Ep. 178 - Intermittent Fasting & Protein Pacing vs. Caloric Restriction | Improving Visceral Fat, Blood Pressure, & Waist Circumference with Nutrition, 5:2 Diet, & Alternate Day Fasting | Why Decreasing Hunger & the 80/20 Rule are Key | Fasting Challenge

Uncategorized May 23, 2023


  • New to fasting or want to get back on track?
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  • Ready to finally stop obsessing about your diet?
  • Let’s kick off the summer with intention, habit-building, and fast-tracking your fasting results!

We'll teach you how to FAST to LOSE FAT for good, and use 'fast cycling' to achieve uncommon results! Join us on April 5th for the 7-Day Fasting Lifestyle Challenge!  REGISTER HERE! Click the Link for DATES, DETAILS, and FAQ!




  1. Learn how to RAMP UP into longer fasting windows!
  2. Gain insights into the non-weight loss benefits of fasting!
  3. Personalize your own fasting schedule and consistent FAT LOSS results!
  4. Get answers to what breaks a fast, how to break a fast, and tips and tricks to accelerate your fasting wins!




In today’s episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss intermittent fasting and protein pacing and how they are superior to caloric restriction, and what is Visceral Fat and protein pacing.


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Fasting For Life Ep. 178 Transcript


Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Walker.

And I'm Tommy Welling.

And you're
listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

This podcast is about using fasting
as a tool to regain

your health, achieve ultimate wellness,
and live the life you truly deserve.

Each episode is a short conversation
on a single topic

with immediate, actionable steps.

We cover everything from fat loss

and health and wellness
to the science of lifestyle design.

We started fasting for life because of how
fasting has transformed our lives

and we hope to share the tools
that we have learned along the way.

Hey everyone,
welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast.

Name Dr. Scott Warner.

And I'm here as always, and my good friend
and colleague, Tommy Whelan.

Good afternoon to you, sir.

Hey, Scott, how are you?

I am fantastic, my friend.

Excited about today's conversation
and today's episode.

I think it's going to be really impactful.

We're going to be talking
about higher protein intermittent fasting

when compared to a heart healthy diet
or caloric restriction.

And in terms of what type of weight
loss result that they can get.

So this is right in our wheelhouse
of adapting articles and research

like this and the results that these folks
get to a real life situation.

So if you're new to the podcast,
welcome everyone to welcome you

and thanks for giving us a shot
and adding us into your fasting journey

and your weight loss and health journey.

If you want to learn more about Tommy now,
you can head back to episode one.

You'll hear more about our story
and how fasting has completely transformed

and revolutionized our lives

and give you some insight into why
we do what we do each and every week

instead of our coaching

programs, challenges, masterclasses,
all of the resources we have, etc..

So yeah, special
shout out to the OGs to Tommy.

If you've been with us for a while,
we appreciate you listening in.

We appreciate your views.

If you feel so inclined, please
go ahead and drop us a five star review.

Those are our our favorites,
if you love it.

Yes, love.

Luckily, we have lots of them
because that continues to tell the podcast

world and the podcast powers it be

that we are delivering value to you

So we want you to walk away today
with something actionable, right?

We don't you don't need more information.

You don't need more knowledge, you don't
need more access to that information

because we have it all literally
in front of our faces or in our pockets

Since the iPhone and Android in connection

to the I'm going to date myself
here, the interwebs the World Wide Web.


So remember backs and All right yeah Xbox
you can get it for you right now

I don't even want
it's up my head's going to explode

but this is a fast podcast
so let's dive into this conversation.

Tommy in this article is really cool
because it is going to be looking

at intermittent fasting and protein pacing

and how they are superior
to a caloric restriction

or a heart healthy diet
that was followed by the control group.

Won't pack some of that stuff here
in just a minute.

But most importantly, we're going
to be looking at the visceral fat loss.

Okay, If you are new,
visceral fat is the bad fat.

It's the fat that is inside of our organs,
that is inside of our organs.

You can have fatty liver and
fatty pancreas and those types of things.

But what I meant to say was in
between our organs in that centrally

located CD,
increased waist circumference type area,

and that fat is the stuff that surrounds
those organs in between.

And that's the stuff that really drives
disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes

and a lot of metabolic dysfunction
in disease building processes in our body.

So we want to reduce visceral fat,
which has been my recent journey,

really focusing on the visceral fat number
to DEXA scans

and not so much really caring about what
the scale says.

Now. Yes, I want to keep seeing it go down
so I can get into a healthier weight

range and be leaner and have more better
healthy body composition.

But ideally for me

is getting rid of that visceral fat is now
my goal was a fasting lifestyle.

So there's a lot of positive stuff
that comes out of this study to me.

But first and foremost,
what is protein pacing?

Because at first I was like,
What are they actually mean by that?

Yeah, So it's one way to think
about actually prioritizing your protein,

which you'll hear us
say that a lot of familiar.

Yeah, right.

But you know what we see
what the data is showing us just time

after time after time,
is that when we prioritize protein

and instead of it
being like an afterthought or like, well,

however much of it is on my plate
after I put everything else on there,

it's filling right?

It takes more work to eat.

It takes longer to eat chicken breast
than it does like a piece of bread,

even for the same number of calories.

I'm going to feel fuller.

It's going to be more expensive, right?

Protein is going to be a lot more
expensive than processed carbohydrates.

Let's just be 100% honest.

But at the same time,
if I'm prioritizing it,

even like going from,
let's say, 15% of my plate

or 15% of my calories
up to 25% of my calories,

the data shows there is a very different
metabolic physiological effect.

It's going to be different.

All my waistlines will be different
for my satiation, my fullness.

The impact on my next fast
is going to be vastly different.

It's going to make my next fast, easier,
more comfortable to go through, especially

when compared to processed carbohydrates
or really any carbohydrates.

But protein

pacing specifically is where I start there
with the prioritization of the protein.

But then I also think about, okay,
if I'm bringing in, let's say 30% of

my calories
are going to be roughly from protein,

then if I'm going to have three meals
in a day, then spacing that out,

roughly 10% are going to be coming in
from each one of those three meals.

If I'm on a nomad type schedule,
then I'm going to put those all into

to one meal or maybe two smaller meals
across like three or four hour window.

However you're breaking it up.

Whether you're intentionally fasting
that day or not,

it would be spacing it out
so that you do prioritize it

and you get your protein intake
and it takes priority on your plate.

Does that make sense?

Yeah, it does.

So this is something that used to be kind
of just thought of back in the day,

something that like athletes
would do right?

But it's really beneficial for everybody.

And we when we're looking at this,
we want to be able to make sure

that we are gaining

or at least maintaining
our lean muscle tissue while we lose fat.

We don't want to lose
both in the weight loss.

But now you do lose a little bit
sometimes, depending on your situation

and your metabolic health and your hormone
levels and all that kind of stuff.

But that's why we're talking about,
yeah, minimize it as much as possible.

That's why I want these weight
loss medications

that have become very popular recently
that were approved for diabetes,

type two diabetes
that are being used for weight loss.

They have been shown
to have a massive decrease

in lean body tissue
When you come off of the medication.

So you do lose the weight, but you lose
the actual thing that we want,

which is a healthy body composition
and that lean muscle mass.

So yeah, protein pacing is I mean, yeah,
we can get really particular

about how many meals and how much like
you were starting to break that down.

But it's really for us is one of
the questions we get a lot is okay, what

what should my plate look like
and how long should my fast be right?

How often should I do a burn day?

How often should I do an extended fat?


So there's a couple of things here

in this study that I want to highlight
first and foremost in terms of results.

And then I want to come back
to the recommendations that we make

that are in our blueprint
to fasting for fat loss.

You can head to the show notes, click
the link, will zoom it into your inbox

across those interwebs
that we mentioned earlier

and you can have it and it talks about,
you know, what your plate should look like

and what a fasting frequency
should be, right?

Those are the two biggest questions
we get,

but that is only one small piece
of the fasting lifestyle application.

So this study really was looking
at some of the things that we teach that

we do that
we believe are the best way to lose weight

and in the process get healthy or move
those important blood marker metrics.

So when we're looking at these two groups,
I mean, we have a heart healthy diet,

right, compared to an intermittent fasting
and protein pacing group.

So they're going to be looking at

the primary outcomes
in body weight and body composition,

blood lipids, fasting
glucose, insulin, blood pressure, IGF one,

which is a cool little growth
hormone promoting lean muscle tissue,

preserving a chemical that is stimulated
when we eat, which is especially protein.

And then you've got glucagon, ghrelin,
which is a hunger hormone.

And it's really cool
to see what happened during the study.

So the heart healthy group
women were at 1200

kilocalories per day, men were 1500.

But here's the crazy part about that heart

healthy group
is there's a couple of things in here

that we don't agree with
is that they were looking at a 50 to 60%

of the calories
from carbohydrates, 30 less than 35% fat.

And then the remaining calories
allotted to protein.

Now, if you follow the food pyramid
or if you follow the diabetes

ADA guidelines, the recommendations
in terms of managing not reversing

diabetes or blood sugar issues,
they really focus on this lower fat,

you know, watch your cholesterol,
get your fiber in.

And the crazy thing is

the only requirement here was less than 50
grams of sugar in this heart

healthy control group.

But here's a couple of things
that are wrong.

The cholesterol you eat doesn't end up
as the cholesterol in your bloodstream.

And and the number one driver of increased

cholesterol is carbohydrates
and sugars and alcohol.

So I'm like, okay, well,
first and foremost,

we really know
which group is going to win, right? Right.


It was baked into the design a little bit
here, you know, But the cool thing is

that is very much like on pace
for average numbers.

Yeah, that we said

this is a sample size of standard
American population in American diet.

You know and good heart healthy.

I know heart healthy.

You know like it's
not it's not heart healthy.

But at the same time, when we compare it
to the protein pacing group,

what they did was they kind of normalize
or equalize the calories

going across the week
because they did put 1 to 2 fasting days

in their in the intermittent
fasting and protein pacing group.

But it equaled out
roughly across the week.

And actually in the caloric restriction
group, they had a little bit more

that they were burning from from exercise
and in the intermittent fasting

and protein pacing,

they ended up actually consuming
a little bit more on the calorie side too.

So like several hundred
additional calories each day.

And so that's also cool to note
when we see how interesting the results

were and the fact that they were actually,
you know, taking in a little bit more.

But when the composition of those calories
that they were actually bringing in,

when it's strategic, especially in the way
that we can prioritize protein,

it leads to some cool results

because there are physiological
balanced is kind of at work there.

So this schedule that they used
in the intermittent fasting protein pacing

group, two big things that we always say
is prioritize protein.

First and foremost, minimum point
seven grams

per pound of body goal, body
weight, right in your fat loss journey.

We've been saying that forever.

We also say make your plate
look about 40, 20,

Well, in the IAFF group,
they did 35, 35, 30

and we're like,
okay, now we're getting somewhere, right?


But between the two groups,
there were two groups in the

protein group, and there was another study
that they referenced on this

because it was a long term
follow up study where they'd already done

a randomized controlled study
on intermittent fasting protocols.

The if one group had one day
of about 18 hours of fasting

and then if two group had two total days

of a total fasting hours
of about 36 hours.

So this really falls in in a week.

Yeah, this falls into the five two diet
or the ADF type alternate

day fasting or modified alternate day
fasting schedules that we've spoken about.

We've done episodes on.

We love ads, we actually love mad,

We love all the different variations
depending on what is happening.

We love it.

Yeah, great.

What is the sustainable outcome for you?


Like weight loss maintenance starts on day
one of your new weight

loss journey, right?

And with fasting it's pretty IOP
that when you hit the goal weight.


No, you got to start thinking
about this stuff right so yeah the

I have to group though the day that had
the additional day fasting go figure

had 29% greater reduction

in body weight and 38% greater reduction

in waist circumference.

Okay now on our website we have a resource
called the insulin assessment.

On the back side, on page two,
it talks about waist circumference,

which is an indicator

of insulin resistance,
which is the driver of metabolic disease

and weight loss resistance and blood
sugar issues and cardiometabolic

and all the other stuff
that's connected to it.

And it also talks about waist height
to waist ratio

as a marker of metabolic health. Right?

Not necessarily what is my LDL on my
blood panel, but what are some real life

applications of, you know, a healthier
individual, a healthier system?


and a 38% greater reduction.

So they group both of those together for
this article, which I found interesting

because the I have to group was definitely
doing more of the heavy lifting.


You know the visceral fat is

pretty interesting too, because it's
all concentrated in the belly.

So like the waist height ratio,
I had a problem like internalizing that

for so many years while I was having a
lack of success doing caloric restriction

because it was one of those things
just like BMI, where it would kind of

it felt like, well, yeah, but
it doesn't really like take into account

some individual differences.

It's not a great measurement of sure,
because that feels like, Yeah, we know.

Yeah. But at the same time don't tell me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It feels like that.

It's like, like I had an ego

block on part of that internalization
of what it meant for me.

But the interesting thing to note
is that, you know,

like visceral, fat is centralized,
you know, localized.

It's deep in the belly,
it's around the organs.

And so the actual physiological response
to that fat

is almost like
I mean, it is jamming up the systems.

It is is really messing with stuff
and is making your belly stick out.

It is like the root cause of why
the waist to height ratio

and insulin resistance are are so like
they're so intricately linked to.

Right, right, right. For sure.

I don't want to bury the lead here
because we haven't shared the results yet.

You're right.

So we talked about the two intermittent
fasting schedules, right.

That were in the IFP
group prioritizing protein

and or it was point 1 to 2.2

grams of protein per pound of body weight
excuse me, per meal.


I just messed that up

because our recommendations,
our point seven per pound of goal, body

weight, we did a whole episode on protein
in the past

when we're looking at the IFP group versus
the heart healthy calories

fiction group,
the body weight reduction right was 8.2

versus 5.0 kilograms in favor
of the intermittent fasting group.

Yeah. Wow.

A total body
fat reduction of 8.5% versus 4.3.

So double
so nearly 40% of body weight, Right.

Better outcomes. Mm hmm.

A doubling of the total body
fat percentage.

And here's the kicker.

The visceral fat, 33% reduction

in the fasting group versus 16.8

in the calorie restriction group.

Wow. Another doubling, right?

The double and fat free
mass to body weight ratio.


So the good healthy lean tissue
increased of 5.7 versus three.

So almost again, two times as much.

That's awesome.

So in all the groups, blood pressure

improved, you're decreasing calories,
you're going to decrease weight,

your blood pressure is going to improve,
your blood lipids are going to improve.

Really cool to see that.

A couple of the how do I say this timing.

So there's confusion around
what should I be eating right.

So when you come to fasting, I thought
I could just eat whatever I want.

you can write for a short period of time,

but if we're going to really talk about
health and getting our bodies healthy,

then we're going to need to eventually
talk about what that food relationship is.

Yeah, and learning how to.

I know this is going to sound so cliche,
but doing things in moderation. Hmm.

Moderation is an interesting word
because, like,

even fasting is considered
like not moderate by a lot of folks.

Like tell somebody that you're fasting,

Like, why do we have the first two rules
of fasting, right?

We don't talk about fasting and don't
talk about fasting because as you say,

fasting to someone who is uninformed
or who's never uninformed

about fasting rather,
or inexperienced with fasting,

they can immediately think, Well,
that sounds very drastic,

whereas caloric restriction to them
feels moderate, you know?

And so it feels like
this kind of extreme thing.

But when we're looking at like
putting the tools together to actually

get good results
and to get better results in whatever

I was getting in the past or like for us,
caloric restriction just was working less

and less and less over time

to where eventually it felt like
it really wasn't working at all.

Because every time I got off of a diet,
it was like,

I'm like worse off than than where I was
the last time, you know?

And so the cycle of madness
kind of continues.

So as we're working on like stacking these

these things up and we see what we can do
with one fasting day

a week versus two fasting days a week,
and then even just a

a relatively moderate quote unquote change
in the in the prioritization of protein.

And how this can lead to drastically
different results means that that question

that we get, especially from a lot of
first time pastors, which is,

well, do I have to change everything
that's on my plate?

Can I just continue to eat?

What what I've been eating a lot of times,
the foods

that that kind of brought us here
to needing to lose some weight

and balance out blood sugar and insulin
are not going to be serving our long

term health goals.

At the same time,
we we can be so ingrained

and like they can be like habitual parts
of what we do.

We have emotional connections
to these things, all this kind of stuff.

So it can be hard to like change
everything all at once.

that can feel very unsustainable anyway.

So but,
but as we start to stack these things

on top of each other,
it can be a very powerful formula.

And with fasting reps,
it can get easier over time as well.

And don't worry if you guys are listening,
you're driving, you're on a walk, you're

walking the dog, you listen and you're
you know, I wouldn't listen.

Before you go to bed.
This would keep me awake.

So I'd start thinking,
Just go grab the blueprint, everything.

Like, this is a really cool conversation
because everything that we

this is kind of proving some of the stuff
that we've been seeing.

So like right now inside of the VIP
coaching group, we're doing

the nutrition feedback week
where, Hey, post your meal, right?

And there's so many aha's where it's like,
Yeah, I'm doing low carb

and I'm prioritizing protein.

Then we look at what's been shared
and we're like, No, no, you're not right.

But it's so confusing

because there's so much information
and or misinformation out there

and that fasting, you're starving yourself
large, do that, all that kind of stuff.

So I want to focus on
protein is a macronutrient.

There's three macronutrients, right?

Protein has the best bang
for its buck in terms of afterburn.

When you ingest protein,
your body is going to increase its thermic

burn on that and burn more calories
with the protein ingested.

But that's just part of the cool process
here, is that protein is going

to stimulate IGF one, which is going to
stimulate growth hormone.

When you fast you automatically
get a boost in growth hormone.

Growth hormone protects
your mean body mass and your lean tissue.

So you're not going

to ever worry about the oh,
I'm going to use my muscle for energy.

Right. Right.

You got £100 to lose.

Let's get the dang weight off first
before we start worrying about a couple

percentage points here or there. Right.

Because you're going
to get the health outcomes,

which is why we want to lose weight.

We don't want to lose weight because
we are told that we need to lose weight.

One of those
because we want to be healthy,

want to be confident,
won't feel good. Right.

And prevent disease.

Right. So, yeah, yeah.

So the cool thing about this protein,
macronutrient is it's satiety, right?

So we talked about the reductions
in weight, right?

The doubling of the fasting group versus
the calorie restriction

heart healthy group
and then the visceral fat 33% versus 14.


My favorite
one out of all of this is not the increase

in fat free mass, 6% versus 3%,
but is the desire

to eat between these two groups, okay,
what do I eat?

How do I break my fast?
What should my fasting window be?

Go get the blueprint.

We talk about it over 170
something episodes.

Yeah, I know.

If we could catalog them

and distill it down into, like,
a white paper, maybe we should do that.

Here you go. Right. Right.

But one of the hardest things we hear
is that, well, I'm hungry.

My stomach's growling.

Hmm. Okay.

You got a bunch of stored energy.

You don't need to eat. You want to eat.

But the desire to eat between

these two groups, it went down 17%,

healthy calorie restriction group.

Tommy That's incredible.

Yeah, it really is, because your stomach
can get loud eating less fat.

I'm less hungry, right?

Yeah. No, now you're salami.

No, I'm not.

I'm not buying it.

I'm not buying it. Too good to be true.


You know,
when when things start to balance out,

especially when I'm prioritizing protein,
I have this.

This cool system that's going on.

I have ghrelin involved.

Growl the stomach growling.

We talked about that a couple episodes
back. So.

And yeah, right.

And you know, so the fact that we can get
things balanced a little bit better

just by optimizing
what we're putting on our plate,

that's a pretty powerful thing
because some of these more extreme example

which would be processed

carbohydrates versus the protein
because like thermic effect,

you just talk about it for protein

Well, okay, guess where it's lowest
rate processed carbohydrates

because they're already
so highly processed.

Like think of the machinery that went into
actually like milling the flour

and like doing all of the stuff
that's involved, highly engineered foods,

processed foods. Right. For protein.

My body literally has to do that
instead of other outside machinery.

It creates a lot of burn in that process.

Well, it also leads to
some of the things like that

We were actually designed
our bodies were actually designed to do.

And so we get this natural cascade,
including ghrelin balancing,

which is a really cool thing.

So a lot of our perceived hunger is not
because we need to bring in more fuel

because like you said, if I have £100 to
lose, I got I got a lot of fuel on body.

It's just it's tapping into 50,000 stored

Yeah, right.


There's literally
these hormonal imbalances that can give me

the wrong cues, the wrong signals
telling me that I'm hungry

when really I need to be tapping
into some of those long term stores.

Let's talk about that ghrelin number.

I want also I want to talk about insulin
and glucose for a minute

and why the importance of sometimes
just having some hard

data to know
how your body is responding to things.

Yeah, and this is why we've partnered
with nutritionist.

And if you're not familiar with you sense,
you've been listening recently.

It's our first official partnership.

They reached out to us and we're like,
Wow, we're going to be preaching long term

health and wellness

and long term weight loss and blood
sugar control and diabetes reversal.

Then not having nutrition alongside
with us seems kind of silly, right?

So nutrition combines cutting edge
technology and human expertise,

so you can see how your body responds
to different foods,

different plate compositions, exercise,
stress, sleep literally in real time,

and then you get to pair the nutrition

like expert guidance
and their app with the actual biosensor,

which is this completely painless thing
that you put on the back of your arm,

and then you pair it with your app
and boom, you've got real time

blood sugar numbers
and how your body feels and functions

and it lets you analyze that
and track your glucose levels.

So you get to use your app,
you've got visualizations,

you can run experiments, you can try
different macro compositions or,

or prioritizing protein first, right,
for a month versus, you know,

kind of the willy nilly freelancing type
fasting that you have been doing.

Not that we do that right, Tommy,

because that was the point
you wanted to make here with nutrition.

Yeah, right.


You know, it can really be easy to kind of
just be freelancing

your way through your fasting
or or what your next plate looks like.

But how you break your fast matters,
like the food

that you're putting on your plate matters
when you go to break your fast.

And so actually being able
to see that visually,

like just pull up your phone,
pull up your app and feel it too,

You see it,
but then you feel a certain way.

Yeah, right.

Yeah. So you get to actually, like marry

the data
with how you're feeling in that moment.

And it doesn't it doesn't leave
you very quickly like you remember it

the next time you go to break your fast
or the next time

you make a food decision to go
wait a minute, I didn't

I didn't feel that great
the last time I did.

Like I overdid it on the carbs
or I broke my fast in a way that I

probably shouldn't have.

Maybe I broke it in the pantry. Right.

A little more snacky or carbohydrate rich.

And so actually seeing the data with it
helps subconsciously steer

you towards the next better decision,
The next best decision,

which is a really cool way because that's
how your results get better over time.

That's exactly what we're talking about
here with this article and this data.

So yeah, I absolutely love it
and I wanted to drop this in ahead of time

because I've been doing it now
for a couple of months where in the CGM

it's not something I would want to do
just for a couple of weeks.

So if you're going to commit to it,
I encourage you to do

one of the longer subscription plans.

We have a code for you as well.

You can go to Nutritionist Dot
I forward slash fasting for life.

You get $30 off and you get one month
free of dietitian support.

I'm going to encourage you to commit to it
because you're not just going to see

the numbers and the feeling
and compartmentalize everything.

Tom, you were just saying and what we've
been talking about in this episode,

but you're going to be able to stabilize
your energy, understand your hunger,

and understand what foods and cravings
you have in real time.

So I wanna encourage you once again,
Tommy and I, we've been doing it.

My wife just hopped on board.

She's like, I want one of those.
I was like, okay, great.

She's like, I want to see what's going on.

Like, I'm
starting to make sour dough at home.

She's like, I want to see what that does.
I was like, Okay, great.

Maybe you don't just morning you.

Maybe this will stop her
from having sabado

wafting through the house right time.

But anyway, you do sense that I.

Oh, forward slash

fasting for like three bucks off
and one month free dietitian support.

So the reason I wanted to mention that
and it ties perfectly in back to

this is during this study there
a couple of limitations.

One the majority of the study was paid for

and or organized
and overseen by ICE eugenics.


So when we look at this,
the feeling of hunger went down

and it went up 1% in the calorie

restriction heart healthy group. Right.

So if we look at the actual blood markers
for ghrelin,

which is the real hunger hormone,
both groups went up.

It went up twice
as much in the calorie restriction group,

but it was reported 17% less

in the outcome assessments in week nine.


IGF right, which is what we want,

stayed the same in the calorie restriction

IGF protects our lean tissue.

It went up 15% in the fasting group.

Nice. Here's the kicker.

CGM Right.

We wish they would have been wearing it

because glucose and insulin
stayed about the same for eight weeks.

Yeah, but they were eating
three meals a day plus snacks on the non

fasting days in the intermittent
fasting protein pacing group.

Yeah. Okay.

Well you are five tentatives. Yeah.

Either five or six days a week.

We know which group did better. Okay.

Now, because of the other article
we mentioned, the multiple day

fasting group, the better.

Just in case you get to the episode
or you tune us out for it.

But they also, on their fasting days,

had 400 calories of ice
genic type products like little crackers

and a shake and some bone broth
and some chocolate squares.


So this is more of like
in a modified alternate day fast,

where you can have five or 600 calories
for women versus men.


Which is an easier way
to wade into longer, more extended fast.

We have a better plan in the blueprint.

If you want to see it's free resource,
go grab it,

head to the show notes, click the link,
and we'll zoom in into your inbox.

But the thing here was glucose and insulin
didn't change over the eight weeks.

And those are some of the reasons why,

because you are constantly
stimulating, right?

So you could be doing
a lot of things right,

and you could see the scale moving down,
which you did and your hunger is less.

But are we making true metabolic change
when you see visceral

fat numbers decrease?

The answer is unequivocally yes.

And one of the things they mention
they mentioned here in part of the

discussion, if is associated
with improved body composition, right.

So reductions
in total and visceral fat mass

that may result in enhanced
metabolic switching.

This is where we talk about

going from a sugar burner to a fat burner
and getting into ketosis, right?

Yeah, and cardiometabolic health outcomes.

The switching is characterized

by increased fat oxidation,
which the study proves ketone synthesis,

which means your body is producing healthy
ketones, increases

in insulin sensitivity, increases
in autophagy, your body's repairing

as well as reduced inflammation, oxidative
stress and enhanced lean body mass.

Most I have regimens focus on the timing
and the quantity of calories consumed.

Here's the kicker
because this is what we preach

and de-emphasize the nutritional quality
of the overall diet,

which is, hey, we need to do
protein pacing, we need higher protein

and reduced sugar
and highly processed carbohydrate.

So I just love that in their actual
like summary and discussion

is what we do and preach in live.

Because honestly,

what we found is the only way
for us to get sustainable results.

Yeah, yeah.

Your food quality matters.

There's no ifs, ands or buts about it.

Does it have to be perfect? No.

No. Is it ever going to be perfect? No.

Or perfect all the time? No.

Or what about right at the very beginning
and trying

not to change too many things at once?

Don't care as much.

Yeah, it's. It's okay. It's okay.

But still be surprised
if at some point you're still fasting

or maybe you're even doing more fasting
or you're doing longer fasting.

But what you were doing in the past
just I'm all, you know, and like that's

where a good push outside of your comfort
zone can really come in.

So quick shout out
plug for the upcoming challenge, right?

We've got a challenge coming up.

Oh, that's right

we do because that the way to get outside
of your comfort zone right there.

So I want to mention the 8020 rule.


Here as a shameless plug
for the challenge,

you want to accelerate your results,
come join us.

Okay. Yeah.

This is parade's law.

come from 20% of the causes.

So therefore, 20% of the effort produces

But the last 20% of the results
consumes 80% of the effort.

So what that is, I know.

Right? Word vomit.

Let me explain it.

Any of you out there have been fasting

and you feel like
you are white knuckle on it

and you're just like, Oh, I get some.

And then it comes back and I'm off
and or on.

I'm freelancing or on the weekends
or or life or stress or cravings or.

HUNT Right. We get it been there.

But focusing on that 80% in the beginning
say you're

I'm not speaking to the people that are
a few pounds away from maintenance.

I'm not talking to you right now,
but I will.

If you're on your journey,
you've lost ten of 20, 20 or 40.

Focusing on the 80%
isn't going to produce that 20%. Hmm.

You need to be doing 20% that specific.

What moves the needle?

What dials it in just like this

article was talking about, It's
going to get you 80% of the way there.

Then you've got to use those same tools

when you get closer to maintenance
and adapt your fasting lifestyle.

So then the last 20%, you know, it's

oh, it's always the hardest
to get rid of those last year.


Because you've got to keep doing
everything that you were doing right.

Plus you got to figure out how to change

and then you've got to step it up
a little bit. Yeah, Yeah.


So I want to encourage
most of you that are listening right now

that the 80% of the stuff you're doing
doesn't need to be done.

We need to focus on that 20%
and that's we're going to do

in the challenge
coming up in a couple of weeks.

Me So, yeah, I love this conversation.

I love this study,
I love the outcomes more fasting.

Go fasting, go protein,
go right, go grab the blueprint.

If you're like, Wow, that was a lot.

All the numbers and stuff
we talked about and fasting schedules,

it's in there, It's yours.
Free resource. We'll send it to you.

You can have it.

You'll get a notification
when we update it and we do.

Additional versions
Will blasted out to everybody

because it's something
we just came up with this year realizing

there was a big gap between, you know, I'm
going to dabble in intermittent

fasting to sustainable
fasting results and lifestyle.


So it's
something we came out with in January

that that's been really just impactful
from the feedback that we've gotten.

Tommy So,

yeah, one big takeaway
for someone that listen today, tell me

I'm going to,
I'm going to put you on the spot here

other than going to grab the blueprint,
maybe joining us on the challenge,

what is one thing that you can literally,
like hang up or, you know, close the app?

I said hang up like we're on a landline.

Close, close, close the app, turn off
the telegraph, shut it down for the day.

Yeah, yeah.

Go get the microfiche.

The the the eight track. Right.

Take the needle off the record player.
Okay, I'm done.

What's one thing that I can do?

One thing that you can do is take a
proactive step for your next meal, Right?

Like. Like just think about. Okay.

So if step one is like
setting your fasting timer, whether that's

it might be for you today,

step number two would be, okay,
when I am going to break that fast,

what's going to be on my plate?

Because it will matter. It's
going to matter how you feel.

It's going to matter the quality
and the likelihood of your success

for the next fast after that, as well
as for your visceral fat,

for your lean tissue,
and for your cardio metabolic health.

What's it what does it look like?

So how can you better prioritize protein
for that next meal and make sure

that you are taking one step forward
towards a better, more optimal plate?

When you do go to break your fast
because that's a nutrition opportunity.

Don't take it for granted
because when you're fasting

you have less opportunities
to bring in good nutrition.

So make sure you're really thinking
about it and being intentional about the

the nutrition that you're bringing in.

So what I just heard
there was eat the ribeye.

Heck yeah, add a few eggs, medium rare.

If you're going to get the salad, double
the protein,

get that double blackened chicken breast.

Yeah, right now
usually eat half a chicken breast

and then fill the plate up with veggies
and maybe some starches.

Right. Well, let's
let's fill the plate up with protein first

and just do it for a few days and.

See how you feel.

Proteins, your oxygen
mask, you know, put your.

I love that stuff.

Yeah, right. Oh, man.

So I had a big steak last night.

Not going to lie before bed was like,
you're right.

I'm like, Man, I'm just full.

That was like a 20 ounce marbled sirloin.

I was like, Oh, my goodness.

So I didn't see any left over.

I was like, not See,
that's not how this works.

All right, Tommy,
great conversation today, sir.

Appreciate it as always.

We'll see guys in the inside.
We'll talk soon. Thanks.

Thank you. Bye.

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you may be wondering, where do I start?

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