Ep. 192 - First two rules of Fasting Fight Club! | Explaining to loved ones why you fast | Who should do One Meal a Day (OMAD)? | Are two meals better than one? | How to get better hydration with LMNT & trace minerals | Intermittent Fasting Challenge

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2023


  • New to fasting or want to get back on track?
  • Struggling to break through a plateau?
  • Ready to finally stop obsessing about your diet?
  • Let’s kick off back to school and the end of summer with intention, habit-building, and fast-tracking your fasting results!

We'll teach you how to FAST to LOSE FAT for good, and use 'fast cycling' to achieve uncommon results! Join us on July 26th for the Master Your Fasting Challenge!  REGISTER HERE! Click the Link for DATES, DETAILS, and FAQ!



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  1. Learn how to RAMP UP into longer fasting windows!
  2. Gain insights into the non-weight loss benefits of fasting!
  3. Personalize your own fasting schedule and consistent FAT LOSS results!
  4. Get answers to what breaks a fast, how to break a fast, and tips and tricks to accelerate your fasting wins!




In today’s episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss how to talk to loved ones about fasting and the benefits of intermittent fasting. They address the challenge of explaining fasting to friends and family who might perceive it as starvation. They emphasize the importance of clear communication, explaining your personal goals, and sharing the positive effects fasting has had on your health and well-being. They also touch on how to transition from more intense fasting approaches to a maintenance phase, highlighting the benefits of a slightly extended eating window for meeting nutritional needs while still practicing fasting.


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Let’s continue the conversation. Click the link below to JOIN the Fasting For Life Community, a group of like-minded, new, and experienced fasters! The first two rules of fasting need not apply!


Fasting For Life Community - Join HERE


New to the podcast and wondering where to start? Head to the website and download our  Fast Start Guide, 6 simple steps to put One Meal a Day Fasting (OMAD) into practice!


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Fasting For Life Ep. 192 Transcript

Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier.

And I'm Tommy Welling.

And you're
listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting
as a tool to regain

your health, achieve ultimate wellness,
and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation
on a single topic

with immediate, actionable steps.

We cover everything from fat loss

and health and wellness
to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how
fasting has transformed our lives

and we hope to share the tools
that we have learned along the way.

Hey, run one.

Hop on real quick
before we head to today's episode

and let you all know that the next master,
your fasting challenge, is upon us.

Yes, that is right.

It is coming up on September 13th

through the 19th and the last master
fasting challenge we did in July.

Man, what an absolutely incredible time.

The results were amazing.

Tons of testimonials, positive feedback.

So we decided that we're going
to run this back a couple more times

before, dare
I say the end of 2023 is upon us.

So we know that summer is over,
that we are back to school.

And I don't know about you,

but I've started to see some holiday
decorations and fall in.

The holidays are soon to be upon us.

So let's start the last quarter
of this year and end summer with a bang.

If you're new to fasting
or want to get back on track,

if you're struggling to break through
a plateau, if you're ready to finally stop

obsessing about your diet and your weight
loss and get off that roller coaster once

and for all, let's end
the summer with some intention,

some habit building, and fast
track your fasting results

as we head into the fall
and the upcoming holiday season.

So we want you to do
to get more information about the Master,

your fasting challenge
that's coming up on September 13th.

Head to the show notes.

Click the link for dates.

More information
frequently asked questions.

It's all there for you.

And we really, really,
really want to end this summer

with some intention
around our fasting lifestyle.

So we'll see on the inside.

Click the link for more information.

And now to today's episode.

Hey everyone,
welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast.

My name's Dr.

Scott Water and I'm here as always am
a good friend and colleague, Tom Welling.

Good afternoon to you, sir.

Hey, Scott,
how are you doing? Fantastic, my friend.

I am pumped up about today's episode
because we are bringing back

the first two rules of fasting
and we had a really, really, really,

really great question
come in like 2 minutes

before we were about
to turn on the microphone. So we stopped.

We thought through this and we're like,
You know what?

I really feel like this is something
that needs to be unpacked and addressed.

So we're going to talk about how we have
the fasting conversation with loved ones

and really kind of go into depth

on what that looks like and give you guys
some ways to navigate this conversation.

And then we have a question about
how to get your nutritional needs during

oh, mad that was put in
from one of our incredible listeners.

And thank you so much
for your five star reviews.

So if you are new to the podcast,
welcome, welcome, welcome.

Do you want to hear more about our journey
with our fasting and how now we are 190

episodes and almost 3 million downloads
into this podcast adventure.

We are very grateful for each
and every one of you,

but if you're new, head back
to episode one.

Take a listen on where we started
and how our journey began.

And it's the most downloaded episode

that we have over

and we believe that it relates
because most of us

have been in the position
at some point in our weight loss,

our health journey, and we come to fasting
for weight loss and for results.

So there's just so many overlaps
congruence is there?

So if you're new, head back
and give it a listen.

And today, as always, we're going

to give you one or two in this case,
probably a dozen things you can walk away

with all around this conversation
of how to adapt this fasting lifestyle.

And one of the big things
is how to adapt it into today's world.

Yes, fasting is becoming more mainstream.

It's becoming more known, more accepted.

It's been around
since the dawn of time, right?

It's been around forever.
The invention of food, right?

The artifacts thing.

It's the application in today's world
that is getting more mainstream,

not the art of fasting in general.

But we really want to unpack this
in a meaningful way.

And if you're an O.G., a long time
listener, thank you so much for continuing

to listen and continuing to following us

and being with us on your fasting journey.

So. Tommy Yes, let me frame this out.

This came in from David Kay in Ireland,
so just incredible man to see that.

We've got listeners
from all across the world. Yeah.

Just so I mean, we don't
we don't take that lightly.

It's really stinking cool. Yeah. Hi.

Love your podcast so far.

Binged on the first 34 episodes. Yes,
we get that a lot.

I have no idea
how you're not sick of our voices yet.

Just ask my wife.

And the last podcast you mentioned,
putting trace minerals in your water.

Is there a specific brand
you would recommend?

Yes. We like the Concentrates
brand of trace minerals.

You can also use sourced Himalayan salt
or a Celtic sea salt like Redmond's.

Romans If you're listening,
hit us up for a sponsorship

because that has all of your trace
minerals in it as well.

But some people just like the supplement
form, it doesn't have all the sodium

and we've done a whole episode on salt.

Go back a few episodes, you'll see it.

But he says, I started off
six week plus for one second.

I want to put my my morning.

Okay, So I get my 32 ounce tumbler I drop
because I know I do it differently from

from how you do it.

So I just you do it the the pillow.

No, no, I'm just torture squirt.

The trace minerals in the mouth.

Deal with the 30 seconds of discomfort
and just move on with my day.

Keep going. Yeah. You know what?

So I have grown accustomed to that
kind of just muted flatness of, like,

the extra minerals in there.

So mine's like probably 8 to 12
or maybe 15 drops in 32 ounces of water.

Barely notice it.

But I like that flatness now
and then first thing in the morning I'm

going to put a packet of element
in there as well or element.

And so put those, those two together
and that's just like a like a chug

it way before my coffee.

And that's just,
that's just how I, I just like,

I like that subconscious reminder,
hey this is just part of my fasting,

this is part of what I do.

And so that's just part of the routine
right there.

So what I just heard
there was concentration, trace minerals, 8

to 10 drops, and then you add in Elementi,
there's a link in the show notes.

You get a free sample pack
if you order through that link.

We are.

They just ran out of grapefruit,
but I hear that it's coming back

full time, not just the summer thing,
which is my favorite.

Nice. My time. Good stuff.

If you have questions about that
head to the show

notes, click the Facebook
community link head there.

There's discussions
all over the place about elements

and breaking fads and whatnot
and not what we're talking about today.

Even though we ended up here somehow.

I like to do Redman salt.

Half a teaspoon plus an element
in the morning just to stock my hydration.

So if you want the hydration episode,
go find it a few episodes back from here.

I should know it by now,
but you need done 190 of them.

You kind of lose track.

But he
starts his question with asking about

the concentrated minerals
that he says started off six weeks ago.

So it's £21.

Wow. Nice. Congratulations.


He's done a few longer, fast and doing six

eight daily,
which is basically intermittent fasting.

If you're new to fasting.

fasting is 6 hours of fasting.

where you consume calories and food.


Mm hmm.

So he's 38.

His plan is to be fit by 40.

I love that goal.

We tend to underestimate
what we can do in the long term

and overestimate
what we can do in the short term.

But you're already well,

well on your way with this progress,
so I think it might be fit by 39,

not fit by 40,
which says diet isn't the best.

window's not too worried about that.

I'm planning on making healthier

Which is food choice choices, right?

Mm hmm.

And here's a question
to discuss on your podcast.

So we have discussed this question
probably multiple times

as you're only on episode 34,
right, in terms of the marriage merge.

But what we've realized

is that after doing this
for so many years, that our perspective,

our delivery, our stance on certain
things has changed.


So yeah, for sure, he says.

I know the first two rules
or do not talk about fasting

and do not talk about fasting Fight club


But if you do need to explain
to loved ones why you were doing this,

what is the best way
to explain and counter their perspective?

I love the choice of words
that you are simply starving yourself.

I.e. order may be the five key
headline benefits in simple terms. Hmm.

Where to begin?

Because we're talking about countering.

I don't like to get in a head

front like debate about why
fasting is better than, you know,

what somebody else might be doing or,
you know,

if they're really throwing around
something like,

aren't you just starving yourself?

I mean, that's that's going to be in
pretty stark contrast to us.

There's a big stink about it, right? Yeah,
there's a big gap, Right.

So I'm not going to say
I tread lightly with that,

but I'm going to choose my words

kind of carefully
and I'm going to kind of ease them

into the understanding of my perspective
and why this is like a core value of mine.

And so it's probably going to going
to start with helping them to understand

how I am feeling now
or how I felt before I was fasting.

That can help somebody really understand
because right now they don't know

exactly how you're feeling.

So if you feel like tired and crap
and just like, like just trash because you

you needed this so badly,
they might not be able to empathize

with that when they're coming in.

Just going,

oh, yeah, well, those crazy lunatics
are just starving themselves, you know?

And so getting them on the same page with,
with how I was feeling before

and how badly that that was and how much
I wanted to get away from that.

And I literally felt like the life
force was like, turned down

because my insulin was so high
and I just had this extra weight

I was carrying around.

Energy was so low

then that can be a really helpful place
to start for me personally.

So just imagine
if this is your parents, right?

We've got three kids, we're married
ten years, my wife's five years, six years

younger than me, so I'll be 42 this year.

They come and visit, right?

And they don't live with us.

They're thousands of miles away. Right?

So it's like they come and they see me
and but they don't know my day to day.

They don't know the day to day
struggle, the day to day

stress, the day to day
sleep issues, the labs being up

like they don't know that stuff.

So if it's your parents, it's
one situation.

If it's a spouse or close friend
that you've been doing life with, right?

Mm hmm.

What I find is that clearly communicating

why you're doing it right,
that I'm sick of being overweight.

I feel like crap is some of the stuff
that you were just talking about,

This gentleman
that he wants to be fit by 40.

Like, that's a goal, right? Sure. Yeah.

And it's a great goal, right?

I was tired, I was stressed.

I just didn't feel good day to day. Right.

So it's that first step of, like, clearly
communicating why you want to do this,

Because I don't know
if my wife comes to me and she's like,

I want to do X,
Y, Z. I'm like my toddler, but Y,


Like, but why? Why do we need that thing?

Why do you want to do this thing?

We're just sitting.
You mean that we should? Yes.

You just said I want to travel to Europe.

And I was like, No.

So, like, why not?

Like, I have zero desire to go to Europe.

All right, So.

So you convince me why I want to do that?

I want to go to Europe.

No offense. Europe. I'm Irish, right?

I would love to go maybe find an Irish pub
and check out the open golf course.

Right. And just go see it.

I know I won't be able to play it,
but like,

yeah, some of that stuff seems fun,
but like, I'm good.

Like that's not really on my list.

So we're sitting there and she's,
she's explaining to me,

So you guys have a gap
in this conversation?

Yeah. Yeah.

And she's explaining to me, well,
you know, I would

the kids, I would love to be able
to spend time with you and see some of the

like just travel and experience
different things.

And then I'm sitting here going, okay,
so it's not really that going to Europe

is the thing, right?

It's the connection of the trip that
she would be taking with me without kids.

Drew Right. And I'm like, Yeah, cool.

I can get down on that.
Let's put it on our vision board.

Love Yeah.

So friends,
family, loved ones, spouses, right?

So if you're not clear

communicating the why behind it,
it's like just this frivolous thought.

Like why did you start to your point mean
you said this before

we hopped on
if we we're prepping for this conversation

because we thought it it required
this detail convo this unpacking is like

you're not just like
strategically starving yourself,

you know, like by compartmentalizing,
you're eating into

an eight hour window or skipping a meal
or maybe a day of meals.

Right? Right. It's not strategic

Yeah, I'm not just starving myself.

I'm going to just turning off the eating.


I'm not I'm not going on a on a 40 day
fast here or anything else like that.

But if you think about it,

like normal day to day operations,
at least in America, in a lot of the

the developed world is a lot of hours of
of potential eating opportunity.

Some of it's very 14 to 16 hours
if it's early breakfast and right coffee

with creamer all the way to late night
post-dinner before bedtime snacks.

Oof yeah yeah.

I mean, by the way, due to hands raised,
that used to be me.

Carry on. Yeah, right.

So, I mean, just.

Just helping them to understand, like,
I don't need that.

I had that.

It's a lot of the reason

why I don't feel great now
and I need to do something different.

And so I don't,
I don't need to just back it off,

like maybe a step or two
and go to like a 12 hour eating window.

I might need a little bit
more compartmentalization than that

so that I can allow insulin
to come down a little bit more

so that I can build in maybe a little bit
more of an intentional caloric deficit

or maybe have a few more hours each day

that I'm not just thinking about food
and that next meal,

which is like part of the cravings cycle,
that that might be part of the issue too.

It definitely was for me, right?

So at the end of this conversation,
he said, Could you like

give us the headline benefits on a rat
a tat tat those in a second

like the benefits of fasting?

Yeah, but yeah, it still comes down to
so we saw a post in our community group

and it was like, yeah,
I feel like the first year of fasting,

it's kind of an outdated rule.

And I'm like,

not if you're looking at it through
the lens of protecting your inputs.

Yeah, right.

So yes, this component of doing this
with your loved ones, right?

Well, if you do the same thing
everybody else is doing around

you, you're going to get the same results.

So if you've got 30, 40, £50 to lose,
I don't know what this gentleman's

Angola's, but maybe it's 175,
so he's got another 15 to 20, right?

So maybe it's a total of 40 or 35.

You're really eating food almost every day
unless you're not doing these.

That's why we don't for sustainability
purposes, we don't recommend doing like,

you know, 72 hour fast
back to back to back to back to back.

Like that's not sustainable.
That's not making better food choices.

That's not really a long term plan
for maintenance.

Right. Made sure.

No, that's a decision.

Yeah, avoidance of the decision.
So I love this point.

We're like, yeah, I'm
just not thinking about food all day.

But the problem is, is if you got this
way, multiply it by 3500, right?

So if you got £50 to lose,

that's 175,000 calories of energy
just stored on your body.

Yeah. So, hey, loved one. I got plenty.

This is how I feel. I've been saving up.

I've been packing it away.


Remember the behavior that I had?

Remember when I overdid it?

Well, now I'm working to under did it.

I'm working to undo that.

Never mind the physiological benefit.

So, like, all I'm doing
is moving my food into a window

and allowing myself
to be tapped into those stored calories.


But the fear is with loved ones
and friends and family and spouses

that you're taking away
from some of the experiences

when you remove food and social constructs

around food date nights, couch snacking,

right late nights, movie nights,
movie nights, date nights.

I might have already said that vacations,
celebrations, birthdays,

cultural hand, hand-me-downs, traditions.

Right? Yeah.

So that's why we always say start
from a place of clearly communicating why

you don't want to be the fat
dad bought at 40.

I get it. Neither did I. Right.

But I was well on my way there

until I found something
that I was able to adapt into a lifestyle.

So a lot of the times
our friends and family,

whatnot feel like you're going
to be taking away.

And it's not intentional.

It's not like they're not like, Oh, don't
get healthy, be sick and disease with me.

No, of course.

Yeah, right. It's not like that.

But it's they just don't see it
from where you're coming from

and it hasn't been communicated
in a way that resonates.

Yeah, but what, what they might be
thinking is I don't want you

sitting across the table from me

judging me while I'm eating,
and you're making this, like the judgment.

Holy or righteous.

Yeah, I just decision like it could be,
you know, a little bit of fear of that.

So absolutely.

We've heard that before. 100%. Yes.

Helping them to understand.

And, you know, just showing them
what a hey, I can be at the table.

I can have a sparkling water,
maybe a Waterloo or look, LACROIX

Look, look, However, you however you said,
you know, I could be sitting there

enjoying the time and, hey,
maybe I'm feeling a lot less lethargic.

Maybe my brain fog is down,
my roots better up.

Yeah, maybe I'm actually present
in this moment rather than just thinking

about dessert or, you know, some fast food
or falling asleep on the couch.

Yeah. After the kids go to bed. Right?

I mean, I remember the danger zone for me
was like between seven and 10 p.m..

This was like a high level connection
point where I could

actually connect with my wife.

But I was so tired.

By the end of the day, I just felt like,
you know, I was I was under anesthesia

at that point. It was like I'm crashing.

And it was like 7 to 8
was like the Twilight zone for me.

And then if I got up after that
and I was like,

Ready to go, had some energy
that would have been like, you know, I got

I got lucky that night because, well,
because I actually

because I actually ended up
with some energy by the end of the night,

you know, rather than like, oh,
we lost them on that one.

We lost them on Tuesday, you know,
because he hit the couch pretty hard.

And yeah,
we didn't see him again till like 10 p.m.

And I used to see this with my dad,
like he would work and come home and nap

and then he would get up for dinner
and then eat

and then go sit down
and fall asleep watching TV

and then wake up and have a snack
and then go to bed.



Like, so this part of this, you know,

I don't know about you,
but my wife is completely different.

She barely fasts.
She has zero visceral fat.

She is a complete picture of health.

She tracks every calorie macro
and everything you can imagine.

She's the complete antithesis of me.

We are absolutely more happily married
now than we were ten years ago

because me getting the weight off

and getting healthy has brought vibrance
back to our relationship.

It's completely I'm a completely different
She's like,

I was fasting like she knows
when I'm fasting, I'm just nicer.

Like I'm not as angry.

I'm not it's just different. Right
now, everybody's different.

So I'm just giving you a real life

Like you on Wednesday nights, it's
breakfast night, so she will text me.

I don't even need her macros.

She text like we make homemade gluten

free pizza, pancakes and breakfast
for dinner on Wednesday nights.

But I know it's one egg.

It's half a tablespoon of avocado oil.

It's a half a cup of Bob's treadmill.

It's 12 grams of butter.

It's 27 to 37 grams of the bone
broth, chocolate, protein.

And that's for dinner on Wednesdays.

I weigh that stuff.
I know it. I'm doing it.

It's the least favorite thing that I do
in my day is weighing her food for her.

But I do it
because that's how she gets results.

That's how she wants to live her life.
So there's that support piece.

But trust me, like I won't be doing it.

But she also supports me
on my fasting days

and is there for me on that because she
now she sees me at a different level

of health.

Sure. But.

But didn't she think you were crazy
in the beginning that yes, there was a gap

and during pregnancy
there was one point where like we, we, we,

we, we, we,

we would have to get pints of ice cream,

we would dinner,

we would and we would get those
so delicious coconut milk.

She went dairy

free gluten free for our second
and yeah we would have to get ice cream

so I would have a halo top
four or 500 calories

like we would be putting on weight


So, so that it's that connection.

By the way, there's research that shows
the oxytocin changes in the women

that then trends will cause weight gain.

But I'm not taking responsibility.

I'm taking responsibility
for we getting ice cream.

And by we, I mean her.

I mean me.
Yeah, follow that line of thought.

But you get my point here.
So it's that connection piece, right?

You go to dinner, the dessert
tray comes around, or even the drinks.

Hey, anybody getting a drink?

And you're kind of like, No, I'm okay.

I'll just get water for now.
And then the first person

that orders a drink,
everybody is getting shots, right?

Like the same thing
with the dessert thing.

It's May getting dessert.

Yeah, I bring bring one of everything
and bring a bunch of spoons.

Or the first person,
she goes, No, I'm good.

I'm going to pass on dessert.

Your brain immediately goes, Well,
I'm not getting dessert tonight.

Yeah, I'm not being that guy, Right.

Unless I really want it.

Yeah, there's that judgment piece.

There's that connection piece. Right.

So you got to start with communicating
where you're coming from

and why you want to do it.
I want to be set by 40. But why?

So here's a list of key headline benefits
better relationships with foods,

less insulin and blood sugar slash disease
processes, developing

less cravings and mood swings.

These are all personal ones better
sleep, improved labs, better libido,

hormone balanced right disease

prevention, BDNF brain derived new trophic
factor happiness

more dopamine, healthier happy
hormone balance, stem cell regeneration,

autophagy, healing, energy focus,
production, all key headline benefits.

Never mind
you showing up as a better friend,

a better son, a better daughter,
a better spouse.

I'm a much better parent
when I'm staying consistent

and I'm not off doing the behaviors
that I used to be,

like figuring out where I can squeeze
a nap in.

Right? Right.

Like it's just transformational.

But your loved ones
don't know why you're doing it.


Even in the earlier parts
of a relationship,

when you're getting to know someone,
when you're bonding, you're having,

you know, like a lot of times
we frontload quality time on the on the

in the beginning of a relationship.

Well, you get to show up differently
during those times, like when your brain

fog is lower and your energy is better,
you're you're more in the moment.

You're able to think about things
that aren't just all these food

related decisions. We've quoted it before.

There was research done in the past
where they looked at how many food

decisions did we actually think through
and make on any given day?

We all think it's maybe a dozen or two.

Turns out it's over 200, 250, I believe.

And the more weight that we have
that we need to take off,

the more food decisions
we're making in any given day.

If you think you're completely
in the moment connecting with

somebody else, when you're going through

your incorrect, you're being pulled
out of those moments constantly.

And so as we get the weight down,

as the insulin comes down,
as we get better with our fasting

and it allows us to show up differently,
for sure, we have better concentration

and focus and all these other things.

So just reassure the loved one
that you're not going anywhere, right?

Or you're doing this
for very intentional reasons.

You're still going to have
your date nights and your vacations

and your pizza nights with your kids
and all of that stuff.

And you can still sit down
at the dinner table.

And it's just that you're
making this change because of the way

you're feeling your concerns
and that you want to be set by 40.

I think it's going to be a great starting
point to have that conversation.

And then here's the bottom line.

You can't change them
and you shouldn't try.

Okay, There's anything I've learned. Okay.

With failing forward

in marriage or relationships
is that you can't change them, Right.

So do you.

What's working for you? Do it

Don't put judgment or
any of that kind of stuff into it, like,

Oh, you should be doing this.
Do right, right.

Bring in third party authority.

My wife and I merged our
are completely different ideas

on finances back in the day
and now we have a weekly S.O.S.

Oh meeting where she runs that part.

Now, like, I don't do it anymore.

She's the one on me being like, Hey,
what about this little extra thing

right here that we did spent,

Oh, okay.

Back in the day, it would have a student
has become the teacher.

Yeah, I'm like, Dang it, just one case.

Woman Just kidding.

But we brought in a third party.

We brought in Dave Ramsey's

financial piece as a third party,
like merging of realities.

So we needed it, right?

So this goes into a second question.

I was like, okay, well,
how long you going to do this for, right?

Or this question that we got from
one of our five star reviews, which was

how do you get your nutritional needs
during moment, Right?

Yeah, and we talked about this briefly
during a previous episode,

but it goes into this. Okay,
So you get to your maintenance way.

What does that look like?

What are you going to do now? Right.

Well, you're going have to figure out
what your day to day looks like.

Where are your non-negotiables?
Where are your date nights?

Where are your vacations?

Where are the meals
you want to have with your family? Right.

Or your loved ones like in this case.

So how do you explain it
to your loved ones?

Well, you want to put those in,

make sure that they know
that their priority as well.


Because oh is not typically a long term
maintenance strategy

for most people, right? Tommy?

Yeah, Yeah.

It's a good point.

And sometimes that that fear from a loved
one can actually come from the fact

that they don't understand
what you would be doing long term

because even if they are looking at it
like strategic starvation or whatever

it is, it goes over here,
it goes again with another bad diet.

He's not going to take the easy thing.

Here comes the roller coaster, the diet,
yo yo again.

So if they can't see it long term,
then that puts even more like

between reality and then, you know,

why are they being kind of scared
or even judgmental in this moment?

And so understanding, you know, long
term wise, what that can look like, select

this question.

How do you get
your nutritional needs met in Nomad?

Well, you know,
if you're a smaller framed individual

and maybe your caloric needs are very low

and you're used to eating very highly,
calorically dense foods,

you might be able to pull off like a nomad
for for maintenance kind of nutrition.

But for most folks, and especially as
we get into the larger frame individuals,

you know, you could be at 2020 500
plus calories that you're going to need.

That's going be very difficult
to get on a single plate.

Not dinner, impossible.

Two meals, right.

Two meals, high protein
focused, healthy fats,

moderate to low carb in most cases,

especially if you're in the blood
sugar category wanting to prevent that.

Right, healthy, natural or non refined,
non processed carbs, you can get there.

But like yeah,
if you're it's just not feasible to think

that you're going to sit down
and like stuff yourself right in one meal.

Uncomfortable? No.

So one meal a day, one hour
a day can be a great strategy

for weight loss and for fat loss. Sure.

But then opening that window back up again
into two meals.


Give yourself a23 hour window.

I can get 2000 calories in, which is
a slight caloric reduction for me.

I can get that in

pretty easily

with a larger meal and a smaller meal
than a 3 to 4 hour window.

Yes, that's
how I like to think about it, too.

Yeah, Early afternoon for me.

And then an early dinner.

Yeah, a late lunch to early dinner.

So it's that it's that like 2 to 6 range.


Sometimes it's not too because I'm busy
and then I pick up the kids

and we get home and it's,
it just ends up becoming like 4 to 6.

Right? As I'm prepping for dinner,
I'll make a little something and then.

And then go ahead and have the meal.

So, yeah, it's just, it's
that mindset shift of this isn't forever.

Make sure you're making nutrient
dense food,

homemade food, nutrients and food choices.

And yeah,
as you get closer to your maintenance

yeah, you're going to have to open up

that window to get the all of the food
requirements in. Sure.

And you know

but on the flip side of that window
is still a good amount of fasting time.

Oh yeah.

I mean you might be hitting
nightmare strategic starvation, right?

You might be hitting 19 to 21 hours of

strategic starvation where you you know,
you're literally compartmentalizing.

The cool thing is blood sugar gets to come
down, insulin levels get to come down.

I get to spend time

without food, just kind of knowing
I already made a decision about it.

So I'm not subject to as many food
related decisions or cravings

and things
like that. Things aren't as volatile.

I'm not feeling as much of this
like these energetic swings, blood sugar

crashes and hangry ness
and all this other kind of stuff.

So I just

I really love that as far as keeping it
simple and understanding long term wise,

because now you can start to help
that loved one or whoever that may be.

Do understand
why this is important to you.

And also, you know what you plan to do,
you know, as far as the long term,

because this starts to bridge together
the reality of it and their worst case

that they're kind of thinking about

when they're coming into this
from a naive perspective.

I mean, they haven't sat here

and listened to conversations about this
like ad nauseum, hours on end,

you know, like like you may have
had I mean, I believe

the initial gentleman
had listened to three or four episodes.


So, I mean, you're talking about 160
plus to go, yeah, good luck.

Godspeed, sir.

But I wouldn't expect someone
with an opposing viewpoint at this point

to just jump on and just listen
to all those same conversations

and then kind of talk that through,
but at the same time,

finding a clip here or there
that kind of resonates or maybe addresses

something specific that you guys have
spoken about can be a way to kind of take

some of those points and go like,
well, here's another perspective on it.

You know, like, like,
let's talk it through not coming from the

the aspect that that this conversation
is is going to be right

and is going to convince
that other person.

But, hey, why don't we just
why don't we hash this out?

Why don't we have a little discussion here
and, you know,

keep it friendly, keep it light,
and, you know, realities merge over time.

It's it's a really cool process.

I can't find the review,
so I want to give a shout out

to the person
that asked that question about MAD.

Oh, yes or no here. Okay, cool.
Who was that?

Yeah, that was Marcello cello
and signer, Julie P So we appreciate that.

Julie Yeah, thank you for listening.
Thank you for the question.

We promised you a longer answer,
so hopefully that unpacks it.

We may have given away in the short form.

I just felt bad not mentioning it
and then not answering it.

So thank you.

And then David.

David Kay, I really do appreciate the push
to bring this back up.

So thank you so much for your question.

Keep up the good work, man.

I think it's going to be fit by 39,
not fit by 40.

I want a season before
and after due. Yeah.

Checking in from Northern Ireland.

So stinking cool.

All right, Tommy, as you wrap up

today, you're looking for some guidance
on what you're facing.

The should look like we have a blueprint
to fasting for fat loss.

Head to the show notes, click the link.

It's free 20 page pdf zoomed across the
interwebs into your inbox that is yours.

If you want to continue the conversation
and break the too

still tried and true rules of fasting.

Don't talk about fasting
and don't talk about fasting.

Head to the Facebook community.

The Fasting for Life community
on Facebook.

That link is in the show notes as well.

Concentrates trace minerals elements
that is your hydration stack.

So go ahead. Right Beans.


Redmond's possibly choose
your own adventure when it comes to that.

But Tommy, as always,
appreciate the conversation. Sure.

today will be impactful for everyone,

especially those
who submitted the questions.

Appreciate you all for listening.
We'll talk soon.

Thank you. Bye.

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