Ep. 158 - 2023 Launch Formula - Intention, Consistency, Guidance and Reflections from 2022! | Free Intermittent Fasting Plan for OMAD

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2023

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In today’s episode, we hit the highlights from 2022 and outline the most impactful and important topics from the last 12 months.  You can use this episode as a mental reset for a fresh start in the new year, or to get back ON TRACK and stay on track moving forward. We are building on last week's episode of goals and rounding out the end of 22’ in a positive way, focusing on what WAS working and leaning into those things. Today we dive into the accelerated roadmap to the most impactful topics and episodes from this past year. Listen in, and hope you enjoy! The episode reference list is below with links!


Ep 150 - Tenets for a Successful Fasting Lifestyle

Ep 146 - High Blood Sugar in the AM 

Ep 143 - Fasting and Disease Prevention

Ep 140 - The 80/20 Rule of Success and going from OMAD to OMG!

Ep 134 - Clean vs Dirty Fasting and Insulin Sensitivity

Ep 133 - The 3 Fasting Types and Your Habit Patterns

Ep 126 - How do I get back on track? Choosing the right fasting schedule!

Ep 125 - WIllpower vs Discipline - Habit Building 101

Ep 124 - The Food Compass and What a Healthy Food Truly Is

Ep 121 - Food Addiction and how to build strong food relationships

Ep 128 - Visceral Adiposity and the VAT Index

Ep 119 - What is Visceral Fat? Adinopectin + IR + Visceral Fat

Ep 115 - Exercise Fasted vs Fed - body composition considerations

Ep 108 - Mariage Merge! Foodie vs Fastie - How to maintain fasting progress

Ep 107 - Listener Q and A 

Ep 106 - How John lost 5-+ pounds in 4 months and has kept it off!


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Fasting For Life Ep. 158 Transcript

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Hello. I’m Dr. Scott Dr. Watier.

[Tommy Welling]
Tommy Welling. And you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health, achieve ultimate wellness, and live the life you truly deserve.

[Tommy Welling]
Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss and health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way. Hey everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Dr. Scott Water and I'm here as always, and my good friend and colleague Tommy Welling. Good afternoon to you, sir, and happy happy new year.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
How are you?

[Tommy Welling]
Well, happy New Year. Yeah, I'm doing great. How are you.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Doing? Fantastic. My friend. Want to be the first to welcome all of the listeners in to 2023? Sir, I cannot believe, like, I don't understand how the last few years have gone by so fast. Yeah, but the fact that there is now a three at the end of our four digit year is just absolutely mind blowing. So from the fasting for life Family from Tommy and I, we want to welcome you to the podcast and to this launch episode of the 2023 campaign.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
We want to make fasting an absolute game changer for you, your friends, your family to achieve the health that you've always wanted to get those weight loss results that you've been searching for. And we're going to do a little something different today, Tommy, as we kick off 20, 23 with some intention and some guidance on what we think are the highlights from 2022, and most importantly, what we can do to build on them for this upcoming year.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, this is cool because, you know, we started pouring back through all of the episodes and the discussions and the conversation points and and never ending. Yeah, right. And you know, feedback and number of downloads and what, what hit us, what hit a lot of listeners. So just, just a really cool thing. So I think we've uncovered some, some hidden gems that are going to be, you know, needle movers and game changers setting that that mindset and what to do, you know, going into the new year.

[Tommy Welling]
So this is a this is a cool time. I love this is like a mental reset time of year because there's always this like mental urgency, even if you don't do like strict goal planning or New Year's resolutions because you know, intuitively, they really don't work like that. But at the same time, a new year is is always a great time for a new chapter, new beginnings and new habits to start to build or reinforcing the ones that have been working over the last year.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, absolutely. So perspective, of course. Right. Going back and reflecting on what worked best, one of the questions we get most often is we're going to highlight this today in one of the episodes that we're going to mention, we want this this episode to really be a launching pad for the year, but also a place where you can bookmark some of the key components of what we found that worked best or had the biggest impact from your feedback and also from our application from the previous year.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So whenever we get the question, hey, I fell off, I haven't been consistent. How do I get back on track? Hey, I was able to lose 15, but now it's creeping back on. One of the things that we always ask in dialog is, is in framing it in a way as okay, we typically will focus on what's gone wrong in the process when we really need to be focusing on what worked right, when it worked and then build on those foundational habits.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So as we wrapped up the year, we did a goals and a prep for 2023 episode that came out last week, talked about some basic benefits of fasting on metabolic health. And then, you know, the fasting wheel of life is something that we've newly introduced, like putting those categories in place that fit for you when looking at the long term goal or the long term destination, the long term end point, you and the new body, the new clothes, the new confidence, the new you.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right living in that, stepping into that new identity and embodying it, you know, as so when we go into today's episode, we want to give you a roadmap and some of those foundational habits from a fasting perspective or from, from our perspective of, of conversations, we've had content, we've had questions we've answered that can really, if you're new, first and foremost, get you like the accelerated version of how to get the major points from the last year of the 52 episodes that we've given out.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right, and that we've produced. And then also, if you're a long term listener, really solidify buying some of those foundational fasting, those foundational lifestyle type habits timers. So yeah, we've done something in similar way back at the end of 2021. We did kind of a year in review, right? Mm hmm. And then at the beginning of last year, the beginning of this will, I can say last year.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Now, that's super crazy. You see, my brain just glitched in real time. Yeah. The beginning of last year. Oh, Shivers we started off was an episode that has been one of the most downloaded episodes that we've done. And it was just sharing the journey of someone who lost £50 in about four months following fast cycling and fasting for life protocols.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, and it makes sense to me. Right. And we're going to start with the most recent and work our all our way back. But I want it to give us the bookend of where we're going to end up. A year ago. Right. And a year ago, we were highlighting inspiration, motivation, a success for fasting journey and what that could look like to lose £50.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And since then, he's still crushing it. He's still rocking the gym with his son. They've now rewired new family traditions and habits around the holidays, new exercise programs, and they've stepped into that new identity. And now he's had that the same familial merge, too. So we're going to work our way back from the the the most impactful topics and conversations.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
We want you to bookmark this episode as a place that you can go to to launch, right. If you're new or to get back on track, if you've been listening for a while and still searching for that consistent long term result, which is what we all want. But watch what we know by the stats show as well is really hard to obtain.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
There's only 5% of people do so yeah.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. So, you know, even when we're or we're talking about number of episodes, you're just having some of those pillars. Like every time we hit 50 or 100 or 150 or so, 200 or, you know, at the at the beginning or the end of the year. We want we want those to be easy, because if the easier they are to kind of go back and find my footing again or go, Yeah, you know what?

[Tommy Welling]
Episode 150 or the first one at the at the beginning of the year, you know, like really hit me. Then I can go back because again, to your point, that's something that worked. So how do I recreate more of what worked? Let me get my mindset right back into where I was, and that's a great first start right there because I can listen to this episode, you know, ten different times and help me, you know, get back on track all throughout the year.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
What was I doing when it was working? Go do more of that. That's as simply stated as it can be. It was working when it was working. What was I doing when it was working? Okay, let's go back because typically we'll get in the opposite mindset, which is let me focus on all the stuff that I didn't do right.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And let me just, you know, do my yearly three day fast at the end of the year because I screwed up again and, you know, 15, you know, what are the 15 lashings, right. And like the shame meme from whatever that show was, that was really big, like the Dragons and a Game of Thrones, right? Shame. Yeah, I know.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
I watched it. I have no recall. It's ridiculous. So when we look at this, let's start with the most recent and work our way back throughout the year highlighting some of the the most impactful things that we've seen from y'all, the listener, and then hitting some of the high notes and putting some frameworks together on those exact situations, timing words like I need to get my mindset back to when it was working.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yes. And these are the conversations and the episodes that we think are going to get you there. So we're going to start off with episode 150, which we titled Tenets of a Fasting Lifestyle. Now, this episode's only a couple of months old, but it's already skyrocketed to one of the most downloaded, most listened to episodes that we've done.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, tenets for a successful, successful fasting lifestyle is like that. That's a mindset graduation shift right there. That's that's one where if if I'm looking if I'm looking to lose £10 or £60 or whatever my number is, I can be thinking about a diet, right? Like, like tracking and counting and things like that. And even when I come to fasting, I could still be looking at it as a diet rather than seeing the big picture, like being able to zoom out, seeing what works and and as a recipe for success, as a lifestyle adaptation.

[Tommy Welling]
So I feel like episode 150 really allows my mindset to graduate to a different level, where now I'm seeing it big picture wise, which is the perspective that I really need to start leaning into this. So I'm not looking at like, Oh, fasting is my new diet and I can eat whatever I want while I'm doing it and I'm going to feel like I need to do those three day fasts in order to for reparations or, you know, whatever it is.

[Tommy Welling]
And I have these big swings in volatility. No. As we can as we can frame that around a lifestyle, something that's actually sustainable, that that really puts me on the right in the right direction, moving in the right direction.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
The other cool thing about that one is we're going to go through these and they'll be listed in the show notes as well. And then exciting news. We're also going to be coming out with a brand new fasting. How do we want we have a named it yet time you get to peek behind the curtain right here. But it's going to be like the beginner's guide to the fasting for life message.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, like, yeah. So how do you apply fasting? The way that we've applied it and the way that, you know, millions of people have now listened and reached out in challenges and groups and coaching and all that. Like, Yeah, we're going to be coming out with that and and just it's yours. Like We want to give it to you so you have the tools.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So this year can be the most impactful, right? So absolutely. This isn't just an episode, you know, self-aggrandizing. Yeah. Look at us. All these want to know. We want you to take this information and go do it right. So, yeah, keep a lookout for that as well. The second part of this tendency for a fasting, successful fasting lifestyle is episode 150 is factors that significantly impact your blood sugar.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So the secondary kind of like snuggled underneath the conversation about like that mindset shift is the importance of why we fast and why in the state of metabolic health that we have today in the United States, why it's so poor and, and how we can undo that and reverse it. So. Episode 150 It's it's one of our longer episodes.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
We typically try to keep them 30 to 35 minutes or less. We know everybody's busy, it's crazy. It's fast paced when we do our weekly episodes, but sometimes like that one, it goes a little bit longer. And then today's probably as well because we want to kind of be unpacking a year in review type where we're going to add some additional value.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So from there we go down to episode 146, which ties into that secondary kind of snuggled under topic from 150, which is the dawn phenomenon and having high blood sugar numbers in the morning. And more importantly, like what does that mean and what the heck do I do about it? But interestingly enough, this is one of those times that you pulled out that if we look at the statistics, y'all didn't really seem to care that much about it.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And we're telling you that you should.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, yeah. That's a good point. That is, like, literally, like what's here? Yeah, like the blood sugar. It's literally, like, lurking under the surface, but it's also like, well, that that doesn't sound like like a very exciting episode. Maybe I'll pick one of the other ones that that that seems more interesting.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
£50 and four months. What's my fasting schedule? What's it clean versus dirty? Fast, right? You'll go to those. But no, this is one that we believe that everybody should listen to. And if you don't know why blood sugar is important, then it's time to click the show notes and go grab a Kino mojo and start tracking blood sugars in the morning.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Because that was the final piece of the puzzle for me in realizing that all of my lab work that was slightly ticked outside of the normal range. Now, cholesterol numbers, liver numbers, blood pressure numbers had always been high since my early twenties. And then, you know, all of a sudden I was like, man, I can't figure this out.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Tests and tests and tests and tests. And I'm just missing something. It was insulin resistance and my blood sugar that was going undiagnosed because I do a fasting blood sugar test and it would be in the nineties that was just like a one for one snippet. And then it went into the hundreds and I was like, Oh, wait a minute, now it's not coming down.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
After I have an indulgent meal. Now I've got some issues. So blood sugar. 146 MAN 100%.

[Tommy Welling]

[Tommy Welling]
So I absolutely love that. So so resist the urge to just get past it and click play on that one.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. Dawn phenomena. I don't have that. Yes. I don't have diabetes.

[Tommy Welling]

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Exactly yet. And that's the reality. We were on that pathway. Tell me. Yeah.

[Tommy Welling]
We absolutely were. And as the weight as the weight ticks up and as it as it comes on, then it is likely that the blood sugar in the morning, even if it hasn't reached like clinical significance levels, like to where a blood test would actually show it's outside the normal range. It ticks up over time, slowly over time.

[Tommy Welling]
But we can we can do something about it and the sooner the better. That's absolutely why we want to have that perspective.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, 100%. So 146 And then we're going to go to 143, right? So and now they're all for all of you logical engineer type folks like myself. Very logical to be to see how to see the steps. These are going in order, but all of a sudden we're going to start grouping in them together and they're going to be out of order.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So just give me a heads up. So don't don't drive off the road in traffic like it's okay. They're all going to be in the show notes. But going down in chronological order, that really connects to episode 143. MM which has skyrocketed up in terms of the amount of downloads. And I'm really happy that it has. And we've gotten a lot of messages about this one too, because why fasting matters in disease prevention and then snuggled right under that, getting your blood sugar under control, right?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So the epitome of why you and I look at fasting as a life giver, right? Fasting for life. We want lifestyle, sustainability, long term health benefits. The weight is a secondary effect, right? Fasting allows you to get the weight off quicker, which allows your hormones and you know, hunger and cravings and energy and all that stuff to balance out, which when you start feeling better, you want to do more.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
The motivation continues, so.

[Tommy Welling]
Life opens up.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. Episode 143 has been so incredibly. I went back and listen to it again and it's just one of those conversations that I think we need do a better job about having more of them because it really is about long term disease prevention and avoiding those eight or nine reasons why people lose their life here in the United States due to blood sugar insulin related issues.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, it really starts to connect the dots because if you think about it in the system that we usually we go to, if we if we have an issue or we have a symptom or something else is wrong, we go to try to localize it. And, you know, we look to specialists to to put it in sort of some sort of like highly defined box.

[Tommy Welling]
And then think about episode 143 and disease prevention and starts to get to connect the dots. Why fasting can help with a whole host of things that are interrelated, that we've been trained to see them as very distinct, separate kind of issues going on. And we go, Yeah, but fasting can't help with that, and that can it. How could possibly be good for my osteoarthritis and for potentially my, my gout or my, my, my, my heart disease prevention or my LDL or, you know, my CRP.

[Tommy Welling]
How is that possible? Well, an episode like that one starts to connect those dots, which are really, really powerful in giving me like an underlying subconscious motivation to do more of what's working, because I know it's, it's so frickin powerful, which is cool.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
My least favorite and most favorite question we get. Can fasting help with blank?

[Tommy Welling]
Yes, yes. Insert blank here so matter.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And it's so incredible how many things connect back to the energy processing system, the hormonal energy processing system of the body. It's incredible how many have a direct relationship to blood sugar and insulin. So. Episode 143 Going down from there, Tommy Still in order for now taking a little shift here in terms of application of some of this stuff right is episode 140 and this is the 8020 rule of success going from this title.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So cheesy. It's fine though going from mad to O-M-G, right? So the 8020 success, the rule of success and going from mad to OMG. Yeah. So before you share a thought on that, I'm just going to mention the elephant in the room here. If you're hearing some noises and some throat clearing and a little nasally. Yeah, the plague showed up in the wall of your household this holiday season.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
We're good for one a year where the whole family kind of suffers through it, and we're powering through. Right. And we ran out a calendar. We could not record this. So it's like, all right, we're going through it. We've got our recall is we've got our throat spray, we've got our water. Right. So thank you for for for working and giving us a little grace as we're going through this.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So last year, it was Thanksgiving for the water, your family. This year it was the week leading up to and through the holiday. Everybody's fine, we're good. We're coming back to the land of living, the sun shining. You know, I blame partly the Texas bipolar weather. We went from 71 day in the middle of me cutting my grass.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
It was then 30 degrees 2 hours later, and then it was 15 degrees later that night. So just getting the elephant in the room out there for you. Appreciate your your grace as we kind of go through this, because it hasn't happened yet, but I really hope I don't miss the cough button. So yeah. Episode 140 8020 Rule How do we keep the 8020 rule front of mind and avoid that perfectionist type mindset?

[Tommy Welling]
Oh, my gosh. And speaking of perfectionist mindset, one of the most common questions we also get is, hey, I'm not feeling 100%. I got a bit of a cold right now.

[Dr. Scott Watier]

[Tommy Welling]
Does does a cough drop you know break my fast? What about a little throwing tea, you know or whatever? It's like you keep that keep that timer going, okay? Yeah. Don't don't worry about that cough drop. Don't worry about a drop or two of honey in your tea. Should I kind of go and feel better?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, feel.

[Tommy Welling]
Better. And but if, you know, if you're if you're feeling good, if you're feeling like I don't need to eat right now than then, don't, you know, like, keep the timer going like that? That's that's what I'm doing, right? Right. This very moment. So the 8020 rule of success is really like going, okay, I really shouldn't just expect perfectionism from myself or perfection with my fasting or basically with, with anything else.

[Tommy Welling]
There's, there's a level of like I can get I can get this right. I can do it really, really well without it being quote unquote perfect because but like, as I as I get into the mindset of like tracking every calorie, every macro, all that kind of stuff, weighing out everything that can really put me far over on the left with the perfection mindset.

[Tommy Welling]
But if I'm trying to bring that over to fasting and then I'm giving myself those lashings that you talked about earlier, every time I like have a cough drop.

[Dr. Scott Watier]

[Tommy Welling]
Maybe I wasn't even thinking about it, I took a bite of my kid's food or I like tasted something at dinner or or whatever it might be. There's so many number of ways.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
I said yes to an opportunity to go get lunch when it wasn't part of my plan or the donuts at work or the holiday cookie. Something dirty. Yeah, yeah, something got me. I'm off my plan up. There we go again. Right like that. Yeah. Yeah, we that's what we want to avoid.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. Because then, then it just, it just further puts me into that, that like. Oh, well, I'm, I'm not getting this one right either. Just like, I didn't get them right in the past. But if, if we just know, if we're, if we're on track and we're making good decisions 80% of the time, we're going to get it like we're going to we're going to eventually get there.

[Tommy Welling]
We're going to get closer and closer to our actual goals without trying to, you know, just just reach, reach something that doesn't really exist. Like life's not perfect. I'm never going to be perfect. So. So building that into the equation and having the mental flexibility for it goes a long way. So that's another one of those mindset ones that I that I really feel like is important.

[Tommy Welling]
We get a lot of we get a lot of feedback on that one too.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. And we want to avoid that, that we want to delayed. Don't deny. Right. We want to delay that gratification and rewire the happy hormones and the dopamine and all of those things. Because what we don't want to do is overly restrict for long periods of time because we know that that results typically in overindulgence. So like statically indulging in your favorite foods in moderation now during your fasting windows, you're eating when windows excuse me once you break your fast so that you don't overindulge in them in the future.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right? So that's how you move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance a mindset around your favorite foods. Hmm. Because one of the things we get a lot as well. The next episode, right? Clean versus dirty, fasting. What about bone broth in lemon in my water? Can I have a flavored Waterloo? What about an element occasionally or a relight?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
You know, electrolyte, salt or. Yeah, tablespoon of.

[Tommy Welling]

[Dr. Scott Watier]
My coffee creamer in my coffee. Right. So that's episode 134. Is that clean versus dirty fasting? And you know, where you stand on that is very closely tied to episode 133, which is something that we've coined the fasting types. And this is after just shy of 2 million downloads and hundreds of thousands of messages across. I don't know, probably tens of thousands.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
I probably, you know, overexaggerated there a little bit. I mean, thousands and thousands of emails. Yeah, I know that for sure, because I see them. All right. I had thousands of messages and 4000 people going plus 4500 plus going through challenges. Yeah. Just shy of the million. $2 million, right. So like lots of of data that show fasting types.

[Tommy Welling]
Absolutely. Like when we get into those fasting types, it becomes like I need to I need to be able to understand what I typically do, what my behavior patterns are, especially when the fasting police aren't around like that. It's like, okay, what if what if I didn't set my time every day? What if I'm going into holiday season and and things are just kind of up in the air, you know?

[Tommy Welling]
And I'm not feeling quite as motivated or quite as disciplined or I feel like my willpower is kind of dropping. Like, what are those behavioral patterns that that I tend to exhibit by default? And if I can understand that a little bit better, get a little bit of perspective on that. Then that means I can start doing things to insulate myself from some of those default things, and then I know where potential pitfalls are coming before they actually hit me.

[Tommy Welling]
So it's like an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure kind of thing. So if I can insulate myself from some of those, it goes a long way towards like long term sustainable success here.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And what that definition of the application of the 8020 rule, right? So episode 140 and then when we talk about the clean versus dirty fasting and what breaks and what doesn't, right? That really comes from the foundational core values of your fasting type, you know, foundational habits of are you a fasting freelancer or you just pivot all the time and think your willpower is going to going to like get you through.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
I got it. I think I'll figure it out later. Right? Right. I don't need.

[Tommy Welling]
A plan for it.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right now. I'm going to plan for get the plan right. So inside joke. Yeah. And then you've got your Weekend Warrior, which is a large portion of the people that we talked to or I've heard from in terms of you're doing great Monday through Thursday, then Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the potential wheels can come off calorically indulgently mindset wise, right?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Like insulin Monday. Yeah, insulin load. A lot of the insulin load can come just from those two and a half days on the weekend. If you start with Friday night and go through to Monday and then your gratuitous grazing, right. So you know the extra, the extra open ended window, right. When you're when you open your window or the what's in the pantry.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. What's going on in there. Check out the pantry right there in the fridge. Yeah. The kids plates we got speaking for six here. Yeah, there's snacks and awesome Applegate Farms, chicken sausages and leftover scrambled eggs with pepperoni and. Oh, you're not going to eat all that. Okay, that's cool. Let me see that. Oh, you don't. You don't want that cerrado roll that has kerrygold butter on it.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
You just asked me for that. I just toasted for you. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so real life stuff here. So, yeah, you typically identify with one primary and then you'll have a secondary and a lot of that stuff's come from the outside stresses the are you bored, angry, lonely, tired, hungry, stressed, etc. But those that decision on how you're going to create your fasting lifestyle.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right. And we started with episode 150 tenants of a successful fasting lifestyle. You know, those fasting types are foundational for those decisions that you make of what you are going to air quotes allow versus not allow in how you're going to put that delayed gratification in to to rewire those long term the long term habit change. So one thing we haven't talked a lot today yet about Tommy is food and it's important it's interesting because you went Paul reached a we each took this initiative for this episode.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah and bear with us we're about we're over halfway through here and we we went through and I went and looked at like a very logical approach. And you went and looked at the more applicable life application, nuanced kind of approach. Yeah. And if I had to label them yin and yang on this one. Right, and then we came together, we're like, wow.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Like these are the same types of conversations and some, some, some consistent thread started showing up. And one of them was when we talk about foods or sugars and the food compass, which is a travesty for wasted research dollars, in our opinion. Right. And you know, the conversation around willpower versus discipline. Right. So some of the ones that we thought would be really impactful that had to do with foods, I don't know if they resonated the way we expected or I don't know if there's a little gap here.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, because sometimes when you come to fasting, there is this misconception that it's about weight loss and or then I can eat whatever I want during my eating opportunity. Yeah. And if we're starting with the foundational principle that fasting is one of the most powerful things you can do to get into caloric restriction and balance hormones and reverse and prevent disease, then that we're coming at it from the wrong perspective, thinking that what we eat doesn't matter as much of when we eat.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. And we get that that a lot too. Like, can't I just eat whatever I want, you know, since I'm fasting? Well, you know, the thing about it is when I if I have if I have poor nutritional choices, but they're coming in on a consistent basis, maybe two, three, four times a day, maybe five, six, seven different eating opportunities between snacks and plan meals and things like that.

[Tommy Welling]
I have a lot of opportunity for for a mixture of different types of foods, different macronutrients, different micronutrients, vitamins and mineral spectrum, all that kind of stuff. Okay. So I'm like casting a wide net. It's like throwing, throwing stuff at the wall and just kind of seeing what sticks are. A lot of good stuff is going to come in.

[Tommy Welling]
Maybe too many calories, too much insulin, too many processed carbohydrates. But at the same time, there's some good stuff in there too. And now so when I start consistently fasting, I have fewer nutrition opportunities there. And so each one of those, I need to treat it like, okay, that's a that's a little more, it's less frequent now, so I need to be more intentional with it because I have fewer opportunities to bring in more right things.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, they are. I need to be bringing in the right things when I do break those fast so that I can continue to thrive during the times when when food's not coming in. Whether that's on a temporary basis because I'm more in a fat loss mode or because I still want to restrict insulin and and keep it from accelerating disease processes, even when I'm at a healthy weight that I want to maintain.

[Tommy Welling]
So those nutrition opportunities are absolutely like crucial. And so those conversations are very real and there's a lot of good perspective in, in a few of those episodes from this last year or two.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. So Episode 121 is food addiction real and does that matter how sugar affects the brain? One of the most downloaded episodes Episode 124 The Food Compass. Now, if you want to laugh a little and the Food Compass is it's an abomination. Yeah, but but we talk about identifying what a healthy food truly is, what that looks like for you personally, long term.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And then interestingly, in this group, we want to talk about episode 125, which is willpower versus discipline, because most of us didn't get into the situation we're in by eating too much broccoli. Sure. Or having too much willpower to avoid the indulgent foods or the constant grazing or snacking or pivoting or all of that stuff we just mentioned.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right. In that previous couple of episodes, we talk about temptation bundling and how to shift from willpower or won't power to I want power. Yeah, right. Which then leads to the connection point of like this group right here of episode 126, which is, you know, how do I get back on track? How do I choose my schedule? What do I do if I get dizzy?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
How do I manage alcohol? Yeah. So the decision making process of willpower versus discipline or what power versus won't power, right? The restrictive side. You want to shift that into a positive light. Talk about what we're up against with food's relationship with foods, food addiction, the food compass, and then transfer that into action on episode 126 of What Do I do?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And I'm just looking for some more consistency.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, I hear a lot of things that kind of resonate with me and some of my old patterns, which were that willpower was very high going into the beginning of the year, and so I could set a big goal for myself and I can have a lot of willpower and won't power at the beginning of the year because I knew I had a bigger list of things that I needed to like restrict or basically like eliminate at least for a while, so I could get the the needle to move, get the scale to budge.

[Tommy Welling]
And whether or not it worked, usually it was very temporary, maybe for a matter of a few weeks, maybe it carried in with me towards like middle of February. If I was kind of lucky. But at the same time, I was never focused on I want power, which is where all the real power comes from. And the small things that we actually set up for small habits that stack up over time, which is which is converting the willpower or won't power or even I want power into the discipline of actually like showing up on a daily basis with small little things that, that actually continue to build over time.

[Tommy Welling]
So that's the transition into the discipline because the discipline is what carries me when when times aren't exciting or when I don't feel that urgency like coming into the beginning of the year or I don't have an event or a wedding that I'm planning for or something like that. It's, it's the discipline that, that comes in during the quiet times.

[Tommy Welling]
But then those are the moments that, that really add.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Up, you know. Yeah, 100% nothing to add there. Other than the connection between these four. Right here is something that we didn't realize until we went back and looked. So going back from episode 126 to 1 25 to 1 24 to 121, group those together and I think you'll see some pretty cool stuff come out of it with relistening or putting some, some reflection on those specifically.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, here's where it gets a little wonky because there's a couple other things that we really want to highlight in terms of important conversations that we've had this year, Tommy, that we had not had previously and that is the diving into the that mm. So love above room that not fat that that is a form of fat visceral adipose tissue.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. And how that is now become my new focus. Mm. The second half of 2022 and now moving forward through 2023, tapping into the visceral adipose burning potential that comes with fasting and how we can optimize that because visceral adiposity, we have two episodes to highlight here, and this is where we get out of order, which is why I said it gets a little wonky.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
We've got episode 128 and 119. So what is visceral fat? The Association of Visceral Fat with insulin resistance, right? So specifically to one of the things that we love about fasting is getting insulin under control, turning you into a metabolically healthy, flexible, fat burning machine rather than a fat storing individual. And then we talk about episode 128 Fructose Sugar relate and how it's related directly to insulin resistance and visceral adiposity.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Now, we're not talking about run and hide from fruit, right? Okay. No. When food is consumed with fiber in its natural form, you don't have to worry about it. It's great. Okay. It's okay. Berries, green apples. Fine. Okay. We're not talking about that. But I'm someone 28 specifically speaks about these sugars. Fructose is relationship to insulin resistance and visceral fat.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So episode 128 and 119 really go together.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. And like 128 is, is highlighting some of the fact of, of what we just talked about, which is that if I eat just anything during my nutrition opportunity or my eating window, then it can still be directly related to insulin resistance and visceral adiposity, which is exactly where I want to get fully away from. I want to turn 180 degrees away because those are what determine the disease progression processes of the cardio metabolic diseases.

[Tommy Welling]
And so that level of visceral adiposity, we, we need to reverse that process. So, so in order to do that, we have to understand where it comes from, how it develops, and why fructose is is a key component in that, because it bypasses that the body's other mechanisms of clearing sugar, it has to be cleared through the liver.

[Tommy Welling]
The only problem is when we have an overfilled liver, here we go. The only thing that we can do is is actually deposit that as visceral, adipose tissue. It's it's crazy and it's kind of counterintuitive, which is absolutely why we need to know it and to have that perspective for the next time we make a food or a fast breaking decision right.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
One of the things to the frustrating points for us is we operated outside of the standard system in health care that we currently have requesting additional labs, you know, looking at insulin levels, tracking our blood sugar at home, even though we weren't, you know, diagnosed diabetics at that point, being able to connect it to the blood pressure ticking up over the years, the cholesterol numbers being a little off to the liver, enzymes being kind of wonky.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. Yeah, right. And yet, you know, over here doing everything right, you know, working out calorie restriction, eating healthy foods and still not getting the long term sustainable result, you know, cardiac. Yeah. Yeah, right. We get oncological right years ago. So making sure that we are when you get to a point and you start looking through a different lens, visceral adiposity through a DEXA scan or a body composition scan is a really powerful way to know where you stand in terms of cardio metabolic risk because visceral adiposity as a direct relationship to, you know, some of those conditions.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So the more of that you carry, the higher risk you have. So, well, in the spirit of not reinventing the wheel well, let's focus on getting our visceral, the fat off our body and getting the vat down to increase our health and longevity, quality of life, you know, etc. as we go through the weeks, two months, two years of a fasting lifestyle.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So absolutely. You mentioned something there. And we're going to sneak in our our fasting up our exercise episode here. Yeah. So episode 115. Mm hmm. Fasting either fed. Excuse me? Exercising either fed or fasting. What should I do? How do I exercise? I mean, I'm exercising five or six days a week. Should I do it fasted? Should I do it fed?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
What do we do? And this is the most kind of wrapped up in a little kind of gift with a bow on it. If you have questions about exercise, go listen to this episode. Yeah.

[Tommy Welling]
I think that's at the top of of the questions that we get asked because usually, like you said, fasting, oftentimes people come to fasting, weight loss, you know, and so with weight loss comes exercise because we've we've all tried to eat less and move more to get the weight off. So we're still in the in the exercise realm.

[Tommy Welling]
And exercise is amazing. There's so many good forms of exercise and so many good reasons to do it. However, a lot of times for fat loss and weight reduction, we've been kind of thinking about it in in a way that doesn't really serve our long term goals. Sometimes it makes fasting harder, sometimes It makes fasting less effective. So there's a lot of good perspective in there about timing it with with my nutrition opportunities or my fasting and also how to do it right.

[Tommy Welling]
And how to, you know, if I'm doing too much of it or a little too often or too intensely, you ought to back off a little bit and and oftentimes see better results that way, too.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. We talk about body composition there as well, which links directly to the visceral adiposity episodes that we just mentioned. And I stumbled through the introduction of Episode 115 as I was trying to mute and not cough and undo. So if I kept saying fasting instead of exercise. Episode 115 is doing exercise fasted versus fed, right? Right. Then everything you just said makes sense.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Like, Well, how do I fit it? What do I do? Is this right? Is this wrong right? And if you're new to fasting, simply just walking, you know, daily for 15 to 30 minutes and then putting a few, you know, resistance training type, you know, 20 to 30 minute. Yeah, exercise regimens in is a perfect place to start.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
You don't need more than that. If you're in a fat loss phase, the things that you do, then the habits you build to get to maintenance are the same habits that are going to allow you to maintain those results just applied differently. Yeah, that's a whole nother episode. I think that maybe that'll be next week's episode. All right.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. The last group for this week for as we wrap up today is going all the way back, as we foreshadowed at the beginning today, going all the way back to episode 106, which is how we started this podcast in 2022, which was how John lost 50 plus pounds in four months. The difference between a seven day fast or rotating 48 hour fast.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
What do you eat to break your fast and fasting related to blood pressure and medications, right? Yeah. Right above that is episode 107 and 108, which we want to highlight here. Tell me and the big for these two is going to be the marriage merge. These are the Q&A episodes. Yeah. And you guys love Q&A episodes like yeah, you guys.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
All those questions are incredible. Yeah. And we're going to continue to do them and group them together. And there's so much overlap. These two actually overlap as well because it's how my spouse loves to cook or how do I get my spouse on board because trying to live two completely different lifestyles in the same household, I can speak from experience.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
My wife is very different from me. She is calorie counter tracking macro, very specific. With her recovery and her workouts and her carbohydrate intake, she has zero visceral adiposity attacks scores perfect zero heart risk, heart disease risk. Blood sugar is incredible insulin's incredible, right? A true picture of health and she's worked hard. Yeah. Even with three kids over the last six years.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And she's found something that works for her, which is the complete opposite of what I do. Yeah. Which is fasting. So we have taken hours and hours and hours and conversations and date nights and heart to heart on figuring out how we are going to raise our kids, create healthy habits in them. Right. And how we're going to coexist.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Doing completely things. Yeah. So if you don't have the support of your social circles or your friends, your family, or most importantly, your partner, then it's going to make again, which is where we begin with the end in mind what we want long term sustainability. We don't want to do all the work and then not be able to keep it.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
You don't want to make all the money and then give it all away right now. Woops. Works my whole career for this retirement fund and now I just you know, wrong click of the button and it's gone, right? No, you want to keep it in these two episodes? Episode 107i want to really talk about how to get that spousal unit or that, you know, you can extrapolate it out to that social circle on board.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Sure. Yeah.

[Tommy Welling]
Could be social circle. Could be the people who are important to you at the office.

[Dr. Scott Watier]

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, yeah. Or at church or anything like, you know, insert any, any social dynamic here.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
But softball clubs. Yeah, softball teams. Yeah. All the all the fun life stuff.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, yeah. What if what? Yeah, what if I was going out with the guys, you know, after a softball game and then, you know, they were giving me a hard time because they were going to go grab some beers or grab a snack or something like that. And then I'm fasting or or, you know, just just those little decision points kind of in the moment that that can matter.

[Tommy Welling]
Because if if the softball group is is important to me and I feel like I'm just completely rowing in the opposite direction of them, have no no ability to kind of merge realities with them or feel like I'm participating and enjoying at the same time. Something's something's going to get to a frustration point for me. So understanding that and kind of future pacing it for myself is the same thing with with something as important as the marriage merge and like getting my spouse on board or like getting on the same page with my spouse because communication is hard, communication is one of those things that we can all always level up on, like, I don't

[Tommy Welling]
care who you are or how well you communicate, we can always do better. There's always more communication. All right?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. Just listen to how I talk about episode 115. Right, right, right, right. We'll bring it back here and finish strong. These are the last three we want to highlight. And this is going back to where we started at the beginning of 2022. And not just the marriage merge in episode 1070108, there's how much should you eat? You know, what about cramps?

[Dr. Scott Watier]
You know, isn't fasting just calorie restriction, fasting conflicts, fasting boundaries, putting you first, right? You'll see all these campaigns out there right now. New Year, new you. Yeah, right, right. Yeah. Well, we know New Year's resolutions are statistically useless, right? So that's why last episode we talked about setting some goals, putting your fasting we'll of life into play and in the year with some momentum and some intention, putting some time in to thinking what you want this year to look like.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, we talked through some of those situations. You know, even if you fasted for the entire year and your weight didn't change much. What has improved? Right. That was a conversation we had last episode. Yeah. What are the things that were working when you were doing it and? You were most importantly enjoying it, right? So that's 107108. Really at the essence is how you can do life and make well, I mean, we named it for a reason fasting gave us our lives back better dads, but our husbands, you're still working on it every moment of every day, especially in those two categories.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Better, you know, leaders better. Like whatever it is, we're showing up differently because our health's been given back to us and fasting did that. So fasting for life going all the way back and starting at the beginning of 2022. Fast forwarding now to the fact that we're in 2023, we want to set the proper intention. So we really hope that the conversation today will give you some actionable guidelines on where to go, on how to continue to set up taking the end of 2020 to last week and then turning it into some action this week and next week, we're going to be talking about that beginner's guide.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
We're going to come up with a better name, but we're right now, we're going to call it the Beginner's Guide to Fasting Lifestyle. And I know that's not what I called at the beginning of this episode. I don't care. We're still working on it, but it's being completed in real time. And then how you're going to take that and what your plan and your action is going to be for that year, how we're going to zoom out to what it can look like in 12 months.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And then we are going to continue recommending again. We're not going anywhere. You guys keep listening. We love and appreciate of your new thanks for giving us a shot. If you want to learn more about who we are and our story, go back and listen to episode one. Over 55,000 people have listened to our story. Tomi on how fasting has given us your life back.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
It's just so cool. Who the heck knew, right? Like I think we did our first episode. You were on air pods and wind tunnel and I think I was like, I don't know, sitting in my closet trying to, like, muffle the sound. I don't know. I don't know. No, that was something.

[Tommy Welling]
We had the cans with the strings in them. Oh yeah.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right, yeah. Old school. Right. You're in the treehouse outside. Right. And then, you know, putting some intention into the year and we're going to continue to deliver episodes every single week continually to deliver actionable things that you can do, continue to refine our, you know, information, continue to dove into the research, continue to bring you fasting challenges, new resources and support.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
So I'm just really excited.

[Tommy Welling]
You and.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Ace go Q&A is please. We love you for submitting the questions and we also appreciate again those you know, the long term listeners you guys have been with us. We appreciate all the reviews. We're very grateful that you've chosen us to be on this fasting journey, this fasting for life journey with you, Tommy. So, yeah, as we wrap up today's episode, final thoughts and then invite into the fasting for life community.

[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, final thoughts would be leave that perfectionism out the door and go back to that episode 140 that we talked about with the 8020 rule for success and, and just take the recommendation on a few of those up. So just, just start with one today or tomorrow as soon as you can and, and jump back into one, even if it feels a little strange because it's not in order or you've been trying to catch up from the beginning because like we get, we get those emails all the time, like, oh my gosh, like there's so many episodes.

[Tommy Welling]
Where do I where do I begin? Like, just, just take one of those threads that kind of resonated with you and just jump into it because you can always, always go back and keep learning and keep evolving. So, so that's the way we level up without being too hard on ourselves and having realistic expectations as well. So I think it's cool set the intention for the year and know you're going to have the you know, the resources and the conversations to to help lead you in that direction.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. And if you want to find a group of people that are of like mind that are willing to be on this journey with you, head to the show notes. We've created a fasting for life community on Facebook. It is a place where there is only fasting. Related questions allowed. Just kidding. The first year rules of fasting, as you know from us, are don't talk about fasting and don't talk about fasting, especially if you're new.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
Come join us in the group, continue the conversation, get your questions answered, and be around like minded individuals so we can just absolutely crush our goals in 2023. Tommy So yeah, as we wrap up today, thank you, sir, for the conversation. Thank you for as always, going back through and just, you know, looking and diving in and expounding on and just appreciative of of your time and effort and energy.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
And we just we literally talk about fasting. 24 seven. We love it. Yes. It's been transformational for us. And we continue to help you guide you through 2023. So absolutely. Let's do it. Tommy, we've got work to do. Let's have some fun along the way. Thanks for listening and we'll see you next week.

[Tommy Welling]
Let's do it. Thanks. Bye. So you've heard today's episode and you may be wondering where do I start? Head on over to the fasting for life icon and sign up for our newsletter where you'll receive fasting tips and strategies to maximize results and fit fasting into your day to day life.

[Dr. Scott Watier]
While you're there, download your free fast start guide to get started today. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star review and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for Life and.


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