Ep. 129 - The Anatomy of a Success Story | Knowing What to Do, But Not Doing It | Free Intermittent Fasting Plan for OMAD

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In this episode, Dr. Scott and Tommy discuss the anatomy of a success story, knowing what to do but not doing it, the insides of a true success story looks like, and much more.


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Fasting For Life Ep. 129 Transcript


00;00;01;23 - 00;00;03;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Hello. I'm Dr. Scott Dr. Watier.

00;00;03;16 - 00;00;06;20
[Tommy Welling]
And I'm Tommy Welling, and you're listening to the Fasting for Life podcast.

00;00;08;09 - 00;00;14;25
[Dr. Scott Watier]
This podcast is about using fasting as a tool to regain your health, achieve ultimate wellness, and live the life you truly deserve.

00;00;15;24 - 00;00;24;09
[Tommy Welling]
Each episode is a short conversation on a single topic with immediate, actionable steps. We cover everything from fat loss on health and wellness to the science of lifestyle design.

00;00;25;00 - 00;00;31;16
[Dr. Scott Watier]
We started fasting for life because of how fasting has transformed our lives, and we hope to share the tools that we have learned along the way.

00;00;40;06 - 00;00;47;06
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Hey everyone, welcome to the Fasting for Life podcast. My name is Doc Scott Walker, and I'm here as always, and my good friend and colleague Tommy Welling. Good afternoon to you, sir.

00;00;47;16 - 00;00;48;13
[Tommy Welling]
Hey, Scott, how are you?

00;00;48;23 - 00;01;06;15
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Fantastic. My friend. I am looking forward to today's episode and today's conversation. We are going to be breaking down the anatomy of a success story. And an alternate title might be called The Underbelly of a Success Story. And I like.

00;01;06;15 - 00;01;06;21
[Tommy Welling]

00;01;07;01 - 00;01;34;01
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, it's going to be a cool conversation. We've been unpacking this over the last few months as so many people have been listening and reaching out and been part of our challenges and our emails and all newsletters and all of the conversation that we've had around fasting and the fasting for life lifestyle. So I think it's going to be a cool perspective shift and hopefully impactful for all of you and us that are on this weight loss and sustainability journey, right?

00;01;34;04 - 00;01;56;00
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. So I think it's going to be fun. Lots of cool in-between conversations that we're going to have. We're going to highlight some success stories that have been shared with us, but really unpack what an ideal or what the anatomy, the innards the the insides of a true success story looks like. So if you're new to the podcast, welcome.

00;01;56;00 - 00;02;21;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
If you want to learn a little bit more about Tommy and I, you can go back to the episode zero in episode one. Great. And listen in about 20, 25, maybe 30 minutes of content there. Learn about our story and why we started the Fasting for Life podcast and what we're about. And then if you're a weekly or longtime listener, shout out to y'all for continuing to listen and continuing to engage and just really appreciate all of you that listen in each week.

00;02;21;08 - 00;02;27;23
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So Tommy, let's open up. What are we looking at when we talk about the anatomy of a success story?

00;02;28;16 - 00;02;56;02
[Tommy Welling]
Well, I feel like a good place to start is to do you remember that a lot of times if we're exposed to what may be called a success story or a weight loss journey, or a successful transformation, sometimes it's as simple as like a before and after photo. And and really, it's up to us to kind of draw the conclusions, like what kind of, you know, what kind of work went into that, what kind of exercise or nutrition was involved, how many things did they have to track?

00;02;56;09 - 00;03;40;24
[Tommy Welling]
Were there trainers or doctors involved? Like, like and and there's usually no talk about the actual self-talk that goes in that that's involved with that or the self doubt or maybe the frustration or maybe the plateaus or the setbacks, the derailing, the regain train, any number of things that could be helpful as far as perspective goes, because I could find myself in the middle of a of a successful journey right now, and I might not even realize it because I'm not going from from a simple point A to point B in like a very straight line fast, you know, just like a like a rapid transformation between point A and point B, I may be

00;03;40;24 - 00;03;59;12
[Tommy Welling]
in the middle of one of those those those suck points right now, one of those like stumbling blocks and and it might be really discouraging or frustrating, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not on my way to success right now. So I feel like that's that that's where some of this conversation kind of started perspective wise.

00;03;59;24 - 00;04;29;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. We're going to highlight one main success story from a woman that I've known personally and professionally. Over the years and a recent post that we've seen about the maintaining of a 70 excuse me, an £80 weight loss over the last like 18 months, just over 18 months. Right. So major success story right there in itself. And there's so many similarities between her journey and some of the things that you were just alluding to.

00;04;29;08 - 00;04;51;27
[Dr. Scott Watier]
But I love that starting point. Well, I don't love it. I acknowledge that the starting point on a weight loss journey. Right, is a little bit different for everybody. But most of us get the, the outside inputs, like you mentioned, the before and after photos. Right. I mean, there's even now a trend going around where people will and I'm always weary of these, right?

00;04;52;06 - 00;05;14;21
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Like conspiracy theories at heart of my not conspiracy theories, but very I don't know if I'm going to trust that right away. Like, I'm very analytical. You're going to like prove it to me. Like before you get in the tree of trust or in my inner circle. Right. Like, I'm very protective of that. Right? So I'm always like looking through a skewed eye and I'm like, OK, well, the people that are up there jiggling around me like, yeah, look at this.

00;05;14;21 - 00;05;20;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Look at this extra weight, look at this belly. And then, you know, six months later, they're the rock and Johnny Six Pack. And I'm like, Yeah.

00;05;21;08 - 00;05;22;15
[Tommy Welling]
Well, too excited about it, huh?

00;05;22;15 - 00;05;49;12
[Dr. Scott Watier]
OK, you're too excited about the feeling and the kind of where I started, right? And we restarted where so many people started with the ten, 20, 30, 40 years of struggle or not necessarily struggle because in the moment not it's not all bad, but the waking up feeling tired, the, the conversations with the doctor, the the, you know, for me it was the fitting in an airplane seat at one point was uncomfortable, right?

00;05;49;13 - 00;05;54;02
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. The Oh hey big guy Mike. Great. I don't know you. Why are you calling me that?

00;05;54;11 - 00;05;56;09
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. Like, yeah, I know, I know.

00;05;56;09 - 00;06;20;04
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I could lift you off the ground in through the window. I'm not going to do that, OK? But, like, why are you calling me that, right? Yeah. So all of those points. So we get a lot of that external input of what a success story looks like, and it's just for you and I. But today we're going to highlight, you know, listeners success story and the fact that it's a it is not a journey with a necessary end point.

00;06;20;04 - 00;06;34;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And that's how a lot of people like to look at it, where to where it's what's my end target weight? Well, a lot of people don't even know or they have a number that's not even linked to anything other than an unrealistic point. Or time in their life.

00;06;34;25 - 00;06;36;10
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, that probably.

00;06;36;24 - 00;06;38;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, a time machine number, right?

00;06;39;20 - 00;07;15;29
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. So defining that point, that that a-to-z that it would be that that endpoint like that in in simple terms like that can really that can almost be the source of a lot of that frustration where where I can't really appreciate the forest for the trees when I'm on the journey realizing I, I am successfully doing this, whether it's, it's fasting or you know, it's weight loss, it's some sort of health balance that I'm looking for or anything else, it can sometimes be hard to appreciate the actual journey when I'm so hyperfocus on that goal, especially if I haven't hit it in the past.

00;07;15;29 - 00;07;31;18
[Tommy Welling]
If I've tried this before, it hasn't worked. And then right now it doesn't feel like it's working or going as fast as I think it should be, then that can be really demotivating. And I think that's going to come up a few times in, in, in this listener's story as well.

00;07;32;07 - 00;07;54;07
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. And there's a couple of different points along this journey that we're going to highlight. And the beginning part was the exposure to fasting which took place back in 2019. And it was simply the interaction that was kind of almost like a drive by. It was like, Hey, haven't seen you. Wow, you look different, right? And it's like, what have you been doing?

00;07;54;17 - 00;08;12;14
[Dr. Scott Watier]
That's what she was. She was. Yeah, yes. I'm like, well, I've been, I've been fasting. Tell me about it. OK, well here's the book that I read, right? And now we encourage people to not break the first two rules of fasting, which are don't talk about fasting and don't talk about fasting unless you're in our community free community group feel free to talk about fasting, right?

00;08;12;14 - 00;08;27;10
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Or if you're in the you know, you have a fasting body, go ahead and talk about fasting after reaching out to us. Right. Or people that are experiencing fasting. But and it was you know, so now we recommend we get this question often like, well, how do you turn people on to fasting a spouse or a friend or a coworker?

00;08;27;10 - 00;08;55;01
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Well, I mean, I, I started by reading books and then finding podcast, right? So we recommend the same thing. Send them, send them your favorite episode. Right? Keep it light. But don't be surprised if they don't listen. Right? So you're having known this individual, you know, over the years, knowing that there was 30 years of weight loss struggle and that there was stress and there was food, bad food choices, right?

00;08;55;02 - 00;09;31;14
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I shouldn't say bad, but sabotaging food choices. A lot of restaurant food, not home cooked meals, a lot of fast food. Like I said, lots of stress, some social inputs, right. From family and friends to the close social network that they kept. And knowing that there was always this desire, right, in this short term launch, energy that would happen when we'd run challenges or we'd run, you know, 28 day, you know, dictates or weight loss resets or yeah, we'd bring in a new metabolic program, right?

00;09;31;15 - 00;09;52;27
[Dr. Scott Watier]
This person would always be first in line and they would do great for a couple of weeks. Yeah. Motivated, right? Couple of weeks. Yeah. Right. So I want to unpack it real quickly in 10 seconds or less is what we found is there's a launch energy, right? There's an ascension where you have to work through some of the hurdles and sticking points.

00;09;52;27 - 00;10;25;28
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I'm already over 10 seconds, 30 seconds or less. Then there's a breakthrough after maybe like 60 to 90 days where you're like, OK, my feels a little different, things are a little easier. You look back and you're like, Wow, aha, I got it breakthrough. And then there's the cultivate portion where you're starting to get comfortable in the new you after some substantial weight loss or weight loss that's result in maintaining the loss for the first time ever, where people are confidence, people are starting to look at you different, you're feeling different, you're sleep's better, you're brain fog more.

00;10;25;28 - 00;10;28;14
[Tommy Welling]
Natural feels like yeah.

00;10;28;15 - 00;10;30;21
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Let me summarize it this way. You feel like you again.

00;10;30;27 - 00;10;31;13
[Tommy Welling]

00;10;31;18 - 00;11;03;00
[Dr. Scott Watier]
OK, so in a minute or less so. And then the last part would be that sustainability piece and that is the actual framework over, you know, this individual lost £70 or £80 in, in, in about 12 months. They kept it off for the entirety of 20, 21 and up until this point six months into 20, 22. So 18 months of sustainable weight loss with a raised hand that says I'm ready to get rid of the last 15.

00;11;03;11 - 00;11;03;24
[Tommy Welling]

00;11;04;06 - 00;11;35;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So one, two, three launch send breakthrough stumble, breakthrough, stumble, ascend breakthrough back to breakthrough. Back to ascend. Oh I got a relaunch OK back to back to some getting through some sticking points and we'll unpack in terms of fasting hours and all of the stumbling blocks along the way. Yeah. And then, and then to the cultivate part where it's like, all right I'm starting to get traction again, OK, now I'm ready to, to push through because I've been through that cultivation.

00;11;35;13 - 00;11;54;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I've been, I've been leveling up, I've been seeing things differently. I've been talking to people differently. I have a new circle of people that, that I'm that I'm, you know, surrounded by I have a different support system. All of those things are a little bit different for everybody along the journey, but they're all checkpoints that I feel like most of us hit.

00;11;55;01 - 00;12;12;00
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. And I think that's one of the difficult parts whenever you start, especially with something like fasting, where if if you're not around other people who are doing it, then it can really feel like, OK, this is working. I've gotten some some quick results with it, but I'm not sure. And that's why we get a lot of those questions.

00;12;12;00 - 00;12;35;02
[Tommy Welling]
I think, like, how do I maintain this? How many calories do I need to maintain this? How many hours do I need to to keep the weight off once I get there, once I lose £60 or £100, whatever it may be. But sometimes fast forwarding and zooming to that point in the future can can be too much for us to like to handle.

00;12;35;10 - 00;12;59;25
[Tommy Welling]
Like we can't visualize it. I can't see myself £50 from now or £100 from now. That's a totally different version of myself. I'll be making completely different decisions and I'll be thinking about them differently than I do now. It's physically, it's impossible not to to be a different version of myself. There's no way that I can be the same today and six months or a year from now and have have lost that much weight.

00;13;00;06 - 00;13;06;16
[Tommy Welling]
It's impossible. And so it's it's hard to to imagine myself in that position too.

00;13;07;04 - 00;13;30;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. So so this this story, this individual story is so powerful then because it was start, stop, start, stop, stop, start, stop. With all of the challenges and the 30 days and the two week resets and all the things that we were trying to do, like we'd have these fun workshops and we do like percent body weight challenges and we do giveaways and we give away trips and TVs and grills and barbecues and you know, we have a lot of fun with it, right?

00;13;30;14 - 00;13;31;05
[Tommy Welling]
It's fired up.

00;13;31;05 - 00;13;51;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and we would lead those. And ironically enough, through all of those challenges, I continued to tick up on the scale and my body composition continue to get worse. But that was uncovered later with the insulin resistance etc. But we're not going to go down that rabbit hole now. But similar stumbling blocks, similar start, restart.

00;13;51;08 - 00;14;14;19
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So launch, ascend, launch, ascend and through the Ascension Ascension phase, you're like trying to continue to go is where all the stumbling blocks happen. And then you have a breakthrough and then a setback and then all of these different things. So just rat a tat tat here. The things that were highlighted, we'll unpack some of these in her journey was food choices, eating out a lot versus willing to cook at home.

00;14;14;19 - 00;14;42;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right. Didn't have a family to cook for, right? Kids were away. Didn't didn't have to go home and have that meal time with the family right. Knowing what to do. But not doing it will impact that short term delay for long term reward. We'll talk about that. When it comes to fasting times and food decisions, you know, pushing on in a longer fast to break through the insulin resistance when the opposite action is taken.

00;14;42;08 - 00;15;04;18
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So you've got you've got misinterpretation and and misguided decisions based on based on, you know, the situation in the moment or the energy or the emotion of the moment. You've got the social family pressure, you got the paralysis analysis. You and I relate to a lot, right? Being more logical. And like, I had all my spreadsheets, I had all my blood work, I had all my numbers I had all my calories in, calories out.

00;15;04;18 - 00;15;21;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I had all my heart rates, my blood pressure readings high. Some still are. Well, you know, if the scale is going to tell me what I'm going to do tomorrow and I'm like, no. Right. And then you do it for a while and then fall off. Right? And then the conversations with the doctors, the lack of support, the medications, right?

00;15;21;21 - 00;15;43;15
[Dr. Scott Watier]
As a diabetic on insulin in this in this individual case, on insulin on on metformin, on insulin, on a couple of other diabetes, blood sugar, medications. Right. So looking at all of these, you know, these all kind of fit into don't fit into excuse me, the anatomy of a success story that we see.

00;15;43;26 - 00;15;44;07
[Tommy Welling]

00;15;44;21 - 00;15;58;25
[Dr. Scott Watier]
On social media or on the weight loss ads that you're standing in the checkout line at Sprout Supermarket. And it's like lose £30 in 60 in 90 days. And it's like before and after the woman holding the, you know, the measuring.

00;15;58;25 - 00;15;59;05
[Tommy Welling]

00;16;00;03 - 00;16;13;00
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Around her weight one of the reasons why we don't have any of that on any of our marketing branding or podcast like we don't get out of here with the fork in the plate and the measuring tape and Apple get out of here like that's the old weight loss journey stuff.

00;16;13;00 - 00;16;15;09
[Tommy Welling]
So seeing thousands of those I don't need to see anymore.

00;16;15;09 - 00;16;33;07
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. Yeah, right. So the anatomy really of it is, is like, you know, some of these things and we'll start with this one time is the short term delay for the long term reward, right? So the opportunity knowing, right? Because I've had conversations over the years like, OK, well my numbers are still elevated during the day even though I've lost £70.

00;16;34;01 - 00;16;59;24
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Well, that just indicates that the insulin resistance there is the underlying resistance. The hormonal balance hasn't been repaired fully yet. Sure. Numbers used to be three hundreds with multiple medications. Now they're one fifties. Are those ideal? No. But reference point wise, that's a huge success, which in the moment could be a I'm focusing on the frustration. I'm focusing on the negative man yeah.

00;16;59;24 - 00;17;20;16
[Tommy Welling]
And well, you just brought two of the big ones together there because that that focus on where I'm looking to go from here versus what have I already done, like celebrating the fact that I've made tremendous progress already rather than being hyper focused on the fact that man, I just can't seem to be breaking. I can't seem to break through this 150 number.

00;17;20;24 - 00;17;33;23
[Tommy Welling]
I want my my blood sugar to go down to 110 or go down to 90, but I just can't seem to push through. Don't forget about the 150 point breakthrough that you've just made over the last 12 months, right? Like that is.

00;17;33;23 - 00;17;37;20
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Huge. Well, more than that because the hundred, the higher numbers were with medication.

00;17;38;03 - 00;17;39;20
[Tommy Welling]
Oh yeah. Well, yeah, there you go.

00;17;40;03 - 00;17;40;26
[Dr. Scott Watier]
There's another layer.

00;17;40;26 - 00;17;41;28
[Tommy Welling]
That's cheating on the test.

00;17;42;00 - 00;17;47;18
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right. You got the yet the bubble. Didn't you get the Scantron scorecard. Yeah, whatever. It's called the answer key.

00;17;47;27 - 00;18;10;25
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. You hacked into into the database right there, like you had the answers to the test and and you're already doing phenomenal. So I think that's an important point. Is to, to remember, like, keep reflecting on, on the progress that you've made that can be highly motivating to keep moving forward, to keep pushing ahead even during those slower times.

00;18;10;25 - 00;18;31;27
[Tommy Welling]
Like you're not always going to correct things on your own time. You can't tell your body, Hey, you know what blood sugar do better like that's that's not going to that's not going to get you anywhere. But looking at the opposite side doesn't get you anywhere psychologically either. It can be really frustrating and demotivating to focus on on on how much farther I have to go versus what I've already accomplished.

00;18;32;09 - 00;18;55;23
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And this is one of the things that I would I would have conversations, you know, every few weeks, right? It would be, oh, yeah, I just can't get past that one night, that 170 number. It's like. But you got past the two honestly. The 220, the 210, the 200. The 190. Yeah. And the 180. So like, what do you mean you can't get past the 170?

00;18;55;23 - 00;18;57;07
[Dr. Scott Watier]
It just hasn't happened yet.

00;18;57;15 - 00;18;58;25
[Tommy Welling]
The double says you can.

00;18;59;01 - 00;19;15;26
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, it's actually the opposite. Right? Your mind is playing tricks on you. It's like, OK, we're focusing on the next step, the next thing, and we're not stopping and being like, Wow, I just lost £50, right? You're a new person. Like you're still thinking, is the old you.

00;19;16;04 - 00;19;16;14
[Tommy Welling]

00;19;16;14 - 00;19;25;00
[Dr. Scott Watier]
You're, you're still here right now? Yeah. What do you mean you can't get through, can we? Can you get me get a stand up and give me a hug like I five it out like.

00;19;25;00 - 00;19;25;13
[Tommy Welling]

00;19;25;22 - 00;19;41;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
You know, and so that's the that's the difficulty sometimes in knowing what we need to do but not doing it because when we get to those points, right. Or after we have a breakthrough like that or maybe a little bit of self-realization we're like, OK, wow, I can do this. But then it's like, OK, well now I have the answer.

00;19;41;13 - 00;20;04;00
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So maybe I don't have to push, maybe I don't have to make the good food choices, right? Like I know what I need to do, but I'm not doing it right. And that's where the outside pressure, the support piece can come into play where it's like if your numbers are still high after that long time, then there's still some imbalance there in terms of resistant insulin resistance.

00;20;04;00 - 00;20;28;15
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right? So, you know, food choices come into play, right? Making better food choices is one. And then the second would be a situation where there was a longer fast, right? So the recommendation for most people in this case, when you get to this point and maybe the blood sugar numbers haven't responded and we'll share a highlight from someone in our continuity group here in a second of this exact situation.

00;20;28;15 - 00;20;43;04
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Hey, I got a Quito mojo and my number is just there. Just I just can't figure it out. I just can't figure it out. I just can't figure it out. I'm frustrated. I feel like they should be different, right? Like I feel like I should be at 78 my, my goal and it's spent ten months and you're £70 down or £80 down.

00;20;43;14 - 00;20;59;21
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I just can't I'm just not there yet. I'm just not there. Right. So it's like, you know, you say you do a longer fasting this happened. You do finally was like, OK, recommendation to begin with is if you're stuck there you to push longer you need to hit that 36 hour mark consistently a couple of times a week.

00;21;00;09 - 00;21;22;28
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And you know this is one of the things that Dr. Fung says do is hit that mark because there's some cool physiological things that take place right you're increased increase in insulin sensitivity. So what happened in this case and some in the individual we're going to reference here in a second to you was she was on a longer fast right finally pushed through the I know what to do, but I'm not doing it OK.

00;21;22;29 - 00;21;34;10
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah right. Yeah. And how to keep the mojo dip. Remember paralysis by analysis person had all the data had all the spreadsheets. Right. Would track everything during those challenges.

00;21;34;16 - 00;21;35;09
[Tommy Welling]
Got all my numbers.

00;21;35;09 - 00;21;48;04
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Got all my numbers. Well, my ketones were low and my blood sugar was high. Screw it. I'm just going to break my fast. You had finally broken through and what those numbers were telling you was the opposite of what was done.

00;21;48;22 - 00;22;12;11
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, those numbers were telling you. You need a little longer. You need to give it some more time for insulin to keep dropping and for the blood sugar to keep coming down. But instead I got the data and it demotivated me and it gave me that it gave me that permission almost in my mind to go, well, I guess what I'm currently doing right now in the moment isn't working.

00;22;12;18 - 00;22;34;16
[Tommy Welling]
So forget about it. Throw my hands up in the air. Let me I'm going to just going to break this fast. And I bet that wasn't the most nutritional fast break that this person had ever had either because now I'm going to look for or some emotional fulfillment or enjoyment from whatever I'm about to do right now because that the motivator made me feel bad about that wasn't great.

00;22;34;16 - 00;22;54;03
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And we had someone recently mentioned, Hey, I just had my longest that just broke through my longest fast, and I was like, Hey, heck yeah, let's celebrate this. It was 30, 36 hours, something then reverse and some metabolic reversal, some diabetes and working on some substantial weight loss, right? Yeah. And, you know, Anatomy of a success story. So what is the anatomy?

00;22;54;03 - 00;23;08;24
[Dr. Scott Watier]
What did the innards look like? Well, this is it, right? So so I think you had comment to like, Hey, great work. Why don't you do something to reward yourself? And the reply was, Well, no, I don't want to do that because I just want to keep the momentum going. And you had an aha. In real time.

00;23;09;07 - 00;23;29;18
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, yeah. In real time. I go I wonder if she thought I meant rewarding with food. And that's, that's not what I meant in the moment, but I didn't clarify it. And she was like, yeah, that, that is, that is what I was thinking. So I did go ahead and reward myself in another way, right?

00;23;29;27 - 00;23;47;26
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. The rewarding of yourself in another way is, Hey, I achieved something. I want to celebrate this even though I'm not at my end goal. I'm not going to get overwhelmed. I'm not going to misinterpret the data. And that's and again, this is not an absolute hundred percent of the time. You need to be perfect. This is a showing up consistently with a little self-awareness and a mindset shift over time.

00;23;48;11 - 00;24;05;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
You you go through those breakthroughs and then you end up cultivating this new you over the weeks to months, which leads to that sustainability part. So yeah, it was like, no, go get your nails did do something that you don't do you go take some mom time, go take you know, my wife always says you need a hobby.

00;24;05;13 - 00;24;26;14
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I know I've got you in the kids. I'm good, right? Like all you do is work and and then we see and like, I know, but OK, fine, shush. OK, whatever. Yeah, right. So but it's like part of that speaks to me too in the self-sabotage category, which I love that she didn't. Right? Because that's part of our connection, our emotional connection to our story.

00;24;26;26 - 00;24;49;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. Which a lot of the times is connected to our weight loss journey. And for me, I was always, you know, I had shared this at some point, I don't remember on a live or in a challenge. I can't remember when I shared it, but it was like, you get close to a set point number, like a number that you've been at before that you've never been able to breakthrough or you know, some people start saying like, I used to be the big guy.

00;24;49;08 - 00;25;01;07
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I was the guy who could I was asked to move everybody and I could bench press Buicks and, you know, lift, you know, £500. And I could I would I was always the guy that was asked to do. I was always the big guy. Hey, big hey, big guy. Hey, big man, big man. Was my nickname at one point.

00;25;01;16 - 00;25;16;11
[Dr. Scott Watier]
I had no neck a saurus, no neck, Scottie, no neck because I had no neck. Like it was literally my ears touch my traps, right? Like those are my name. So when I started losing the weight and somebody would be like, wow, you look skinny. You look a little. I'd be like, I don't know if I enjoy that.

00;25;16;11 - 00;25;43;12
[Dr. Scott Watier]
You can't tell right now, but I'm making the stink face like, right you, right? So, like, all our stories become intertwined with our identities, and that doesn't happen overnight. So what I love about the anatomy of the success story with this woman is that, you know, kept the weight off for 18 £70 over 18 months off insulin no longer a diabetic having more pre-diabetic numbers.

00;25;43;26 - 00;25;49;09
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right. But still struggling with the self-sabotage when it comes to food choices.

00;25;50;00 - 00;26;22;22
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. And so at that point when she actually went and and pushed through pushed through that 36 hour point then she got to the 50 hours the numbers weren't giving her the what she was looking for what she was hoping for in that moment. Well guess what yeah eventually they did but it took a bunch more times of getting past that 36 and even the 48 hour mark to keep consistently hitting those over time in order for her to start seeing those numbers slowly drop in that, that long term insulin resistance.

00;26;22;22 - 00;26;25;29
[Tommy Welling]
I mean you're talking about insulin resistance that was building for her for.

00;26;25;29 - 00;26;26;18
[Dr. Scott Watier]

00;26;27;18 - 00;26;50;03
[Tommy Welling]
Ago, right? I mean, it's been a long time in the works and that insulin resistance can pile on way before the weight starts to accumulate. I mean, for everybody it's different. But like if you're if you're literally thinking about this as an unwinding rather than just a quick a to be OK, if I should be able to to drop a pound or two a week and just a quick a to be it's not it's not so simple.

00;26;50;10 - 00;26;55;10
[Tommy Welling]
There's a physiological unwinding and then there's a psychological unwinding that has to take place as well.

00;26;55;19 - 00;26;58;14
[Dr. Scott Watier]
£70 over the course of a year. What what me one point.

00;26;59;05 - 00;27;00;16
[Tommy Welling]
And point, like one and a half.

00;27;00;16 - 00;27;28;23
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. One and a half pounds a week, right? Yeah. And she's doing it like when you think about that, what it could be like in a year from now, what the anatomy of your success story could look like. I know my dad is in a similar situation now, luckily because the last roadblock or sticking point that we hadn't talked about yet was the doctor in the medication conversation, which, you know, when you get to a point and you get your doctor's blessing right.

00;27;28;23 - 00;27;47;28
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And by the way, they work for you. So if you don't have someone that's in your corner, find someone that's going to support you on what you want, your journey to look like and what you want your life to look like. If you don't want to take medications, find someone that's willing to help, find someone that is willing to help you manage them and get off of them by making these changes.

00;27;47;28 - 00;28;12;21
[Dr. Scott Watier]
By fasting, by balancing the hormones, like find someone. And it's not a lot of people out there. So I know it's tough. So you got to kind of walk this tightrope, right? But say you're doing it and you get the green light air quotes and you go ahead and you come off some of the medications and your numbers tick up a little bit, but now you're actually getting a real life image, a real life snapshot of what's happening.

00;28;13;20 - 00;28;34;27
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And you can see those numbers come down because the blood sugar altering medications like insulin and metformin don't let you tap into the natural physiology of weight loss, especially with insulin. They're constantly shutting the fat burning switch off right. And then with metformin, it's it's it's constantly altering the amount of energy being released or stored in the liver.

00;28;34;27 - 00;28;53;20
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So you can't you can't get off of the the proverbial like hamster wheel. And my dad luckily in the beginning had me in his corner saying, Dad, no, it's OK if you skip metformin for a day. Now, I am not saying this is medical advice. So I just want to this disclaimer is out there, but if you've ever missed a day like you lift, right?

00;28;53;21 - 00;29;14;20
[Dr. Scott Watier]
It's like it's OK. So my dad had me in the corner but this woman didn't at points in time. It was like until she found someone that was in her corner to say, yes, it's OK to push past 36 hours, you know, one or two times a week. I think he recommended one. I'm like, if you want to get there faster and feel better about it and have less cravings and make better food choices, then yeah, go ahead.

00;29;14;24 - 00;29;17;29
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Try to get him and try to hit that 30 hour mark twice a week, right?

00;29;18;04 - 00;29;37;07
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. And then every time she, she started breaking those fast, it took some time. I think if I'm correct me if I'm wrong to start correcting what those food choices were whenever she was breaking those fast, which had a major impact on what the blood sugar numbers were doing during the fast and after the fast as well. Right?

00;29;37;10 - 00;29;58;03
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. I received a message once that I was like, Oh, I was doing so good, and then I couldn't push through. And then I broke my fast with fast food or we had pizza or whatnot. And then recently I got a message in the last few months, I can't remember when, but I was like broke through. Numbers have come down longest fast, yet it's getting easier.

00;29;58;03 - 00;30;10;09
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Broke my fast was salmon, veggies, sweet potato, one piece of pizza and a small cookie because before it would have been the entire pizza and the box of cookies.

00;30;10;13 - 00;30;11;15
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, right.

00;30;11;20 - 00;30;33;01
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So again, Anatomy of a Success Story. That is a massive win. The cooking, the pizza are a massive win that you can have the restraint and the control that psychological unwinding on this, on your story, on this journey to be able to do that. Right. And it's it's just it same thing for me. It goes with the scale.

00;30;33;01 - 00;30;53;12
[Dr. Scott Watier]
One of our members one of the messages said, I think my addiction to weighing myself every morning is over. I'm finally experiencing fasting as a lifestyle and not focusing on the small weight changes because he's close to his end goal. Yeah. You know, so making some pivots based on his life, not on the sat air quotes fasting or diet plan.

00;30;53;12 - 00;31;13;13
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right. Yeah. So he found out for him that day, the second half of day two, you know, when he's consistently fasting is more difficult. But then he gets through that and it's exhilarating and he's like, why? Why would I not be doing more of that if this is where I feel the best and this is where I so let me set my day up to get to that point.

00;31;13;22 - 00;31;37;09
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And, you know, he he shared that he's getting more time to spend with his family, read, pray and enjoy life. Right? Rather than being stuck in the muck and, you know, comparing yourself to what we see is that just that simple before and after picture if you ever see any of those posts. Right. It's like it's like you know, especially on social media, you know I lost £30 doing blah, blah, blah.

00;31;37;09 - 00;31;56;01
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And then there's a billion comments underneath. It's like, oh, how did you do it? What did you do? Do this, you do that. I this is what I'm doing, right? And it's just like you do. Yeah, it's just crazy because we all crave that, that, that, that not acknowledgment but that support that hey, if you can do it, I should be able to do it too.

00;31;56;01 - 00;31;56;12
[Dr. Scott Watier]

00;31;56;25 - 00;32;20;08
[Tommy Welling]
Right. Yeah. And I love the perspective contrast between between some of the folks or some of the points in, in a success story that are like if you're getting the data and you're interpreting it as, oh, well, it's not exactly what I expected, and then it's frustrating or demotivating. You like contrast that with the fact that, oh, wait a minute, hold on.

00;32;21;08 - 00;32;49;02
[Tommy Welling]
I'm looking at I'm looking at this fast. I'm realizing that the second half of day to like once I push past that point, it kind of like it feels like it just it's just smooth sailing after that. OK, that's what's working. That's how I get there. Let me do more of that. Let me do more of what's working because she was she was doing what was working, but she was getting input that told her otherwise and that was derailing her.

00;32;49;02 - 00;32;53;24
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And focusing on the frustration of that rather than the success of the journey. Right.

00;32;54;04 - 00;33;08;08
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. So if we can be aware, if we can be aware that that's potentially a headwind for us on our success journey, then now we can accelerate the process. Now we can be prepared for one more of those important factors that can derail us.

00;33;08;20 - 00;33;40;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. One last one last example. I remember seeing seeing a message recently that someone again had Akita Mojo had lost a considerable amount of weight, was down like 42 or £45 in just a couple of months right now and really look in the last ten or 15 to get to their goal. I think they yeah, I think that a 50 or £60 goal again the specifics don't really matter, the takeaway messages, you know couple of messages over the last couple of months of being like hey I'm doing this but my numbers are still up in the morning.

00;33;40;08 - 00;33;59;12
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Hey, my numbers are still up in the morning. Hey, I don't, no matter what I do, my numbers are still up in the morning right. Yeah. And just simply taking and we did a whole episode on this just simply taking goes in 1661 or 62 maybe correct me because we just talked about it's on me about moving your meal from dinner to breakfast mhm.

00;33;59;25 - 00;34;23;05
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right. And just with that one simple change, he's noticed that he's been able to get the same ketone numbers that took him days to get right. Yeah. Or like really strict no carb days to get right into those pizza numbers just by making that switch to an old mad breakfast he's noticed that his blood sugar numbers have dropped 30, 40 points in the mornings.

00;34;23;15 - 00;34;43;08
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So what that shows me is he's broken through a layer of resistance and figure it out his success journey, which again going back to the overview as we wrap up today, which is you got to have the launch, you got to jump in, you got to make the decision the pain of staying the same, the pain of change has to be less than the pain of staying the same.

00;34;43;08 - 00;35;02;07
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Right. You got to be able to to act and get a result and then get motivation. And then you ascend through some of the stumbling blocks, right? Hopefully you don't go backwards, right? And then you have a couple of breakthroughs and then you start to cultivate this new you and this new identity and this new weight loss. And maybe your target, your end goal actually starts to come in into purview.

00;35;02;21 - 00;35;29;04
[Dr. Scott Watier]
And then you've got the sustainability piece for him. In that example, I mean, that's that's a breakthrough, right? Like he's well on his way now over the next few months, I'm assuming, you know, if we look at big picture £70 a year is doable with fasting healthily. It's doable, but it may not be. If you've got 120 to lose, it may not be OK well then the next four months I'm going to get to my end goal.

00;35;29;15 - 00;35;48;05
[Dr. Scott Watier]
It might be let me get to 70 just like her example and then hang out for 18 months before I'm ready to actually push down to my final goal. Or maybe your goal will change. But that's the point. Yeah. Is that it's a little bit different but the innards look a little different than what it is that we typically think and or see.

00;35;48;23 - 00;36;18;24
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, that's like, like we can't, we can't judge the, the inner anatomy until we, you know, like take a look under the hood. I mean it's, it's literally, you know, what, what we can do to get the right perspective to help on our own journey is, is like is learning from, from where others have gone before us. So I think it's it's pretty cool to, to just understand that it's not necessarily all roses and it's not always linear it's not always just a to be a quick transformation.

00;36;18;24 - 00;36;21;22
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Or scale ain't going to do what it wants you to do even when you do it. All right.

00;36;22;03 - 00;36;44;03
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah. Right. Like it doesn't it doesn't just move down like one notch every single day where I get that direct you know, that direct feedback every single day. It's not like that, you know, but at the same time, I could be doing all the things right and it might just be that I need a little bit more time, whether that's time, like weeks or months of of gaining confidence and slowly transforming my self image.

00;36;44;03 - 00;37;06;02
[Tommy Welling]
A little bit to lean into what's working. Or maybe it's a little bit more time on my fasting time or to maybe my 19 hour fast is just not quite enough. To really break through some of the 30 years of insulin resistance I have or to start getting the scale to budge. So I think it's, I think it's just good to to understand that these things might come up.

00;37;06;12 - 00;37;28;24
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah. The two main levers as we wrap up and we're going to have we're going to do a little different encouragement at the end of today's episode to continue the conversation in the community group. Yeah. We're going to be going in and sharing hashtag success or if you're before 1980 £5 sign success, right? So everybody nowadays grandmas even know what hashtags are.

00;37;28;24 - 00;37;47;12
[Dr. Scott Watier]
All right, hashtag success. So you're going to click the link in the show notes come to the group and take one of those maybe things that you heard in today's episode that used to be a frustration but can be turned into a success. Right? We like to say fail forward on this journey. Absolutely. And maybe you're at a sticking point or maybe you're at a set point.

00;37;47;12 - 00;38;18;15
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Maybe you're looking for a little bit more direction. Come to the group share hashtag success, put what it is that's been weighing on you or that the struggle point has been. And we just have an incredible group of people in this community group that have incredible experiences. They're encouraging, they're uplifting. And what we do is literally talk around through in-between, up and down of this anatomy of what a success story for each individual looks like.

00;38;18;15 - 00;38;52;24
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So, yeah, I'm really excited. The response has been really cool since you've kind of changed our conversational direction with the podcast and just keep the comments come in. And the two main levers that I started to say that I would look at, if you're just listening and not sure what to do yet, would be a little bit of self-awareness, a little bit of self-reflection, and then keep the main thing, the main thing, which is if you're having trouble sticking with a consistent fasting window, are pushing your windows, start with something that you can commit to and just start there and then slowly continue to increase so we always want to give you something that's actionable.

00;38;53;08 - 00;39;11;01
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Obviously, the fasting for life journey for us, Tammy, has been incredibly impactful, but we want to see you guys inside the group this week. Click the link in the show notes, hashtag success. Come in, drop your thoughts, drop something that resonated with you on this journey. Tommy, I think it's going to be a cool cool conversation.

00;39;11;15 - 00;39;32;00
[Tommy Welling]
Yeah, I think so too. And a cool opportunity to encourage others as well. Kind of like like paying it forward and like when you stop and smell the roses so that you can appreciate the, the small successes on your journey or celebrate someone else's like it, it just reinforces the process and helps you enjoy the process that much more.

00;39;32;06 - 00;39;46;29
[Tommy Welling]
And it makes it that much easier to keep pushing forward even through some of those tough times or those plateaus when things don't always seem like they're going as fast as they should be. So, yeah, encourage you to get involved and encourage encourage some other people, too.

00;39;47;10 - 00;40;09;21
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, it's a little different tone. Today's conversation where we've done a lot of research over the last episodes and it's been all great, like we're just going to keep leveling up the conversation, leveling up the science, leveling up the research but true to our word, beginning with the end in mind, the success story that we shared of this woman is already a success at every single one of those checkpoints.

00;40;10;00 - 00;40;29;15
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Yeah, at 240, when she made the decision, at 230, when she first lost the first ten at 190 or one at 200, when she broke back into the one nineties right for the first time in decades, 170 when she was worried about getting through it. Hey, 175 was the previous success. It was just right there. She just was looking in the wrong direction.

00;40;29;15 - 00;40;50;04
[Dr. Scott Watier]
So yeah, I want to end on a high note celebrating the success, the fact that she's reengaged, she's recommitted, kept £70 off, no longer a diabetic off insulin over the last 18 months and ready to push through to the end goals. So see you guys inside the group hashtag success go ahead and click the link in the show notes and Tomi as always thank you for the conversation sir.

00;40;50;05 - 00;40;51;19
[Dr. Scott Watier]
We'll talk soon thank you.

00;40;51;19 - 00;41;06;25
[Tommy Welling]
Bye So you've heard today's episode and you may be wondering where do I start? Head on over to be fasting for Life.com and sign up for our newsletter where you'll receive fasting tips and strategies to maximize results and fit fasting into your day to day life.

00;41;07;16 - 00;41;22;18
[Dr. Scott Watier]
Why are you there? Download your free fast start guide to get started today. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to leave us a five star review and we'll be back next week with another episode of Fasting for Life. And.






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