Ep. 181 - Listener Q&A: Fasting to burn visceral fat | How much protein do you need? | Sluggish or lightheaded in the AM | Best healthy superfoods & food swaps to break your fast | Tips for ketones, electrolytes, & LMNT | Free fasting plan for fat loss

Uncategorized Jun 13, 2023


  1. Learn how to RAMP UP into longer fasting windows!
  2. Gain insights into the non-weight loss benefits of fasting!
  3. Personalize your own fasting schedule and consistent FAT LOSS results!
  4. Get answers to what breaks a fast, how to break a fast, and tips and tricks to accelerate your fasting wins!




In today’s Q&A episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy answered some questions about protein prioritization, food choices for protein, the second stomach phenomenon, what to do if you feel lightheaded or wake up feeling fatigued and foggy, and are ketone strips inaccurate?


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Fasting For Life Ep. 181 Transcript


Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Watier.

And I'm Tommy Welling.

And you're
listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting
as a tool to regain

your health, achieve ultimate wellness,
and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation
on a single topic

with immediate, actionable steps.

We cover everything from fat loss

and health and wellness
to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how
fasting has transformed our lives

and we hope to share the tools
that we have learned along the way.

Hey everyone,
welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast.

My name is Dr.

Scott Water and I'm here as always,

and with good friend and colleague
Tommy Welling.

Good afternoon to you, sir.

Hey, Scott,
how are you doing? Fantastic, my friend.

We have a loaded question
and answer episode for you all today.

It's been almost a couple of months
since we've done one,

so we have hundreds of questions
that we are pulling from.

So first and foremost,
welcome in to today's episode.

If you are a new listener, shout out.

Thank you for giving us a shot.

Joining us on this fasting journey

and listening in on how to level up
your fasting lifestyle.

We come each and every week

with an episode, sometimes research based,
sometimes lifestyle based.

But we really want to create an action
step, something that you can do,

that you can leave the episode today,
putting something into your day to day

life that can add value, simplify
the process, and most importantly,

adapt that fasting lifestyle
to your long term results.

So, Tommy,

I am excited today

because these are questions
that we see inside of our community group.

Couple of these questions
came from our VIP coaching group.

Some of these we pull from messages
we get on Instagram.

I'm on Facebook,
self-proclaimed not the best at those

emails that you can

email in info
at the fasting for life dot com,

but the majority of these today are going
to be coming from the community group.

So if you're looking for a group
of like minded fasting individuals

that know and like our podcast
and the way we operate,

then you can head to the show
notes, click the link and come on in.

Join the party
of adapting to a fasting lifestyle.

So love it.

Yeah man,
we've got a lot to go over today.

I want to start with one
that came out of the coaching group

that was actually spawned by me

Mm hmm.

And if you've been following along and,
you know,

if you could actually categorize
or catalog all of the episodes

that we've done and put them into like

systematize the action steps,
you would have pretty much

you would have more information on fasting

and the benefits and the application
than you could ever imagine.

Yeah, right.


Fasting, Bible fasting.

But, but we want it to be simplified for
you and I, if you've been listening,

I've been really focusing
on a visceral fat goal, right?

So not so much the weight loss goal,
but the visceral

fat numbers are targeting visceral fat
with your risk of dangerous fat.

Yeah, the dangerous fat, right?

If you don't know what that is,
you can search

fasting for high visceral fat
and some episodes will pop up.

But I've been focusing on that
more than you know,

an end all be all number on the scale
let's say.


Okay Yep And we did a recent episode
on protein pacing.

And the the prioritization of protein,

which is something that we've
we have preached and teach since day one.

I know it's not proper grammatical context
there, folks, so don't don't at me

of our breakdown of a 40, 40,

If you're doing macros or you're tracking
or you want to be operating

in that realm while you're fasting

and then making sure
that we're prioritizing protein

because we want body composition
preservation while we're fasting,

we want to be making sure,

of course, that we are protecting
our lean muscle tissue,

which we do with fasting
because of the growth hormone spike.

But this I posted this just as like, Hey,
I'm checking in with y'all.

Haven't had to dust off my fitness pal.

Hadn't really done this in a while.

And I have been again
focusing on this protein prioritization

and putting protein first,
building your plate with protein

first played around
with Carnivore recently.

So again, protein prioritization there.

Yeah, sure.

And when I posted it, it was interesting

because I was doing a little a little time
and a little two meals a day

and I ended we're doing a fast
cycling week, so I'm cycling

between 18 to then 30 hour fasts
and did a little time.

And so two meal a day

I wanted to be focusing on
getting sufficient nutrition and I called

it eats and protein aiming for 130 grams
every day that I'm not fasting

meaning if there's a day

that I'm doing an extended fast
or I'm not eating a meal that day,

not on those days, not on my burn days,
but on the days I'm consuming.

I want to be focusing
on getting 130 grams of protein every day.

Okay. So where does that come from?

Well, that comes from my goal weight,

which is estimated because I'm
really focusing on the visceral fat.

But right now prioritizing protein.

And of 185, mathematically,

that puts me in a category, right,
that I want to be in.

So it's just a not a broad target,
but a soft target.


So 130 grams protein, so 1.5 times 0.7.

And that gets me to 140.

What does that math? I did it
and now I can't remember.

That gets to 120,
about 129.500 milligrams.

So I said simplicity wins, I'm stuffed.

So my meals were a pound of organic
grass-fed ground beef

with two ounces of raw
cheddar cheese in a bowl.


Lots of Redmond salt, some pepper, Nice.

Scarfed it down, stuffed sky stuffed.


Then I did four eggs
and six slices of bacon for dinner. Mm.

I like it.


My wife made roasted
cauliflower for the family and I was like,

not eating that.

So that's what a nice.

How'd you feel? Great.

Full like I didn't even want dinner.

So the Bristol food from the lunch.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Uh huh.

So the breakdown was six grams carbs,

So it was a 65% fat, 34% protein meal,

strong kido, strong keto, unintentional.

Just prioritizing protein first.


So in the post someone mentioned Wow,

that is a lot of protein.

So I said okay Sara, I will bite.


And then looked up Sara's

metrics and her goal should be
a hundred grams of protein

a day based on her minimum
based on her 445 goal weight.


So the confusing thing here
for a lot of people is,

well, how do I prioritize protein?

Yeah, it's expensive.
Takes a while to eat.

I got to cook much. Yeah.

I have to be very deliberate
if I'm going to be saving it

or having it for leftovers.

It's not like
I can just leave it out on the counter.

Should I supplement? Right?

Should I use
powders or bars or anything else like

that that we have potentially available
to us?

All these kind of questions
kind of come up.

Protein tends to be
if if we're not diligent

about prioritizing it, then it kind of
just it can fall by the wayside

because it because it takes more effort,
you know, to prepare and then to eat and,

you know, it's just like
we have to be very deliberate about it.

Otherwise it can it can just default to
to lower on the on the priority list.

Unfortunately. And we do sometimes like.

Right. 100%.

And recently
we did a a nutrition feedback week

where people posted what they were eating
and we tweaked and

and coached and helped kind of like answer
the question like, what should I eat?

What should my plate look like?

Right, Right. Was fasting the easy part?


Once you doing it a few times,
you're like, Oh yes, that's easy.

But then when it comes to food
choices, Oh, okay.

The beat back the truck up, right? Yeah.

So we're talking about protein.

We want to start, you know, simple things
like switch cereal for eggs,

snacking on cheese, starting your meals
by eating protein sources first.

Right. Simple things like that.

But for instance,

let's say I was doing a nomad
and I was shooting for 1000 calories.

So it's like a chicken breast and a half.

Okay. Okay.

Now, if you guys are doing
low carb, your version diabetes,

maybe you're going to drop those carbs
even lower.

So then you can up your fat.

Sure. Yeah. Right now,
I did this in a year.

I just was like, Hey, let me see where
I'm at with this meal that I like to eat.

That I eat pretty frequently.

Yeah. Just reverse
engineering it. Yeah. Yeah.

Just it was kind of also missed test.

Yeah. Right.

So leaner meats,
obviously you won't have as much fat

but the idea here is prioritizing
that protein intake.

So how do you do that
while you build your plate

with protein first
and you eat your protein first?


If it's a fatty steak, that's fine too,
because that's going to increase peptide

Y and that's going to make you feel
more full and satiated.

And we know that protein balances.

We just did an episode recently on Ghrelin
The Hunger.

Yeah, Yeah.

Well you get the most metabolic burn rate

from protein
and you decrease your hunger hormones,

never mind blood sugar and insulin rise
significantly less

when you consume your protein and veggies
before eating your carbohydrates.

So another reason to prioritize protein.

I also like to psychological aspects

of it, one being that
when you prioritize protein, you

you tend to viscerally remember
that meal a little bit longer.

So it can
it can definitely cut down on cravings.

Like when I got to dinner,
I was like, Oh, it's time to eat again.

Are you sure?

But do I have to?

Yeah, Yeah.

Whereas if,
if you had, you know, probably.

Well, for yours, yours was very low carb.

But even if you were following
like a really good like 40, 40, 20 split,

let's say. Right.

If it had been higher than 20%
as far as the carbohydrates,

the hunger comes back much, much faster.

And then the the cravings,
if if you are subject to cravings,

they'll come back faster, too.

Whereas a higher amount of protein
and fat especially.

But but protein for sure, you just
you can still feel it.

You know, it just that
that hunger stays gone longer for sure.


And then then you just have the fact
that when you're putting together

your plate and then you're thinking
about your next one, it's also like

you kind of know that your important goals
are right there, like on your plate

you don't have to worry about,
Am I doing too many of the carbs?

Am I missing my anabolic window?

If you still have any of those, like,
hey, I'm I'm working out

and I really should be getting
some protein after my workout.

Like if you're trying to do that,
even if you, you know, it's not, you know,

really not nearly as important
as we hear sometimes.

It can still feel like,
hey, I'm working out or hey, I want to

I want to build muscle or at least,
you know, maintain the muscle that I have.

I definitely want to be doing that
with with protein.

My muscles are made of protein, so it can
it can be a really good

like reinforcement of what you're doing
to continue making good choices,

which is big as far as like psychological
and physiological momentum, too.

So when you're fasting, right,
and then you break your fast,

here is the prioritization of protein,

like running list of of reasons
why you should do it.

Tom, you just mentioned a few.

Now, if you're trying to build
like you're in a build phase

and you really trying to build
lean muscle,

then you're going to want a protein intake
and you frequency your protein because

it's not so much the anabolic window
is the consistent intake of protein.

why I was talking about soft targets.

I'm really focusing on protein
pacing for the visceral fat reduction.


So other things you can do is you can,
you can add a little cheese to your plate,

to your breaking of your fast
the handful of almonds.

Right. And then a couple of ounces of.

We have this really great raw cheese here
and it has seven grams of protein

per ounce.

So couple ounces of cheese, 14
grams of protein.


And then you get a you know, six grams

of or one ounce of almonds
is another six grams.


There's another 20 grams of protein
in two ounces of cheese and one small

I mean 28 gram one ounce of, of almonds.


You serving all of these things
that are like protein power packed foods,

they may not hit you
as like the craving in the moment.

Yeah. That can work sometimes right.

Well for me can suck can be but.

Well yeah but that's sometimes
why if you look at at the end of the day,

if you're, if you're a grazer or
if you're, if you're subject to snacking,

then the craving in the moment
oftentimes is usually carb related.

It will usually be quenched or you'll
try to quench it with carbohydrates.

that's kind of a default for a lot of us.

So to have protein snacks take
just a little bit of of time

or a little bit of thought beforehand
to kind of have those ready.

Like I like doing deviled eggs,
just put them in the fridge, have like,

you know, a dozen or a couple dozen
and then you prep them once,

you might spend 30 minutes,
you know, maybe a little bit longer.

But you may only have to do that
once in a week.

And then you can
you can grab those and like,

you know, have a nice little protein bomb,
whatever you're hungry or, you know,

as long as you're not fasting.

So talking about eggs,
this is one of the things

that I truly believe
and we've talked about this multiple times

about the disparity in
is eating breakfast.

Good for you. Should you eat breakfast?
What about fasting?

Most people that start fasting
just skip breakfast, right?

Yeah. Is that sustainable for you?

Do you like breakfast?
Do you wake up hungry?

What are your hormone signals?
What are your cravings? How's your sleep?

How's your stress?
What do your work day look like? Right.

So many different factors.

Yeah, but I truly believe that
one of the things that causes breakfast

to be not so great for people is because
the choices they make at breakfast, right?


So most breakfast
foods are low in protein.

So my mom's been eating oatmeal for,
I don't know, she's 73, so let's say

probably longer and.

Yeah, okay.

Oatmeal seen as a health food,

but it only has five grams of protein
in about approximately one cup.

Three eggs has 19
and a little ounce of cheese.

Okay, Now you're 26 handful almonds.

Okay, now I'm at 31.

Okay, we're starting to build.

You can add in a scoop of collagen.

Your oatmeal,
your baked goods into your coffee.

It dissolves the brain

we use in our houses, Bubs,
We make the simple mills banana muffins.

Right. Like banana bread muffins.

It's like, okay, here.

Maybe it's just us in this house,

but we buy bananas
and we let them go, like, dark.

Yeah. Without them get super dry. That.

Then we throw them out.
We never make the banana bread.

Ever, ever, ever, ever. Right?

Yeah. But it's always the plan. Like,
Hey, should we, should we.

Should we throw these out? No, no, no.

But let's let them. Yeah.

Bull. Bull. I'm calling Bull.

You know what? Yeah,
It's like one in 100. Yeah.

So we use these simple mills,
and we add in a couple schools,

a college, and we found this gluten
free cinnamon roll, right?

We should live life without a cinnamon
roll occasionally, Right?

So every couple of weeks,
we'll make them on Saturday or Sunday

and we add in collagen
into the gluten free cinnamon roll dough,

as well as into the cinnamon butter
cinnamon mix that we we just on top place.


Flipping those ratios,
getting a little more balance in there.


So eggs, collagen almonds,
we talked about those.

Another big one that that a lot of people
we find that love is seven ounces or one

serving of Greek yogurt,
an additional 17 to 20

grams of protein add in a good
we like to use the designs for health

paleo protein, beef based protein.

I mean, one serving of Greek yogurt,
you got 17 to 20 grams, added some berries

and maybe you add in a scoop of the pure
protein for a good protein source.

Yeah, to that as well.

Now you're at 20 to 40 plus grams of
protein in that one serving seven ounces.

That's not a lot.


You know, putting together
this snack like that, like a power

packed snack, I just remember
like something that we hear sometimes is.

Yeah, but isn't too much protein
in one sitting isn't that bad.

Want to just pick it out like,

you know,
like I remember hearing that from,

you know, in the supplement world
and things like that.

But we still hear it
today, you know, And so but it's

look at it like any other macronutrient,
you know, so if you're bringing fat in

or you're bringing carbohydrates in
or you're being you're bringing protein

in, your body will figure out
what to do with it If we need it

now, will burn will burn through it.

Now, if we don't, then we'll store
some of it so we can tap into it later.

That's just the process.

But there's nothing inherently wrong
about bringing in additional protein right

now, even if you can't, quote unquote,
use it.

All right.

Now, or if you're not coming off of a,

you know, like a heavy workout
or something else like that,

this is one of the biggest things
that I feel like other than

the hydration issue when you start fasting
and we'll talk about that

in a little bit as well.

But this weight loss basics,

fasting or not fasting,
prioritize protein, you're going to get

so many benefits on your hormones
and your hunger on your body composition.

So no matter what path you choose,
make this a priority.

So if you're doing one meal a day
and you're in a fat loss phase,

you're like, How could I eat

Well, don't do what I did.

Make it a three hour window.

I feel great this morning.

That's awesome.
Is this was yesterday, right?

You know, another way to get more
protein is is you can if you want to

and my wife will do this a lot at night
if she's behind

like she's like, man, I haven't had enough
protein today or, you know,

all my hydration and she'll do like
coconut water and a smoothie.

But you can add in, do a protein shake,
add in half an avocado,

add in some collagen,
you can add in some, you know,

you can use allulose or stevia
if you want it a little bit sweeter.

Yeah, but have the shake as the dessert
you can add in flax seeds.

Your chia seeds add a little bit
more protein.

Right. Nice.

So you really want to just reverse
engineer the protein first.

And I'll say this about one thing that is
is misinterpreted as a protein booster.

like peanut butter and almond butter.


Very, very dense, calorically dense foods.

Sure. Not well measured.

If you go look at the two tablespoons

on the serving size, I believe it's

Oh, man, it's not that much.


So be so easy to just keep going.


Plus super high in in fat fats.

It's Yeah. Fat.

So they have some protein but don't
consider them like a high protein food.

Consider my high fat food.

I'll be much, much, much better for your,
for your buckets like, for your quick,

quick buckets.
But now we're coming off a 72 hour fast.

Yeah. Put the peanut butter
in. It doesn't matter.

Oh, yeah.
Like we're talking about sustainability.

What is maintenance going to look like?

Maintaining your weight loss
protein's a priority

because the end goal look like
protein's a priority.

We've done a few successful fasters.

I'll put myself in this category too.

Who temporarily limited or even eliminated
some of the nut butters, right?

It can be.

It can be kind of a slippery slope,
like a calorie packed and nutrient dense,

you know, for sure.

But at the same time,
if it if it kicks up those

those snacky crazy things
or like the pantry behavior,

if you have that that kind of tendency,
then then, you know,

we might want to just eliminate them
for a little while.

But also, I don't want to forget to
mention cottage cheese.

So, you know, 70% protein, so good.

Here's the problem with cottage cheese.
Oh, here we go.

It's cottage cheese.

It's gross.

The texture is just gross.

But I will tell you this,

that we have been on a cottage cheese

kick in making recipes that have it in it
that you would never know.

Oh, interesting.

Because once you like d lump,
it is probably it can mix pretty well.

It can make a pretty good ice cream.

That's cool. Yeah. Crazy.

Okay, so
but yeah, one cup of cottage cheese.

I mean, it's crazy
how like a cup go to or envision

if you're at work or driving, envision
your measuring cups, go get the cup.

That's not a lot of food.

Yeah, it's protein packed for sure.


I thought it was weird

when I when I picked up my first,
you know, my first container of it,

and this was to kind of lower some of the
powder supplementation of protein.

I was like,
just trying to do better on my plates.

So I agree.

The texture was like a little offputting
at first, but at the same time,

especially like you could put some,
you know, some berries or, you know,

some strawberries or something,
something else in it.

But it didn't take long before.

I didn't really need to mix other things
in it.

So, yeah,
it wasn't as bad as it as it looked.

I was always kind of afraid

to try it honestly,
until I started actually reading it.

Throws. Yeah, we use it now. I can eat it.

So that's something I typically I'd
rather do Greek yogurt over it.

I'd prefer cottage cheese. Interesting.
Do you. Okay.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's ricotta cheese. Good.
We mentioned beef sticks, right?

So this is this is funny
because you six are great thrive market.

It's not a subscription yet.
We get a box every month.

I'm like, you know you don't,
you don't have to order like.

Yeah, stop it Shut off the ordering And
then now Costco has the big chopsticks.

Yeah Archer is a great brand
nitrite free, chemical free.

Just an easy way to get in 9 to 12 grams,
depending on the brand.

And one thing that I love to do, too,
is because we are a larger family

and we do shop at Costco and we do like
bulk discounts on things right?

Like bonds of pasta
whenever you can get it $4

a box or $12 for five bags at Costco.

We'll take it.

Another one you can do is eat canned fish.

Now, this is something you might be gone.
You can't fish.

Okay, well, how about tinned chicken?

One can of Costco. Kirkland can.

Chicken has 46 grams of protein.

Nice one, kids.

Yeah, it's almost pure protein.

Seven ounces, seven ounces.

That's not a lot. Right? Right. Yeah.

Well, the primal kitchen,
avocado, mayo a little bit.

Or maybe some.

Some relish, a little little mustard,
some salt and pepper have.

That is your side dish.

Instead of the giant bag of cookies
or baked potato or.


Or toaster or bread or toast.

Or bread. Right. You will.

You will feel the difference.

And it's super easy to do.

We actually use canned

sardines, canned

oysters, canned salmon, because we don't
I can't cook salmon.

I'm just I don't know how to do it.
I'm not good at it.

My wife doesn't eat seafood,
but my kids love it.

So we use canned tuna, canned salmon,
and they just scarf it down nice.

And it's like pure protein.

Now, I can't do the sardines.

I do enjoy the canned salmon,
tuna and chicken.

But that's another way, you know,
three and a half ounces, 100 grams.

You know, those picture,
those little skinny pop hundred gram,

like picture like a little serving

and a half, three and a half ounces.

So you're getting another 20 right there.

Now, if you eat a can of Kirkland,
of course, it's Costco size.

You getting 46 grams of protein. Yeah.

So you just got to play around with what
what is your end goal.

But when I posted this in the group,

everybody is like, whoa,
that's a lot of protein. I'm like, okay.

And we saw with that nutrition feedback

exercise dozens and dozens and dozens
and now hundreds of posts.

When we asked for nutrition feedback
and people post their meals.

Yeah, I'm focused on protein. Oh, okay.

Well, your meals mostly. Carbs and fat.

Yeah, mostly carbs.

And some fat usually.

Usually not very intentional on the fat.


So if you're not intentional with it,
then it can fall through the cracks

very easily. So yeah, okay.

That should be kind of our bookmark for

if anyone asks, how do you
how do I break my fast prioritize protein?

We used to say break it slowly, right?

If you're brand new, go back
and listen to the break it slowly episode.

You know, I just want to say
one more thing about protein.

The second stomach phenomenon.

Dr. Fong mentioned that in obesity code
and just just the fact

that I can have a big meal,
it could be protein packed.

But if if there's an offer
for something carbohydrate rich after that

meal, there's almost always this ability

for our brain to kind of compartmentalize
what we've already had,

carbohydrates, especially highly processed
ones, coming in after words.

They don't have the same like feedback

deterrent system in the body
and in the brain like protein does.

But the process of preventing that
or being proactive with it

starts with your meal and starts
at the beginning of your meal.

So the more protein you have earlier
in your meal, the less likely

you are to sneak in a few more
or for some more carbs,

especially to find their way
onto your plate or into your cravings.

So during that meal or after that
meal's over when you're trying to hit a

nomad, but then it becomes a slippery
slope, open window, let's say.

Or when you plan to set your next timer.

But you and I end up feeling
like these strong cravings

before you're you're you know, your fast
this is meant to be over at that point.

So be proactive
it'll make your next fast easier for sure.

Yeah and one thing
if you're in the vegan vegetarian world,

then you know you're going to have to get
a little bit more creative.

So sure, there's that.

There's a brand
that we've been exposed to.



Which looks really clean, really great.

You know, then you can look at things
like lentils, beans

and a momma,
even just a small serving of a mommy.

Now, obviously, if you're concerned of
soy, then don't go that route.

Whatever works for you. Quinoa. Sure.

Ancient grains have a lot of protein
as well, but you really got to want it.

You don't have to work a little harder.

Things like pumpkin seeds, too.

And don't

forget about the turkey and chicken,
because we didn't really mention that

when we're talking about
prioritizing protein with the 4040 split.

But just just has to be first
and foremost, right?


So setting that in motion is going to help

with the couple next questions
that we have that are kind of related.

One is about when I wake up recently

and I feel like my I'm

just sluggish,
like I just feel kind of weak.

I'm not lightheaded, kind of fatigued, and

I just don't really know what's going on
or why that would be happening.

And then when you might feel a bit

long or times into your event,
like in the 36 to 48 hour,

these two things are directly related.

And the two questions that came in were,
okay, I'm at my 43 mark.

I'm feeling a little lightheaded.
What do I do?

And then I'm waking up

feeling a little fatigued,
not lightheaded, but just kind of foggy.

The number one solution
is not to increase your water, but

we just talk about this in the most recent
master class that we did.

You need to make sure

that you're getting in proper
electrolytes and trace minerals. Hmm.


You know,
those are something I feel like when we're

we're just eating all throughout the day.

We can kind of take take for granted
the fact that that salt and different

electrolytes and different trace
minerals are coming in

just kind of naturally like
we may never have felt

what it can feel like as those levels
kind of come down.

Because if a food's not just coming in
all throughout the day,

then I don't have a constant sodium
intake or selenium intake or boron.

That's coming in or, you know,
potassium, magnesium, all of these things.

But they are incredibly important.

They they work at in
every cell of our body is is based on,

you know, electrolytic,
you know, gradients that have to be intact

for us to to work
as we're designed to work.

So we can we can start to feel these
in these kind of like strange ways.

But they can

they can feel really kind of foreign,
especially when we first get into fasting.

I think just being proactive
and like starting knowing that

that's the case
and kind of starting the day

with that intention,
like if I'm going to bring in some salt

some salt because I know I'm on a fast,

then doing a little bit
at the beginning of the day, right?

And then knowing

if my activity level is going to increase,
like maybe I have a workout plan today

or I'm going to be working outside
and getting in the summertime knowing that

those electrolyte levels
are going to change even a bit faster

because the machinery in your body is
is constantly going through

water and electrolytes.

And then as you

as you pee, you have to get rid
of a lot of those electrolytes over time.

So you're going to be depleting them
over time.

So bringing them back in in a proactive
manner is very important.


The question specifically was,

I've noticed that in the morning
before I break my fast,

this person's normally
eating between 11 and three.

I've been feeling lightheaded and weak,

not to the point of faint,
but just uncomfortable.

Took some electrolyte drops
in that felt better.

So electrolytes can help.

You were just saying
that, yes. As insulin comes down,

they get flushed out
so it's not drinking more water.

And we just did a big episode
on salt recently and how it's it's

been misrepresented and the blood pressure
and health overall health world

and it's definitely under recommended
in terms of the amount.

So if you want to learn more about it,
head back and listen.

It gets blamed for the insulin problems.

It does. It does.

But the simplest way to do
it is use a Redmond's sea salt,

a Celtic sea salt,
or even like a pink Himalayan salt.

And if you look at the recommended daily,

the salt, I'm looking for the nutrition
panel, the serving size,

you know, a quarter of a teaspoon
might be the serving,

but if you look at one
teaspoon of Redmond's,

you're going to be getting all the salt
you could need, right?

So I like to stack my day this way
because this person

who asked the question, Ruth,

it's typically in the morning,
you've been sleeping all night,

your body's been burning,
it's been processing.

You're not up in the night
drinking a ton of water.

Not that that would help, especially
if it's an electrolyte issue, right?

If you're on meds for hypertension,
especially diuretics,

you've got even more of a problem.

So not decreasing your sodium,
but increasing your healthier

Himalayan or Redmond sea salt.

You've been actively pushing them out
with the diuretics, right?


So this is a common problem,
especially in the morning.

So I like to wake up.

I do my vitamin C, I do my element,

and I do my Redmond sea salt in a teaspoon
of sea salt in 30 ounces of water.

And that's how I start my day
before I do my coffee,

because now I know I'm rehydrating
from the night before and I'm

also sweating the electrolyte balance
for the day.


Then you don't have to feel like you're
playing catch up later on in the day.

Even if there is a change in your activity
level or something like that.

Like if I'm going to be, let's say,
you know, doing something physical

that day, like I'll,

I'll grab some salt crystals
and just bring them with me,

you know, just keep them in my pocket

because I'll, I'll just I'll just grab
some and munch on them if I'm just feeling

a little bit off or like,
oh man, it's been a while.

Just as kind of a quick fix. Nope.

And that other question came in
from Frazier.

Any tips on when you feel a bit
lightheaded during the fast 43 hours in?

Yeah, absolutely.

You can go for a walk, you can take a nap.

But before you do any of that,
give it 15, 20 minutes

because breaking your fast
typically doesn't help in the situation

If you feel ill, of course,
break your fast.

If you're diabetic, check your blood
sugar. If it's low, break your fast.

But this is that transition.

When you go into ketosis as well.

So it's going to help
all of the same symptoms

of the electrolyte imbalance
that you can get in the morning

are the same things
when you transition from,

you know, burning through all that short
term glucose and glycogen

and getting into a deeper state of ketosis
as well.

Yeah, or a little shot of pickle juice
that could be a nice go to too.

Yeah. No, thank you.

I will pass on the pickle juice.

But another question come in

about ketone strips
and how how inaccurate they are.

So before
before we could even get to that question.

It's interesting
because ketone strips were

originally created
not for knowing if you're in ketosis,

but for diabetics to know
that if they're dangerously approaching

diabetic ketoacidosis,
does the ketone urine strips, right?

Correct. Okay.


So with ketone strips,
this question came in from Jason.

He's lost £46 since January 20th this year

following fasting in Quito. Wow.

That's incredible.

Awesome. Right.

Incredible awesome ketone
urine strips to see if I was in ketosis.

And oddly,
they show me as only having trace ketones

even after a day of fasting. Yup.

I know they're not very accurate,
but surely they would

occasionally show me as in ketosis.

I mean, you know, even when I eat, it's
extremely low carbon,

no sugar, all fat with moderate protein,
nothing that should be breaking ketosis.

Or are they just wrong?


Or have I lost that weight
without being in proper ketosis?

I certainly feel fitter and healthier
than I have in years.

You should, Jason.

With £40 down. Congrats. Yes.

I can't believe how much I've changed
in a short period, but I'm perplexed

about the test swapping and I don't have
a blood test machine to test myself.

Any ideas?

Yeah. They're.

They're not for you.

You don't need them.
They weren't designed for you.

This is what I love about the community
group is like, with those sort of results,

you're doing something right.
Don't bother with any of it. Right?

I just listen to my body
and it seems to work out.

So if you want accuracy here D here
the answers is one question in here,


But yeah, not having the understanding
of why that happens

can be a little bit frustrating.

Yeah, that little seed of doubt.
Yeah. Yeah.

The armor as you like to say. Right.

Chink in the armor. Yeah.

Because you want confidence
on your next step.

You know, you want to
you want to know that you're not just like

heading in the wrong direction
or that you did something really wrong

and that now you have a new problem
that you need to fix something like that.

So I think just, just understanding that,
that they were designed for

a completely different application
and it's just the barrier of entry,

like they're like 20 bucks or something
like that.

You can easily get them anywhere.

So expensive.

I don't know, maybe they're $10. I mean,

they're useless for our SAT loss efforts.

So whatever the cost, it's
a waste of money, whether it's $2 or $100.

But they're pretty easy to get.

And it sounds more appealing than like

doing a finger prick, because if you want
accurate indicator mojo.

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

It's not 80 or $100,
but if you want ketone

data, you're going to need to measure
your blood, period.

Yeah, and that's the thing.

So what you're measuring
there is the byproduct of the creation of

the ketones and what we actually want
is beta hydroxybutyrate, acid,

which is the B
and it's formed from Machito acetate.

So it's not technically a ketone,
but it is,

it is the marker that we're measuring
that we want to see.

Acetone is a side product.

A pseudo acetate is created
from the breakdown of the fatty acids.

When you convert into
or move into ketosis.

So you're measuring a byproduct,
you're not actually measuring ketones.

So the one thing I want to mention in here

was that he's doing so many things right,
and he said, or

have I lost all the weight
without being in proper ketosis? No.

If you've been fasting,
you've gotten into ketosis.

Mm hmm.

Lots of time.

Can you lose weight
without getting into ketosis? Yes.

Do you not get all the additional added
benefits of getting in ketosis?

No. Does that really matter? Not really.

What matters is the result how you feel
and you even admit it here.

Jason again, shout out that

I can't believe how much I've changed
in such a short period.

I certainly feel fitter and healthier
than I ever have in years,

and if you want to find out more,
you can click the link in the show notes.

We have a link.

We've partnered with Keto module.

We partnered with them
for the last few years.

Their customer support is incredible.

If you are looking to invest in the Akita
mojo, we have a pretty crazy discount

on top of whatever discounts and bundles

that they're running on the site
at any time.

Yeah, and it's something
that I've used on my journey.

You use dozens of your clients have used,

but I don't think
you need it because you're crushing it.

Jason Yeah, absolutely. Well-said.

Yep, yep, yep.

All right.

Tommy that was a bunch of questions.

We got a bunch more coming at you
over the next few weeks.

We stockpile these, we find the threads.

So if you are looking to take an action

now off of today's episode,
you can head to the show notes.

You can click the link for the Facebook

community group
where we grab these questions from today.

You can grab our blueprint
to fasting for fat loss.

That's where it's going to talk about
some of the initial stuff

on how to build your plate,
how to break a fast what,

what are the different types of fast
if you're more of a beginner, it's

a 20 page
PDF, we'll send it to your email inbox.

You can have it.

It's been an incredible resource
since we dropped it earlier

this year in January, middle of January
this year.

It's been an incredible thing.

But most importantly,
take one thing from today's episode.

Take an action As we sign off
for today, Tommy And that's going to wire

the fasting lifestyle into your day
to day, which then, as we like

to say, beginning with the end in mind,
hopefully it's going to move you towards

your end goal
or your end result and really, really once

and for all getting that weight off,
keeping it off and like Jason

feeling better, feeling fitter
and feeling healthier than ever before.

Tommy Love it.

Appreciate the conversation as always,
sir. We'll talk soon.

Thank you. Bye.

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