Ep. 180 - Controlling hunger to make fasting easier | How sleep quality affects your food choices & fat loss | Hydration, hormonal hunger, & blood sugar imbalances | Decreasing appetite naturally | CGM data to optimize your fasting | Fasting Challenge

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2023


  • New to fasting or want to get back on track?
  • Struggling to break through a plateau?
  • Ready to finally stop obsessing about your diet?
  • Let’s kick off the summer with intention, habit-building, and fast-tracking your fasting results!

We'll teach you how to FAST to LOSE FAT for good, and use 'fast cycling' to achieve uncommon results! Join us on June 7th for the 7-Day Fasting Lifestyle Challenge!  REGISTER HERE! Click the Link for DATES, DETAILS, and FAQ!




  1. Learn how to RAMP UP into longer fasting windows!
  2. Gain insights into the non-weight loss benefits of fasting!
  3. Personalize your own fasting schedule and consistent FAT LOSS results!
  4. Get answers to what breaks a fast, how to break a fast, and tips and tricks to accelerate your fasting wins!




In today’s episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss ghrelin, homeostatic and non-homeostatic appetite signals, sleep restriction's effect on ghrelin and other markers, what you should eat if you're fasting and have a poor night of sleep, snacks that showed no ghrelin increase.


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Fasting For Life Ep. 180 Transcript


Hello. I’m Dr. Scott Watier. And I'm Tommy Welling.

And you're
listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting
as a tool to regain

your health, achieve ultimate wellness,
and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation
on a single topic

with immediate, actionable steps.

We cover everything from fat loss

and health and wellness
to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how
fasting has transformed our lives

and we hope to share the tools
that we have learned along the way.

Hey, we're going to hop on real quick

today's episode
and let y'all know that tomorrow.

Yes, tomorrow, June 7th, is the start of
our seven day fasting lifestyle challenge.

It is not too late. You still have time.

If you are looking to level up your
fasting results and not go at it alone.

We are here.

We're going to have an incredible
pre summer seven day fasting lifestyle


Click the link in the show notes for
more information and to get registered.

We have a few spots left.

We're going to come along side of you
for the next week

and I'll show you how to get back on
track, push through plateaus

and really get off
the dieting rollercoaster once

and for all and create that sustainable
fasting routine.

If you're looking for help.

We are in it to win it.

We're going to have some fun along
the way as well.

Head to the show notes.

Click the link.

It's not too late
and we'll see on the inside.

Hey everyone,
welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast.

My name is Dr. Scott Warrior
and I'm here as always.

And good friend and colleague
Tommy Welling.

Good afternoon to you, sir.

Hey, Scott,
how are you doing? Fantastic, my friend.

Excited for the conversation
that we are going to have today.

We're going to call it
The Hunger Haberdashery.

And if you don't know what that word is,
then you need to look it up

because it's a store that has, you know,
lots of different things men's clothing,

like little thrift store type stuff.

So, yeah, hunger, we're going to take
a different approach today.

And yes, this is a fasting podcast,
but fasting is a two part equation.

You delay the gratification of food
and then you need to eat food

and you need to make good decisions around
food and put in proper nutrition, etc..

So today's conversation
is going to start off with the focus

point of ghrelin and it being elevated
during sleep restriction.

We just did an episode,
a few episodes back on sleep,

but we're going to take this conversation

and some of the things
that come out of this study

from the sleep restriction
and apply them to the fasting lifestyle.

One of our fundamental pillars of fasting
for life is around how to manage hunger.

It's it's part of the equation.

So before we dive into all of that, when I
welcome everybody into today's episode,

we want to make sure that you leave with
some actionable things that you can do

to put into your day

to day fasting lifestyle
if you're new to the podcast, welcome.

Thanks for giving us a chance
on adding us into your fasting journey.

Head back to episode one
if you want to learn

more about who Tommy and I are
and why we do what we do

and how powerful fasting was in our lives,
shout out to the long time listeners.

You guys keep tuning in week
in and week out.

We appreciate you and just thank you
for giving us the support

and allowing us to continue
to deliver episodes each and every week.

Yes. All right, Tommy, so the article that
we're going to be looking at as coming

from the Journal of Obesity

and this came out in 2016,

was published online
excuse me, in 2015, and it's elevated

ghrelin predicts food intake during

experimental sleep restriction.

So we've talked about ghrelin in the past.

We've talked about sleep in the past
and how you are going to pretty much

just give your hormones of your body

full carte blanche on wanting to increase
intake and process sugar more poorly,

which leads to just more hunger
and more obesity

and more blood sugar imbalances, etc..

But ghrelin is is interesting

because it is a homeostatic mechanism
of appetite control.

And what I mean is it's a mechanistic
type signal.

It starts in the gut
and it crosses the blood brain barrier

and stimulates food intake by acting on
some of our body weight.

Regulatory centers,
including the hypothalamus, the hindbrain

and the muzzle limbic reward system.

So all of that word salad that I just said

means that if your stomach is empty,
then it is going to send a signal

to your brain and these body weight
regulatory centers to say, Hey, feed me.

I always think of the feed Me
Seymour skit from

what does that movie with Rick Moranis
that I always forget about?

Yeah, you know, I don't remember.

Come on. Yeah.

So giant plant that like. Yeah, Yeah.

Anyway, carry on.

I know what the meme looks like, you know,

but I just
can't think of the name of the movie.

But Little Shop of Horrors.

Okay, so what I heard there
also was just the fact that there's

a lot of push in our brain, in our body
to seek food,

to bring in nutrients,
to bring in calories.

And so even when I'm fasting,
or maybe especially when I'm fasting,

understanding that
that's going to be part of the process

and that like the body and the brain
love balance, they like things to remain

very steady, very even keeled, very,
very calm.

No big changes. Right?

And so when we're trying to do something

different, we're trying to push our body
and our mind outside of our comfort zone.

Then there's there's these
balancing forces that come into play.

So the thing to do about it

is to start taking proactive steps
so I can mitigate or maybe minimize

some of the potential discomfort
or or pushing me back, you know,

like push back physiological pushback,
if you will, during the process.


Let's define homeostatic
and non homeostatic appetite signals,

because what you just mentioned
there was your body's

going to do one thing,
you're going to interpret it one way

and then you're going to act

in a behavioral way to then
either help or hurt the process, Right.

Yeah. And hunger is real.

So there's physical hunger, there's
emotional hunger, there's timing, hunger,

hedonic hunger, which is more of like
the things you like and or want, right?


Salt, sugar, fat, like the salt cravings
and stuff like that.

Yeah, right.

So homeostatic is
is going to be psychological

and behavioral events,
physiological events and metabolic events

as well as neurotransmitter
and metabolic interactions in the brain.


So we talked like physiological things are
happening, your stomach is empty,

this chemical ghrelin growls
and it raises up and says boom, feed me.


Now the other side is the non
homeostatic factors and the study doesn't

look at this so it does say that
we need to investigate this more.

But this is going to be more around
the eating behaviors, the food, hedonic,

the eating behavior traits,
how we think about salt, sugar, fat

like you mentioned,
and like the sensory appreciation

you see the food shock, you immediately
smell the food truck and the next thing

you know you're standing in line at said
food truck.

So this study was cool
because it looked at elevated ghrelin

and the prediction of food intake

and the beta meaning they were serving
these people buffets of food.

So as much food as they wanted to intake
at certain times of the day,

but they were restricting
the sleep of the individual right.

So there were 19 healthy, lean men.

They were studied under normal

sleep and sleep restriction
and a randomized cross-over design.

So they looked at blood markers and
then the ad Lib Dem feeding opportunity.

So buffet meals and snacks
and then they measured the caloric intake.

So what I'm envisioning here is like
when you go to one of those Froyo places.

Yeah, right.

And it's like you fill your cup
and then you go away it right.

Oh they're weighing it
after they ate. Right.

They're taking the metrics like,
hey, this is how much you just enter.

That would probably I don't

need to know till tomorrow
at the Froyo place.

Right, Right. Yeah.

Especially after a little bit of sleep

Right. Which we're finding here. Right.

So I want to make sure
because you just pre framed it perfectly.

We're going to talk
about proactive things that we can do,

but we want to have a basic understanding
of what's happening as well.

So so the sleep deprivation or restriction
did not change.

Leptin, which is the opposite of ghrelin,

like leptin is like the hey,
I'm full, don't need anymore

or some of those pancreatic polypeptides,
these other hunger hormones.

So the sleep restriction didn't
really seem to affect those much at all.


But it did show a big increase
in the snack ability

and the sweet sugary carbohydrate ability
of our food decisions.

So it increased ghrelin levels
and the increase in ghrelin

levels was directly related
to an increased consumption.

Oh, man.

But there's some cool stuff in there
that we're going to share.

Oh, man.

I saw the fact that a decrease in sleep
led to increased calories

coming in from snacks specifically,
and the fact that men like

you restrict sleep a little bit,
cravings are going to kick up.

You know,

and I know

that those are going to hit me in a way
that is not conducive to my fasting.

It's making my next fast
more uncomfortable, leading to cravings

that tend to tick up on the scale
like everything is is working against me

at that point, which which means like

we've talked about in the past,
but not needing that much sleep

or as much sleep
as a badge of honor can really be like

it can be one of the foundational reasons
why I can't seem to get the weight off

or why it keeps kind of ticking back up.

Every time I do make some progress,
it's like, Man, what?

What's going on here?

Not only am I affecting my physiology,
my insulin resistance,

my blood sugar numbers the next day,

but I'm also bringing
in all of these neurochemical cues

that lead to different food
seeking behavior as well.

And never mind my fasting timer.

Know what? Fasting.

Oh man, it's going to be tough, right?

So the sleep,
if you want more guidance on sleep, head

back to a few episodes ago,
I think it was episode one.

I'm going to
I never remember the episodes.

I'm terrible at this, but it was episode

But just so we know
the two different groups over four nights

was 7.8 hours of sleep
and then 4.3 hours of sleep.

So a pretty drastic difference there.

But the big thing here
was that REM sleep was reduced by 54%.

And there seems to be a correlation here
between the two.

But interestingly, when we're looking

at the ghrelin levels
the following day in the sleep

restriction group, they did
lunch, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The increase in ghrelin
compared to the normal sleep group

was drastically greater in the breakfast
and the dinner group

and the snacking was drastically greater
in the dinner timeframe.


And you'd already mentioned that those
were 39% from the sweet sugary category.


So yikes, you have a poor night of sleep
and you're fasting.

Tommy, What meals should we eat?

Lunch should focus on lunch
because ghrelin was so much less

after the meal at lunchtime than it was
compared to breakfast and dinner.

Yeah, it seemed to be a lot harder
to close that dinnertime window.

And we hear that a lot too.


Because of that, dinner is
is the most popular choice

for home out across, you know, just broad
spectrum across the population.

So it can be very tricky.

It can be like a slippery slope come
the dinner time if that's what I'm eating.

So get that
get that meal in around lunch time

and then much easier to
to close that window, get through

the rest of the day, then make sure
I get a better night's sleep that night.

So I'm kind of like back off to the races.

I'm back in balance by the following day.

So here's the scenario.

You're on a fasting schedule.

Let's say you're doing a 30 hour fast.

You eat lunch and then you have
a terrible night of sleep.

Yeah, and you're supposed to be going
until the following day dinner, right?

And you're just like, Oh, man,
I don't know how I'm going to get there.

I'm just You wake up hungry.

Your gremlins growling. Yep. Right.

What's going on?

I'm hungry at breakfast,
but I'm never hungry.

I'm never hungry at breakfast. Right.

Especially if there is alcohol
or carbohydrates

the night before with the poor sleep,
with the decreased REM trifecta.

So you're waking up?

Yeah, I'm
speaking to myself here years ago.

Right, Because that was my trifecta. Yeah.

And you wake up and you're just like,
Oh, man.

Okay, fine. You know what? Maybe.

Maybe I should change my fasting
plan, right?

I got a busy day, like,
and then you eat breakfast.


Your grilling goes through the roof
after you eat breakfast

or you white knuckle it all day
and you get to dinner.


Your grilling goes through the roof,
post dinner,

and you end up in that 39% category
of not being able to close your window

and having more snacks
that are of the sweet, sugary category.

Yeah, dinner became an extended window
and I'm going into the pantry.

I'm kind of grazing.

Maybe there's some bites here,

maybe there's some ice cream involved
or something crunchy or snacky,

something that's in the high insulin,
high blood sugar response.

And we know that insulin is a great up
to a 30% greater effect from the same meal

eaten at breakfast versus the same meal
in a dinner for certain individuals,

you're going to get more of
an insulin genic effect from eating later.

So now you've got an open
window, you've got sweets, right?

So either you eat breakfast
and then your grilling

goes through the roof

and now your whole day shot
because we hear this from people.

Yeah, if I eat breakfast, man,
I eat more all day, right?

Sure. Yeah. Okay. Well,
there goes your fasting plan.

Okay, now you go. You make it.

You white knuckle it and it's terrible
and you're tired, and you get there

and you're at dinner, and then, boom,
you can't close the window, right?

Or the chocolate cake talks to you.

Now, obviously,

we're we're being a little cheeky here
with these situations because we want long

term food balance

and healthy food relationships
where we can be confident around food

at a healthy weight, not worrying,
constantly worrying about regaining

or the scale
or any of that type of stuff. Right.

But on the weight loss journey,
how could we make this easier?

Well, lunch is a clear winner
when it comes to poor sleep.

And you've had bad sleep
and you've got ghrelin issues,

which is your number one
mechanistic hunger hormone,

which is the one that if your stomach
is empty, it's going to grow more.

Well, you're fed it at morning and
you fed it at night and it didn't help.

Yeah. Change your fasting plan.

Don't white knuckle
it, don't break your fast, early

hit the lunch window

between that 12 and 130 time. Yeah.

And you're going to see a much less hunger

response which is going to make it
that much easier.

So just like the research article showed
Tommy that ghrelin was much less prevalent

after a lunch meal,
I love the fact that nutrition science

has been able to level up my fasting game
recently and now ironically, my wife's

who doesn't have any blood sugar
related issues,

but she was wearing one
and found how Chipotle's

over the last 14 days for her
has been the highest blood

sugar spike that lasted the longest
that she's seen in any of the foods.

And we had a date night.
We had a mexican food night.

Yeah. So I want to share.

Nutrition has been really powerful
to getting real time data, right.

Just like the ghrelin article like that,
that lunch meal had a lower response.

So nutrition is cutting edge technology
and human expertise combined.

So you can see how your body responds
to different foods.

Like I just mentioned, my
my wife's Chipotle experience, exercise,

stress and sleep in real time.

So by comparing those numbers
and pairing the CGM

with the nutrition app
and their expert dietitian guidance,

it can really give you some real time
information to make better choices.

So the CGM is a small device
that tracks your glucose levels

in real time,
and then the app is just so dynamic.

You get to see the numbers.

You can log your food,
you can log your sleep and your stress.

And it's just incredible
because once you're visualizing and seeing

this process, it's going to make it
so much easier to identify

in a real time situation what you did
right and what you can improve on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It gives you that real time response and
then it helps you make the next decision.

It helps it.

It's like it's that much easier
to make it.

Just like choosing lunch over the salty,
sweet dinner, right?

So it's incredibly empowering.

I know. Now she is hooked, right?

I've been on this plane
for a few months now.

I'm not going anywhere because it really
is just leveling up my fasting game.

And I think she's now hooked too.

So I want to encourage you,
if you're looking for a way

to make more sustainable changes
in your health and wellness

and get a better handle
on your fasting lifestyle, your sleep,

your stress, your food choices, etc.,
you can head to nutrition start

i o forward slash fasting for life
nutrition start io slash fasting for life.

You'll get $30 off
and one month of free dietitian support.

But I want to encourage you that if you're
going to do it, do it for a few months.

Choose one of the longer plans
because once you get started,

it's really empowering and it's
going to be able to make some real life

long transformations happen now, just like
my wife is addicted to it as well.

And it's such a good thing
because now we get to do it together.

So lovely.

Anyway, back to the Ghrelin article.

There was also another thing.
Tell me about the snack. Right.

Like what snacks to reach for
that actually showed like

zero to no ghrelin response
meaning increase.

Yeah because when when those increased
calories came in,

when we had access to food,
it was an additional


So you're talking about close
to potentially up to 500

additional calories coming in.

And it could be a third of a 1500 calorie

TDE or a quarter of a 2000. Wow.

And and it's it's not like

it's it's normally coming in
as as an extra piece of meat

or some more, you know,
like loaded veggies or something else.

You know, that that's that's
nutritious and satiating fiber filled

satiating protein right right or foods
Christopher's veggies like you mentioned.


Now these aren't coming in
from whole food sources that are

that are good on the insulin and blood
sugar scale.

These are coming in from the
hedonic foods, the very craveable foods,

the ones that are more highly engineered,

the ones that are going to have
a large insulin effect.

So knowing that that's that's
what we're up against here

after just one night of poor sleep means
okay, I can take some proactive measures.

Okay. Yeah.

So like, one thing I'm doing is I'm going
to to pivot over to lunch for today.

Well, then another thing that I can do
is let's be proactive.

Let's get another serving of protein
in early in that lunch

meal right there so that I can start
sending some satiety signals.


The start to send some balance
out to this to this higher ghrelin level

that that's coming in the night
after the poor sleep.

And then I'm making sure
that I'm less tempted by some of those

really highly craveable foods
and I'm getting something in that

instead of raising blood sugar,
raising insulin, it's actually going

to have a much better balancing effect
and prevent future cravings

that are that are kind of coming in

potentially later on in the day
and and tonight as well.

Yeah. So this is a buffet, right?
Just think of it.

You're in your extend
in your house, right.

And not everybody is on the fasting train.


So there's some stuff in the house
that you know,

might tempt you from time to time. Right.

We always say delay, don't deny.
Yeah, right.

So you got you got 65% coming from salty,
sweet, sweet, salty.

Right. 39 and 25 respectively.

And when they looked
at the ghrelin profile and the

the opportunity in the total caloric
intake that we saw, the big increase

from that sweet, salty,
the fat protein was was like nothing.


Because if you're standing at the buffet,

you're going to be much more likely
to go to the the fun stuff.

So I love that proactive thing

that you just mentioned where it's like,
I mean, I don't know, my wife and my kids.

I'm not a big fan of meat sticks.

I'm I like more more jerky now.

But we at any given time
we have ten different types

of meat sticks in the house. Yeah.

And it is like it is the go to
when we're on the go

because then you don't
have that ghrelin response

and you don't have that increased caloric,
that major intake.

Plus you get the satiety benefit
like you mentioned. Hmm.

So it's like, oh, okay,
well now I know why it's happening

because the study proved that
the increasing ghrelin levels

during sleep restriction is associated
with more consumption of calories

when free access to food is allowed.

Right. Like they proved, like, here it is.

So ghrelin can activate homeostatic
and reward related pathways.


So that's that physiological type push
or that push back

that you mentioned early on.

Yeah. Body likes balance right.

But it didn't mention the non

homeostatic pathways
which is that relationship with food who.

Yeah. And that's also behavior pattern.

So that awareness is key
is what I'm getting at.

That's where it can get really tricky too
because that's where some of those

those foods that I think about
maybe I daydream about sometimes or

I feel like if I say no to them, it's
just like I can't get it out of my mind.

Or maybe it's
it's like the local restaurant

or the local fast food or the local pizza
place that I always pass by.

And it's kind of like one of those
pattern, one of those patterns of eating.

Those are the types of things
that are that fall into that non

homeostatic bucket where your body doesn't
need that for balance.

But at the same time
when you feel increased ghrelin, it primes

the pump for these neurochemical signals
that go

and they start lighting up the areas
of the brain that get ready for that

dopamine reward cycle for when I do
go to that pizza place and go like,

like activate that behavior pattern,

which we know
what it's going to do to the scale

and how I'm going to feel
and how much harder

is going to be
to set my fasting time. Right.

But just just knowing that
that that's potentially part of the cycle

means I need to short circuit
this cycle like ASAP.

Like so maybe you have,
you have a dinner invitation that,

you know what, you're
just going to make a better decision about

saying yes
to or decisions in the environment,

knowing exactly what you're talking about,
the awareness

that this is something
that physiologically happens.

Yeah, but now you know
your behavioral side of it.

You can put some awareness on
that as well.

Like, Oh yeah, I do always do that. Right?

That's powerful.

Yeah. I mean, I love that.

The last one time we got to
mention is hydration, right?

Hydration and ghrelin is, is tricky
because when hydration is off,

that means hunger
can feel way out of balance.

And so if we are dehydrated, that leads

to increased ghrelin, which means that
that's where it comes from.

Like if you've ever heard up to 70 or 80%
of feelings of hunger

is actually just dehydration
or it's related to dehydration,

that's because of the effect on ghrelin,
a direct effect.

So when we're dehydrated,
we feel more hungry.

And when we're properly hydrated,
we feel less hungry.

Well, guess what?

When things are out of balance,
when I had a poor night's sleep

or the more weight I have to lose,
the more that this can be a problem here.

And I need to to take proactive steps
to make sure that my hydration

is is properly accounted for.

I'm being proactive for it.

So I'm not just battling and white
knuckling against the hunger

all day long
or all throughout my fasting journey.

So the best thing you can do is
you've got to ghrelin.

You think you might have
a growing problem, a growling gremlin.

Yeah, yeah. Growling gremlin. Right.

Or your sleep is inconsistent.

On the mornings that you wake up, right?

And you now you've decided, Alright,
I'm going to do lunch instead.

I'm going to try a couple of these things
because this is what we want you to do.

We want you to go and put this stuff in

and then be able to get feedback on
how you did or how it felt or what

your body did or the response you get,
which is exactly what we do alongside of

you during the seven day challenge
that we have coming up on June 7th.

Yep, absolutely right.

So it's like,
okay, go try a few of these things.

But what you can do is wake up
tablespoon of salt,

maybe an element to mute the salt taste.


But you get the hydration
in early in the day,

which is going to keep the ghrelin down
until you can get to that lunch

and make some good solid fat and protein.

First decisions about that meal
to build that satiation.

And now
we're talking about sustainability.

We're talking about
figuring out a lifestyle

with fasting that's going to work for you
white knuckling.

It will powering it
won't, powering it through.

It is not something that's going to get
you sustainable results.

That's why we hear these things like,
Oh my dinner, yeah, it was working,

but then I just kind of stop doing it
right or I hit a plateau or no,

I can't eat breakfast because then I'm
just off the rails the rest of the day.


Everything, including fat storage
and fat burning and hunger

is controlled by hormones.

Or we have that behavioral component too.

So knowing that ghrelin
is a real mechanistic thing that happens.

But now, you know,

you may not just have a grilling issue,

you may have some inconsistent sleep
patterns to

it just is going to allow you
to kind of paint the picture

of how you can get control over this
and build that fasting lifestyle.

Yeah, I mean, there's

there's definitely like
I don't want anybody to get overwhelmed,

but understanding
that there are definitely multiple

layers and multiple levers
and things that we're going to be

working on optimizing over
time to kind of get more and more of this.


And as we as we do that, it you know,
it becomes easier over time, for sure.

But when we can understand
how some of these really important factors

are related,
it's a it's a chain of events.

It's not just, oh, these aren't just all

like completely separate things
that one leads into the other.

And if I can get a handle on one, it's
probably going to help me get a handle on

on the next part of the chain.

So I think that's that's
why it's kind of important to

to see some of these things
from the big picture

as we kind of zoom out and talk about
some of these important factors.

and it's the same thing with the question

we get, well,
what's the ideal fasting schedule?

What I mean, what one works for you?

Yeah, it's not always just, yeah,
I'm going to David Goggins my way through

and just push through and torture myself
to the finish line.

No, there's, there's got to be a balance
of sustainability, right?

So maintenance should look enjoyable,
the process should be fine.

Are there some fasting windows
that work better for increasing the body

enough to the brain
and getting rid of that brain

fog and increasing your energy
and decreasing blood sugar issues?

Yeah, of course.

You know,
that's why we use fasting windows

all the way from 18 up to 48 hours,

Sometimes longer than that.

But not, not often.

Yeah, and that's some of the stuff
that we go over during the challenge.

So if you're looking to accelerate
your results, hop in.

Go to the show
notes, click the link to register.

We'd love to see you with us.
It's not too late.

I know we're starting tomorrow,
but about 30% of the people

that go through these challenges with us

sign up on the Monday and Tuesday
before we start on Wednesday.

So absolutely, you're exactly
in the right place at the right time.

Right on time.

Go ahead and pick
one or two things from today's episode.

So you're going to focus on earlier

You're going to prioritize your sleep.

Go back and listen to episode 176
if you want some more guidance on sleep.

And we have a sleep god in there as well.

Choose your lunch window.

You have a lunchtime once in a while
instead of breakfast and dinner.

If you've had a poor night asleep,
or if you're struggling with hunger

and making it to that moment,

or if you're having trouble
closing the window and you are the salty,

sweet snacker in the evening,
try a lunch window.


And just know that you can move

a few of these levers and see some really,
really great progress.

So, Tommy, as we wrap up today's episode,
I appreciate the conversation

and head to the show notes.

Click the link to register

for the tomorrow's
seven day fasting Lifestyle Challenge.

Head back to episode

and just let us know how we can help you
on your fasting journey.

Look forward
to seeing you inside of the challenge.

Tommy Appreciate the conversation
as always and we'll talk soon.

Thank you. Bye.

So you've heard today's episode and
you may be wondering, where do I start?

Head on over to the fasting for life icon
and sign up for our newsletter

where you'll receive
fasting tips and strategies

to maximize results
and fit fasting into your day to day life.

While you're there, download your free
Fast Start guide to get started today.

Don't forget to subscribe
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Make sure to leave us a five star review
and we'll be back next week

with another episode
of Fasting for Life and.



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