help you reach your goals,

lose the weight, get healthier, reverse
diabetes, etc. etc.

If you are new, thanks for giving us
a shot and listening in.

We hope that you take some value
out of today's conversation.

If you want to know more about
our journey, head back to episode one.

Give it a listen.

We share why

we do what we do and that we continue
to bring episodes each and every week.

Shout out to you. Oh geez. As well.

The reviews keep growing, the downloads
keep growing, the lessons keep growing.

And we are just forever grateful for
you guys that keep coming back.

For more, we saw a cool I'll do it.

Just an impromptu shout out.

I don't know who it was or where it was,
but I know it was on the reviews

and it said something
like I've been following

since the beginning
and I keep learning new stuff.

Like, I don't know who that was.

We might have already done the shout out,
but I saw it the other day

and I was like,
Man, that's in it to win it.

I really appreciate that because honestly,
I can't believe that

we still have so much to talk about
with something so simple, right?

Fasting is so simple.

So basic.

Okay, yeah, let's hop into it.

Tommy So the article today is changes
in hunger and fullness in relation

to gut peptides before and after eight
weeks of alternate day fasting.

So, Tommy, let's unpack
what alternate day fasting is

and then what modified alternate day
fasting is.

And that's
what they actually used in the study.

Yeah, and hunger and fullness

are obviously going
to be big pieces of the puzzle too,

because they're kind of affecting me
on a minute to minute and day to day basis

to decision,
decision, emotion to emotion, right

moment to
moment and even temptation to temptation.

So the cool thing here is that if we can
understand what's going on with hunger,

what's going on with fullness,
how does fasting affect these things?

Because this is a

kind of a major objection or fear point
that we hear a lot about when people,

especially when people are first
getting into fasting

or they're trying to figure out
how to how to get the weight off

or how to, you know,
kind of get control of the situation.

And there's always this concern like that.

My hunger is just going to keep I'm
going to starve, right?

And then I'm going to eat everything.
So what's the point?

You know,

like they can just see their myfitnesspal
or their lose it just being, you know,

through off the charts, you know?

So when we look at alternate day fasting,
which is a very, very powerful

fasting protocol, we absolutely love it.

But we have to understand that there is,
you know, if we if we look at a clean,

strict alternate day fasting versus
a modified alternate day fasting,

the modified version is more common
where you have one full day of fasting.

And excuse me,
I'm going to mix up the terminology

because on modified version
they actually call the fasting day.

That's your 25% caloric intake day.

So it's not quite a fasting day
the way we usually talk about it.

And that's why it feels kind of backwards.

And then the other day
will be a 100% of your calorie needs.

In some studies
they just call it an ad Libitum day

where they just say, okay, eat as you
normally would, and then the other side of

that would be on a strict, if you will,
alternate day fasting protocol.

Then it would be a 100% ad libitum day,
followed by a full burn day,

a full period
without any calories coming in right.

And one of the fears of hunger
will impact the four types of hunger here

in just a second.

One of the fears of this thing is, Man,
I get so hungry in our family, we call it

hangry, right? Well, my wife hasn't eaten.
We got hangry.

And I didn't experience that with fasting
after doing it for the first few weeks.

And there's some there's going to unpack
some of the reasons why we we think

that is from a physiology standpoint,
some of the stuff that's in this article.

But there's this fear on with AIDS
specifically that on your full nutrition

days, it's like going to be all
you can eat buffet style, right?

And you know, I know we mentioned
that recently in another episode.

We're talking about this where it's
all right, hit the Ponderosa, hit

the Luby's, hit
whatever, the oil, the Golden Corral.

That's what I always forget that one,

probably because it's awful
and I've never been so I can't say that.

But I've been to many times
from from way back in the day

and put you on the couch here, sir.

So it wasn't necessarily my choice.

No family. Yeah, Family thing. Gotcha.

So I love the idea of.

so this is one of the biggest hurdles

of fasting is, okay,
I'm going to be hungry.

And then the second thing is the food.

So I was listening to
I don't remember who it was in the podcast

fasting space on a podcast

and were mentioning the first two mistakes
they see with fasting is, you know,

you don't put intention into the food
you're eating when you break your fast

or you don't make better food choices,

which is part of the health equation

You don't have to revamp everything
from the start, but it is part of it.

And then also sticking to the same exact
fasting schedule every single day.


So, sure,

that second part of the food component
is we're going to unpack

that in the second
half of today's conversation.

But the hunger component
and then the well, what do I eat?

Am I going to overeat?

My cravings, hunger?

Like, where do I how do I handle that?

How do I compartmentalize that? Like,
what's that going to be like? Right?

So understanding

hunger is something we do in
every one of our challenges, too,

because there's four
different types of hunger.

So there's physical,
emotional taste and practical, right?

The taste is you're just eating something
like special occasion, like birthday

cake, red velvet cupcake, pumpkin
spice season, you know, whatever it is,

the practical is what I'm going to eat now
because I'm going to be busy later,


So it's anticipation to physical hunger.

But the two big categories

that we talk a lot about
are the physical and the emotional.

So physical hunger is very gradual, open
to all different foods.

It's based in the stomach.

It's pretty patient. Right.

You just mentioned before,
we're hopping on, hey,

my stomach's growling,
but I'm not really hungry. Right?

Sure. Yeah, I can feel it.

I can hear it. But I wouldn't just go.

Oh, man, I'm just so hungry right now.

But, you know, I can still feel it.

You can feel this
kind of gradual increase.

Like you said, it's patient, it's open
to other foods, and that's a good thing.

I would call it more or less real hunger
or the much more likely to be real hunger.

So really what I'm contrasting
it versus the

the emotional side of that equation
and it's sort of a physical need.

It's deliberate choices.

You're aware you're eating right.

So we're not talking

snacking, binging and finishing a whole
sleeve Oreos or whatever.

You stop eating when you fall early
or breaking fast early, right?

So you stop eating when you fall

or you realizing that like,
yeah, I have to eat right.

The emotional side is it's sudden.

It's usually very specific for a food.

It's between the ears, it's very urgent.

It's usually paired with some form of
emotion, halting, hung, unhappy, hungry,

angry, lonely, tired, bored, stressed,
happy, you know, emotional type things.

It involves automatic
or absent minded stuff, right?

I used to find myself
snagging the sausages off my kids plates.

You don't stop about it, right?
You don't even think about.

You don't stop. Oh, let's go to waste.
You don't stop when you're full.

And then there's the emotion
and like, the guilt or the shame

that comes with it being like,
Oh, man, I did it again.


And emotional hunger
is a normal form of hunger.

It's not something that should be ignored.


It does help with our relationship
with food and long term health metrics.

But that physical hunger

is something
that we're going to talk about

with this article, where the change
in hunger and fullness in relation

to gut peptides before and after eight
weeks of alternate day fasting.

So there's some players in here
in terms of peptides,

and we'll unpack those in just a second.

But the big takeaway to me was the results

that they saw
as they progressed through the ten weeks.

Yeah, which is interesting
because again, going back to

when I'm starting first,
starting to fast or thinking about it,

I can be really concerned about how hard
these hunger signals are going to be

because like personally where I came from,
it was always two solid meals a day.

Usually most days it was three.

But then there were multiple kind
of snacking opportunities too,

so probably five or six
eating opportunities.

So the idea of going more than like

oh man, my my hunger is just going to be
it's going to be a lot at a certain point.

So that was kind of the
the limiting thought that I had.

And when we start looking at that
this study

and we start seeing,
okay, over the first 2 to 3 weeks

some of the balancing of the hunger
and the fullness signals

and then the way that at the end of the

we found some good
balance points in hunger and in fullness

after just a matter of a couple of weeks
with consistency.

So but I don't want to

I don't want to gloss over that
first couple of weeks because that can

be the point where we hear a lot of people
go, Well, I did try fasting.

I tried alternate day or I tried Nomad
or even maybe I tried Warrior fasted 24,

but the hunger was just it was just
too much and I just couldn't handle it.

Like my coworkers, my neighbors were here,
my stomach grumble,

you know, all kinds of all kinds of stuff
like that.

But the first 2 to 3 weeks is important,
but so are a few other variables

that we'll talk about too,
like food choices and, you know, your

actual fasting timing and to understand
what's going on and the fact that

that we can push through some of that
and there's kind of a light

at the end of the tunnel,
if you will, and the tunnel

is not even necessarily
that long of a tunnel,

but it's important to understand.

So big picture,
you know, they were looking at a modified

ADF, so 25% intake on your fast day,

Like you had mentioned,
alternated with a feed day.

Whether or not it modulates
hunger, fullness and gut peptides

that enhance is dietary
compliance and weight loss.


That was the thing they're saying. Yeah.

There's other articles out there
that show this

and there's other research shows that.

But what about the hunger component?
What about the compliance component?

Where we start beginning
with the end in mind, right?

Like we want this to be a lifestyle,
we want to maintain those changes

and not give it all back
like 95% of the population.

Keep it, own it and, you know,
step into that new identity of like, yes,

this is I'm healthy,
I'm lighter, I'm more confident.

All of those wonderful things
that this is how I do things now right.

There's a strong reason for it, Right?

So that's why I love the fact
that we're looking at the enhancement

of the dietary compliance, Right.

Because we even fasting for a while

and the needle's not moving
or you've been plateaued.

It's probably time to take a break.
Like a fast break.

Take a break.

Open up your windows,
mix it up, switch it up.

You shouldn't always be dieting, right?

I don't care if you're in the calorie
in calorie out camp

or if you're in the carb
insulin model of obesity

or insulin camp of weight gain and weight

Right. It doesn't matter.

There has to be this like we call it,
momentary maintenance or pause

or plateau, like your body's
physiologically going to do stuff.

So how are you going to navigate that
for the long term success?


That's why bodybuilders don't stay at 4%
all the time.


It's not healthy to be that lead, right?

So I love this.

They were looking at obese subjects
eight weeks.

There was a two week baseline to start.

So it was actually ten weeks,

like I mentioned earlier,
but I didn't make that clear.

And so compliance and weight
loss in regards to hunger, right.

So not surprising after eight weeks,

so four kilos, so over £8 lost. Mm.

Fat free mass went down 1.4

kilos, fat mass down over 2.2 kilos.

Visceral fat
mass came down slightly Right.

And resting
metabolic rate came down as well.

But within the normal expectations
of when you lose

of your body weight.


So I think that's important to understand.

Like when you get into, Hey,
I have this fat to lose, there will be

a drop right there where maybe it's

Depends on on exactly how much you've lost
at that point.

But the fact that that's going
to be part of the equation, because if

I don't internalize that before,
like I don't have the end in mind,

like you just mentioned,

then if I went back to exactly
what I used to eat

or exactly what I had in my old plates,
then it would be

a little bit too much later
on, you know, And that can be an issue.

And it can also be part of why
some of those plateaus

hit me at certain times,
because I haven't got used to that yet.

Yeah. And
so this is the second part of it, right?

So it's that app, that application,
that feeling component.

Okay. What what kind of
how am I interpreting this?

So I love that
after all of those decreases,

there were still leptin and insulin.

So we want leptin to come down.
We want insulin to come down.

So that was great.

But here's the thing.

You see so area under the curve,
we did a whole episode

on this In the past,
ghrelin levels increased slightly.

So you're like ghrelin?

Well, it's a hunger hormone, ghrelin.

Your stomach's growling.
It's a mechanical hormone.

When your stomach is empty,
it elevates to say, Feed me.


But it says despite these
metabolic changes, there was no increase

in subjective hunger
by the end of the study.

Furthermore, fullness and p y,
which is a peptide

released in the GI tract, increased

increased satiety, increased weight,
and all the other fun metrics decreased.

Leptin decrease, insulin decreased.

but ghrelin slightly increased as well.

But there was
no sense of increased hunger.

So that

means like feelings of fear of missing out
hunger, which can hit you too,

especially in the middle of a fast
weren't insurmountable like we hear

is kind of a fear or an objection point
you know coming into fasting.

And so that's that's a really cool thing.

I think maybe the p Y
which has a more longer lasting effect

on your satiation and not needing to feel
like you need to bring in more food.

It was probably

longer lasting than those increases
in the mechanical,

the stomach growling,
the ghrelin type symptoms,

so you can make a little bit longer
term decision.

So you weren't feeling this
like insatiable or emotional hunger

that you felt like you needed to

just like clench in the moment,
which is a really good thing.


And that peptide y y is really cool

and I want to make sure we highlight
a couple of things in this ADF study

because one of the things

we'll hear often, Tommy, is, yeah,
I got to go low carb too fast.

I got to be low carb too fast.

Yeah, we do know that if you have more
refined processed carbohydrates,

alcohol, those types of things,
you will have more cravings.

Typically the following day
if you're attempting to fast for sure

p y is stepping into the gap,
this peptide y y and saying, Well, no,

you're still satiated, you're okay,
you can combat some of this.

But it was nervous system.

It is. So it's not it.

Yeah, that's that's a really key component
so it's actually

operating in conjunction
with your digestive system.

So the interesting thing here
was the breakdown

of macronutrients for the fast day meals.

The minimal was 24% fat,

Hmm. Ouch. That's standard American diet.

Yeah, that's not low carb.

And they still lost weight
and had all of these wonderful benefits.

Right. Good compliance. Yeah, right.

A great compliance, too.
Beginning with the end in mind. Right.

Which is something they wanted
to. Dietary adherence. Right.

They wanted to look at that. Yes.

Overall, all in the study,
the consumption numbers were very similar.

The carbs came down
slightly, protein went up slightly

and fat went up slightly for the
at the bottom dose.


So I'm sitting here going,
you're on a fat a mini meal day.

And I'm thinking, man, you're really
setting yourself up for failure here.

Yeah, right.
Because you're adding in all of these.

I'm thinking like, did they have a person
inside of a biscuit with the, like,

a little thing, a pad of butter
and like one slice of deli meat?

Like, how do you rate.

So you had said something earlier
mean like a high protein candy bar like.


It sounds like a terrible way
to interrupt that.

So I'm just envisioning real life here.

Like, man, like that
doesn't seem like a long term solution.

But still, the results showed.

So we were

we were postulating before we went found
the answer Tommy was in regards

to peptide Y, I was like, well,
my guess would be protein.

Protein has the most satiation
as the most stomach effect of food,

and that's not what we found. No.

So as far as p y, which we would be,
it would benefit us to have higher levels

of p y, especially during a fast,
during an alternate day, fast like that.

And what we actually see is that a low
carb, high fat meal will actually have

a 1.5 fold greater p y

level versus a low fat high carb meal.

And so low fat, high carb is pretty much
what we saw in this experimental design.

So the p y levels could have been
even much better to help with the longer

term feelings of satiation and fullness
to kind of combat those in the moment,

you know, kind of hour by hour levels
of of hunger and and stomach

growling and things like that.

So this could have been optimized
incredibly more effectively.

And that would just speak to the long
term effects of it.


You know, so when we're looking
at this overall at baseline,

they did a food record, right?

So they looked at where the macronutrient
energy supply was coming from.

And at beginning and end,
it was only 1% of difference.

So the 49% of energy came from carbs
where the mini meal, the meal on the air

quotes fast days was closer to 60%
and then 36% fat and 60% protein.

So it's encouraging, I would hope,

right, that
you don't have to do it all at once.

And the slow decrease over the eight weeks
right after the two week baseline

and then the visual representation
in these graphs was really cool

to see that hunger rate was lower
the majority of the time.

So that three week
mark was really the deciding factor.

Yeah, fullness was higher in the ADF
group, right?

I mean, excuse me, at the, at the end of
ten weeks ghrelin was higher.

Well wait a minute as I could. It's okay.

I was higher,
which is what we want, even with

not the best percentage of macronutrients.

Because we know I responded better to fat.

And then this really interesting
little thing called glucagon, like peptide

one GLP one, which has been all over
the news in terms of these medications,

these diabetic medications
that are being used,

those MPH, etc.,
go ways to stimulate weight loss.

Well, we want GLP one.

It causes an insulin response
to bring down blood sugar.


the GLP one was actually higher in the ten

we group as well,

which is a natural process that we want
to embrace when we break our fasts.

And that's why we always say breaking
your fast is important

by putting intention
into what you're breaking your fast with.

Yeah, well, that's a good point.

And that's also where some of the

carbohydrates are not the devil,
you know, right?

Like carbohydrates shouldn't be completely
just eliminated forever for most people

because they're necessary
just to stimulate things like the GLP one

release and some of the balancing
of of the hormones.

If we go too much to the other
side and just keep it there,

the beneficial
effects can wear down over time.

But then also there's a mental effect of
I only feel like

I can move the needle
when I'm completely off carbs.

And that doesn't tend to do
well with benefiting the actual fact

that we're on right there.

And in this study, they also mentioned
one of the limitations being the fact

that they weren't monitoring
blood sugar or ketones during the study,

and that we know from personal experience
that, you know, if you've ever monitored

blood sugar or ketones,
that there's definitely a large effect of

where are my blood sugar numbers,
where are my ketones, and how am I feeling

right now?

There's a level of,
you know, understanding

what state of the fast
you're kind of at that point.

And it it's correlated
with what you've eaten recently.

How long this fast is,
how much weight I have to lose.

All of these kind of things like,
you know, factor into play.

But oftentimes when my stomach is growling

the most, that means my blood sugar
is relatively low.

And in a really good range.

But also ketones tend to be higher
at that point, which means I've been in

fat burning mode a bit longer on average,
which is a really cool thing to know too.

And I think that's where the idea
of this data point right comes into play.

So we're going to give you
an axis up at the end and how to put ads

and how to use it. Right
and how to transition into it.

Yeah, but, you know,

we're not saying that you should be eating

And if it fits into your macros,
then go ahead and do it right,

especially if you're in the diabetes
prevalence group

or you have cardiovascular issues or
you are on the path or you're pre-diabetic

or you're trying to reverse
diabetes, right?

We want to get those down
as low as possible,

but we also don't want to paint ourselves
into a corner.

And that's why I love this article.

When they talk about dietary adherence or
compliance, long term compliance, right?

So we need to know how to manage this
and having some of that information

is really knowing blood sugar
and ketones is really powerful.

That's why I love the visuals
and the charts and in what I kind of did

and I'll wrap it up with the discussion,
I'll just read a section of

kind of their main takeaway
from this article in just a second.

But that's where nutrition
has really come in to me to showing me

where I'm at during the process, either

or denying my hunger and my justification
for what I want to do with that hunger.

Right? That's great.

So that's why we've partnered
with nutrition

cutting edge tech with human expertise.

You can see
how your body responds to food.

And then we mentioned it recently
about stress and sleep and exercise

in real time.

Never mind that you also get the biosensor
that you put on your arm.

Completely painless connects
right to the app that you can scan.

So the CGM plus the nutrition program
plus that dietitian guidance plus the app

plus the visuals, it allows you to see
where your blood sugar levels are

and how well you're doing
with adapting your fasting lifestyle.

So that's where like an application
like this would be cool because this is a,

you know, a ten week study.

We're going to encourage you here

with our action step here in a minute
to apply this in a way,

a strategic way to get long
term adherence or long term compliance.

But having a tool like
the CGM has been absolutely

like just incredible for me
to be able to see things in real time.

So that way
I'm able to either confirm or deny, right?

Like I was saying,
like I can either, okay, I'm doing great,

I don't need to change anything or wow,
this is really hunger.

And you know,
my blood sugar is doing great right now.

Do I really want to go
make this food related decision?


Do I want to follow the guidelines
in the study and do 60% carbohydrate?

Probably not, because I know that's
how that's going to make me feel.

So you get all of these outcomes
weight loss, stable energy, better sleep,

understanding the food relationship
so you can head to nutrition start

IO forward slash
fasting for life nutrition start.

I offered such fasting for life.

You get a $30 off code and you get free
one month dietician support.

So I saw the last piece of this, Tommy,
is how we're going to apply

an ADF lifestyle to get results, right?

So before we kind of walk through
what that would look like,

I want to read the takeaway
from the article

and this says compensatory
increases in hunger following weight loss

from continuous energy restriction, either
calorie in calorie out model or fasting

are well documented for diet and exercise
induced weight loss.

Eat less, move more.

However, the effect of ADF induced weight
loss on

hunger sensations is only been assessed
in a handful of studies.

So this is what they're about to say.

Contrary to continuous regiments, results
from these trials indicate

that hunger decreases or remains unchanged
after 3 to 12 weeks of intervention.

So again, not an overnight one fast
kind of wham, bam, thank you, ma'am.

I got my result, right?


However, they say the previous studies
are flawed, that the hunger ratings

were only measured at one point in time
in a non fasted state.

The goal of this trial
was to see if these reductions in hunger

by ADF could be replicated
if a meal challenge test

was imposed before
and after eight weeks of the program.

And they show that the area
under the curve for hunger

did not increase when baseline
was compared to post-treatment.

And they also measured
postprandial changes in ghrelin

and those
we already mentioned those as well.

So I love that differentiation point here
and why I think ADF

and why we still believe the ADF is such
a powerful tool when used properly.

Oh yeah, thousand percent it is.

And I love the fact
that, you know, in this study the fat loss

that they got was over a steady decline
over the full ten weeks of the study.

What was also interesting
is just the fact that, you know,

you did have that initial week or so
where it was a little bit more of of kind

of a woosh,

if you will, like a little bit

more came off of the scale
from that baseline period.

But those hunger and satiety feelings
didn't really like balance out just yet.

So knowing that and going, okay,
if I'm going to start off on a new ADF

regimen, committing to it for something
like 30 days would be a really good thing

because a lot of people
that we've talked to and that kind of ask

questions and things like that will say,
you know, I tried it for a week,

I tried it for a few days,
I tried it a few times.

I kind of dabbled my toes in.

But then, you know, it was
it was uncomfortable

or I was hungrier than normal,
that kind of thing.

So I totally get it.

And this experimental design was
was one of the better ones that we've seen

as far as measuring these kind of things.

And it supported that feeling as well.

But it also supports

the fact that 30 days in
you would have a pretty good opportunity

to balance those things out and are very,
very likely to not feel excess hunger

and to actually feel more satiated
longer term, even if you, you know, you're

feeling your stomach growl and things
like that, it's definitely within reason.

So I think that's a really good thing.


And I mean, everybody comes, you know,
but I should say everybody we hear Austin,

where I got to cut out the carbs,
I got to go low carb.

And for long term,
I am predominantly lower carbohydrate.

I feel better,
I sleep better, I function better.

Right? Yeah.

So I live that lifestyle.

Heck, recently I've been doing Carnivore

and I I'm even done a lion protocol
for 30 days, right?

Where it's just red meat, salt water.

And it's been incredible.

Now long term sustainability,
that's up to the individual.

So just like

I really want to do an entire episode on
just this one time because you said,

Yeah, it's a great study,
great framing, really cool outcomes.

You know, we want to look at that
ongoing compliance, right?

That ongoing lifestyle.

I don't even like the word diet,
which has been used all throughout.

And I stick with this, right?

So they say future trials should examine
whether these changes in appetite

and gut peptides are transient
or persist over time with added weight

loss and sustained
weight maintenance. Right.

So you need the repetitions,
you need a little bit more time.

We did an article,

an episode on Quito, right,
using Quito as a therapeutic approach

to weight loss or diabetes
reversal for 90 days at a time.


Similarly with AIDS, it's or mad
or any fasting window

you choose sticking with it
and being consistent over time.

You got to give it time to work.

And it was cool to see that
that 3 to 4 week

mark here is really where they started
to see those changes. Right?

And that's not something

that's not abnormal to the weight
loss and fitness world, right.

That 3 to 4 week mark right
where you start to work out,

you don't see the change in the mirror
that day but you wait,

you know, three or four weeks like, oh
yeah, now I can notice that little tricep.

I noticed my chin is a little thinner
or leaner, right?


So when you're transitioning into AIDS,
don't feel like you've got to just,

you know, go down to zero carb right away.

The study again, had 50%. Right.

Very similar to standard American diet.

So change one thing at a time.

Stick to it for a few weeks,
then transition to playing

with those macros
and increasing the protein,

keeping the fat pretty stable
and then decreasing those carbohydrates.

And that you will

see as well is more consistent, sustained
weight loss throughout the process.

Yeah, that's a really cool idea.

And you know, the less things
that you change

all at once, all at the same time,
the more it feels like

I can get one under my belt
and then I can start living into that.

I can I'll start to feel that, you know,

maybe some of those changes are coming
a little bit more automatically.

I'm kind of getting used to them

and then bring in bring in the next change

after that
that feels much more sustainable.

Whereas if I just went,
you know, black, white, on off

like really quick, change everything,
try to get everything right all at once.

While I'm not discouraging
like making big changes, if you feel like

you need to, you know,
but at the same time, if you just jump in,

you know, full steam ahead,
but then get off track, get derailed,

sometimes it can be very hard
to kind of get that momentum back

and get myself back on track.

So what would be cool
here would be to apply AIDS

in a way that you can you can do it
giving it a few weeks to kind of,

you know, balance out
some of those hunger hormones

and then look for some of those,
you know, improved food decisions

that you can make on
on most of those days.

And then it should, you know, after
a couple of weeks, it would be even easier

to make some good nutrition choices to
or maybe kind of reevaluate

how you put together

your plate or, you know,
what you're eating on most of those days

and kind of watching
watching the beneficial effects compounds

from both of those both of those tracks
because of the fasting matters.

But then what I'm eating, what I do
break my fast matters a lot to, you know,

two sides of that going,

if you want to keep the momentum going

or you want to get some support in this,
head to the show notes,

You can click the link
for our fasting for a life community.

It is a empowering, it is a positive group
of fast fellow fasters

looking to apply the fasting lifestyle
just like we did.

So I did shownotes
link. We'll see on the inside.

You can also download
our Fasting for Life blueprint.

It is a 20 page PDF.

It gives you
some of the science behind it,

some of the Y,
how to apply different fasting schedules

into your day to day life.

And as always, Tammy, great conversation.

Sure appreciate that
and we'll talk soon. Thank you. Bye.

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